import { Tabs } from 'web/components/layout/tabs' import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { Notification, notification_reason_types, notification_source_types, notification_source_update_types, } from 'common/notification' import { Avatar } from 'web/components/avatar' import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { Title } from 'web/components/title' import { doc, updateDoc } from 'firebase/firestore' import { db } from 'web/lib/firebase/init' import { CopyLinkDateTimeComponent } from 'web/components/feed/copy-link-date-time' import { Answer } from 'common/answer' import { Comment } from 'web/lib/firebase/comments' import { getValue } from 'web/lib/firebase/utils' import Custom404 from 'web/pages/404' import { UserLink } from 'web/components/user-page' import { notification_subscribe_types, PrivateUser } from 'common/user' import { Contract } from 'common/contract' import { ChoicesToggleGroup } from 'web/components/choices-toggle-group' import { listenForPrivateUser, updatePrivateUser } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import { LoadingIndicator } from 'web/components/loading-indicator' import clsx from 'clsx' import { UsersIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid' import { RelativeTimestamp } from 'web/components/relative-timestamp' import { Linkify } from 'web/components/linkify' import { BinaryOutcomeLabel, CancelLabel, FreeResponseOutcomeLabel, MultiLabel, OutcomeLabel, ProbPercentLabel, } from 'web/components/outcome-label' import { groupNotifications, NotificationGroup, usePreferredGroupedNotifications, } from 'web/hooks/use-notifications' import { getContractFromId } from 'web/lib/firebase/contracts' import { CheckIcon, XIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import toast from 'react-hot-toast' export default function Notifications() { const user = useUser() const [unseenNotificationGroups, setUnseenNotificationGroups] = useState< NotificationGroup[] | undefined >(undefined) const allNotificationGroups = usePreferredGroupedNotifications(user?.id, { unseenOnly: false, }) useEffect(() => { if (!allNotificationGroups) return // Don't re-add notifications that are visible right now or have been seen already. const currentlyVisibleUnseenNotificationIds = Object.values( unseenNotificationGroups ?? [] ) .map((n) => => .flat() const unseenGroupedNotifications = groupNotifications( allNotificationGroups .map((notification: NotificationGroup) => notification.notifications) .flat() .filter( (notification: Notification) => !notification.isSeen || currentlyVisibleUnseenNotificationIds.includes( ) ) setUnseenNotificationGroups(unseenGroupedNotifications) // We don't want unseenNotificationsGroup to be in the dependencies as we update it here. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [allNotificationGroups]) if (user === undefined) { return <LoadingIndicator /> } if (user === null) { return <Custom404 /> } // TODO: use infinite scroll return ( <Page> <div className={'p-2 sm:p-4'}> <Title text={'Notifications'} className={'hidden md:block'} /> <Tabs className={'pb-2 pt-1 '} defaultIndex={0} tabs={[ { title: 'New Notifications', content: unseenNotificationGroups ? ( <div className={''}> {unseenNotificationGroups.length === 0 && "You don't have any new notifications."} { => notification.notifications.length === 1 ? ( <NotificationItem notification={notification.notifications[0]} key={notification.notifications[0].id} /> ) : ( <NotificationGroupItem notificationGroup={notification} key={ notification.sourceContractId + notification.timePeriod } /> ) )} </div> ) : ( <LoadingIndicator /> ), }, { title: 'All Notifications', content: allNotificationGroups ? ( <div className={''}> {allNotificationGroups.length === 0 && "You don't have any notifications. Try changing your settings to see more."} { => notification.notifications.length === 1 ? ( <NotificationItem notification={notification.notifications[0]} key={notification.notifications[0].id} /> ) : ( <NotificationGroupItem notificationGroup={notification} key={ notification.sourceContractId + notification.timePeriod } /> ) )} </div> ) : ( <LoadingIndicator /> ), }, { title: 'Settings', content: ( <div className={''}> <NotificationSettings /> </div> ), }, ]} /> </div> </Page> ) } const setNotificationsAsSeen = (notifications: Notification[]) => { notifications.forEach((notification) => { if (!notification.isSeen) updateDoc( doc(db, `users/${notification.userId}/notifications/`,, { ...notification, isSeen: true, viewTime: new Date(), } ) }) return notifications } function NotificationGroupItem(props: { notificationGroup: NotificationGroup className?: string }) { const { notificationGroup, className } = props const { sourceContractId, notifications, timePeriod } = notificationGroup const { sourceContractTitle, sourceContractSlug, sourceContractCreatorUsername, } = notifications[0] const numSummaryLines = 3 const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(false) const [contract, setContract] = useState<Contract | undefined>(undefined) useEffect(() => { if ( sourceContractTitle && sourceContractSlug && sourceContractCreatorUsername ) return if (sourceContractId) { getContractFromId(sourceContractId) .then((contract) => { if (contract) setContract(contract) }) .catch((e) => console.log(e)) } }, [ sourceContractCreatorUsername, sourceContractId, sourceContractSlug, sourceContractTitle, ]) useEffect(() => { setNotificationsAsSeen(notifications) }, [notifications]) return ( <div className={clsx( 'relative cursor-pointer bg-white px-2 pt-6 text-sm', className, !expanded ? 