/* global runtimeSend */ 'use strict'; function createSourceLoader() { let source; function fetchText(url) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // you can't use fetch in Chrome under 'file:' protocol const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', url); xhr.addEventListener('load', () => resolve(xhr.responseText)); xhr.addEventListener('error', () => reject(xhr)); xhr.send(); }); } function load() { return fetchText(location.href) .then(_source => { source = _source; return source; }); } function watch(cb) { let timer; const DELAY = 1000; function start() { if (timer) { return; } timer = setTimeout(check, DELAY); } function stop() { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } function check() { fetchText(location.href) .then(_source => { if (source !== _source) { source = _source; return cb(source); } }) .catch(console.log) .then(() => { timer = setTimeout(check, DELAY); }); } return {start, stop}; } return {load, watch, source: () => source}; } function initUsercssInstall() { const sourceLoader = createSourceLoader(); const pendingSource = sourceLoader.load(); let watcher; chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(port => { // FIXME: is this the correct way to reject a connection? // https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/messaging#connect console.assert(port.name === 'usercss-install'); port.onMessage.addListener(msg => { switch (msg.method) { case 'getSourceCode': pendingSource.then(sourceCode => port.postMessage({method: msg.method + 'Response', sourceCode}) ).catch(err => port.postMessage({method: msg.method + 'Response', error: err.message || String(err)}) ); break; case 'liveReloadStart': if (!watcher) { watcher = sourceLoader.watch(sourceCode => { port.postMessage({method: 'sourceCodeChanged', sourceCode}); }); } watcher.start(); break; case 'liveReloadStop': watcher.stop(); break; case 'closeTab': if (history.length > 1) { history.back(); } else { runtimeSend({method: 'closeTab'}); } break; } }); }); return runtimeSend({ method: 'openUsercssInstallPage', updateUrl: location.href }).catch(alert); } function isUsercss() { if (!/text\/(css|plain)/.test(document.contentType)) { return false; } if (!/==userstyle==/i.test(document.body.textContent)) { return false; } return true; } if (isUsercss()) { initUsercssInstall(); }