From e5e8fab9b823e4e00b5fc8abc3c0de33c8ee2b31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: narcolepticinsomniac Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2017 18:01:01 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Add variables back #37 --- _locales/es/messages.json | 919 ++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 1 file changed, 472 insertions(+), 447 deletions(-) diff --git a/_locales/es/messages.json b/_locales/es/messages.json index e58ec9d0..2bd56771 100644 --- a/_locales/es/messages.json +++ b/_locales/es/messages.json @@ -1,450 +1,475 @@ { - "appliesToEverything": { - "message": "Todos los sitios", - "description": "Text displayed for styles that apply to all sites" - }, - "defaultTheme": { - "message": "predeterminado", - "description": "Default CodeMirror CSS theme option on the edit style page" - }, - "bckpInstStyles": { - "message": "Exportar estilos", - "description": "" - }, - "manageOnlyEdited": { - "message": "Sólo estilos editados", - "description": "Checkbox to show only locally edited styles" - }, - "optionsUpdateInterval": { - "message": "Buscar e instalar automáticamente todas las actualizaciones disponibles de estilos de usuario (en horas)", - "description": "" - }, - "optionsOpenManagerNote": { - "message": "Definir un atajo de teclado", - "description": "" - }, - "exportLabel": { - "message": "Exportar", - "description": "Label for the button to export a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" - }, - "issues": { - "message": "Problemas", - "description": "Label for the CSSLint issues block on the style edit page" - }, - "optionsBadgeNormal": { - "message": "Color de fondo del distintivo", - "description": "" - }, - "cm_tabSize": { - "message": "Tamaño de la pestaña", - "description": "Label for the text box controlling tab size option for the style editor." - }, - "enableStyleLabel": { - "message": "Habilitar", - "description": "Label for the button to enable a style" - }, - "styleMissingName": { - "message": "Introduzca un nombre.", - "description": "Error displayed when user saves without providing a name" - }, - "appliesDomainOption": { - "message": "URLs en el dominio", - "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a domain" - }, - "checkForUpdate": { - "message": "Buscar actualización", - "description": "Label for the button to check a single style for an update" - }, - "importAppendLabel": { - "message": "Agregar al estilo", - "description": "Label for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" - }, - "optionsOpenManager": { - "message": "Abrir el administrador de estilos", - "description": "" - }, - "updateAllCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { - "message": "Todos los estilos están actualizados.", - "description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available" - }, - "styleFromMozillaFormatPrompt": { - "message": "Pegue el código de formato Mozilla", - "description": "Prompt in the dialog displayed after clicking 'Import from Mozilla format' button" - }, - "helpAlt": { - "message": "Ayuda", - "description": "Alternate text for help buttons" - }, - "search": { - "message": "Buscar", - "description": "Label before the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" - }, - "confirmYes": { - "message": "Sí", - "description": "'Yes' button in a confirm dialog" - }, - "findStylesForSite": { - "message": "Buscar más estilos para este sitio", - "description": "Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site" - }, - "manageHeading": { - "message": "Estilos instalados", - "description": "Heading for the manage page" - }, - "styleBeautify": { - "message": "Embellecer", - "description": "Label for the CSS-beautifier button on the edit style page" - }, - "styleEnabledLabel": { - "message": "Habilitado", - "description": "Label for the enabled state of styles" - }, - "styleToMozillaFormatHelp": { - "message": "El formato Mozilla del código se puede usar con Stylus para Firefox y puede enviarse a la página", - "description": "Help info for the Mozilla format header section that converts the code to/from Mozilla format" - }, - "sectionAdd": { - "message": "Añadir otra sección", - "description": "Label for the button to add a section" - }, - "styleSaveLabel": { - "message": "Guardar", - "description": "Label for save button for style editing" - }, - "retrieveBckp": { - "message": "Importar estilos", - "description": "" - }, - "confirmStop": { - "message": "Detener", - "description": "'Stop' button in a confirm dialog" - }, - "writeStyleForURL": { - "message": "Esta URL", - "description": "Text for link in toolbar pop-up to write a new style for the current URL" - }, - "appliesAdd": { - "message": "Añadir", - "description": "Label