/* global CodeMirror dirtyReporter initLint beautify showKeyMapHelp */ /* global showToggleStyleHelp goBackToManage updateLintReportIfEnabled */ /* global hotkeyRerouter setupAutocomplete setupOptionsExpand */ /* global editors linterConfig updateLinter regExpTester mozParser */ /* global makeLink */ 'use strict'; function createSourceEditor(style) { // draw HTML $('#sections').innerHTML = ''; $('#name').disabled = true; $('#mozilla-format-heading').parentNode.remove(); $('#sections').appendChild( $element({className: 'single-editor', appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'textarea'}) ]}) ); $('#header').appendChild($element({ id: 'footer', appendChild: makeLink('https://github.com/openstyles/stylus/wiki/Usercss', t('externalUsercssDocument')) })); setupOptionsExpand(); // dirty reporter const dirty = dirtyReporter(); dirty.onChange(() => { const DIRTY = dirty.isDirty(); document.body.classList.toggle('dirty', DIRTY); $('#save-button').disabled = !DIRTY; updateTitle(); }); // normalize style if (!style.id) { setupNewStyle(style); } else { // style might be an object reference to background page style = deepCopy(style); } // draw CodeMirror $('#sections textarea').value = style.sourceCode; const cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($('#sections textarea')); // too many functions depend on this global editors.push(cm); // draw metas info updateMetas(); initHooks(); initAppliesToReport(cm); // setup linter initLint(); initLinterSwitch(); function initLinterSwitch() { const linterEl = $('#editor.linter'); cm.on('optionChange', (cm, option) => { if (option !== 'mode') { return; } updateLinter(); update(); }); linterEl.addEventListener('change', update); function update() { linterEl.value = linterConfig.getDefault(); const cssLintOption = linterEl.querySelector('[value="csslint"]'); if (cm.getOption('mode') !== 'css') { cssLintOption.disabled = true; cssLintOption.title = t('linterCSSLintIncompatible', cm.getOption('mode')); } else { cssLintOption.disabled = false; cssLintOption.title = ''; } } } function setupNewStyle(style) { style.sections[0].code = ' '.repeat(prefs.get('editor.tabSize')) + '/* Insert code here... */'; let section = mozParser.format(style); if (!section.includes('@-moz-document')) { style.sections[0].domains = ['example.com']; section = mozParser.format(style); } const sourceCode = `/* ==UserStyle== @name New Style - ${Date.now()} @namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus @version 0.1.0 @description A new userstyle @author Me ==/UserStyle== */ ${section} `; dirty.modify('source', '', sourceCode); style.sourceCode = sourceCode; } function initAppliesToReport(cm) { const APPLIES_TYPE = [ [t('appliesUrlOption'), 'url'], [t('appliesUrlPrefixOption'), 'url-prefix'], [t('appliesDomainOption'), 'domain'], [t('appliesRegexpOption'), 'regexp'] ]; const THROTTLE_DELAY = 400; let widgets = []; let timer; let fromLine; let toLine; let style; let isInit; const optionEl = buildOption(); $('#options').insertBefore(optionEl, $('#options > .option.aligned')); if (prefs.get('editor.appliesToLineWidget')) { init(); } prefs.subscribe(['editor.appliesToLineWidget'], (key, value) => { if (!isInit && value) { init(); } else if (isInit && !value) { uninit(); } optionEl.checked = value; }); optionEl.addEventListener('change', e => { prefs.set('editor.appliesToLineWidget', e.target.checked); }); function buildOption() { return $element({className: 'option', appendChild: [ $element({ tag: 'input', type: 'checkbox', id: 'editor.appliesToLineWidget', checked: prefs.get('editor.appliesToLineWidget') }), $element({ tag: 'label', htmlFor: 'editor.appliesToLineWidget', textContent: ' ' + t('appliesLineWidgetLabel'), title: t('appliesLineWidgetWarning') }) ]}); } function init() { isInit = true; style = getComputedStyle(cm.getGutterElement()); fromLine = null; toLine = null; cm.on('change', onChange); cm.on('optionChange', onOptionChange); // is it possible to avoid flickering? window.addEventListener('load', updateStyle); update(); } function uninit() { isInit = false; widgets.forEach(clearWidget); widgets.length = 0; cm.off('change', onChange); cm.off('optionChange', onOptionChange); window.removeEventListener('load', updateStyle); } function onChange(cm, {from, to, origin}) { if (origin === 'appliesTo') { return; } if (fromLine === null || toLine === null) { fromLine = from.line; toLine = to.line; } else { fromLine = Math.min(fromLine, from.line); toLine = Math.max(toLine, to.line); } clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(update, THROTTLE_DELAY); } function onOptionChange(cm, option) { if (option === 'theme') { updateStyle(); } } function update() { cm.operation(doUpdate); } function updateStyle() { style = getComputedStyle(cm.getGutterElement()); widgets.forEach(setWidgetStyle); } function setWidgetStyle(widget) { let borderStyle = ''; if (style.borderRightWidth !== '0px') { borderStyle = `${style.borderRightWidth} ${style.borderRightStyle} ${style.borderRightColor}`; } else { borderStyle = `1px solid ${style.color}`; } widget.node.style.backgroundColor = style.backgroundColor; widget.node.style.borderTop = borderStyle; widget.node.style.borderBottom = borderStyle; } function doUpdate() { // find which widgets needs to be update // some widgets (lines) might be deleted widgets = widgets.filter(w => w.line.lineNo() !== null); let i = fromLine === null ? 0 : widgets.findIndex(w => w.line.lineNo() > fromLine) - 1; let j = toLine === null ? 0 : widgets.findIndex(w => w.line.lineNo() > toLine); if (i === -2) { i = widgets.length - 1; } if (j < 0) { j = widgets.length; } // decide search range const fromIndex = widgets[i] ? cm.indexFromPos({line: widgets[i].line.lineNo(), ch: 0}) : 0; const toIndex = widgets[j] ? cm.indexFromPos({line: widgets[j].line.lineNo(), ch: 0}) : cm.getValue().length; // splice if (i < 0) { i = 0; } widgets.splice(i, 0, ...createWidgets(fromIndex, toIndex, widgets.splice(i, j - i))); fromLine = null; toLine = null; } function *createWidgets(start, end, removed) { let i = 0; for (const section of findAppliesTo(start, end)) { while (removed[i] && removed[i].line.lineNo() < section.pos.line) { clearWidget(removed[i++]); } setupMarkers(section); if (removed[i] && removed[i].line.lineNo() === section.pos.line) { // reuse old widget removed[i].section.applies.forEach(apply => { apply.type.mark.clear(); apply.value.mark.clear(); }); removed[i].section = section; const newNode = buildElement(section); removed[i].node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, removed[i].node); removed[i].node = newNode; setWidgetStyle(removed[i]); removed[i].changed(); yield removed[i]; i++; continue; } // new widget const widget = cm.addLineWidget(section.pos.line, buildElement(section), { coverGutter: true, noHScroll: true, above: true }); widget.section = section; setWidgetStyle(widget); yield widget; } removed.slice(i).forEach(clearWidget); } function clearWidget(widget) { widget.clear(); widget.section.applies.forEach(clearApply); } function clearApply(apply) { apply.type.mark.clear(); apply.value.mark.clear(); apply.mark.clear(); } function setupMarkers({applies}) { applies.forEach(setupApplyMarkers); } function setupApplyMarkers(apply) { apply.type.mark = cm.markText( cm.posFromIndex(apply.type.start), cm.posFromIndex(apply.type.end), {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); apply.value.mark = cm.markText( cm.posFromIndex(apply.value.start), cm.posFromIndex(apply.value.end), {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); apply.mark = cm.markText( cm.posFromIndex(apply.start), cm.posFromIndex(apply.end), {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); } function buildElement({applies}) { const el = $element({className: 'applies-to', appendChild: [ $element({tag: 'label', appendChild: [ t('appliesLabel'), // $element({tag: 'svg'}) ]}), $element({ tag: 'ul', className: 'applies-to-list', appendChild: applies.map(makeInputEl) }) ]}); if (!