var usercssMeta = (function (exports) { 'use strict'; class ParseError extends Error { constructor(err) { super(err.message); delete err.message; = 'ParseError'; Object.assign(this, err); } } class MissingCharError extends ParseError { constructor(chars, index) { super({ code: 'missingChar', args: chars, message: `Missing character: ${ => `'${c}'`).join(', ')}`, index }); } } class EOFError extends ParseError { constructor(index) { super({ code: 'EOF', message: 'Unexpected end of file', index }); } } const RX_EOT = /<< { if (s[1] === q) { return q; } return JSON.parse(`"${s}"`); } ); } return unescapeComment(s); } function eatLine(state) { RX_LINE.lastIndex = state.lastIndex; RX_LINE.exec(state.text); state.lastIndex = RX_LINE.lastIndex; } function eatWhitespace(state) { RX_WHITESPACE.lastIndex = state.lastIndex; state.lastIndex += RX_WHITESPACE.exec(state.text)[0].length; } function eatSameLineWhitespace(state) { RX_WHITESPACE_SAMELINE.lastIndex = state.lastIndex; state.lastIndex += RX_WHITESPACE_SAMELINE.exec(state.text)[0].length; } function parseChar(state) { if (state.lastIndex >= state.text.length) { throw new EOFError(state.lastIndex); } state.index = state.lastIndex; state.value = state.text[state.lastIndex]; state.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); } function parseWord(state) { const pos = state.lastIndex; RX_WORD.lastIndex = pos; const match = RX_WORD.exec(state.text); if (!match) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidWord', message: 'Invalid word', index: pos }); } state.index = pos; state.value = match[1]; state.lastIndex += match[0].length; } function parseJSON(state) { const pos = state.lastIndex; try { parseJSONValue(state); } catch (err) { err.message = `Invalid JSON: ${err.message}`; throw err; } state.index = pos; } function parseEOT(state) { const pos = state.lastIndex; RX_EOT.lastIndex = pos; const match = RX_EOT.exec(state.text); if (!match) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'missingEOT', message: 'Missing EOT', index: pos }); } state.index = pos; state.lastIndex += match[0].length; state.value = unescapeComment(match[1].trim()); eatWhitespace(state); } function parseStringUnquoted(state) { RX_STRING_UNQUOTED.lastIndex = state.lastIndex; const match = RX_STRING_UNQUOTED.exec(state.text); state.index = state.lastIndex; state.lastIndex = RX_STRING_UNQUOTED.lastIndex; state.value = match[0].trim().replace(/\s+/g, '-'); } function parseString(state, sameLine = false) { const pos = state.lastIndex; const rx = state.text[pos] === '`' ? RX_STRING_BACKTICK : RX_STRING_QUOTED; rx.lastIndex = pos; const match = rx.exec(state.text); if (!match) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidString', message: 'Invalid string', index: pos }); } state.index = pos; state.lastIndex += match[0].length; state.value = unquote(match[1]); if (sameLine) { eatSameLineWhitespace(state); } else { eatWhitespace(state); } } function parseJSONValue(state) { const {text} = state; if (text[state.lastIndex] === '{') { // object const object = {}; state.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); while (text[state.lastIndex] !== '}') { parseString(state); const key = state.value; if (text[state.lastIndex] !== ':') { throw new MissingCharError([':'], state.lastIndex); } state.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); parseJSONValue(state); object[key] = state.value; if (text[state.lastIndex] === ',') { state.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); } else if (text[state.lastIndex] !== '}') { throw new MissingCharError([',', '}'], state.lastIndex); } } state.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); state.value = object; } else if (text[state.lastIndex] === '[') { // array const array = []; state.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); while (text[state.lastIndex] !== ']') { parseJSONValue(state); array.push(state.value); if (text[state.lastIndex] === ',') { state.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); } else if (text[state.lastIndex] !== ']') { throw new MissingCharError([',', ']'], state.lastIndex); } } state.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); state.value = array; } else if (text[state.lastIndex] === '"' || text[state.lastIndex] === "'" || text[state.lastIndex] === '`') { // string parseString(state); } else if (/[-\d.]/.test(text[state.lastIndex])) { // number parseNumber(state); } else { parseWord(state); if (!