'use strict'; // IIFE simplifies garbage-collection on orphaning or non-style pages (() => { if (!getPageData().id) { return; } getInstalledStyle().then(setPageDataAndNotify); notifyPage(chrome.runtime.id); const pageListeners = { install: onUpdate, update: onUpdate, applyParams: onUpdate, uninstall: onUninstall, stylesManager: onStylesManager, [chrome.runtime.id]: orphanCheck, }; for (const name of Object.keys(pageListeners)) { window.addEventListener(name, pageListeners[name]); } function onUpdate(event) { const pageData = getPageData(); let installedStyle; getInstalledStyle() .then(checkIfEdited) .then(makeSiteRequest) .then(maybeSaveStyle) .then(setPageDataAndNotify) .catch(() => notifyPage( event.type === 'install' ? 'installFailed' : event.type === 'update' ? 'updateFailed' : event.type === 'applyParams' ? 'applyFailed' : '' )); function checkIfEdited(style) { return style && invokeBG('calcStyleDigest', {id: style.id}) .then(digest => { if (digest === style.originalDigest || confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage('updateCheckManualUpdateForce'))) { return style; } else { setPageDataAndNotify(style); return Promise.reject(); } }); } function makeSiteRequest(style) { installedStyle = style; return invokeFreestylerAPI('get_styles_json', { json: [Object.assign( pickProps(pageData, [ 'id', 'params' ]), installedStyle && { 'installed_params': pickProps(installedStyle.freestylerData, [ 'params', 'hash', ]), 'installed_hash': installedStyle.freestylerData.hash, } )] }); } function maybeSaveStyle(data) { data = data && data[0] || {}; const style = tryJSONparse(data.json); if (!styleJSONseemsValid(style)) { return Promise.reject(); } return invokeBG('saveStyle', { reason: 'update', url: getStyleUrl(), id: installedStyle && installedStyle.id, name: !installedStyle && style.name, sections: style.sections, freestylerData: { id: data.id, hash: data.jsonHash, params: pageData.params, }, // use a dummmy URL to make this style updatable updateUrl: location.origin, }); } } function onUninstall() { getInstalledStyle().then(style => { if (style && confirm(chrome.i18n.getMessage('deleteStyleConfirm'))) { invokeBG('deleteStyle', style); style = null; } setPageDataAndNotify(style); }); } function onStylesManager() { getInstalledStyle().then(style => { invokeBG('openManager', { styleId: (style || {}).id, }); }); } function getInstalledStyle() { return invokeBG('getStyles', { url: getStyleUrl(), }).then(styles => styles[0]); } function styleJSONseemsValid(style) { return ( style && style.name && typeof style.name === 'string' && style.sections && typeof style.sections.splice === 'function' && typeof (style.sections[0] || {}).code === 'string' ); } function setPageDataAndNotify(style) { $id('plugin-data-container').value = JSON.stringify(style ? [style.freestylerData] : []); $id('plugin-info-container').value = JSON.stringify({version: ''}); notifyPage('pluginReady'); } function invokeFreestylerAPI(method, params) { return new Promise(resolve => { const encodeParam = k => encodeURIComponent(k === 'json' ? JSON.stringify(params[k]) : params[k]); const query = Object.keys(params) .map(k => k + '=' + encodeParam(k)) .join('&'); invokeBG('download', { url: `https://${location.hostname}/api/v2/${method}.php?${query}`, }).then(text => { resolve(params.json ? tryJSONparse(text) : text); }); }); } function notifyPage(message) { if (message) { window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(message)); } } function getPageData() { // the data may change during page lifetime return tryJSONparse($id('site-data-container').value) || ''; } function getStyleUrl() { return location.href.replace(/#.*/, ''); } function $id(id) { return document.getElementById(id) || ''; } function tryJSONparse(jsonString) { try { return JSON.parse(jsonString); } catch (e) {} } function pickProps(obj, names) { const result = {}; for (const name of names) { result[name] = obj[name]; } return result; } function invokeBG(method, params) { return new Promise(resolve => { params.method = method; chrome.runtime.sendMessage(params, resolve); }); } function orphanCheck() { const port = chrome.runtime.connect(); if (port) { port.disconnect(); } else { // we're orphaned due to an extension update for (const name of Object.keys(pageListeners)) { window.removeEventListener(name, pageListeners[name]); } } } })();