/* global $ $$ animateElement scrollElementIntoView */// dom.js
/* global API */// msg.js
/* global URLS debounce isEmptyObj sessionStore */// toolbox.js
/* global filterAndAppend */// filters.js
/* global installed newUI */// manage.js
/* global prefs */
/* global sorter */
/* global t */// localization.js
'use strict';

const ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW = 'style-';
const TARGET_TYPES = ['domains', 'urls', 'urlPrefixes', 'regexps'];
const GET_FAVICON_URL = 'https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=';
const OWN_ICON = chrome.runtime.getManifest().icons['16'];
const AGES = [
  [24, 'h', t('dateAbbrHour', '\x01')],
  [30, 'd', t('dateAbbrDay', '\x01')],
  [12, 'm', t('dateAbbrMonth', '\x01')],
  [Infinity, 'y', t('dateAbbrYear', '\x01')],

let elementParts;

function $entry(styleOrId, root = installed) {
  return $(`#${ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW}${styleOrId.id || styleOrId}`, root);

function createAgeText(el, style) {
  let val = style.updateDate || style.installDate;
  if (val) {
    val = (Date.now() - val) / 3600e3; // age in hours
    for (const [max, unit, text] of AGES) {
      const rounded = Math.round(val);
      if (rounded < max) {
        el.textContent = text.replace('\x01', rounded);
        el.dataset.value = padLeft(Math.round(rounded), 2) + unit;
      val /= max;
  } else if (el.firstChild) {
    el.textContent = '';
    delete el.dataset.value;

function createStyleElement({style, name: nameLC}) {
  // query the sub-elements just once, then reuse the references
  if ((elementParts || {}).newUI !== newUI.enabled) {
    const entry = t.template[newUI.enabled ? 'styleNewUI' : 'style'].cloneNode(true);
    elementParts = {
      newUI: newUI.enabled,
      entryClassBase: entry.className,
      checker: $('input', entry) || {},
      nameLink: $('.style-name-link', entry),
      editLink: $('.style-edit-link', entry) || {},
      editHrefBase: 'edit.html?id=',
      homepage: $('.homepage', entry),
      homepageIcon: t.template[`homepageIcon${newUI.enabled ? 'Small' : 'Big'}`],
      infoAge: $('[data-type=age]', entry),
      infoVer: $('[data-type=version]', entry),
      appliesTo: $('.applies-to', entry),
      targets: $('.targets', entry),
      expander: $('.expander', entry),
      decorations: {
        urlPrefixesAfter: '*',
        regexpsBefore: '/',
        regexpsAfter: '/',
      oldConfigure: !newUI.enabled && $('.configure-usercss', entry),
      oldCheckUpdate: !newUI.enabled && $('.check-update', entry),
      oldUpdate: !newUI.enabled && $('.update', entry),
  const parts = elementParts;
  const ud = style.usercssData;
  const configurable = ud && ud.vars && !isEmptyObj(ud.vars);
  const name = style.customName || style.name;
  parts.checker.checked = style.enabled;
  parts.nameLink.firstChild.textContent = t.breakWord(name);
  parts.nameLink.href = parts.editLink.href = parts.editHrefBase + style.id;
  parts.homepage.href = parts.homepage.title = style.url || '';
  parts.infoVer.textContent = ud ? ud.version : '';
  parts.infoVer.dataset.value = ud ? ud.version : '';
  if (URLS.extractUsoArchiveId(style.updateUrl)) {
    parts.infoVer.dataset.isDate = '';
  } else {
    delete parts.infoVer.dataset.isDate;
  if (newUI.enabled) {
    createAgeText(parts.infoAge, style);
  } else {
    parts.oldConfigure.classList.toggle('hidden', !configurable);
    parts.oldCheckUpdate.classList.toggle('hidden', !style.updateUrl);
    parts.oldUpdate.classList.toggle('hidden', !style.updateUrl);

  // clear the code to free up some memory
  // (note, style is already a deep copy)
  style.sourceCode = null;
  style.sections.forEach(section => (section.code = null));

  const entry = parts.entry.cloneNode(true);
  entry.id = ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW + style.id;
  entry.styleId = style.id;
  entry.styleNameLowerCase = nameLC || name.toLocaleLowerCase() + '\n' + name;
  entry.styleMeta = style;
  entry.className = parts.entryClassBase + ' ' +
    (style.enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled') +
    (style.updateUrl ? ' updatable' : '') +
    (ud ? ' usercss' : '');

  if (style.url) {
    $('.homepage', entry).appendChild(parts.homepageIcon.cloneNode(true));
  if (style.updateUrl && newUI.enabled) {
    $('.actions', entry).appendChild(t.template.updaterIcons.cloneNode(true));
  if (configurable && newUI.enabled) {
    $('.actions', entry).appendChild(t.template.configureIcon.cloneNode(true));

