// Not using some slow features of ES6, see http://kpdecker.github.io/six-speed/ // like destructring, classes, defaults, spread, calculated key names /* eslint no-var: 0 */ 'use strict'; var disableAll = false; var styleElements = new Map(); var retiredStyleIds = []; var iframeObserver; initObserver(); requestStyles(); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(applyOnMessage); function requestStyles(options) { // If this is a Stylish page (Edit Style or Manage Styles), // we'll request the styles directly to minimize delay and flicker, // unless Chrome still starts up and the background page isn't fully loaded. // (Note: in this case the function may be invoked again from applyStyles.) const request = Object.assign({ method: 'getStyles', matchUrl: location.href, enabled: true, asHash: true, }, options); if (typeof getStylesSafe !== 'undefined') { getStylesSafe(request).then(applyStyles); } else { chrome.runtime.sendMessage(request, applyStyles); } } function applyOnMessage(request, sender, sendResponse) { // Do-It-Yourself tells our built-in pages to fetch the styles directly // which is faster because IPC messaging JSON-ifies everything internally if (request.styles == 'DIY') { getStylesSafe({ matchUrl: location.href, enabled: true, asHash: true, }).then(styles => applyOnMessage(Object.assign(request, {styles}))); return; } // Also handle special request just for the pop-up switch (request.method == 'updatePopup' ? request.reason : request.method) { case 'styleDeleted': removeStyle(request.id, document); break; case 'styleUpdated': if (request.codeIsUpdated === false) { applyStyleState(request.style.id, request.style.enabled, document); break; } if (!request.style.enabled) { removeStyle(request.style.id, document); break; } retireStyle(request.style.id); // fallthrough to 'styleAdded' case 'styleAdded': if (request.style.enabled) { requestStyles({id: request.style.id}, applyStyles); } break; case 'styleApply': applyStyles(request.styles); break; case 'styleReplaceAll': replaceAll(request.styles, document); break; case 'styleDisableAll': doDisableAll(request.disableAll); break; case 'ping': sendResponse(true); break; } } function doDisableAll(disable) { if (!disable === !disableAll) { return; } disableAll = disable; if (disableAll) { iframeObserver.disconnect(); } disableSheets(disableAll, document); if (!disableAll && document.readyState != 'loading') { iframeObserver.start(); } function disableSheets(disable, doc) { Array.prototype.forEach.call(doc.styleSheets, stylesheet => { if (stylesheet.ownerNode.classList.contains('stylus') && stylesheet.disabled != disable) { stylesheet.disabled = disable; } }); for (const iframe of getDynamicIFrames(doc)) { if (!disable) { // update the IFRAME if it was created while the observer was disconnected addDocumentStylesToIFrame(iframe); } disableSheets(disable, iframe.contentDocument); } } } function applyStyleState(id, enabled, doc) { const el = doc.getElementById('stylus-' + id); if (el) { el.sheet.disabled = !enabled; processDynamicIFrames(doc, applyStyleState, id, enabled); } else if (enabled) { requestStyles({id}); } } function removeStyle(id, doc) { styleElements.delete('stylus-' + id); const el = doc.getElementById('stylus-' + id); if (el) { el.remove(); } if (doc == document && !styleElements.size) { iframeObserver.disconnect(); } processDynamicIFrames(doc, removeStyle, id); } // to avoid page flicker when the style is updated // instead of removing it immediately we rename its ID and queue it // to be deleted in applyStyles after a new version is fetched and applied function retireStyle(id, doc) { const deadID = 'ghost-' + id; if (!doc) { doc = document; retiredStyleIds.push(deadID); styleElements.delete('stylus-' + id); // in case something went wrong and new style was never applied setTimeout(removeStyle, 1000, deadID, doc); } const el = doc.getElementById('stylus-' + id); if (el) { el.id = 'stylus-' + deadID; } processDynamicIFrames(doc, retireStyle, id); } function applyStyles(styleHash) { if (!styleHash) { // Chrome is starting up requestStyles(); return; } if ('disableAll' in styleHash) { doDisableAll(styleHash.disableAll); delete styleHash.disableAll; } for (const styleId in styleHash) { applySections(styleId, styleHash[styleId]); } if (styleElements.size) { // when site response is application/xml Chrome displays our style elements // under document.documentElement as plain text so we need to move them into HEAD // which is already autogenerated at this moment if (document.head && document.head.firstChild && document.head.firstChild.id == 'xml-viewer-style') { for (const id of styleElements.keys()) { document.head.appendChild(document.getElementById(id)); } } if (document.readyState != 'loading') { onDOMContentLoaded(); } else { document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onDOMContentLoaded); } } if (retiredStyleIds.length) { setTimeout(function() { while (retiredStyleIds.length) { removeStyle(retiredStyleIds.shift(), document); } }, 0); } } function onDOMContentLoaded() { addDocumentStylesToAllIFrames(); iframeObserver.start(); } function applySections(styleId, sections) { let el = document.getElementById('stylus-' + styleId); // Already there. if (el) { return; } if (document.documentElement instanceof SVGSVGElement) { // SVG document, make an SVG style element. el = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'style'); } else { // This will make an HTML style element. If there's SVG embedded in an HTML document, this works on the SVG