{ "addStyleLabel": { "message": "Gravar novo estilo", "description": "Label for the button to go to the add style page" }, "addStyleTitle": { "message": "Adicionar estilo", "description": "Title of the page for adding styles" }, "alphaChannel": { "message": "Opacidade", "description": "Label of color's opacity" }, "appliesAdd": { "message": "Adicionar", "description": "Label for the button to add an 'applies' entry" }, "appliesDisplay": { "message": "Aplica-se a: $applies$", "description": "Text on the manage screen to describe what the style applies to", "placeholders": { "applies": { "content": "$1" } } }, "appliesDisplayTruncatedSuffix": { "message": "e mais", "description": "Text added to appliesDisplay when there are more sites for the style than are displayed" }, "appliesDomainOption": { "message": "URLs no domínio", "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a domain" }, "appliesHelp": { "message": "Use os controles \"Aplica-se a\" para limitar a quais URLs o código desta seção se aplica.", "description": "Help text for 'applies to' section" }, "appliesLabel": { "message": "Aplica-se a", "description": "Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen" }, "appliesLineWidgetLabel": { "message": "Mostrar informações de \"Aplica-se a\"", "description": "Label for the checkbox to display applies-to information in the single editor" }, "appliesLineWidgetWarning": { "message": "Não funciona com CSS minificado", "description": "A warning that applies-to information won't show properly with minified CSS" }, "appliesRegexpOption": { "message": "URLs que correspondem a regexp", "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a regular expression" }, "appliesRemove": { "message": "Remover", "description": "Label for the button to remove an 'applies' entry" }, "appliesRemoveError": { "message": "Não é possível remover a última entrada de 'aplica-se a'", "description": "Error displayed when the last 'applies' is going to be removed" }, "appliesSpecify": { "message": "Especificar", "description": "Label for the button to make a style apply only to specific sites" }, "appliesToEverything": { "message": "Tudo", "description": "Text displayed for styles that apply to all sites" }, "appliesUrlPrefixOption": { "message": "URLs que começam com", "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL prefix" }, "applyAllUpdates": { "message": "Aplicar todas as atualizações", "description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates" }, "author": { "message": "Autor", "description": "Label for the style author" }, "backupMessage": { "message": "Selecione um arquivo ou arraste e solte nessa página.", "description": "Message for backup" }, "bckpInstStyles": { "message": "Exportar estilos", "description": "" }, "checkAllUpdates": { "message": "Verificar atualizações para todos os estilos", "description": "Label for the button to check all styles for updates" }, "checkAllUpdatesForce": { "message": "Check novamente, eu não editei nenhum estilo! ", "description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates" }, "checkForUpdate": { "message": "Verificar atualizações", "description": "Label for the button to check a single style for an update" }, "checkingForUpdate": { "message": "Verificando...", "description": "Text to display when checking a style for an update" }, "clickToUninstall": { "message": "Clique para desistalar", "description": "Label for the overlay on a style thumbnail when installed via inline search in the popup" }, "cm_autoCloseBrackets": { "message": "Auto fechar parênteses, colchetes e aspas", "description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor." }, "cm_autoCloseBracketsTooltip": { "message": "Adicione automaticamente um par de fechamento ao digitar uma abertura de ()[]{}''\"\"", "description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor." }, "cm_autocompleteOnTyping": { "message": "Autocompletar ao digitar", "description": "Label for the checkbox in the style editor." }, "cm_colorpicker": { "message": "Colorpickers para cores CSS", "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling colorpicker option for the style editor." }, "cm_indentWithTabs": { "message": "Usar tabs com indentação inteligente", "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling tabs with smart indentation option for the style editor." }, "cm_lineWrapping": { "message": "Quebra de linha", "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling word wrap option for the style editor." }, "cm_resizeGripHint": { "message": "Duplo clique para maximizar/restaurar a altura", "description": "Tooltip for the resize grip in style editor" }, "cm_selectByTokens": { "message": "Clicar duas vezes seleciona tokens", "description": "Label for the checkbox in the editor." }, "cm_smartIndent": { "message": "Usar indentação inteligente", "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling smart indentation option for the style editor." }, "cm_theme": { "message": "Tema", "description": "Label for the style editor's CSS theme." }, "configureStyle": { "message": "Configurar", "description": "Label for the button to configure usercss userstyle" }, "configureStyleOnHomepage": { "message": "Configurar a página inicial", "description": "Label for the button to configure userstyles.org