(state.value in JSON_PRIME)) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'unknownJSONLiteral', args: [state.value], message: `Unknown literal '${state.value}'`, index: state.index }); } state.value = JSON_PRIME[state.value]; } } function parseNumber(state) { const pos = state.lastIndex; RX_NUMBER.lastIndex = pos; const match = RX_NUMBER.exec(state.text); if (!match) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidNumber', message: 'Invalid number', index: pos }); } state.index = pos; state.value = Number(match[0].trim()); state.lastIndex += match[0].length; } function parseStringToEnd(state) { RX_LINE.lastIndex = state.lastIndex; const match = RX_LINE.exec(state.text); const value = match[0].trim(); if (!value) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'missingValue', message: 'Missing value', index: RX_LINE.lastIndex }); } state.index = state.lastIndex; state.value = unquote(value); state.lastIndex = RX_LINE.lastIndex; } function isValidVersion(version) { return RX_VERSION.test(version); } var parseUtil = { __proto__: null, eatLine: eatLine, eatWhitespace: eatWhitespace, parseChar: parseChar, parseEOT: parseEOT, parseJSON: parseJSON, parseNumber: parseNumber, parseString: parseString, parseStringToEnd: parseStringToEnd, parseStringUnquoted: parseStringUnquoted, parseWord: parseWord, unquote: unquote, isValidVersion: isValidVersion }; /* eslint-env browser */ // eslint-disable-next-line node/no-unsupported-features/node-builtins const _export_URL_ = self.URL; var UNITS = ['em', 'ex', 'cap', 'ch', 'ic', 'rem', 'lh', 'rlh', 'vw', 'vh', 'vi', 'vb', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'cm', 'mm', 'Q', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', 'px', 'deg', 'grad', 'rad', 'turn', 's', 'ms', 'Hz', 'kHz', 'dpi', 'dpcm', 'dppx', '%']; /** * Gives you a array with filled with 0...amount - 1. * @param {number} amount * @returns {number[]} */ function range(amount) { const range = Array(amount); for (let i = 0; i < amount; i++) { range[i] = i; } return range; } /** * Check if the amount of edits between firstString and secondString is <= maxEdits. * It uses the Levenshtein distance algorithm with the two matrix rows variant. * @param {string} firstString First string to be checked against the other string * @param {string} secondString Second string to be checked against the other string * @param {number} maxEdit The maximum amount of edits that these 2 string should have. * @returns {boolean} indicate if the 2 strings's edits are less or equal to maxEdits */ function LevenshteinDistanceWithMax(firstString, secondString, maxEdit) { const lenOne = firstString.length; const lenTwo = secondString.length; const lenDiff = Math.abs(lenOne - lenTwo); // Are the difference between 2 lengths greater than // maxEdit, we know to bail out early on. if (lenDiff > maxEdit) { return false; } let prevRowDistance = range(lenOne + 1); let currentRowDistance = Array(lenOne + 1); for (let i = 1; i <= lenTwo; i++) { // Calculate the current row distances from the previous row. currentRowDistance[0] = i; let minDistance = i; for (let j = 1; j <= lenOne; j++) { const editCost = firstString[j - 1] === secondString[i - 1] ? 0 : 1; const addCost = prevRowDistance[j] + 1; const delCost = currentRowDistance[j - 1] + 1; const substitionCost = prevRowDistance[j - 1] + editCost; currentRowDistance[j] = Math.min(addCost, delCost, substitionCost); if (currentRowDistance[j] < minDistance) { minDistance = currentRowDistance[j]; } } if (minDistance > maxEdit) { return false; } // Swap the vectors const vtemp = currentRowDistance; currentRowDistance = prevRowDistance; prevRowDistance = vtemp; } return prevRowDistance[lenOne] <= maxEdit; } const UNITS_SET = new Set(UNITS); const DEFAULT_PARSER = { name: parseStringToEnd, version: parseStringToEnd, namespace: parseStringToEnd, author: parseStringToEnd, description: parseStringToEnd, homepageURL: parseStringToEnd, supportURL: parseStringToEnd, updateURL: parseStringToEnd, license: parseStringToEnd, preprocessor: parseStringToEnd }; const DEFAULT_VALIDATOR = { version: validateVersion, homepageURL: validateURL, supportURL: validateURL, updateURL: validateURL }; const DEFAULT_VAR_PARSER = { text: parseStringToEnd, color: parseStringToEnd, checkbox: parseChar, select: parseSelect, dropdown: { advanced: parseVarXStyle }, image: { var: parseSelect, advanced: parseVarXStyle }, number: parseRange, range: parseRange }; const DEFAULT_VAR_VALIDATOR = { checkbox: validateCheckbox, number: