/* global CodeMirror global editors propertyToCss CssToProperty global onChange indicateCodeChange initHooks setCleanGlobal global fromMozillaFormat maximizeCodeHeight toggleContextMenuDelete global setCleanItem updateTitle updateLintReportIfEnabled renderLintReport global showAppliesToHelp beautify regExpTester setGlobalProgress setCleanSection */ 'use strict'; function initWithSectionStyle(style, codeIsUpdated) { $('#name').value = style.name || ''; $('#enabled').checked = style.enabled !== false; $('#url').href = style.url || ''; if (codeIsUpdated !== false) { editors.length = 0; getSections().forEach(div => div.remove()); addSections(style.sections.length ? style.sections : [{code: ''}]); initHooks(); } setCleanGlobal(); updateTitle(); } function addSections(sections, onAdded = () => {}) { if (addSections.running) { console.error('addSections cannot be re-entered: please report to the developers'); // TODO: handle this properly e.g. on update/import return; } addSections.running = true; maximizeCodeHeight.stats = null; // make a shallow copy since we might run asynchronously // and the original array might get modified sections = sections.slice(); const t0 = performance.now(); const divs = []; let index = 0; return new Promise(function run(resolve) { while (index < sections.length) { const div = addSection(null, sections[index]); maximizeCodeHeight(div, index === sections.length - 1); onAdded(div, index); divs.push(div); maybeFocusFirstCM(); index++; const elapsed = performance.now() - t0; if (elapsed > 500) { setGlobalProgress(index, sections.length); } if (elapsed > 100) { // after 100ms the sections are added asynchronously setTimeout(run, 0, resolve); return; } } editors.last.state.renderLintReportNow = true; addSections.running = false; setGlobalProgress(); resolve(divs); }); function maybeFocusFirstCM() { const isPageLocked = document.documentElement.style.pointerEvents; if (divs[0] && (isPageLocked ? divs.length === sections.length : index === 0)) { makeSectionVisible(divs[0].CodeMirror); setTimeout(() => { if ((document.activeElement || {}).localName !== 'input') { divs[0].CodeMirror.focus(); } }); } } } function addSection(event, section) { const div = template.section.cloneNode(true); $('.applies-to-help', div).addEventListener('click', showAppliesToHelp, false); $('.remove-section', div).addEventListener('click', removeSection, false); $('.add-section', div).addEventListener('click', addSection, false); $('.beautify-section', div).addEventListener('click', beautify); const code = (section || {}).code || ''; const appliesTo = $('.applies-to-list', div); let appliesToAdded = false; if (section) { for (const i in propertyToCss) { if (section[i]) { section[i].forEach(url => { addAppliesTo(appliesTo, propertyToCss[i], url); appliesToAdded = true; }); } } } if (!appliesToAdded) { addAppliesTo(appliesTo, event && 'url-prefix', ''); } appliesTo.addEventListener('change', onChange); appliesTo.addEventListener('input', onChange); toggleTestRegExpVisibility(); appliesTo.addEventListener('change', toggleTestRegExpVisibility); $('.test-regexp', div).onclick = () => { regExpTester.toggle(); regExpTester.update(getRegExps()); }; function getRegExps() { return [...appliesTo.children] .map(item => !item.matches('.applies-to-everything') && $('.applies-type', item).value === 'regexp' && $('.applies-value', item).value.trim() ) .filter(item => item); } function toggleTestRegExpVisibility() { const show = getRegExps().length > 0; div.classList.toggle('has-regexp', show); appliesTo.oninput = appliesTo.oninput || show && (event => { if (event.target.matches('.applies-value') && $('.applies-type', event.target.closest('.applies-to-item')).value === 