#include #include /* Key user config */ #define HEIGHT 1080 #define FULL_WIDTH 1920 #define WIDTH FULL_WIDTH #define BAR_WIDTH FULL_WIDTH/2 /* More user config */ #define ZOOM_START_LEVEL 1.8 #define ZOOM_STEPSIZE .1 #define MAX_NUM_TABS 8 // 0 or false for unlimited tabs #define SEARCH "https://search.brave.com/search?q=%s" #define HOME "https://search.brave.com/search" // #define SEARCH "https://search.nunosempere.com/search?q=%s" // #define SEARCH "https://lite.duckduckgo.com/html/?q=%s" // #define HOME "file:///opt/rosenrot/flower-imgs/rose-homepage.png" /* Plugins */ #define LIBRE_REDIRECT_ENABLED true #define READABILITY_ENABLED true #define CUSTOM_USER_AGENT false /* To disable plugins: 1. set their corresponding variable to false 2. recompile To remove plugins completely; 1. Remove the corresponding code in rosenrot.c by looking for the variables above, as well as custom_style_enabled 2. Remove PLUGIN and $(PLUGIN) from the makefile 3. Recompile You could also look into commit afe93518a for an approach using stand-in code. */ /* Webkit */ // https://webkitgtk.org/reference/webkit2gtk/stable/class.Settings.html #define WEBKIT_DEFAULT_SETTINGS \ "enable-back-forward-navigation-gestures", true, \ "enable-developer-extras", true, \ "enable-smooth-scrolling", false, \ "default-charset", "utf-8" #define DATA_DIR "/home/nuno/.cache/rosenrot" #define DATA_MANAGER_OPTS "base-cache-directory", DATA_DIR, "base-data-directory", DATA_DIR #define NETWORK_SESSION_OPTS DATA_DIR, DATA_DIR /* GTK */ // https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/blob/main/gdk/gdkkeysyms.h // https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/blob/main/gdk/gdkenums.h #define GTK_SETTINGS_CONFIG_H "gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme", false, "gtk-enable-animations", false #define KEY(x) GDK_KEY_##x #define SFT 1 << 0 #define CTRL 1 << 2 #define ALT 1 << 3 /* Misc helpers */ #define ABORT_REQUEST_ON_CURRENT_TAB NULL #define NULLCHECK(x) \ do { \ if (x == NULL) { \ printf("\nNULL check not passed"); \ printf("@ %s (%d): ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ exit(0); \ } \ } while (0) /* Shortcuts */ typedef enum { goback, goforward, refresh, refresh_force, back_to_home, toggle_fullscreen, toggle_custom_style, zoomin, zoomout, zoom_reset, new_tab, next_tab, prev_tab, close_tab, show_searchbar, hide_bar, show_finder, finder_next, finder_prev, halve_window, rebig_window, prettify, save_uri_to_txt, open_uri_in_brave, } func; static struct { unsigned mod; unsigned key; func id; } shortcut[] = { { CTRL, KEY(h), goback }, { CTRL, KEY(j), goforward }, { CTRL, KEY(r), refresh }, { CTRL, KEY(R), refresh_force }, { CTRL, KEY(H), back_to_home }, { 0x0, KEY(F11), toggle_fullscreen }, { CTRL, KEY(S), toggle_custom_style }, { CTRL, KEY(equal), zoomin }, { CTRL, KEY(minus), zoomout }, { CTRL, KEY(0), zoom_reset }, { CTRL | SFT, KEY(KP_Page_Up), prev_tab }, // use SFT just to show one can { CTRL | SFT, KEY(KP_Page_Down), next_tab }, { CTRL | SFT, KEY(Page_Up), prev_tab }, // working hypothesis: Page_UP vs KP_Page_Up might depend on whether the user has a numpad { CTRL | SFT, KEY(Page_Down), next_tab }, { CTRL, KEY(t), new_tab }, { CTRL, KEY(w), close_tab }, { CTRL, KEY(l), show_searchbar }, { CTRL, KEY(o), hide_bar }, // previously: KEY(semicolon) { CTRL, KEY(f), show_finder }, { CTRL, KEY(n), finder_next }, { CTRL, KEY(N), finder_prev }, { CTRL, KEY(Up), halve_window }, { CTRL, KEY(Down), rebig_window }, { CTRL, KEY(p), prettify }, { CTRL, KEY(s), save_uri_to_txt }, { CTRL, KEY(b), open_uri_in_brave } };