/* global $ $$ $create setupLivePrefs */// dom.js /* global ABOUT_BLANK getStyleDataMerged preinit */// preinit.js /* global API msg */// msg.js /* global Events */ /* global prefs */ /* global t */// localization.js /* global CHROME CHROME_POPUP_BORDER_BUG FIREFOX URLS getActiveTab isEmptyObj */// toolbox.js 'use strict'; let tabURL; let isBlocked; /** @type Element */ const installed = $('#installed'); const ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW = 'style-'; const $entry = styleOrId => $(`#${ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW}${styleOrId.id || styleOrId}`); preinit.then(({frames, styles, url}) => { tabURL = url; initPopup(frames); if (styles[0]) { showStyles(styles); } else { // unsupported URL; $('#popup-manage-button').removeAttribute('title'); } }); msg.onExtension(onRuntimeMessage); prefs.subscribe('popup.stylesFirst', (key, stylesFirst) => { const actions = $('body > .actions'); const before = stylesFirst ? actions : actions.nextSibling; document.body.insertBefore(installed, before); }); if (CHROME_POPUP_BORDER_BUG) { prefs.subscribe('popup.borders', toggleSideBorders, {runNow: true}); } if (CHROME >= 66 && CHROME <= 69) { // Chrome 66-69 adds a gap, https://crbug.com/821143 document.head.appendChild($create('style', 'html { overflow: overlay }')); } function onRuntimeMessage(msg) { if (!tabURL) return; let ready = Promise.resolve(); switch (msg.method) { case 'styleAdded': case 'styleUpdated': if (msg.reason === 'editPreview' || msg.reason === 'editPreviewEnd') return; ready = handleUpdate(msg); break; case 'styleDeleted': handleDelete(msg.style.id); break; } ready.then(() => dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(msg.method, {detail: msg}))); } function setPopupWidth(_key, width) { document.body.style.width = Math.max(200, Math.min(800, width)) + 'px'; } function toggleSideBorders(_key, state) { // runs before is parsed const style = document.documentElement.style; if (state) { style.cssText += 'border-left: 2px solid white !important;' + 'border-right: 2px solid white !important;'; } else if (style.cssText) { style.borderLeft = style.borderRight = ''; } } /** @param {chrome.webNavigation.GetAllFrameResultDetails[]} frames */ async function initPopup(frames) { prefs.subscribe('popupWidth', setPopupWidth, {runNow: true}); // action buttons $('#disableAll').onchange = function () { installed.classList.toggle('disabled', this.checked); }; setupLivePrefs(); Object.assign($('#find-styles-link'), { href: URLS.usoArchive, async onclick(e) { e.preventDefault(); await require(['/popup/search']); Events.searchOnClick(this, e); }, }); Object.assign($('#popup-manage-button'), { onclick: Events.openManager, oncontextmenu: Events.openManager, }); $('#popup-options-button').onclick = () => { API.openManage({options: true}); window.close(); }; $('#popup-wiki-button').onclick = Events.openURLandHide; $('#confirm').onclick = function (e) { const {id} = this.dataset; switch (e.target.dataset.cmd) { case 'ok': Events.hideModal(this, {animate: true}); API.styles.delete(Number(id)); break; case 'cancel': Events.showModal($('.menu', $entry(id)), '.menu-close'); break; } }; if (!prefs.get('popup.stylesFirst')) { document.body.insertBefore( $('body > .actions'), installed); } for (const el of $$('link[media=print]')) { el.removeAttribute('media'); } if (!tabURL) { blockPopup(); return; } frames.forEach(createWriterElement); if (frames.length > 1) { const el = $('#write-for-frames'); el.hidden = false; el.onclick = () => el.classList.toggle('expanded'); } const isStore = tabURL.startsWith(URLS.browserWebStore); if (isStore && !FIREFOX) { blockPopup(); return; } for (let retryCountdown = 10; retryCountdown-- > 0;) { const tab = await getActiveTab(); if (await msg.sendTab(tab.id, {method: 'ping'}, {frameId: 0}).catch(() => {})) { return; } if (tab.status === 'complete' && (!FIREFOX || tab.url !