var Graph = function() { this.nodeSet = {}; this.nodes = []; this.edges = []; this.eventListeners = []; }; Node = function(data) { = (Node.nextId += 1); = typeof(data) !== 'undefined' ? data : {}; }; Node.nextId = 0; Edge = function(source, target, data) { = (Edge.nextId += 1); this.source = source; = target; = typeof(data) !== 'undefined' ? data : {}; }; Edge.nextId = 0; Graph.prototype.addNode = function(node) { this.nodes.push(node); this.nodeSet[] = node; this.notify(); return node; }; Graph.prototype.addEdge = function(edge) { this.edges.push(edge); this.notify(); return edge; }; Graph.prototype.newNode = function(data) { var node = new Node(data); this.addNode(node); return node; }; Graph.prototype.newEdge = function(source, target, data) { var edge = new Edge(source, target, data); this.addEdge(edge); return edge; }; Graph.prototype.addGraphListener = function(obj) { this.eventListeners.push(obj); }; Graph.prototype.notify = function() { this.eventListeners.forEach(function(obj){ obj.graphChanged(); }); }; // ----------- var Layout = {}; Layout.ForceDirected = function(graph, stiffness, repulsion, damping) { this.graph = graph; this.stiffness = stiffness; // spring stiffness constant this.repulsion = repulsion; // repulsion constant this.damping = damping; // velocity damping factor this.nodePoints = {}; // keep track of points associated with nodes this.edgeSprings = {}; // keep track of points associated with nodes this.extraSprings = []; // springs that aren't associated with any edges this.intervalId = null; }; Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.point = function(node) { if (typeof(this.nodePoints[]) === 'undefined') { var mass = typeof( !== 'undefined' ? : 1.0; this.nodePoints[] = new Layout.ForceDirected.Point(Layout.ForceDirected.Vector.random(), mass); } return this.nodePoints[]; }; Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.spring = function(edge) { if (typeof(this.edgeSprings[]) === 'undefined') { var length = typeof( !== 'undefined' ? : 1.0; this.edgeSprings[] = new Layout.ForceDirected.Spring( this.point(edge.source), this.point(, length, this.stiffness ); } return this.edgeSprings[]; }; // callback should accept two arguments: Node, Point Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.eachNode = function(callback) { var t = this; this.graph.nodes.forEach(function(n){, n, t.point(n)); }); }; // callback should accept two arguments: Edge, Spring Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.eachEdge = function(callback) { var t = this; this.graph.edges.forEach(function(e){, e, t.spring(e)); }); }; // callback should accept one argument: Spring Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.eachSpring = function(callback) { var t = this; this.graph.edges.forEach(function(e){, t.spring(e)); }); this.extraSprings.forEach(function(s){, s); }); }; // Physics stuff Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.applyCoulombsLaw = function() { this.eachNode(function(n1, point1) { this.eachNode(function(n2, point2) { if (point1 !== point2) { var d = point1.p.subtract(point2.p); var distance = d.magnitude() + 1.0; var direction = d.normalise(); // apply force to each end point point1.applyForce(direction.multiply(this.repulsion).divide(distance * distance * 0.5)); point2.applyForce(direction.multiply(this.repulsion).divide(distance * distance * -0.5)); } }); }); }; Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.applyHookesLaw = function() { this.eachSpring(function(spring){ var d = spring.point2.p.subtract(spring.point1.p); // the direction of the spring var displacement = spring.length - d.magnitude(); var direction = d.normalise(); // apply force to each end point spring.point1.applyForce(direction.multiply(spring.k * displacement * -0.5)); spring.point2.applyForce(direction.multiply(spring.k * displacement * 0.5)); }); }; Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.attractToCentre = function() { this.eachNode(function(node, point) { var direction = point.p.multiply(-1.0); point.applyForce(direction.multiply(this.repulsion / 5.0)); }); }; Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.updateVelocity = function(timestep) { this.eachNode(function(node, point) { point.v = point.v.add(point.f.multiply(timestep)).multiply(this.damping); point.f = new Layout.ForceDirected.Vector(0,0); }); }; Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.updatePosition = function(timestep) { this.eachNode(function(node, point) { point.p = point.p.add(point.v.multiply(timestep)); }); }; Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.totalEnergy = function(timestep) { var energy = 0.0; this.eachNode(function(node, point) { var speed = point.v.magnitude(); energy += speed * speed; }); return energy; }; // start simulation Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.start = function(interval, render, done) { var t = this; if (this.intervalId !== null) { return; // already running } this.intervalId = setInterval(function() { t.applyCoulombsLaw(); t.applyHookesLaw(); t.attractToCentre(); t.updateVelocity(0.05); t.updatePosition(0.05); if (typeof(render) !== 'undefined') { render(); } // stop simulation when energy of the system goes below a threshold if (t.totalEnergy() < 0.1) { clearInterval(t.intervalId); t.intervalId = null; if (typeof(done) !== 'undefined') { done(); } } }, interval); }; // Find the nearest point to a particular position Layout.ForceDirected.prototype.nearest = function(pos) { var min = {node: null, point: null, distance: null}; var t = this; this.graph.nodes.forEach(function(n){ var point = t.point(n); var distance = point.p.subtract(pos).magnitude(); if (min.distance === null || distance < min.distance) { min = {node: n, point: point, distance: distance}; } }); return min; }; // Vector Layout.ForceDirected.Vector = function(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; Layout.ForceDirected.Vector.random = function() { return new Layout.ForceDirected.Vector(2.0 * (Math.random() - 0.5), 2.0 * (Math.random() - 0.5)); }; Layout.ForceDirected.Vector.prototype.add = function(v2) { return new Layout.ForceDirected.Vector(this.x + v2.x, this.y + v2.y); }; Layout.ForceDirected.Vector.prototype.subtract = function(v2) { return new Layout.ForceDirected.Vector(this.x - v2.x, this.y - v2.y); }; Layout.ForceDirected.Vector.prototype.multiply = function(n) { return new Layout.ForceDirected.Vector(this.x * n, this.y * n); }; Layout.ForceDirected.Vector.prototype.divide = function(n) { return new Layout.ForceDirected.Vector(this.x / n, this.y / n); }; Layout.ForceDirected.Vector.prototype.magnitude = function() { return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y); }; Layout.ForceDirected.Vector.prototype.normal = function() { return new Layout.ForceDirected.Vector(-this.y, this.x); }; Layout.ForceDirected.Vector.prototype.normalise = function() { return this.divide(this.magnitude()); }; // Point Layout.ForceDirected.Point = function(position, mass) { this.p = position; // position this.m = mass; // mass this.v = new Layout.ForceDirected.Vector(0, 0); // velocity this.f = new Layout.ForceDirected.Vector(0, 0); // force }; Layout.ForceDirected.Point.prototype.applyForce = function(force) { this.f = this.f.add(force.divide(this.m)); }; // Spring Layout.ForceDirected.Spring = function(point1, point2, length, k) { this.point1 = point1; this.point2 = point2; this.length = length; // spring length at rest this.k = k; // spring constant (See Hooke's law) .. how stiff the spring is }; // Layout.ForceDirected.Spring.prototype.distanceToPoint = function(point) // { // // hardcore vector arithmetic.. ohh yeah! // // .. see // var n = this.point2.p.subtract(this.point1.p).normalise().normal(); // var ac = point.p.subtract(this.point1.p); // return Math.abs(ac.x * n.x + ac.y * n.y); // }; // Renderer handles the layout rendering loop function Renderer(interval, layout, clear, drawEdge, drawNode) { this.interval = interval; this.layout = layout; this.clear = clear; this.drawEdge = drawEdge; this.drawNode = drawNode; this.layout.graph.addGraphListener(this); } Renderer.prototype.graphChanged = function(e) { this.start(); }; Renderer.prototype.start = function() { var t = this; this.layout.start(50, function render() { t.clear(); t.layout.eachEdge(function(edge, spring) { t.drawEdge(edge, spring.point1.p, spring.point2.p); }); t.layout.eachNode(function(node, point) { t.drawNode(node, point.p); }); }); };