validateRange, range: validateRange }; const MANDATORY_META = ['name', 'namespace', 'version']; const RANGE_PROPS = ['default', 'min', 'max', 'step']; function parseRange(state) { parseJSON(state); const result = { min: null, max: null, step: null, units: null }; if (typeof state.value === 'number') { result.default = state.value; } else if (Array.isArray(state.value)) { let i = 0; for (const item of state.value) { if (typeof item === 'string') { if (result.units != null) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidRangeMultipleUnits', message: 'units is alredy defined', args: [state.type], index: state.valueIndex }); } result.units = item; } else if (typeof item === 'number' || item === null) { if (i >= RANGE_PROPS.length) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidRangeTooManyValues', message: 'the array contains too many values', args: [state.type], index: state.valueIndex }); } result[RANGE_PROPS[i++]] = item; } else { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidRangeValue', message: 'value must be number, string, or null', args: [state.type], index: state.valueIndex }); } } } else { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidRange', message: 'the default value must be an array or a number', index: state.valueIndex, args: [state.type] }); } state.value = result.default; Object.assign(state.varResult, result); } function parseSelect(state) { parseJSON(state); if (typeof state.value !== 'object' || !state.value) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidSelect', message: 'The value must be an array or object' }); } const options = Array.isArray(state.value) ? => createOption(key)) : Object.keys(state.value).map(key => createOption(key, state.value[key])); if (new Set( => < options.length) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidSelectNameDuplicated', message: 'Option name is duplicated' }); } if (options.length === 0) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidSelectEmptyOptions', message: 'Option list is empty' }); } const defaults = options.filter(o => o.isDefault); if (defaults.length > 1) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidSelectMultipleDefaults', message: 'multiple default values' }); } options.forEach(o => { delete o.isDefault; }); state.varResult.options = options; state.value = (defaults.length > 0 ? defaults[0] : options[0]).name; } function parseVarXStyle(state) { const pos = state.lastIndex; if (state.text[state.lastIndex] !== '{') { throw new MissingCharError(['{'], pos); } const options = []; state.lastIndex++; while (state.text[state.lastIndex] !== '}') { const option = {}; parseStringUnquoted(state); = state.value; parseString(state); option.label = state.value; if (state.type === 'dropdown') { parseEOT(state); } else { parseString(state); } option.value = state.value; options.push(option); } state.lastIndex++; eatWhitespace(state); if (options.length === 0) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidSelectEmptyOptions', message: 'Option list is empty', index: pos }); } if (state.type === 'dropdown') { state.varResult.type = 'select'; state.type = 'select'; } state.varResult.options = options; state.value = options[0].name; } function createOption(label, value) { if (typeof label !== 'string' || value && typeof value !== 'string') { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidSelectValue', message: 'Values in the object/array must be strings' }); } let isDefault = false; if (label.endsWith('*')) { isDefault = true; label = label.slice(0, -1); } let name; const match = label.match(/^(\w+):(.*)/); if (match) { ([, name, label] = match); } if (!name) { name = label; } if (!label) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidSelectLabel', message: 'Option label is empty' }); } if (value == null) { value = name; } return {name, label, value, isDefault}; } function collectErrors(fn, errors) { if (errors) { try { fn(); } catch (err) { errors.push(err); } } else { fn(); } } function validateVersion(state) { if (!isValidVersion(state.value)) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidVersion', args: [state.value], message: `Invalid version: ${state.value}`, index: state.valueIndex }); } state.value = normalizeVersion(state.value); } function validateURL(state) { let url; try { url = new _export_URL_(state.value); } catch (err) { err.args = [state.value]; err.index = state.valueIndex; throw err; } if (!