for the button to add an 'applies' entry" - }, - "appliesRegexpOption": { - "message": "URLs coincidentes con la regexp", - "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a regular expression" - }, - "styleInstall": { - "message": "¿Instalar \"$stylename$\" en Stylus?", - "description": "Confirmation when installing a style" - }, - "optionsBadgeDisabled": { - "message": "Color de fondo del distintivo (cuando está deshabilitado)", - "description": "" - }, - "optionsCheck": { - "message": "Comprobar", - "description": "" - }, - "manageText": { - "message": "Obtener estilos en | Obtener ayuda", - "description": "Help text on the manage page" - }, - "searchStyles": { - "message": "Buscar contenidos", - "description": "Label for the search filter textbox on the Manage styles page" - }, - "disableStyleLabel": { - "message": "Deshabilitar", - "description": "Label for the button to disable a style" - }, - "prefShowBadge": { - "message": "Mostrar número de estilos activos para el sitio actual en el botón Stylus", - "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling toolbar badge text." - }, - "menuShowBadge": { - "message": "Mostrar número de estilos activos", - "description": "Label (must be very short) for the checkbox in the toolbar button context menu controlling toolbar badge text." - }, - "cm_lineWrapping": { - "message": "Ajuste de línea", - "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling word wrap option for the style editor." - }, - "styleCancelEditLabel": { - "message": "Volver al administrador", - "description": "Label for cancel button for style editing" - }, - "styleChangesNotSaved": { - "message": "Ha realizado cambios en este estilo sin guardarlos.", - "description": "Text for the prompt when changes are made to a style and the user tries to leave without saving" - }, - "importLabel": { - "message": "Importar", - "description": "Label for the button to import a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" - }, - "updateCheckFailServerUnreachable": { - "message": "Error de actualización - No se pudo alcanzar el servidor.", - "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the update server is unreachable" - }, - "manageFilters": { - "message": "Filtros", - "description": "Label for filters container" - }, - "applyAllUpdates": { - "message": "Aplicar todas las actualizaciones", - "description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates" - }, - "deleteStyleConfirm": { - "message": "¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este estilo?", - "description": "Confirmation before deleting a style" - }, - "styleBadRegexp": { - "message": "La expresión regular (regexp) introducida no es válida", - "description": "Validation message for a bad regexp in a style" - }, - "optionsHeading": { - "message": "Opciones", - "description": "Heading for options section on manage page." - }, - "appliesDisplay": { - "message": "Se aplica a: $applies$", - "description": "Text on the manage screen to describe what the style applies to" - }, - "openStylesManager": { - "message": "Abrir administrador de estilos", - "description": "Label for the style maanger opener in the browser action context menu." - }, - "styleUpdate": { - "message": "¿Está seguro de que quiere actualizar '$stylename$'?", - "description": "Confirmation when updating a style" - }, - "styleSectionsTitle": { - "message": "Secciones", - "description": "Title for the style sections section" - }, - "editStyleTitle": { - "message": "Editar estilo $stylename$", - "description": "Title of the page for editing styles" - }, - "updateCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { - "message": "El estilo está actualizado.", - "description": "Text that displays when an update check completed and no update is available" - }, - "appliesUrlPrefixOption": { - "message": "URLs que empiezan por", - "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL prefix" - }, - "searchRegexp": { - "message": "Use la sintaxis /re/ para búsquedas con regexp", - "description": "Label after the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" - }, - "importReplaceTooltip": { - "message": "Descarta contenidos del estilo actual y los sobrescribe con el estilo importado", - "description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style" - }, - "popupStylesFirst": { - "message": "Listar estilos antes que los comandos en el menú del botón Stylus", - "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling section order in the toolbar button menu." - }, - "sectionHelp": { - "message": "Las secciones le permiten definir distintos fragmentos de código en el mismo estilo para aplicarlos a diferentes conjuntos de URLs. Por ejemplo, un único estilo puede cambiar la