too. el = document.createElement('style'); } el.setAttribute('id', 'stylus-' + styleId); el.setAttribute('class', 'stylus'); el.setAttribute('type', 'text/css'); el.appendChild(document.createTextNode(sections.map(section => section.code).join('\n'))); addStyleElement(el, document); styleElements.set(el.id, el); } function addStyleElement(el, doc) { if (!doc.documentElement || doc.getElementById(el.id)) { return; } doc.documentElement.appendChild(doc.importNode(el, true)) .disabled = disableAll; for (const iframe of getDynamicIFrames(doc)) { if (iframeIsLoadingSrcDoc(iframe)) { addStyleToIFrameSrcDoc(iframe, el); } else { addStyleElement(el, iframe.contentDocument); } } } function addDocumentStylesToIFrame(iframe) { const doc = iframe.contentDocument; const srcDocIsLoading = iframeIsLoadingSrcDoc(iframe); for (const el of styleElements.values()) { if (srcDocIsLoading) { addStyleToIFrameSrcDoc(iframe, el); } else { addStyleElement(el, doc); } } } function addDocumentStylesToAllIFrames() { getDynamicIFrames(document).forEach(addDocumentStylesToIFrame); } // Only dynamic iframes get the parent document's styles. Other ones should get styles based on their own URLs. function getDynamicIFrames(doc) { return [...doc.getElementsByTagName('iframe')].filter(iframeIsDynamic); } function iframeIsDynamic(f) { let href; if (f.src && f.src.startsWith('http') && new URL(f.src).origin != location.origin) { return false; } try { href = f.contentDocument.location.href; } catch (ex) { // Cross-origin, so it's not a dynamic iframe return false; } return href == document.location.href || href.startsWith('about:'); } function processDynamicIFrames(doc, fn, ...args) { for (const iframe of [...doc.getElementsByTagName('iframe')]) { if (iframeIsDynamic(iframe)) { fn(...args, iframe.contentDocument); } } } function iframeIsLoadingSrcDoc(f) { return f.srcdoc && f.contentDocument.all.length <= 3; // 3 nodes or less in total (html, head, body) == new empty iframe about to be overwritten by its 'srcdoc' } function addStyleToIFrameSrcDoc(iframe, el) { if (disableAll) { return; } iframe.srcdoc += el.outerHTML; // make sure the style is added in case srcdoc was malformed setTimeout(addStyleElement, 100, el, iframe.contentDocument); } function replaceAll(newStyles, doc) { const oldStyles = [...doc.querySelectorAll('STYLE.stylus')]; oldStyles.forEach(style => (style.id += '-ghost')); processDynamicIFrames(doc, replaceAll, newStyles); if (doc == document) { styleElements.clear(); applyStyles(newStyles); replaceAllpass2(newStyles, doc); } } function replaceAllpass2(newStyles, doc) { const oldStyles = [...doc.querySelectorAll('STYLE.stylus[id$="-ghost"]')]; processDynamicIFrames(doc, replaceAllpass2, newStyles); oldStyles.forEach(style => style.remove()); } // Observe dynamic IFRAMEs being added function initObserver() { let orphanCheckTimer; const iframesCollection = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); iframeObserver = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { // MutationObserver runs as a microtask so the timer won't fire // until all queued mutations are fired clearTimeout(orphanCheckTimer); orphanCheckTimer = setTimeout(orphanCheck, 0); // autoupdated HTMLCollection is superfast if (!iframesCollection[0]) { return; } // use a much faster method for very complex pages with lots of mutations // (observer usually receives 1k-10k mutations per call) if (mutations.length > 1000) { addDocumentStylesToAllIFrames(); return; } // move the check out of current execution context // because some same-domain (!) iframes fail to load when their 'contentDocument' is accessed (!) // namely gmail's old chat iframe talkgadget.google.com setTimeout(process, 0, mutations); }); function process(mutations) { /* eslint-disable no-var # var is slightly faster and MutationObserver may run a lot */ for (var m = 0, mutation; (mutation = mutations[m++]);) { var added = mutation.addedNodes; for (var n = 0, node; (node = added[n++]);) { // process only ELEMENT_NODE if (node.nodeType == 1) { var iframes = node.localName === 'iframe' ? [node] : node.children.length && node.getElementsByTagName('iframe'); for (var i = 0, iframe; (iframe = iframes[i++]);) { if (iframeIsDynamic(iframe)) { addDocumentStylesToIFrame(iframe); } } } } } /* eslint-enable no-var */ } iframeObserver.start = () => { // subsequent calls are ignored if already started observing iframeObserver.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true}); }; function orphanCheck() { orphanCheckTimer = 0; const port = chrome.runtime.connect(); if (port) { port.disconnect(); return; } // we're orphaned due to an extension update // we can detach the mutation observer iframeObserver.takeRecords(); iframeObserver.disconnect(); iframeObserver = null; // we can detach event listeners document.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onDOMContentLoaded); // we can't detach chrome.runtime.onMessage because it's no longer connected internally // we can destroy global functions in this context to free up memory [ 'addDocumentStylesToAllIFrames', 'addDocumentStylesToIFrame', 'addStyleElement', 'addStyleToIFrameSrcDoc', 'applyOnMessage', 'applySections', 'applyStyles', 'doDisableAll', 'getDynamicIFrames', 'processDynamicIFrames', 'iframeIsDynamic', 'iframeIsLoadingSrcDoc', 'initObserver', 'removeStyle', 'replaceAll', 'replaceAllpass2', 'requestStyles', 'retireStyle' ].forEach(fn => (window[fn] = null)); // we can destroy global variables styleElements = iframeObserver = retiredStyleIds = null; } }