$('li', el)) { $('ul', el).appendChild($element({ tag: 'li', className: 'applies-to-everything', textContent: t('appliesToEverything') })); } return el; function makeInputEl(apply) { const el = $element({tag: 'li', appendChild: makeInput(apply)}); el.dataset.type = apply.type.text; el.addEventListener('change', e => { if (e.target.classList.contains('applies-type')) { el.dataset.type = apply.type.text; } }); return el; } function makeInput(apply) { const typeInput = $element({ tag: 'select', className: 'applies-type', appendChild: APPLIES_TYPE.map(([label, value]) => $element({ tag: 'option', value: value, textContent: label })), onchange(e) { applyChange(apply.type, e.target.value); } }); typeInput.value = apply.type.text; let timer; const valueInput = $element({ tag: 'input', className: 'applies-value', value: apply.value.text, oninput(e) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(applyChange, THROTTLE_DELAY, apply.value, e.target.value); }, onfocus: updateRegexpTest }); const regexpTestButton = $element({ tag: 'button', type: 'button', className: 'applies-to-regexp-test', textContent: t('styleRegexpTestButton'), onclick() { regExpTester.toggle(); regExpTester.update([apply.value.text]); } }); const removeButton = $element({ tag: 'button', type: 'button', className: 'applies-to-remove', textContent: t('appliesRemove'), onclick(e) { const i = applies.indexOf(apply); let repl; let from; let to; if (applies.length < 2) { alert('Can\'t remove last applies-to'); return; } if (i === 0) { from = apply.mark.find().from; to = applies[i + 1].mark.find().from; repl = ''; } else if (i === applies.length - 1) { from = applies[i - 1].mark.find().to; to = apply.mark.find().to; repl = ''; } else { from = applies[i - 1].mark.find().to; to = applies[i + 1].mark.find().from; repl = ', '; } cm.replaceRange(repl, from, to, 'appliesTo'); clearApply(apply); e.target.closest('li').remove(); applies.splice(i, 1); } }); const addButton = $element({ tag: 'button', type: 'button', className: 'applies-to-add', textContent: t('appliesAdd'), onclick(e) { const i = applies.indexOf(apply); const pos = apply.mark.find().to; const text = `, ${apply.type.text}("")`; cm.replaceRange(text, pos, pos, 'appliesTo'); const index = cm.indexFromPos(pos); const newApply = { type: { text: apply.type.text }, value: { text: '' } }; newApply.start = index + 2; newApply.type.start = newApply.start; newApply.type.end = newApply.type.start + newApply.type.text.length; newApply.value.start = newApply.type.end + 2; newApply.value.end = newApply.value.start + newApply.value.text.length; newApply.end = newApply.value.end + 2; setupApplyMarkers(newApply); applies.splice(i + 1, 0, newApply); const li = e.target.closest('li'); li.parentNode.insertBefore(makeInputEl(newApply), li.nextSibling); } }); return [typeInput, valueInput, regexpTestButton, removeButton, addButton]; function updateRegexpTest() { if (apply.type.text === 'regexp') { const re = apply.value.text.trim(); if (re) { regExpTester.update([re]); } else { regExpTester.update([]); } } } function applyChange(input, newText) { const range = input.mark.find(); input.mark.clear(); cm.replaceRange(newText, range.from, range.to, 'appliesTo'); input.mark = cm.markText( range.from, cm.findPosH( range.from, newText.length, 'char' ), {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); input.text = newText; if (input === apply.type) { const range = apply.mark.find(); apply.mark.clear(); apply.mark = cm.markText( input.mark.find().from, range.to, {clearWhenEmpty: false} ); } updateRegexpTest(); } } } function *findAppliesTo(posStart, posEnd) { const text = cm.getValue(); const re = /^[\t ]*@-moz-document\s+/mg; const applyRe = /^(url|url-prefix|domain|regexp)\(((['"])(?:\\\\|\\\n|\\\3|[^\n])*?