userstyle" }, "confirmCancel": { "message": "Cancelar", "description": "" }, "confirmClose": { "message": "Fechar", "description": "'Close' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmDefault": { "message": "Usar padrão ", "description": "'Set to default' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmDelete": { "message": "Deletar", "description": "" }, "confirmDiscardChanges": { "message": "Descartar as mudanças?", "description": "Generic label or title displayed when trying to close something (not a style) with unsaved changes" }, "confirmNo": { "message": "Não", "description": "'No' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmSave": { "message": "Salvar", "description": "'Save' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmStop": { "message": "Parar", "description": "'Stop' button in a confirm dialog" }, "confirmYes": { "message": "Sim", "description": "'Yes' button in a confirm dialog" }, "copied": { "message": "Copiado para a área de transferência", "description": "Message shown when content has been copied to the clipboard" }, "copy": { "message": "Copiar para a área de transferência", "description": "Tooltip for elements which can be copied" }, "dateInstalled": { "message": "Data instalada ", "description": "Option text for the user to sort the style by install date" }, "dateUpdated": { "message": "Data atualizada", "description": "Option text for the user to sort the style by last update date" }, "defaultTheme": { "message": "padrão", "description": "Default CodeMirror CSS theme option on the edit style page" }, "deleteStyleConfirm": { "message": "Tem certeza de que deseja excluir este estilo?", "description": "Confirmation before deleting a style" }, "deleteStyleLabel": { "message": "Excluir", "description": "Label for the button to delete a style" }, "description": { "message": "Mude o estilo da web com o Stylus, um gerenciador de estilos do usuário. O Stylus permite instalar facilmente temas e skins para Google, Facebook, YouTube, Orkut e muitos, muitos outros sites.", "description": "Extension description" }, "disableAllStyles": { "message": "Desativar todos os estilos", "description": "Label for the checkbox that turns all enabled styles off." }, "disableStyleLabel": { "message": "Desativar", "description": "Label for the button to disable a style" }, "editGotoLine": { "message": "Ir para linha (ou linha:coluna)", "description": "Go to line or line:column on Ctrl-G in style code editor" }, "editStyleHeading": { "message": "Editar estilo", "description": "Title of the page for editing styles" }, "editStyleLabel": { "message": "Editar", "description": "Label for the button to go to the edit style page" }, "editStyleTitle": { "message": "Editar estilo $stylename$", "description": "Title of the page for editing styles", "placeholders": { "stylename": { "content": "$1" } } }, "enableStyleLabel": { "message": "Ativar", "description": "Label for the button to enable a style" }, "exportLabel": { "message": "Exportar ", "description": "Label for the button to export a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" }, "findStylesForSite": { "message": "Procurar mais estilos para este site", "description": "Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site" }, "genericDisabledLabel": { "message": "Desativado", "description": "Used in various lists/options to indicate that something is disabled" }, "helpAlt": { "message": "Ajuda", "description": "Alternate text for help buttons" }, "hostDisabled": { "message": "Este hospedeiro foi desabilitado devido a um bug na versão atual que o navegador utilizado se encontra", "description": "Tooltip for cloud host disabled" }, "importAppendLabel": { "message": "Anexar ao estilo", "description": "Label for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" }, "importAppendTooltip": { "message": "Anexar o estilo importado ao atual", "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" }, "importLabel": { "message": "Importar", "description": "Label for the button to import a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" }, "importReplaceLabel": { "message": "Sobrescrever estilo", "description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style" }, "importReportUnchanged": { "message": "Nada foi alterado.", "description": "Message in the report shown after importing styles" }, "installUpdate": { "message": "Instalar atualização", "description": "Label for the button to install an update for a single style" }, "linkTranslate": { "message": "Traduzir", "description": "Transifex link text on the manage page" }, "manageHeading": { "message": "Estilos instalados", "description": "Heading for the manage page" }, "manageOnlyDisabled": { "message": "Somente estilos desativados", "description": "Checkbox to show only disabled styles" }, "manageOnlyEnabled": { "message": "Apenas estilos habilitados", "description": "Checkbox to show only enabled styles" }, "meta_invalidRange": { "message": "@var inválido $type$: valor deve ser um número ou um vetor", "description": "Error displayed when the value of @var range or @var number is invalid", "placeholders": { "type": { "content": "$1" } } }, "meta_invalidNumber": { "message": "Espera-se um número", "description": "Error displayed when the value is expected to be a number" }, "meta_invalidString": { "message": "Espera-se um texto entre aspas", "description": "Error displayed