== ABOUT_BLANK)) { break; } // FF and some Chrome forks (e.g. CentBrowser) implement tab-on-demand // so we'll wait a bit to handle popup being invoked right after switching await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); } initUnreachable(isStore); } function initUnreachable(isStore) { const info = t.template.unreachableInfo; if (!FIREFOX) { // Chrome "Allow access to file URLs" in chrome://extensions message info.appendChild($create('p', t('unreachableFileHint'))); } else { $('label', info).textContent = t('unreachableAMO'); const note = [ isStore && t(FIREFOX >= 59 ? 'unreachableAMOHint' : 'unreachableMozSiteHintOldFF'), FIREFOX >= 60 && t('unreachableMozSiteHint'), ].filter(Boolean).join('\n'); const renderToken = s => s[0] === '<' ? $create('a.copy', { textContent: s.slice(1, -1), onclick: Events.copyContent, tabIndex: 0, title: t('copy'), }) : s; const renderLine = line => $create('p', line.split(/(<.*?>)/).map(renderToken)); const noteNode = $create('fragment', note.split('\n').map(renderLine)); info.appendChild(noteNode); } // Inaccessible locally hosted file type, e.g. JSON, PDF, etc. if (tabURL.length - tabURL.lastIndexOf('.') <= 5) { info.appendChild($create('p', t('InaccessibleFileHint'))); } document.body.classList.add('unreachable'); document.body.insertBefore(info, document.body.firstChild); } /** @param {chrome.webNavigation.GetAllFrameResultDetails} frame */ function createWriterElement(frame) { const {url, frameId, parentFrameId, isDupe} = frame; const targets = $create('span'); // For this URL const urlLink = t.template.writeStyle.cloneNode(true); const isAboutBlank = url === ABOUT_BLANK; Object.assign(urlLink, { href: 'edit.html?url-prefix=' + encodeURIComponent(url), title: `url-prefix("${url}")`, tabIndex: isAboutBlank ? -1 : 0, textContent: prefs.get('popup.breadcrumbs.usePath') ? new URL(url).pathname.slice(1) : frameId ? isAboutBlank ? url : 'URL' : t('writeStyleForURL').replace(/ /g, '\u00a0'), // this URL onclick: e => Events.openEditor(e, {'url-prefix': url}), }); if (prefs.get('popup.breadcrumbs')) { urlLink.onmouseenter = urlLink.onfocus = () => urlLink.parentNode.classList.add('url()'); urlLink.onmouseleave = urlLink.onblur = () => urlLink.parentNode.classList.remove('url()'); } targets.appendChild(urlLink); // For domain const domains = getDomains(url); for (const domain of domains) { const numParts = domain.length - domain.replace(/\./g, '').length + 1; // Don't include TLD if (domains.length > 1 && numParts === 1) { continue; } const domainLink = t.template.writeStyle.cloneNode(true); Object.assign(domainLink, { href: 'edit.html?domain=' + encodeURIComponent(domain), textContent: numParts > 2 ? domain.split('.')[0] : domain, title: `domain("${domain}")`, onclick: e => Events.openEditor(e, {domain}), }); domainLink.setAttribute('subdomain', numParts > 1 ? 'true' : ''); targets.appendChild(domainLink); } if (prefs.get('popup.breadcrumbs')) { targets.classList.add('breadcrumbs'); targets.appendChild(urlLink); // making it the last element } const root = $('#write-style'); const parent = $(`[data-frame-id="${parentFrameId}"]`, root) || root; const child = $create({ tag: 'span', className: `match${isDupe ? ' dupe' : ''}${isAboutBlank ? ' about-blank' : ''}`, dataset: {frameId}, appendChild: targets, }); parent.appendChild(child); parent.dataset.children = (Number(parent.dataset.children) || 0) + 1; } function getDomains(url) { let d = url.split(/[/:]+/, 2)[1]; if (!d || url.startsWith('file:')) { return []; } const domains = [d]; while (d.includes('.')) { d = d.substring(d.indexOf('.') + 1); domains.push(d); } return domains; } function sortStyles(entries) { const enabledFirst = prefs.get('popup.enabledFirst'); return entries.sort(({styleMeta: a}, {styleMeta: b}) => Boolean(a.frameUrl) - Boolean(b.frameUrl) || enabledFirst && Boolean(b.enabled) - Boolean(a.enabled) || (a.customName || a.name).localeCompare(b.customName || b.name)); } function showStyles(frameResults) { const entries = new Map(); frameResults.forEach(({styles = [], url}, index) => { if (isBlocked && !index) return; styles.forEach(style => { const {id} = style; if (!entries.has(id)) { style.frameUrl = index === 0 ? '' : url; entries.set(id, createStyleElement(style)); } }); }); if (entries.size) { resortEntries([...entries.values()]); } else { installed.appendChild(t.template.noStyles); } require(['/popup/hotkeys']); } function resortEntries(entries) { // `entries` is specified only at startup, after that we respect the prefs if (entries || prefs.get('popup.autoResort')) { installed.append(...sortStyles(entries || $$('.entry', installed))); } } function createStyleElement(style) { let entry = $entry(style); if (!entry) { entry = t.template.style.cloneNode(true); Object.assign(entry, { id: ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW + style.id, styleId: style.id, styleIsUsercss: Boolean(style.usercssData), onmousedown: Events.maybeEdit, styleMeta: style, }); Object.assign($('input', entry), { onclick: Events.toggleState, }); Object.assign($('.style-edit-link', entry), { onclick: e => Events.openEditor(e, {id: style.id}), }); const styleName = $('.style-name', entry); Object.assign(styleName, { htmlFor: ENTRY_ID_PREFIX_RAW + style.id, onclick: Events.name, }); styleName.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); const config = $('.configure', entry); config.onclick = Events.configure; if (!style.usercssData) { if (style.updateUrl && style.updateUrl.includes('?') && style.url) { config.href = style.url; config.target = '_blank'; config.title = t('configureStyleOnHomepage'); config._sendMessage = {method: 'openSettings'}; $('use', config).attributes['xlink:href'].nodeValue = '#svg-icon-config-uso'; } else { config.classList.add('hidden'); } } else if (isEmptyObj(style.usercssData.vars)) { config.classList.add('hidden'); } $('.delete', entry).onclick = Events.delete; const indicator = t.template.regexpProblemIndicator.cloneNode(true); indicator.appendChild(document.createTextNode('!')); indicator.onclick = Events.indicator; $('.main-controls', entry).appendChild(indicator); $('.menu-button', entry).onclick = Events.toggleMenu; $('.menu-close', entry).onclick = Events.toggleMenu; $('.exclude-by-domain-checkbox', entry).onchange = e => Events.toggleExclude(e, 'domain'); $('.exclude-by-url-checkbox', entry).onchange = e => Events.toggleExclude(e, 'url'); } style = Object.assign(entry.styleMeta, style); entry.classList.toggle('disabled', !style.enabled); entry.classList.toggle('enabled', style.enabled); $('input', entry).checked = style.enabled; const styleName = $('.style-name', entry); styleName.lastChild.textContent = style.customName || style.name; setTimeout(() => { styleName.title = entry.styleMeta.sloppy ? t('styleNotAppliedRegexpProblemTooltip') : styleName.scrollWidth > styleName.clientWidth + 1 ? styleName.textContent : ''; }); entry.classList.toggle('not-applied', style.excluded || style.sloppy); entry.classList.toggle('regexp-partial', style.sloppy); $('.exclude-by-domain-checkbox', entry).checked = Events.isStyleExcluded(style, 'domain'); $('.exclude-by-url-checkbox', entry).checked = Events.isStyleExcluded(style, 'url'); $('.exclude-by-domain', entry).title = Events.getExcludeRule('domain'); $('.exclude-by-url', entry).title = Events.getExcludeRule('url'); const {frameUrl} = style; if (frameUrl) { const sel = 'span.frame-url'; const frameEl = $(sel, entry) || styleName.insertBefore($create(sel), styleName.lastChild); frameEl.title = frameUrl; frameEl.onmousedown = Events.maybeEdit; } entry.classList.toggle('frame', Boolean(frameUrl)); return entry; } async function handleUpdate({style, reason}) { if (reason !== 'toggle' || !$entry(style)) { style = await getStyleDataMerged(tabURL, style.id); if (!style) return; } const el = createStyleElement(style); if (!el.parentNode) { installed.appendChild(el); blockPopup(false); } resortEntries(); } function handleDelete(id) { const el = $entry(id); if (el) { el.remove(); if (!$('.entry')) installed.appendChild(t.template.noStyles); } } function blockPopup(val = true) { isBlocked = val; document.body.classList.toggle('blocked', isBlocked); if (isBlocked) { document.body.prepend(t.template.unavailableInfo); } else { t.template.unavailableInfo.remove(); t.template.noStyles.remove(); } }