import { getFunctions, httpsCallable } from 'firebase/functions' import clsx from 'clsx' import React, { useState } from 'react' import { useUser } from '../hooks/use-user' import { Contract } from '../lib/firebase/contracts' import { Col } from './layout/col' import { Row } from './layout/row' import { Spacer } from './layout/spacer' import { YesNoSelector } from './yes-no-selector' import { formatMoney, formatPercent } from '../lib/util/format' import { Title } from './title' export function BetPanel(props: { contract: Contract; className?: string }) { const { contract, className } = props const user = useUser() const [betChoice, setBetChoice] = useState<'YES' | 'NO'>('YES') const [betAmount, setBetAmount] = useState(undefined) const [error, setError] = useState() const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false) const [wasSubmitted, setWasSubmitted] = useState(false) function onBetChoice(choice: 'YES' | 'NO') { setBetChoice(choice) setWasSubmitted(false) } function onBetChange(str: string) { setWasSubmitted(false) const amount = parseInt(str) if ( (str && isNaN(amount)) || // Don't update to amount that is rendered in exponential notation. // e.g. '1e21' amount.toString().includes('e') ) { return } setBetAmount(str ? amount : undefined) if (user && user.balance < amount) setError('Balance insufficent') else setError(undefined) } async function submitBet() { if (!user || !betAmount) return if (user.balance < betAmount) { setError('Balance insufficent') return } setError(undefined) setIsSubmitting(true) const result = await placeBet({ amount: betAmount, outcome: betChoice, contractId:, }) console.log('placed bet. Result:', result) setIsSubmitting(false) setWasSubmitted(true) setBetAmount(undefined) } const betDisabled = isSubmitting || !betAmount || error const initialProb = getProbability(contract.pot, betChoice) const resultProb = getProbability(contract.pot, betChoice, betAmount) const dpmWeight = getDpmWeight(contract.pot, betAmount ?? 0, betChoice) const estimatedWinnings = Math.floor((betAmount ?? 0) + dpmWeight) const estimatedReturn = betAmount ? (estimatedWinnings - betAmount) / betAmount : 0 const estimatedReturnPercent = (estimatedReturn * 100).toFixed() + '%' return ( <div className="pt-2 pb-1 text-sm text-gray-500">Outcome</div> <YesNoSelector className="p-2" selected={betChoice} onSelect={(choice) => onBetChoice(choice)} /> {user && ( <> <Spacer h={4} /> <div className="pt-2 pb-1 text-sm text-gray-500">Your balance</div> <div className="text-gray-500 p-2">{formatMoney(user.balance)}</div> </> )} <Spacer h={4} /> <div className="pt-2 pb-1 text-sm text-gray-500">Bet amount</div> <Col> <Row className="p-2 items-center relative"> <div className="absolute inset-y-0 left-2 pl-3 flex items-center pointer-events-none"> <span className="text-gray-500 sm:text-sm">M$</span> </div> <input className={clsx( 'input input-bordered input-md pl-10 block text-right', error && 'input-error' )} style={{ maxWidth: 100 }} type="text" placeholder="0" value={betAmount ?? ''} onChange={(e) => onBetChange(} /> </Row> <div className="font-medium tracking-wide text-red-500 text-xs mt-1 ml-3"> {error} </div> </Col> <Spacer h={3} /> <div className="pt-2 pb-1 text-sm text-gray-500">Implied probability</div> <Row> <div className="px-2 font-sans">{formatPercent(initialProb)}</div> <div>→</div> <div className="px-2 font-sans">{formatPercent(resultProb)}</div> </Row> <Spacer h={2} /> <div className="pt-2 pb-1 text-sm text-gray-500">Estimated winnings</div> <div className="px-2 font-sans"> {formatMoney(estimatedWinnings)} (+{estimatedReturnPercent}) </div> <Spacer h={6} /> <button className={clsx( 'btn', betDisabled ? 'btn-disabled' : betChoice === 'YES' ? 'btn-primary' : 'bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-500 border-none', isSubmitting ? 'loading' : '' )} onClick={betDisabled ? undefined : submitBet} > {isSubmitting ? 'Submitting...' : 'Place bet'} </button> {wasSubmitted && <div className="mt-4">Bet submitted!</div>} </Col> ) } const functions = getFunctions() export const placeBet = httpsCallable(functions, 'placeBet') const getProbability = ( pot: { YES: number; NO: number }, outcome: 'YES' | 'NO', bet = 0 ) => { const [yesPot, noPot] = [ pot.YES + (outcome === 'YES' ? bet : 0), pot.NO + (outcome === 'NO' ? bet : 0), ] const numerator = Math.pow(yesPot, 2) const denominator = Math.pow(yesPot, 2) + Math.pow(noPot, 2) return numerator / denominator } const getDpmWeight = ( pot: { YES: number; NO: number }, bet: number, betChoice: 'YES' | 'NO' ) => { const [yesPot, noPot] = [pot.YES, pot.NO] return betChoice === 'YES' ? (bet * Math.pow(noPot, 2)) / (Math.pow(yesPot, 2) + bet * yesPot) : (bet * Math.pow(yesPot, 2)) / (Math.pow(noPot, 2) + bet * noPot) }