página de inicio de un sitio de una forma y modificar el resto del sitio de otra.", - "description": "Help text for sections" - }, - "noStylesForSite": { - "message": "No hay estilos instalados para este sitio.", - "description": "Text displayed when no styles are installed for the current site" - }, - "appliesDisplayTruncatedSuffix": { - "message": "y más sitios", - "description": "Text added to appliesDisplay when there are more sites for the style than are displayed" - }, - "appliesRemove": { - "message": "Eliminar", - "description": "Label for the button to remove an 'applies' entry" - }, - "styleToMozillaFormatTitle": { - "message": "Estilo en formato Mozilla", - "description": "Title of the popup with the style code in Mozilla format, shown after pressing the Export button on Edit style page" - }, - "manageTitle": { - "message": "Stylus", - "description": "Title for the manage page" - }, - "writeStyleFor": { - "message": "Escribir estilo para:", - "description": "Label for toolbar pop-up that precedes the links to write a new style" - }, - "replace": { - "message": "Reemplazar", - "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H" - }, - "appliesLabel": { - "message": "Se aplica a", - "description": "Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen" - }, - "openManage": { - "message": "Administrar estilos instalados", - "description": "Link to open the manage page." - }, - "updateCheckFailBadResponseCode": { - "message": "Error de actualización - El servidor ha respondido con el código $code$.", - "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the response code indicates an error" - }, - "appliesSpecify": { - "message": "Especificar", - "description": "Label for the button to make a style apply only to specific sites" - }, - "installUpdate": { - "message": "Instalar actualización", - "description": "Label for the button to install an update for a single style" - }, - "optionsCheckUpdate": { - "message": "Buscar e instalar todas las actualizaciones disponibles", - "description": "" - }, - "styleMozillaFormatHeading": { - "message": "Formato Mozilla", - "description": "Heading for the section with buttons to import/export Mozilla format of the style" - }, - "stylishUnavailableForURL": { - "message": "(Stylus no funciona en páginas como esta)", - "description": "Note in the toolbar pop-up when on a URL Stylus can't affect" - }, - "sectionRemove": { - "message": "Eliminar sección", - "description": "Label for the button to remove a section" - }, - "disableAllStyles": { - "message": "Deshabilitar todos los estlos", - "description": "Label for the checkbox that turns all enabled styles off." - }, - "undoGlobal": { - "message": "Deshacer (global)", - "description": "CSS-beautify global Undo button label" - }, - "updateCompleted": { - "message": "Actualización completada.", - "description": "Text that displays when an update completed" - }, - "checkingForUpdate": { - "message": "Buscando...", - "description": "Text to display when checking a style for an update" - }, - "optionsCustomize": { - "message": "Personalizaciones de la interfaz", - "description": "" - }, - "sectionCode": { - "message": "Código", - "description": "Label for the code for a section" - }, - "cm_smartIndent": { - "message": "Usar sangría inteligente", - "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling smart indentation option for the style editor." - }, - "appliesHelp": { - "message": "Utilice los controles 'Se aplica a' para limitar las URLs a las que se aplica el código de esta sección.", - "description": "Help text for 'applies to' section" - }, - "editStyleHeading": { - "message": "Editar estilo", - "description": "Title of the page for editing styles" - }, - "appliesUrlOption": { - "message": "URL", - "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL" - }, - "addStyleTitle": { - "message": "Añadir estilo", - "description": "Title of the page for adding styles" - }, - "importReplaceLabel": { - "message": "Sobrescribir estilo", - "description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style" - }, - "dbError": { - "message": "Ocurrió un error con la base de datos de Stylus. ¿Desea visitar una página web con posibles soluciones?", - "description": "Prompt when a DB error is encountered" - }, - "importAppendTooltip": { - "message": "Agrega el estilo importado al estilo actual", - "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" - }, - "optionsOpen": { - "message": "Abrir", - "description": "" - }, - "helpKeyMapHotkey": { - "message": "Pulse un atajo", - "description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short" - }, - "replaceAll": { - "message": "Reemplazar todo", - "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on 