  createTargetsElement({entry, style});

  return entry;

function createTargetsElement({entry, expanded, style = entry.styleMeta}) {
  const entryTargets = $('.targets', entry);
  const expanderCls = $('.applies-to', entry).classList;
  const targets = elementParts.targets.cloneNode(true);
  let container = targets;
  let el = entryTargets.firstElementChild;
  let numTargets = 0;
  let allTargetsRendered = true;
  const maxTargets = expanded ? 1000 : newUI.enabled ? newUI.targets : 10;
  const displayed = new Set();
  for (const type of TARGET_TYPES) {
    for (const section of style.sections) {
      for (const targetValue of section[type] || []) {
        if (displayed.has(targetValue)) {
        if (++numTargets > maxTargets) {
          allTargetsRendered = expanded;
        const text =
          (elementParts.decorations[type + 'Before'] || '') +
          targetValue +
          (elementParts.decorations[type + 'After'] || '');
        if (el && el.dataset.type === type && el.lastChild.textContent === text) {
          const next = el.nextElementSibling;
          el = next;
        const element = t.template.appliesToTarget.cloneNode(true);
        if (!newUI.enabled) {
          if (numTargets === maxTargets) {
            container = container.appendChild(t.template.extraAppliesTo.cloneNode(true));
          } else if (numTargets > 1) {
        element.dataset.type = type;
  if (newUI.enabled && numTargets > newUI.targets) {
  if (numTargets) {
    entryTargets.parentElement.replaceChild(targets, entryTargets);
  } else if (
    !entry.classList.contains('global') ||
  ) {
    if (entryTargets.firstElementChild) {
      entryTargets.textContent = '';
  entry.classList.toggle('global', !numTargets);
  entry._allTargetsRendered = allTargetsRendered;
  entry._numTargets = numTargets;

function getFaviconSrc(container = installed) {
  if (!newUI.enabled || !newUI.favicons) return;
  const regexpRemoveNegativeLookAhead = /(\?!([^)]+\))|\(\?![\w(]+[^)]+[\w|)]+)/g;
  // replace extra characters & all but the first group entry "(abc|def|ghi)xyz" => abcxyz
  const regexpReplaceExtraCharacters = /[\\(]|((\|\w+)+\))/g;
  const regexpMatchRegExp = /[\w-]+[.(]+(com|org|co|net|im|io|edu|gov|biz|info|de|cn|uk|nl|eu|ru)\b/g;
  const regexpMatchDomain = /^.*?:\/\/([^/]+)/;
  for (const target of $$('.target', container)) {
    const type = target.dataset.type;
    const targetValue = target.textContent;
    if (!targetValue) continue;
    let favicon = '';
    if (type === 'domains') {
      favicon = GET_FAVICON_URL + targetValue;
    } else if (targetValue.includes('chrome-extension:') || targetValue.includes('moz-extension:')) {
      favicon = OWN_ICON;
    } else if (type === 'regexps') {
      favicon = targetValue
        .replace(regexpRemoveNegativeLookAhead, '')
        .replace(regexpReplaceExtraCharacters, '')
      favicon = favicon ? GET_FAVICON_URL + favicon.shift() : '';
    } else {
      favicon = targetValue.includes('://') && targetValue.match(regexpMatchDomain);
      favicon = favicon ? GET_FAVICON_URL + favicon[1] : '';
    if (favicon) {
      const img = target.children[0];
      if (!img || img.localName !== 'img') {
        target.insertAdjacentElement('afterbegin', document.createElement('img'))
          .dataset.src = favicon;
      } else if ((img.dataset.src || img.src) !== favicon) {
        img.src = '';
        img.dataset.src = favicon;

function fitSelectBox(...elems) {
  const data = [];
  for (const el of elems) {
    const sel = el.selectedOptions[0];
    if (!sel) continue;
    const oldWidth = parseFloat(el.style.width);
    const text = [];
    data.push({el, text, oldWidth});
    for (const elOpt of el.options) {
      if (elOpt !== sel) elOpt.textContent = '';
    el.style.width = 'min-content';
  for (const {el, text, oldWidth} of data) {
    const w = el.offsetWidth;
    if (w && oldWidth !== w) el.style.width = w + 'px';
    text.forEach((t, i) => (el.options[i].textContent = t));