when the value is expected to be a quoted string" }, "meta_invalidWord": { "message": "Espera-se uma palavra", "description": "Error displayed when the value is expected to be a word" }, "meta_missingChar": { "message": "Caracteres esperados: $chars$", "description": "Error displayed when the value is expected to be some characters", "placeholders": { "chars": { "content": "$1" } } }, "meta_missingMandatory": { "message": "Metadata obrigatório não encontrado: $keys$", "description": "Error displayed when mandatory keys are missing", "placeholders": { "keys": { "content": "$1" } } }, "meta_unknownMeta": { "message": "Metadata desconhecido: $key$", "description": "Error displayed when unknown metadata is parsed", "placeholders": { "key": { "content": "$1" } } }, "meta_unknownVarType": { "message": "Tipo desconhecido da variável @$varkey$: $vartype$", "description": "Error displayed when unknown variable type is parsed", "placeholders": { "varkey": { "content": "$1" }, "vartype": { "content": "$2" } } }, "noStylesForSite": { "message": "Nenhum estilo instalado para este site.", "description": "Text displayed when no styles are installed for the current site" }, "openManage": { "message": "Gerenciar estilos instalados", "description": "Link to open the manage page." }, "openOptions": { "message": "Opções", "description": "Go to Options UI" }, "openStylesManager": { "message": "Abrir gerenciador de estilos", "description": "Label for the style maanger opener in the browser action context menu." }, "optionsActions": { "message": "Ações", "description": "" }, "optionsBadgeDisabled": { "message": "Cor de fundo quando desativado", "description": "" }, "optionsBadgeNormal": { "message": "Cor de fundo", "description": "" }, "optionsCheck": { "message": "Atualizar estilos", "description": "" }, "optionsCheckUpdate": { "message": "Verifique e instale todas as atualizações disponíveis", "description": "" }, "optionsCustomizeUpdate": { "message": "Atualizações", "description": "" }, "optionsCustomizeSync": { "message": "Sincronizar para a nuvem", "description": "" }, "optionsHeading": { "message": "Opções", "description": "Heading for options section on manage page." }, "optionsOpen": { "message": "Abrir", "description": "" }, "optionsOpenManager": { "message": "Gerenciar estilos", "description": "" }, "optionsPopupWidth": { "message": "Largura do popup (em pixels)", "description": "" }, "optionsSubheading": { "message": "Mais Opções", "description": "Subheading for options section on manage page." }, "optionsSyncNone": { "message": "Nenhum", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncConnect": { "message": "Conectar", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncDisconnect": { "message": "Desconectar", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncSyncNow": { "message": "Sincronizar agora", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncStatusSyncing": { "message": "Sincronizando...", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncStatusConnecting": { "message": "Conectando...", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncStatusConnected": { "message": "Conectado", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncStatusDisconnecting": { "message": "Desconectando...", "description": "" }, "optionsSyncStatusDisconnected": { "message": "Desconectado", "description": "" }, "prefShowBadge": { "message": "Número de estilos ativos para o site atual", "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling toolbar badge text." }, "reload": { "message": "Recarregar a extensão do Stylus", "description": "Context menu reload" }, "replace": { "message": "Substituir", "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H" }, "replaceAll": { "message": "Substituir todos", "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on 'replaceAll' hotkey" }, "replaceWith": { "message": "Substituir com", "description": "Label before the replace-with input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H etc." }, "retrieveBckp": { "message": "Importar estilos", "description": "" }, "search": { "message": "Buscar", "description": "Label before the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" }, "searchRegexp": { "message": "Use a sintaxe /re/ para busca por regexp", "description": "Label after the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" }, "searchStyles": { "message": "Buscar conteúdos", "description": "Label for the search filter textbox on the Manage styles page" }, "sectionAdd": { "message": "Adicionar outra seção", "description": "Label for the button to add a section" }, "sectionCode": { "message": "Código", "description": "Label for the code for a section" }, "sectionRemove": { "message": "Remover seção", "description": "Label for the button to remove a section" }, "shortcuts": { "message": "Atalhos", "description": "Go to shortcut configuration" }, "styleBadRegexp": { "message": "Expressão regular é inválida", "description": "Validation message for a bad regexp in a style" }, "styleBeautify": { "message": "Embelezar", "description": "Label for the CSS-beautifier button on the edit style page" }, "styleBeautifyHint": { "message": "Dica: clique com o botão direito no botão \"Embelezar\" ou use o atalho de teclado definido para embelezar sem mostrar esse painel", "description": "Hint shown inside the CSS-beautifier