'replaceAll' hotkey" - }, - "optionsActions": { - "message": "Acciones", - "description": "" - }, - "editGotoLine": { - "message": "Ir a la línea (o a línea:col)", - "description": "Go to line or line:column on Ctrl-G in style code editor" - }, - "checkAllUpdates": { - "message": "Buscar actualizaciones para todos los estilos", - "description": "Label for the button to check all styles for updates" - }, - "issuesHelp": { - "message": "Problemas encontrados por CSSLint con estas reglas aplicadas:", - "description": "Help popup message for the CSSLint issues block on the style edit page" - }, - "confirmNo": { - "message": "No", - "description": "'No' button in a confirm dialog" - }, - "undo": { - "message": "Deshacer", - "description": "Button label" - }, - "cm_keyMap": { - "message": "Mapa de teclado", - "description": "Label for the drop-down list controlling the keymap for the style editor." - }, - "cm_indentWithTabs": { - "message": "Usar pestañas con sangría inteligente", - "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling tabs with smart indentation option for the style editor." - }, - "replaceWith": { - "message": "Reemplazar con", - "description": "Label before the replace-with input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H etc." - }, - "deleteStyleLabel": { - "message": "Eliminar", - "description": "Label for the button to delete a style" - }, - "addStyleLabel": { - "message": "Escribir nuevo estilo", - "description": "Label for the button to go to the add style page" - }, - "optionsUpdateIntervalNote": { - "message": "Para deshabilitar la búsqueda automática de actualizaciones de estilos de usuario, establezca el intervalo a cero", - "description": "" - }, - "manageOnlyEnabled": { - "message": "Sólo estilos habilitados", - "description": "Checkbox to show only enabled styles" - }, - "editStyleLabel": { - "message": "Editar", - "description": "Label for the button to go to the edit style page" - }, - "cm_theme": { - "message": "Tema", - "description": "Label for the style editor's CSS theme." - }, - "helpKeyMapCommand": { - "message": "Escriba un nombre de comando", - "description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short" - }, - "description": { - "message": "Modifique el estilo de la Web con Stylus, un administrador de estilos de usuario. Stylus le permite instalar fácilmente temas y coberturas para muchos sitios populares.", - "description": "Extension description" + "appliesToEverything": { + "message": "Todos los sitios", + "description": "Text displayed for styles that apply to all sites" + }, + "defaultTheme": { + "message": "predeterminado", + "description": "Default CodeMirror CSS theme option on the edit style page" + }, + "bckpInstStyles": { + "message": "Exportar estilos", + "description": "" + }, + "manageOnlyEdited": { + "message": "Sólo estilos editados", + "description": "Checkbox to show only locally edited styles" + }, + "optionsUpdateInterval": { + "message": "Buscar e instalar automáticamente todas las actualizaciones disponibles de estilos de usuario (en horas)", + "description": "" + }, + "optionsOpenManagerNote": { + "message": "Definir un atajo de teclado", + "description": "" + }, + "exportLabel": { + "message": "Exportar", + "description": "Label for the button to export a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" + }, + "issues": { + "message": "Problemas", + "description": "Label for the CSSLint issues block on the style edit page" + }, + "optionsBadgeNormal": { + "message": "Color de fondo del distintivo", + "description": "" + }, + "cm_tabSize": { + "message": "Tamaño de la pestaña", + "description": "Label for the text box controlling tab size option for the style editor." + }, + "enableStyleLabel": { + "message": "Habilitar", + "description": "Label for the button to enable a style" + }, + "styleMissingName": { + "message": "Introduzca un nombre.", + "description": "Error displayed when user saves without providing a name" + }, + "appliesDomainOption": { + "message": "URLs en el dominio", + "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a domain" + }, + "checkForUpdate": { + "message": "Buscar actualización", + "description": "Label for the button to check a single style for an update" + }, + "importAppendLabel": { + "message": "Agregar al estilo", + "description": "Label for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" + }, + "optionsOpenManager": { + "message": "Abrir el administrador de estilos", + "description": "" + }, + "updateAllCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { + "message": "Todos los estilos están actualizados.", + "description": "Text that displays when an update all check completed and no updates are