\3|[^)\n]*)\)[\s,]*/i; let preIndex = re.lastIndex = posStart; let match; let pos = cm.posFromIndex(preIndex); while ((match = re.exec(text))) { if (match.index >= posEnd) { return; } pos = cm.findPosH(pos, match.index - preIndex, 'char'); const applies = []; let t = text.slice(re.lastIndex); let m; let offset = 0; while ((m = t.match(applyRe))) { const apply = { type: { text: m[1] }, value: { text: normalizeString(m[2]) } }; apply.type.start = re.lastIndex + offset; apply.type.end = apply.type.start + apply.type.text.length; apply.value.start = apply.type.end + (apply.value.text === m[2] ? 1 : 2); apply.value.end = apply.value.start + apply.value.text.length; apply.start = apply.type.start; apply.end = apply.value.end + (apply.value.text === m[2] ? 1 : 2); applies.push(apply); t = t.slice(m[0].length); offset += m[0].length; } yield {pos, applies}; preIndex = match.index; re.lastIndex = text.length - t.length; } } function normalizeString(s) { if (/^(['"])[\s\S]*\1$/.test(s)) { return s.slice(1, -1); } return s; } } function initHooks() { // sidebar commands $('#save-button').onclick = save; $('#beautify').onclick = beautify; $('#keyMap-help').onclick = showKeyMapHelp; $('#toggle-style-help').onclick = showToggleStyleHelp; $('#cancel-button').onclick = goBackToManage; // enable $('#enabled').onchange = e => { const value = e.target.checked; dirty.modify('enabled', style.enabled, value); style.enabled = value; }; // source cm.on('change', () => { const value = cm.getValue(); dirty.modify('source', style.sourceCode, value); style.sourceCode = value; updateLintReportIfEnabled(cm); }); // hotkeyRerouter cm.on('focus', () => { hotkeyRerouter.setState(false); }); cm.on('blur', () => { hotkeyRerouter.setState(true); }); // autocomplete if (prefs.get('editor.autocompleteOnTyping')) { setupAutocomplete(cm); } } function updateMetas() { $('#name').value = style.name; $('#enabled').checked = style.enabled; $('#url').href = style.url; const {usercssData: {preprocessor} = {}} = style; cm.setPreprocessor(preprocessor); // beautify only works with regular CSS $('#beautify').disabled = cm.getOption('mode') !== 'css'; updateTitle(); } function updateTitle() { // title depends on dirty and style meta if (!style.id) { document.title = t('addStyleTitle'); } else { document.title = (dirty.isDirty() ? '* ' : '') + t('editStyleTitle', [style.name]); } } function replaceStyle(newStyle) { if (!style.id && newStyle.id) { history.replaceState({}, '', `?id=${newStyle.id}`); } style = deepCopy(newStyle); updateMetas(); if (style.sourceCode !== cm.getValue()) { const cursor = cm.getCursor(); cm.setValue(style.sourceCode); cm.setCursor(cursor); } dirty.clear(); } function toggleStyle() { const value = !style.enabled; dirty.modify('enabled', style.enabled, value); style.enabled = value; updateMetas(); // save when toggle enable state? save(); } function save() { if (!dirty.isDirty()) { return; } return onBackgroundReady() .then(() => BG.usercssHelper.save({ reason: 'editSave', id: style.id, enabled: style.enabled, sourceCode: style.sourceCode })) .then(replaceStyle) .catch(err => { console.error(err); alert(err); }); } return { replaceStyle, save, toggleStyle, isDirty: dirty.isDirty, getStyle: () => style }; }