'regexp') { regExpTester.update(getRegExps()); } }); } const sections = $('#sections'); let cm; if (event) { const clickedSection = getSectionForChild(event.target); sections.insertBefore(div, clickedSection.nextElementSibling); const newIndex = getSections().indexOf(clickedSection) + 1; cm = setupCodeMirror(div, code, newIndex); makeSectionVisible(cm); renderLintReport(); cm.focus(); } else { sections.appendChild(div); cm = setupCodeMirror(div, code); } div.CodeMirror = cm; setCleanSection(div); return div; } // may be invoked as a DOM listener function addAppliesTo(list, type, value) { let clickedItem; if (this instanceof Node) { clickedItem = this.closest('.applies-to-item'); list = this.closest('.applies-to-list'); // dummy wrapper was clicked if (arguments[0] instanceof Event) arguments[0].preventDefault(); } const showingEverything = $('.applies-to-everything', list); // blow away 'Everything' if it's there if (showingEverything) { list.removeChild(list.firstChild); } let item, toFocus; // a section is added with known applies-to if (type) { item = template.appliesTo.cloneNode(true); $('[name=applies-type]', item).value = type; $('[name=applies-value]', item).value = value; $('.remove-applies-to', item).addEventListener('click', removeAppliesTo); // a "+" button was clicked } else if (showingEverything || clickedItem) { item = template.appliesTo.cloneNode(true); toFocus = $('[name=applies-type]', item); if (clickedItem) { $('[name=applies-type]', item).value = $('[name="applies-type"]', clickedItem).value; } $('.remove-applies-to', item).addEventListener('click', removeAppliesTo); // a global section is added } else { item = template.appliesToEverything.cloneNode(true); } $('.add-applies-to', item).addEventListener('click', addAppliesTo); list.insertBefore(item, clickedItem && clickedItem.nextElementSibling); if (toFocus) toFocus.focus(); } function setupCodeMirror(sectionDiv, code, index) { const cm = CodeMirror(wrapper => { $('.code-label', sectionDiv).insertAdjacentElement('afterend', wrapper); }, { value: code, }); const wrapper = cm.display.wrapper; let onChangeTimer; cm.on('changes', (cm, changes) => { clearTimeout(onChangeTimer); onChangeTimer = setTimeout(indicateCodeChange, 200, cm, changes); }); wrapper.addEventListener('keydown', event => nextPrevEditorOnKeydown(cm, event), true); cm.on('paste', (cm, event) => { const text = event.clipboardData.getData('text') || ''; if ( text.includes('@-moz-document') && text.replace(/\/\*[\s\S]*?(?:\*\/|$)/g, '') .match(/@-moz-document[\s\r\n]+(url|url-prefix|domain|regexp)\(/) ) { event.preventDefault(); fromMozillaFormat(); $('#help-popup').codebox.setValue(text); $('#help-popup').codebox.clearHistory(); $('#help-popup').codebox.markClean(); } if (editors.length === 1) { setTimeout(() => { if (cm.display.sizer.clientHeight > cm.display.wrapper.clientHeight) { maximizeCodeHeight.stats = null; maximizeCodeHeight(cm.getSection(), true); } }); } }); if (!FIREFOX) { cm.on('mousedown', (cm, event) => toggleContextMenuDelete.call(cm, event)); } wrapper.classList.add('resize-grip-enabled'); let lastClickTime = 0; const resizeGrip = wrapper.appendChild(template.resizeGrip.cloneNode(true)); resizeGrip.onmousedown = event => { if (event.button !== 0) { return; } event.preventDefault(); if (Date.now() - lastClickTime < 500) { lastClickTime = 0; toggleSectionHeight(cm); return; } lastClickTime = Date.now(); const minHeight = cm.defaultTextHeight() + /* .CodeMirror-lines padding */ cm.display.lineDiv.offsetParent.offsetTop + /* borders */ wrapper.offsetHeight - wrapper.clientHeight; wrapper.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; document.body.style.cursor = 's-resize'; function resize(e) { const cmPageY = wrapper.