available" + }, + "styleFromMozillaFormatPrompt": { + "message": "Pegue el código de formato Mozilla", + "description": "Prompt in the dialog displayed after clicking 'Import from Mozilla format' button" + }, + "helpAlt": { + "message": "Ayuda", + "description": "Alternate text for help buttons" + }, + "search": { + "message": "Buscar", + "description": "Label before the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" + }, + "confirmYes": { + "message": "Sí", + "description": "'Yes' button in a confirm dialog" + }, + "findStylesForSite": { + "message": "Buscar más estilos para este sitio", + "description": "Text for a link that gets a list of styles for the current site" + }, + "manageHeading": { + "message": "Estilos instalados", + "description": "Heading for the manage page" + }, + "styleBeautify": { + "message": "Embellecer", + "description": "Label for the CSS-beautifier button on the edit style page" + }, + "styleEnabledLabel": { + "message": "Habilitado", + "description": "Label for the enabled state of styles" + }, + "styleToMozillaFormatHelp": { + "message": "El formato Mozilla del código se puede usar con Stylus para Firefox y puede enviarse a la página", + "description": "Help info for the Mozilla format header section that converts the code to/from Mozilla format" + }, + "sectionAdd": { + "message": "Añadir otra sección", + "description": "Label for the button to add a section" + }, + "styleSaveLabel": { + "message": "Guardar", + "description": "Label for save button for style editing" + }, + "retrieveBckp": { + "message": "Importar estilos", + "description": "" + }, + "confirmStop": { + "message": "Detener", + "description": "'Stop' button in a confirm dialog" + }, + "writeStyleForURL": { + "message": "Esta URL", + "description": "Text for link in toolbar pop-up to write a new style for the current URL" + }, + "appliesAdd": { + "message": "Añadir", + "description": "Label for the button to add an 'applies' entry" + }, + "appliesRegexpOption": { + "message": "URLs coincidentes con la regexp", + "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a regular expression" + }, + "styleInstall": { + "message": "¿Instalar \"$stylename$\" en Stylus?", + "description": "Confirmation when installing a style", + "placeholders": { + "stylename": { + "content": "$1" + } } + }, + "optionsBadgeDisabled": { + "message": "Color de fondo del distintivo (cuando está deshabilitado)", + "description": "" + }, + "optionsCheck": { + "message": "Comprobar", + "description": "" + }, + "manageText": { + "message": "Obtener estilos en | Obtener ayuda", + "description": "Help text on the manage page" + }, + "searchStyles": { + "message": "Buscar contenidos", + "description": "Label for the search filter textbox on the Manage styles page" + }, + "disableStyleLabel": { + "message": "Deshabilitar", + "description": "Label for the button to disable a style" + }, + "prefShowBadge": { + "message": "Mostrar número de estilos activos para el sitio actual en el botón Stylus", + "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling toolbar badge text." + }, + "menuShowBadge": { + "message": "Mostrar número de estilos activos", + "description": "Label (must be very short) for the checkbox in the toolbar button context menu controlling toolbar badge text." + }, + "cm_lineWrapping": { + "message": "Ajuste de línea", + "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling word wrap option for the style editor." + }, + "styleCancelEditLabel": { + "message": "Volver al administrador", + "description": "Label for cancel button for style editing" + }, + "styleChangesNotSaved": { + "message": "Ha realizado cambios en este estilo sin guardarlos.", + "description": "Text for the prompt when changes are made to a style and the user tries to leave without saving" + }, + "importLabel": { + "message": "Importar", + "description": "Label for the button to import a style ('edit' page) or all styles ('manage' page)" + }, + "updateCheckFailServerUnreachable": { + "message": "Error de actualización - No se pudo alcanzar el servidor.", + "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the update server is unreachable" + }, + "manageFilters": { + "message": "Filtros", + "description": "Label for filters container" + }, + "applyAllUpdates": { + "message": "Aplicar todas las actualizaciones", + "description": "Label for the button to apply all detected updates" + }, + "deleteStyleConfirm": { + "message": "¿Está seguro de que quiere eliminar este estilo?", + "description": "Confirmation before deleting a style" + }, + "styleBadRegexp": { + "message": "La expresión regular (regexp) introducida no es válida", + "description": "Validation message for a bad regexp in a style" + }, + "optionsHeading": { + "message": "Opciones", + "description": "Heading