// keep message channel open for sendResponse in chrome.runtime.onMessage listener const KEEP_CHANNEL_OPEN = true; const OWN_ORIGIN = chrome.runtime.getURL(''); function notifyAllTabs(request) { // list all tabs including chrome-extension:// which can be ours chrome.tabs.query({}, tabs => { for (let tab of tabs) { if (request.codeIsUpdated !== false || tab.url.startsWith(OWN_ORIGIN)) { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, request); updateIcon(tab); } } }); // notify all open popups const reqPopup = Object.assign({}, request, {method: 'updatePopup', reason: request.method}); chrome.runtime.sendMessage(reqPopup); // notify self: the message no longer is sent to the origin in new Chrome if (typeof applyOnMessage !== 'undefined') { applyOnMessage(reqPopup); } } function refreshAllTabs() { return new Promise(resolve => { // list all tabs including chrome-extension:// which can be ours chrome.tabs.query({}, tabs => { const lastTab = tabs[tabs.length - 1]; for (let tab of tabs) { getStyles({matchUrl: tab.url, enabled: true, asHash: true}, styles => { const message = {method: 'styleReplaceAll', styles}; if (tab.url == location.href && typeof applyOnMessage !== 'undefined') { applyOnMessage(message); } else { chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tab.id, message); } updateIcon(tab, styles); if (tab == lastTab) { resolve(); } }); } }); }); } function updateIcon(tab, styles) { // while NTP is still loading only process the request for its main frame with a real url // (but when it's loaded we should process style toggle requests from popups, for example) if (tab.url == "chrome://newtab/" && tab.status != "complete") { return; } if (styles) { // check for not-yet-existing tabs e.g. omnibox instant search chrome.tabs.get(tab.id, function() { if (!chrome.runtime.lastError) { // for 'styles' asHash:true fake the length by counting numeric ids manually if (styles.length === undefined) { styles.length = 0; for (var id in styles) { styles.length += id.match(/^\d+$/) ? 1 : 0; } } stylesReceived(styles); } }); return; } getTabRealURL(tab, function(url) { // if we have access to this, call directly. a page sending a message to itself doesn't seem to work right. if (typeof getStyles != "undefined") { getStyles({matchUrl: url, enabled: true}, stylesReceived); } else { chrome.runtime.sendMessage({method: "getStyles", matchUrl: url, enabled: true}, stylesReceived); } }); function stylesReceived(styles) { var disableAll = "disableAll" in styles ? styles.disableAll : prefs.get("disableAll"); var postfix = disableAll ? "x" : "" || styles.length == 0 ? "w" : ""; chrome.browserAction.setIcon({ path: { // Material Design 2016 new size is 16px 16: "16" + postfix + ".png", 32: "32" + postfix + ".png", // Chromium forks or non-chromium browsers may still use the traditional 19px 19: "19" + postfix + ".png", 38: "38" + postfix + ".png", }, tabId: tab.id }, function() { // if the tab was just closed an error may occur, // e.g. 'windowPosition' pref updated in edit.js::window.onbeforeunload if (!chrome.runtime.lastError) { var t = prefs.get("show-badge") && styles.length ? ("" + styles.length) : ""; chrome.browserAction.setBadgeText({text: t, tabId: tab.id}); chrome.browserAction.setBadgeBackgroundColor({ color: prefs.get(disableAll ? 'badgeDisabled' : 'badgeNormal') }); } }); //console.log("Tab " + tab.id + " (" + tab.url + ") badge text set to '" + t + "'."); } } function getActiveTab(callback) { chrome.tabs.query({currentWindow: true, active: true}, function(tabs) { callback(tabs[0]); }); } function getActiveTabRealURL(callback) { getActiveTab(function(tab) { getTabRealURL(tab, callback); }); } function getTabRealURL(tab, callback) { if (tab.url != "chrome://newtab/") { callback(tab.url); } else { chrome.webNavigation.getFrame({tabId: tab.id, frameId: 0, processId: -1}, function(frame) { frame && callback(frame.url); }); } } function stringAsRegExp(s, flags) { return new RegExp(s.replace(/[{}()\[\]\/\\.+?^$:=*!|]/g, "\\$&"), flags); } // expands * as .*? function wildcardAsRegExp(s, flags) { return new RegExp(s.replace(/[{}()\[\]\/\\.+?^$:=!|]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\*/g, '.*?'), flags); }