import _ from 'lodash' import clsx from 'clsx' import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' import { Col } from '../../components/layout/col' import { Row } from '../../components/layout/row' import { Page } from '../../components/page' import { Title } from '../../components/title' import { BuyAmountInput } from '../../components/amount-input' import { Spacer } from '../../components/layout/spacer' import { User } from 'common/user' import { useUser } from '../../hooks/use-user' import { Linkify } from '../../components/linkify' import { transact } from 'web/lib/firebase/api-call' import { charities, Charity } from 'common/charity' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import Custom404 from '../404' import { useCharityTxns } from '../../hooks/use-charity-txns' import { useWindowSize } from '../../hooks/use-window-size' import Confetti from 'react-confetti' import { Donation } from '../../components/charity/feed-items' import Image from 'next/image' export const manaToUSD = (mana: number) => (mana / 100).toLocaleString('en-US', { style: 'currency', currency: 'USD' }) export default function CharityPageWrapper() { const router = useRouter() const { charitySlug } = router.query as { charitySlug: string } const charity = charities.find((c) => c.slug === charitySlug?.toLowerCase()) if (!router.isReady) return <> if (!charity) { return } return } function CharityPage(props: { charity: Charity }) { const { charity } = props const { name, photo, description } = charity // TODO: why not just useUser inside Donation Box rather than passing in? const user = useUser() const txns = useCharityTxns( const newToOld = _.sortBy(txns, (txn) => -txn.createdTime) const totalRaised = _.sumBy(txns, (txn) => txn.amount) const fromYou = _.sumBy( txns.filter((txn) => txn.fromId === user?.id), (txn) => txn.amount ) const numSupporters = _.uniqBy(txns, (txn) => txn.fromId).length const { width, height } = useWindowSize() const [showConfetti, setShowConfetti] = useState(false) return ( } > {showConfetti && ( )} {/* TODO: donations over time chart */} <Row className="justify-between"> {photo && ( <div className="relative w-40 rounded-2xl"> <Image src={photo} alt="" layout="fill" objectFit="contain" /> </div> )} <Details charity={charity} totalRaised={totalRaised} userDonated={fromYou} numSupporters={numSupporters} /> </Row> <h2 className="mt-7 mb-2 text-xl text-indigo-700">About</h2> <Blurb text={description} /> { => ( <Donation key={} txn={txn} /> ))} </Col> </Col> </Page> ) } function Blurb({ text }: { text: string }) { const [open, setOpen] = useState(false) // Calculate whether the full blurb is already shown const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) const [hideExpander, setHideExpander] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { if (ref.current) { setHideExpander(ref.current.scrollHeight <= ref.current.clientHeight) } }, []) return ( <> <div className={clsx( 'whitespace-pre-line text-gray-500', !open && 'line-clamp-5' )} ref={ref} > {text} </div> <button onClick={() => setOpen(!open)} className={clsx( 'btn btn-link capitalize-none my-3 normal-case text-indigo-700', hideExpander && 'invisible' )} > {open ? 'Hide' : 'Read more'} </button> </> ) } function Details(props: { charity: Charity totalRaised: number userDonated: number numSupporters: number }) { const { charity, userDonated, numSupporters, totalRaised } = props const { website } = charity return ( <Col className="gap-1 text-right"> <div className="text-primary mb-2 text-4xl"> {manaToUSD(totalRaised ?? 0)} raised </div> {userDonated > 0 && ( <div className="text-primary text-xl"> {manaToUSD(userDonated)} from you! </div> )} {numSupporters > 0 && ( <div className="text-gray-500">{numSupporters} supporters</div> )} <Linkify text={website} /> </Col> ) } function DonationBox(props: { user?: User | null charity: Charity setShowConfetti: (show: boolean) => void }) { const { user, charity, setShowConfetti } = props const [amount, setAmount] = useState<number | undefined>() const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false) const [error, setError] = useState<string | undefined>() const donateDisabled = isSubmitting || !amount || error const onSubmit: React.FormEventHandler = async (e) => { if (!user || donateDisabled) return e.preventDefault() setIsSubmitting(true) setError(undefined) await transact({ amount, fromId:, fromType: 'USER', toId:, toType: 'CHARITY', token: 'M$', category: 'CHARITY', description: `${} donated M$ ${amount} to ${}`, }).catch((err) => console.log('Error', err)) setIsSubmitting(false) setAmount(undefined) setShowConfetti(true) } return ( <div className="rounded-lg bg-white py-6 px-8 shadow-lg"> <Title text="Donate" className="!mt-0" /> <form onSubmit={onSubmit}> <label className="mb-2 block text-sm text-gray-500" htmlFor="donate-input" > Amount </label> <BuyAmountInput inputClassName="w-full max-w-none donate-input" amount={amount} onChange={setAmount} error={error} setError={setError} /> <Col className="mt-3 w-full gap-3"> <Row className="items-center text-sm xl:justify-between"> <span className="mr-1 text-gray-500">{} receives</span> <span>{manaToUSD(amount || 0)}</span> </Row> {/* TODO: matching pool */} </Col> <Spacer h={8} /> {user && ( <button type="submit" className={clsx( 'btn w-full', donateDisabled ? 'btn-disabled' : 'btn-primary', isSubmitting && 'loading' )} > Donate </button> )} </form> </div> ) }