for options section on manage page." + }, + "appliesDisplay": { + "message": "Se aplica a: $applies$", + "description": "Text on the manage screen to describe what the style applies to", + "placeholders": { + "applies": { + "content": "$1" + } + } + }, + "openStylesManager": { + "message": "Abrir administrador de estilos", + "description": "Label for the style maanger opener in the browser action context menu." + }, + "styleUpdate": { + "message": "¿Está seguro de que quiere actualizar '$stylename$'?", + "description": "Confirmation when updating a style", + "placeholders": { + "stylename": { + "content": "$1" + } + } + }, + "styleSectionsTitle": { + "message": "Secciones", + "description": "Title for the style sections section" + }, + "editStyleTitle": { + "message": "Editar estilo $stylename$", + "description": "Title of the page for editing styles", + "placeholders": { + "stylename": { + "content": "$1" + } + } + }, + "updateCheckSucceededNoUpdate": { + "message": "El estilo está actualizado.", + "description": "Text that displays when an update check completed and no update is available" + }, + "appliesUrlPrefixOption": { + "message": "URLs que empiezan por", + "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL prefix" + }, + "searchRegexp": { + "message": "Use la sintaxis /re/ para búsquedas con regexp", + "description": "Label after the search input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-F" + }, + "importReplaceTooltip": { + "message": "Descarta contenidos del estilo actual y los sobrescribe con el estilo importado", + "description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style" + }, + "popupStylesFirst": { + "message": "Listar estilos antes que los comandos en el menú del botón Stylus", + "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling section order in the toolbar button menu." + }, + "sectionHelp": { + "message": "Las secciones le permiten definir distintos fragmentos de código en el mismo estilo para aplicarlos a diferentes conjuntos de URLs. Por ejemplo, un único estilo puede cambiar la página de inicio de un sitio de una forma y modificar el resto del sitio de otra.", + "description": "Help text for sections" + }, + "noStylesForSite": { + "message": "No hay estilos instalados para este sitio.", + "description": "Text displayed when no styles are installed for the current site" + }, + "appliesDisplayTruncatedSuffix": { + "message": "y más sitios", + "description": "Text added to appliesDisplay when there are more sites for the style than are displayed" + }, + "appliesRemove": { + "message": "Eliminar", + "description": "Label for the button to remove an 'applies' entry" + }, + "styleToMozillaFormatTitle": { + "message": "Estilo en formato Mozilla", + "description": "Title of the popup with the style code in Mozilla format, shown after pressing the Export button on Edit style page" + }, + "manageTitle": { + "message": "Stylus", + "description": "Title for the manage page" + }, + "writeStyleFor": { + "message": "Escribir estilo para:", + "description": "Label for toolbar pop-up that precedes the links to write a new style" + }, + "replace": { + "message": "Reemplazar", + "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H" + }, + "appliesLabel": { + "message": "Se aplica a", + "description": "Label for 'applies to' fields on the edit/add screen" + }, + "openManage": { + "message": "Administrar estilos instalados", + "description": "Link to open the manage page." + }, + "updateCheckFailBadResponseCode": { + "message": "Error de actualización - El servidor ha respondido con el código $code$.", + "description": "Text that displays when an update check failed because the response code indicates an error", + "placeholders": { + "code": { + "content": "$1" + } + } + }, + "appliesSpecify": { + "message": "Especificar", + "description": "Label for the button to make a style apply only to specific sites" + }, + "installUpdate": { + "message": "Instalar actualización", + "description": "Label for the button to install an update for a single style" + }, + "optionsCheckUpdate": { + "message": "Buscar e instalar todas las actualizaciones disponibles", + "description": "" + }, + "styleMozillaFormatHeading": { + "message": "Formato Mozilla", + "description": "Heading for the section with buttons to import/export Mozilla format of the style" + }, + "stylishUnavailableForURL": { + "message": "(Stylus no funciona en páginas como esta)", + "description": "Note in the toolbar pop-up when on a URL Stylus can't affect" + }, + "sectionRemove": { + "message": "Eliminar sección", + "description": "Label for the button to remove a section" + }, + "disableAllStyles": { + "message": "Deshabilitar todos los