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY; const height = Math.max(minHeight, e.pageY - cmPageY); if (height !== wrapper.clientHeight) { cm.setSize(null, height); } } document.addEventListener('mousemove', resize); document.addEventListener('mouseup', function resizeStop() { document.removeEventListener('mouseup', resizeStop); document.removeEventListener('mousemove', resize); wrapper.style.pointerEvents = ''; document.body.style.cursor = ''; }); }; editors.splice(index || editors.length, 0, cm); return cm; } function indicateCodeChange(cm) { const section = cm.getSection(); setCleanItem(section, cm.isClean(section.savedValue)); updateTitle(); updateLintReportIfEnabled(cm); } function setupAutocomplete(cm, enable = true) { const onOff = enable ? 'on' : 'off'; cm[onOff]('changes', autocompleteOnTyping); cm[onOff]('pick', autocompletePicked); } function autocompleteOnTyping(cm, [info], debounced) { if ( cm.state.completionActive || info.origin && !info.origin.includes('input') || !info.text.last ) { return; } if (cm.state.autocompletePicked) { cm.state.autocompletePicked = false; return; } if (!debounced) { debounce(autocompleteOnTyping, 100, cm, [info], true); return; } if (info.text.last.match(/[-a-z!]+$/i)) { cm.state.autocompletePicked = false; cm.options.hintOptions.completeSingle = false; cm.execCommand('autocomplete'); setTimeout(() => { cm.options.hintOptions.completeSingle = true; }); } } function autocompletePicked(cm) { cm.state.autocompletePicked = true; } function nextPrevEditorOnKeydown(cm, event) { const key = event.which; if (key < 37 || key > 40 || event.shiftKey || event.altKey || event.metaKey) { return; } const {line, ch} = cm.getCursor(); switch (key) { case 37: // arrow Left if (line || ch) { return; } // fallthrough to arrow Up case 38: // arrow Up if (line > 0 || cm === editors[0]) { return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); cm = CodeMirror.commands.prevEditor(cm); cm.setCursor(cm.doc.size - 1, key === 37 ? 1e20 : ch); break; case 39: // arrow Right if (line < cm.doc.size - 1 || ch < cm.getLine(line).length - 1) { return; } // fallthrough to arrow Down case 40: // arrow Down if (line < cm.doc.size - 1 || cm === editors.last) { return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); cm = CodeMirror.commands.nextEditor(cm); cm.setCursor(0, 0); break; } const animation = (cm.getSection().firstElementChild.getAnimations() || [])[0]; if (animation) { animation.playbackRate = -1; animation.currentTime = 2000; animation.play(); } } function toggleSectionHeight(cm) { if (cm.state.toggleHeightSaved) { // restore previous size cm.setSize(null, cm.state.toggleHeightSaved); cm.state.toggleHeightSaved = 0; } else { // maximize const wrapper = cm.display.wrapper; const allBounds = $('#sections').getBoundingClientRect(); const pageExtrasHeight = allBounds.top + window.scrollY + parseFloat(getComputedStyle($('#sections')).paddingBottom); const sectionExtrasHeight = cm.getSection().clientHeight - wrapper.offsetHeight; cm.state.toggleHeightSaved = wrapper.clientHeight; cm.setSize(null, window.innerHeight - sectionExtrasHeight - pageExtrasHeight); const bounds = cm.getSection().getBoundingClientRect(); if (bounds.top < 0 || bounds.bottom > window.innerHeight) { window.scrollBy(0, bounds.top); } } } function getSectionForChild(e) { return e.closest('#sections > div'); } function getSections() { return $$('#sections > div'); } function getSectionsHashes() { const sections = []; for (const div of getSections()) { const meta = {urls: [], urlPrefixes: [], domains: [], regexps: []}; for (const li of $('.applies-to-list', div).childNodes) { if (li.className === template.appliesToEverything.className) { break; } const type = $('[name=applies-type]', li).value; const