panel" }, "styleCancelEditLabel": { "message": "Voltar ao gerenciamento", "description": "Label for cancel button for style editing" }, "styleChangesNotSaved": { "message": "Você fez alterações neste estilo sem salvar.", "description": "Text for the prompt when changes are made to a style and the user tries to leave without saving" }, "styleEnabledLabel": { "message": "Ativado", "description": "Label for the enabled state of styles" }, "styleInstall": { "message": "Instalar \"$stylename$\" no Stylus?", "description": "Confirmation when installing a style", "placeholders": { "stylename": { "content": "$1" } } }, "styleMissingName": { "message": "Insira um nome", "description": "Error displayed when user saves without providing a name" }, "styleMozillaFormatHeading": { "message": "Formato Mozilla", "description": "Heading for the section with buttons to import/export Mozilla format of the style" }, "styleSaveLabel": { "message": "Salvar", "description": "Label for save button for style editing" }, "styleToMozillaFormatHelp": { "message": "O formato Mozilla do código pode ser usado com o Stylish para Firefox e pode ser enviado para userstyles.org.", "description": "Help info for the Mozilla format header section that converts the code to/from Mozilla format" }, "styleUpdate": { "message": "Você tem certeza que quer atualizar '$stylename$'?", "description": "Confirmation when updating a style", "placeholders": { "stylename": { "content": "$1" } } }, "undo": { "message": "Desfazer", "description": "Button label" }, "undoGlobal": { "message": "Desfazer todas as seções", "description": "CSS-beautify global Undo button label" }, "updateAllCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { "message": "Nenhuma atualização encontrada.", "description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available" }, "updateCheckFailBadResponseCode": { "message": "A atualização falhou: o servidor respondeu com código $code$.", "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the response code indicates an error", "placeholders": { "code": { "content": "$1" } } }, "updateCheckFailServerUnreachable": { "message": "A atualização falhou: servidor inacessível.", "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the update server is unreachable" }, "updateCheckManualUpdateHint": { "message": "Forçar uma atualização irá sobrescrever qualquer alteração local.", "description": "Additional text displayed when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications" }, "updateCheckSkippedLocallyEdited": { "message": "Esse estilo foi editado localmente.", "description": "Text that displays when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing local modifications" }, "updateCheckSkippedMaybeLocallyEdited": { "message": "Este estilo parece ter sido editado localmente.", "description": "Text that displays when an update check skipped updating the style to avoid losing possible local modifications" }, "updateCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { "message": "O estilo está atualizado.", "description": "Text that displays when an update check completed and no update is available" }, "updateCompleted": { "message": "Atualização concluída.", "description": "Text that displays when an update completed" }, "updatesCurrentlyInstalled": { "message": "Updates instalados:", "description": "Text that displays when an update is installed on options page. Followed by the number of currently installed updates." }, "usercssReplaceTemplateName": { "message": "@nome vazio substitui o template padrão", "description": "The text shown after @name when creating a new Usercss style" }, "usercssReplaceTemplateSectionBody": { "message": "Insira o código aqui...", "description": "The code placeholder comment in a new style created by clicking 'Write style' in the popup" }, "versionInvalidOlder": { "message": "A versão é mais velha que o estilo instalado.", "description": "Displayed when the version of style is older than the installed one" }, "writeStyleFor": { "message": "Escrever um estilo para:", "description": "Label for toolbar pop-up that precedes the links to write a new style" }, "writeStyleForURL": { "message": "Essa URL", "description": "Text for link in toolbar pop-up to write a new style for the current URL" }, "syncDropboxStyles": { "message": "Exportar para Dropbox", "description": "" }, "retrieveDropboxSync": { "message": "Importar do Dropbox", "description": "" }, "overwriteFileExport": { "message": "Você gostaria de substituir um arquivo existente?", "description": "" }, "exportSavedSuccess": { "message": "Arquivo salvo com sucesso", "description": "" }, "noFileToImport": { "message": "Para importar seus estilos, você deve exportar primeiro.", "description": "" }, "connectingDropbox": { "message": "Conectando ao Dropbox...", "description": "" }, "connectingDropboxNotAllowed": { "message": "Conectar ao Dropbox somente é disponível em apps instalados diretamente da loja web", "description": "" }, "gettingStyles": { "message": "Obtendo todos os estilos...", "description": "" }, "zipStyles": { "message": "Compactando estilos...", "description": "" }, "unzipStyles": { "message": "Descompactando estilos...", "description": "" }, "readingStyles": { "message": "Lendo estilos...", "description": "" }, "uploadingFile": { "message": "Enviando arquivo...", "description": "" } }