/* exported fitSelectBoxesIn */
 * @param {HTMLDetailsElement} el
 * @param {string} targetSel
function fitSelectBoxesIn(el, targetSel = 'select.fit-width') {
  const fit = () => {
    if (el.open) {
      fitSelectBox(...$$(targetSel, el));
  el.on('change', ({target}) => {
    if (el.open && target.matches(targetSel)) {
  new MutationObserver(fit)
    .observe(el, {attributeFilter: ['open'], attributes: true});

function highlightEditedStyle() {
  if (!sessionStore.justEditedStyleId) return;
  const entry = $entry(sessionStore.justEditedStyleId);
  delete sessionStore.justEditedStyleId;
  if (entry) {
    requestAnimationFrame(() => scrollElementIntoView(entry));

function loadFavicons({all = false} = {}) {
  if (!installed.firstElementChild) return;
  let favicons = [];
  if (all) {
    favicons = $$('img[data-src]', installed);
  } else {
    const {left, top} = installed.firstElementChild.getBoundingClientRect();
    const x = Math.max(0, left);
    const y = Math.max(0, top);
    const first = document.elementFromPoint(x, y);
    if (!first) return requestAnimationFrame(loadFavicons.bind(null, ...arguments));
    const lastOffset = first.offsetTop + window.innerHeight;
    const numTargets = newUI.targets;
    let entry = first && first.closest('.entry') || installed.children[0];
    while (entry && entry.offsetTop <= lastOffset) {
      favicons.push(...$$('img', entry).slice(0, numTargets).filter(img => img.dataset.src));
      entry = entry.nextElementSibling;
  let i = 0;
  for (const img of favicons) {
    img.src = img.dataset.src;
    delete img.dataset.src;
    // loading too many icons at once will block the page while the new layout is recalculated
    if (++i > 100) break;
  if ($('img[data-src]', installed)) {
    debounce(loadFavicons, 1, {all: true});

/** Adding spaces so CSS can detect "bigness" of a value via amount of spaces at the beginning */
function padLeft(val, width) {
  val = `${val}`;
  return ' '.repeat(Math.max(0, width - val.length)) + val;

function showStyles(styles = [], matchUrlIds) {
  const sorted = sorter.sort({
    styles: styles.map(style => {
      const name = style.customName || style.name || '';
      return {
        // sort case-insensitively the whole list then sort dupes like `Foo` and `foo` case-sensitively
        name: name.toLocaleLowerCase() + '\n' + name,
  let index = 0;
  let firstRun = true;
  installed.dataset.total = styles.length;
  const scrollY = (history.state || {}).scrollY;
  const shouldRenderAll = scrollY > window.innerHeight || sessionStore.justEditedStyleId;
  const renderBin = document.createDocumentFragment();
  if (scrollY) {
  } else {

  function renderStyles() {
    const t0 = performance.now();
    while (index < sorted.length && (shouldRenderAll || performance.now() - t0 < 20)) {
      const info = sorted[index++];
      const entry = createStyleElement(info);
      if (matchUrlIds && !matchUrlIds.includes(info.style.id)) {
    filterAndAppend({container: renderBin}).then(sorter.updateStripes);
    if (index < sorted.length) {
      if (firstRun) setTimeout(getFaviconSrc);
      firstRun = false;
    if (sessionStore.justEditedStyleId) {
      setTimeout(highlightEditedStyle); // delaying to avoid forced layout
    } else if ('scrollY' in (history.state || {})) {
      setTimeout(window.scrollTo, 0, 0, history.state.scrollY);

/* exported switchUI */
function switchUI({styleOnly} = {}) {
  const current = {};
  const changed = {};
  let someChanged = false;
  for (const id of newUI.ids) {
    const value = prefs.get(newUI.prefKeyForId(id));
    const valueChanged = value !== newUI[id] && (id === 'enabled' || current.enabled);
    current[id] = value;
    changed[id] = valueChanged;
    someChanged |= valueChanged;

  if (!styleOnly && !someChanged) {

  Object.assign(newUI, current);

  installed.classList.toggle('has-favicons', newUI.enabled && newUI.favicons);
  installed.classList.toggle('favicons-grayed', newUI.enabled && newUI.faviconsGray);
  if (installed.style.getPropertyValue('--num-targets') !== `${newUI.targets}`) {
    installed.style.setProperty('--num-targets', newUI.targets);

  if (styleOnly) {

  const iconsEnabled = newUI.enabled && newUI.favicons;
  let iconsMissing = iconsEnabled && !$('.applies-to img');
  if (changed.enabled || (iconsMissing && !elementParts)) {
    installed.textContent = '';
  if (changed.targets) {
    for (const entry of installed.children) {
      $('.applies-to', entry).classList.toggle('has-more', entry._numTargets > newUI.targets);
      if (!entry._allTargetsRendered && newUI.targets > $('.targets', entry).childElementCount) {
        createTargetsElement({entry, expanded: true});
        iconsMissing |= iconsEnabled;
  if (iconsMissing) {