value = $('[name=applies-value]', li).value; if (type && value) { meta[CssToProperty[type]].push(value); } } const code = div.CodeMirror.getValue(); if (/^\s*$/.test(code) && Object.keys(meta).length === 0) { continue; } meta.code = code; sections.push(meta); } return sections; } function removeAppliesTo(event) { event.preventDefault(); const appliesTo = event.target.closest('.applies-to-item'); const appliesToList = appliesTo.closest('.applies-to-list'); removeAreaAndSetDirty(appliesTo); if (!appliesToList.hasChildNodes()) { addAppliesTo(appliesToList); } } function removeSection(event) { const section = getSectionForChild(event.target); const cm = section.CodeMirror; setCleanItem($('#sections'), false); removeAreaAndSetDirty(section); editors.splice(editors.indexOf(cm), 1); renderLintReport(); } function removeAreaAndSetDirty(area) { const contributors = $$('.style-contributor', area); if (!contributors.length) { setCleanItem(area, false); } contributors.some(node => { if (node.savedValue) { // it's a saved section, so make it dirty and stop the enumeration setCleanItem(area, false); return true; } else { // it's an empty section, so undirty the applies-to items, // otherwise orphaned ids would keep the style dirty setCleanItem(node, true); } }); updateTitle(); area.remove(); } function makeSectionVisible(cm) { if (editors.length === 1) { return; } const section = cm.getSection(); const bounds = section.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( (bounds.bottom > window.innerHeight && bounds.top > 0) || (bounds.top < 0 && bounds.bottom < window.innerHeight) ) { if (bounds.top < 0) { window.scrollBy(0, bounds.top - 1); } else { window.scrollBy(0, bounds.bottom - window.innerHeight + 1); } } } function maximizeCodeHeight(sectionDiv, isLast) { const cm = sectionDiv.CodeMirror; const stats = maximizeCodeHeight.stats = maximizeCodeHeight.stats || {totalHeight: 0, deltas: []}; if (!stats.cmActualHeight) { stats.cmActualHeight = getComputedHeight(cm.display.wrapper); } if (!stats.sectionMarginTop) { stats.sectionMarginTop = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(sectionDiv).marginTop); } const sectionTop = sectionDiv.getBoundingClientRect().top - stats.sectionMarginTop; if (!stats.firstSectionTop) { stats.firstSectionTop = sectionTop; } const extrasHeight = getComputedHeight(sectionDiv) - stats.cmActualHeight; const cmMaxHeight = window.innerHeight - extrasHeight - sectionTop - stats.sectionMarginTop; const cmDesiredHeight = cm.display.sizer.clientHeight + 2 * cm.defaultTextHeight(); const cmGrantableHeight = Math.max(stats.cmActualHeight, Math.min(cmMaxHeight, cmDesiredHeight)); stats.deltas.push(cmGrantableHeight - stats.cmActualHeight); stats.totalHeight += cmGrantableHeight + extrasHeight; if (!isLast) { return; } stats.totalHeight += stats.firstSectionTop; if (stats.totalHeight <= window.innerHeight) { editors.forEach((cm, index) => { cm.setSize(null, stats.deltas[index] + stats.cmActualHeight); }); return; } // scale heights to fill the gap between last section and bottom edge of the window const sections = $('#sections'); const available = window.innerHeight - sections.getBoundingClientRect().bottom - parseFloat(getComputedStyle(sections).marginBottom); if (available <= 0) { return; } const totalDelta = stats.deltas.reduce((sum, d) => sum + d, 0); const q = available / totalDelta; const baseHeight = stats.cmActualHeight - stats.sectionMarginTop; stats.deltas.forEach((delta, index) => { editors[index].setSize(null, baseHeight + Math.floor(q * delta)); }); function getComputedHeight(el) { const compStyle = getComputedStyle(el); return el.getBoundingClientRect().height + parseFloat(compStyle.marginTop) + parseFloat(compStyle.marginBottom); } }