/^https?:/.test(url.protocol)) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidURLProtocol', args: [url.protocol], message: `Invalid protocol: ${url.protocol}`, index: state.valueIndex }); } } function validateCheckbox(state) { if (state.value !== '1' && state.value !== '0') { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidCheckboxDefault', message: 'value must be 0 or 1', index: state.valueIndex }); } } function validateRange(state) { const value = state.value; if (typeof value !== 'number') { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidRangeDefault', message: `the default value of @var ${state.type} must be a number`, index: state.valueIndex, args: [state.type] }); } const result = state.varResult; if (result.min != null && value < result.min) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidRangeMin', message: 'the value is smaller than the minimum', index: state.valueIndex, args: [state.type] }); } if (result.max != null && value > result.max) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidRangeMax', message: 'the value is larger than the maximum', index: state.valueIndex, args: [state.type] }); } if ( result.step != null && [value, result.min, result.max] .some(n => n != null && !isMultipleOf(n, result.step)) ) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidRangeStep', message: 'the value is not a multiple of the step', index: state.valueIndex, args: [state.type] }); } if (result.units && !UNITS_SET.has(result.units)) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'invalidRangeUnits', message: `Invalid CSS unit: ${result.units}`, index: state.valueIndex, args: [state.type, result.units] }); } } function isMultipleOf(value, step) { const n = Math.abs(value / step); const nInt = Math.round(n); // IEEE 754 double-precision numbers can reliably store 15 decimal digits // of which some are already occupied by the integer part return Math.abs(n - nInt) < Math.pow(10, (`${nInt}`.length - 16)); } function createParser({ unknownKey = 'ignore', mandatoryKeys = MANDATORY_META, parseKey: userParseKey, parseVar: userParseVar, validateKey: userValidateKey, validateVar: userValidateVar, allowErrors = false } = {}) { if (!['ignore', 'assign', 'throw'].includes(unknownKey)) { throw new TypeError("unknownKey must be 'ignore', 'assign', or 'throw'"); } const parser = Object.assign(Object.create(null), DEFAULT_PARSER, userParseKey); const keysOfParser = [...Object.keys(parser), 'advanced', 'var']; const varParser = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_VAR_PARSER, userParseVar); const validator = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, userValidateKey); const varValidator = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_VAR_VALIDATOR, userValidateVar); return {parse, validateVar}; function validateVar(varObject) { const state = { key: 'var', type: varObject.type, value: varObject.value, varResult: varObject }; _validateVar(state); } function _validateVar(state) { const validate = typeof varValidator[state.type] === 'object' ? varValidator[state.type][state.key] : varValidator[state.type]; if (validate) { validate(state); } } function parseVar(state) { const result = { type: null, label: null, name: null, value: null, default: null, options: null }; state.varResult = result; parseWord(state); state.type = state.value; result.type = state.type; const doParse = typeof varParser[state.type] === 'object' ? varParser[state.type][state.key] : varParser[state.type]; if (!doParse) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'unknownVarType', message: `Unknown @${state.key} type: ${state.type}`, args: [state.key, state.type], index: state.index }); } parseWord(state); = state.value; parseString(state, true); result.label = state.value; state.valueIndex = state.lastIndex; doParse(state); _validateVar(state); result.default = state.value; if (!state.usercssData.vars) { state.usercssData.vars = {}; } state.usercssData.vars[] = result; if (state.key === 'advanced') { state.maybeUSO = true; } } function parse(text) { if (text.includes('\r')) { throw new TypeError("metadata includes invalid character: '\\r'"); } const usercssData = {}; const errors = []; const re = /@([\w-]+)[^\S\r\n]*/gm; const state = { index: 0, lastIndex: 0, text, usercssData, warn: err => errors.push(err) }; // parse let match; while ((match = re.exec(text))) { state.index = match.index; state.lastIndex = re.lastIndex; state.key = match[1]; state.shouldIgnore = false; collectErrors(() => { try { if (state.key === 'var' || state.key === 'advanced') { parseVar(state); } else { parseKey(state); } } catch (err) { if (err.index === undefined) { err.index = state.index; } throw err; } if (state.key !