estlos", + "description": "Label for the checkbox that turns all enabled styles off." + }, + "undoGlobal": { + "message": "Deshacer (global)", + "description": "CSS-beautify global Undo button label" + }, + "updateCompleted": { + "message": "Actualización completada.", + "description": "Text that displays when an update completed" + }, + "checkingForUpdate": { + "message": "Buscando...", + "description": "Text to display when checking a style for an update" + }, + "optionsCustomize": { + "message": "Personalizaciones de la interfaz", + "description": "" + }, + "sectionCode": { + "message": "Código", + "description": "Label for the code for a section" + }, + "cm_smartIndent": { + "message": "Usar sangría inteligente", + "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling smart indentation option for the style editor." + }, + "appliesHelp": { + "message": "Utilice los controles 'Se aplica a' para limitar las URLs a las que se aplica el código de esta sección.", + "description": "Help text for 'applies to' section" + }, + "editStyleHeading": { + "message": "Editar estilo", + "description": "Title of the page for editing styles" + }, + "appliesUrlOption": { + "message": "URL", + "description": "Option to make the style apply to the entered string as a URL" + }, + "addStyleTitle": { + "message": "Añadir estilo", + "description": "Title of the page for adding styles" + }, + "importReplaceLabel": { + "message": "Sobrescribir estilo", + "description": "Label for the button to import and overwrite current style" + }, + "dbError": { + "message": "Ocurrió un error con la base de datos de Stylus. ¿Desea visitar una página web con posibles soluciones?", + "description": "Prompt when a DB error is encountered" + }, + "importAppendTooltip": { + "message": "Agrega el estilo importado al estilo actual", + "description": "Tooltip for the button to import a style and append to the existing sections" + }, + "optionsOpen": { + "message": "Abrir", + "description": "" + }, + "helpKeyMapHotkey": { + "message": "Pulse un atajo", + "description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short" + }, + "replaceAll": { + "message": "Reemplazar todo", + "description": "Label before the replace input field in the editor shown on 'replaceAll' hotkey" + }, + "optionsActions": { + "message": "Acciones", + "description": "" + }, + "editGotoLine": { + "message": "Ir a la línea (o a línea:col)", + "description": "Go to line or line:column on Ctrl-G in style code editor" + }, + "checkAllUpdates": { + "message": "Buscar actualizaciones para todos los estilos", + "description": "Label for the button to check all styles for updates" + }, + "issuesHelp": { + "message": "Problemas encontrados por CSSLint con estas reglas aplicadas:", + "description": "Help popup message for the CSSLint issues block on the style edit page" + }, + "confirmNo": { + "message": "No", + "description": "'No' button in a confirm dialog" + }, + "undo": { + "message": "Deshacer", + "description": "Button label" + }, + "cm_keyMap": { + "message": "Mapa de teclado", + "description": "Label for the drop-down list controlling the keymap for the style editor." + }, + "cm_indentWithTabs": { + "message": "Usar pestañas con sangría inteligente", + "description": "Label for the checkbox controlling tabs with smart indentation option for the style editor." + }, + "replaceWith": { + "message": "Reemplazar con", + "description": "Label before the replace-with input field in the editor shown on Ctrl-H etc." + }, + "deleteStyleLabel": { + "message": "Eliminar", + "description": "Label for the button to delete a style" + }, + "addStyleLabel": { + "message": "Escribir nuevo estilo", + "description": "Label for the button to go to the add style page" + }, + "optionsUpdateIntervalNote": { + "message": "Para deshabilitar la búsqueda automática de actualizaciones de estilos de usuario, establezca el intervalo a cero", + "description": "" + }, + "manageOnlyEnabled": { + "message": "Sólo estilos habilitados", + "description": "Checkbox to show only enabled styles" + }, + "editStyleLabel": { + "message": "Editar", + "description": "Label for the button to go to the edit style page" + }, + "cm_theme": { + "message": "Tema", + "description": "Label for the style editor's CSS theme." + }, + "helpKeyMapCommand": { + "message": "Escriba un nombre de comando", + "description": "Placeholder text of inputbox in keymap help popup on the edit style page. Must be very short" + }, + "description": { + "message": "Modifique el estilo de la Web con Stylus, un administrador de estilos de usuario. Stylus le permite instalar fácilmente temas y coberturas para muchos sitios populares.", + "description": "Extension description" + } } \ No newline at end of file