== 'var' && state.key !== 'advanced' && !state.shouldIgnore) { usercssData[state.key] = state.value; } }, allowErrors && errors); re.lastIndex = state.lastIndex; } if (state.maybeUSO && !usercssData.preprocessor) { usercssData.preprocessor = 'uso'; } collectErrors(() => { const missing = mandatoryKeys.filter(k => !, k) || !usercssData[k] ); if (missing.length > 0) { throw new ParseError({ code: 'missingMandatory', args: missing, message: `Missing metadata: ${ => `@${k}`).join(', ')}` }); } }, allowErrors && errors); return { metadata: usercssData, errors }; } function parseKey(state) { let doParse = parser[state.key]; if (!doParse) { if (unknownKey === 'assign') { doParse = parseStringToEnd; } else { eatLine(state); if (unknownKey === 'ignore') { state.shouldIgnore = true; return; } // TODO: Suggest the item with the smallest distance or even multiple results? // Implementation note: swtich to Levenshtein automaton variation. const MAX_EDIT = Math.log2(state.key.length); const maybeSuggestion = keysOfParser.find(metaKey => LevenshteinDistanceWithMax(metaKey, state.key, MAX_EDIT)); // throw throw new ParseError({ code: 'unknownMeta', args: [state.key, maybeSuggestion], message: `Unknown metadata: @${state.key}${maybeSuggestion ? `, did you mean @${maybeSuggestion}?` : ''}`, index: state.index }); } } state.valueIndex = state.lastIndex; doParse(state); if (validator[state.key]) { validator[state.key](state); } } } function normalizeVersion(version) { // if (version[0] === 'v' || version[0] === '=') { return version.slice(1); } return version; } const _export_parse_ = function (text, options) { return createParser(options).parse(text); }; function createStringifier({ alignKeys = false, space = 2, format = 'stylus', stringifyKey: userStringifyKey = {}, stringifyVar: userStringifyVar = {} } = {}) { function stringify(meta) { let varKey; if (format === 'stylus') { varKey = 'var'; } else if (format === 'xstyle') { varKey = 'advanced'; } else { throw new TypeError("options.format must be 'stylus' or 'xstyle'"); } const lines = []; for (const key of Object.keys(meta)) { const value = meta[key]; if (, key)) { const result = userStringifyKey[key](value); if (Array.isArray(result)) { lines.push.apply(lines, => [key, v])); } else { lines.push([key, result]); } } else if (key === 'vars') { for (const va of Object.values(value)) { lines.push([varKey, stringifyVar(va, format, userStringifyVar, space)]); } } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { for (const subLine of value) { lines.push([key, quoteIfNeeded(subLine)]); } } else { lines.push([key, quoteIfNeeded(value)]); } } const maxKeyLength = alignKeys ? Math.max.apply(null, => l[0].length)) : 0; return `/* ==UserStyle==\n${ escapeComment([key, text]) => `@${key.padEnd(maxKeyLength)} ${text}`).join('\n')) }\n==/UserStyle== */`; } return {stringify}; } function stringifyVar(va, format, userStringifyVar, space) { return `${vaType()} ${} ${JSON.stringify(va.label)} ${vaDefault()}`; function vaType() { if (format === 'xstyle' && va.type === 'select') { return 'dropdown'; } return va.type; } function vaDefault() { if (, va.type)) { return userStringifyVar[va.type](va, format, space); } if (va.options) { if (format === 'stylus') { return JSON.stringify(va.options.reduce((object, opt) => { const isDefault = === va.default ? '*' : ''; object[`${}:${opt.label}${isDefault}`] = opt.value; return object; }, {}), null, space); } return stringifyEOT(va.options, va.type === 'image', space); } if (va.type === 'text' && format === 'xstyle') { return JSON.stringify(va.default); } if (va.type === 'number' || va.type === 'range') { const output = [va.default, va.min, va.max, va.step]; if (va.units) { output.push(va.units); } return JSON.stringify(output); } return va.default; } } function quoteIfNeeded(text) { if (typeof text === 'string' && text.includes('\n')) { return JSON.stringify(text); } return text; } function escapeComment(text) { return text.replace(/\*\//g, '*\\/'); } function stringifyEOT(options, singleLine = false, space = 0) { const pad = typeof space === 'string' ? space : ' '.repeat(space); return `{\n${ o => `${pad}${} ${JSON.stringify(o.label)} ${oValue(o.value)}` ).join('\n')}\n}`; function oValue(value) { if (singleLine) { return JSON.stringify(value); } return `<<