'hover:bg-gray-100' : '' )} onClick={() => setExpanded(!expanded)} > {expanded && ( <span className="absolute top-14 left-6 -ml-px h-[calc(100%-5rem)] w-0.5 bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" /> )} <Row className={'items-center text-gray-500 sm:justify-start'}> <div className="flex h-8 w-8 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-gray-200"> <UsersIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" /> </div> <div className={'flex-1 overflow-hidden pl-2 sm:flex'}> <div onClick={() => setExpanded(!expanded)} className={'line-clamp-1 cursor-pointer pl-1 sm:pl-0'} > {sourceContractTitle || contract ? ( <span> {'Activity on '} <a href={ sourceContractCreatorUsername ? `/${sourceContractCreatorUsername}/${sourceContractSlug}` : `/${contract?.creatorUsername}/${contract?.slug}` } className={ 'font-bold hover:underline hover:decoration-indigo-400 hover:decoration-2' } > {sourceContractTitle || contract?.question} </a> </span> ) : ( 'Other activity' )} </div> <RelativeTimestamp time={notifications[0].createdTime} /> </div> </Row> <div> <div className={clsx('mt-1 md:text-base', expanded ? 'pl-4' : '')}> {' '} <div className={'line-clamp-4 mt-1 ml-1 gap-1 whitespace-pre-line'}> {!expanded ? ( <> {notifications.slice(0, numSummaryLines).map((notification) => { return ( <NotificationItem notification={notification} justSummary={true} key={} /> ) })} <div className={'text-sm text-gray-500 hover:underline '}> {notifications.length - numSummaryLines > 0 ? 'And ' + (notifications.length - numSummaryLines) + ' more...' : ''} </div> </> ) : ( <> { => ( <NotificationItem notification={notification} key={} justSummary={false} /> ))} </> )} </div> </div> <div className={'mt-6 border-b border-gray-300'} /> </div> </div> ) } function NotificationSettings() { const user = useUser() const [notificationSettings, setNotificationSettings] = useState<notification_subscribe_types>('all') const [emailNotificationSettings, setEmailNotificationSettings] = useState<notification_subscribe_types>('all') const [privateUser, setPrivateUser] = useState<PrivateUser | null>(null) useEffect(() => { if (user) listenForPrivateUser(, setPrivateUser) }, [user]) useEffect(() => { if (!privateUser) return if (privateUser.notificationPreferences) { setNotificationSettings(privateUser.notificationPreferences) } if ( privateUser.unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails && privateUser.unsubscribedFromCommentEmails && privateUser.unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails ) { setEmailNotificationSettings('none') } else if ( !privateUser.unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails && !privateUser.unsubscribedFromCommentEmails && !privateUser.unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails ) { setEmailNotificationSettings('all') } else { setEmailNotificationSettings('less') } }, [privateUser]) const loading = 'Changing Notifications Settings' const success = 'Notification Settings Changed!' function changeEmailNotifications(newValue: notification_subscribe_types) { if (!privateUser) return if (newValue === 'all') { toast.promise( updatePrivateUser(, { unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails: false, unsubscribedFromCommentEmails: false, unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails: false, }), { loading, success, error: (err) => `${err.message}`, } ) } else if (newValue === 'less') { toast.promise( updatePrivateUser(, { unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails: false, unsubscribedFromCommentEmails: true, unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails: true, }), { loading, success, error: (err) => `${err.message}`, } ) } else if (newValue === 'none') { toast.promise( updatePrivateUser(, { unsubscribedFromResolutionEmails: true, unsubscribedFromCommentEmails: true, unsubscribedFromAnswerEmails: true, }), { loading, success, error: (err) => `${err.message}`, } ) } } function changeInAppNotificationSettings( newValue: notification_subscribe_types ) { if (!privateUser) return toast.promise( updatePrivateUser(, { notificationPreferences: newValue, }), { loading, success, error: (err) => `${err.message}`, } ) } useEffect(() => { if (privateUser && privateUser.notificationPreferences) setNotificationSettings(privateUser.notificationPreferences) else setNotificationSettings('all') }, [privateUser]) if (!privateUser) { return <LoadingIndicator spinnerClassName={'border-gray-500 h-4 w-4'} /> } function NotificationSettingLine(props: { label: string highlight: boolean }) { const { label, highlight } = props return ( <Row className={clsx('my-1 text-gray-300', highlight && '!text-black')}> {highlight ? <CheckIcon height={20} /> : <XIcon height={20} />} {label} </Row> ) } return ( <div className={'p-2'}> <div>In App Notifications</div> <ChoicesToggleGroup currentChoice={notificationSettings} choicesMap={{ All: 'all', Less: 'less', None: 'none' }} setChoice={(choice) => changeInAppNotificationSettings( choice as notification_subscribe_types ) } className={'col-span-4 p-2'} toggleClassName={'w-24'} /> <div className={'mt-4 text-sm'}> <div> <div className={''}> You will receive notifications for: <NotificationSettingLine label={"Resolution of questions you've interacted with"} highlight={notificationSettings !== 'none'} /> <NotificationSettingLine highlight={notificationSettings !== 'none'} label={'Activity on your own questions, comments, & answers'} /> <NotificationSettingLine highlight={notificationSettings !== 'none'} label={"Activity on questions you're betting on"} /> <NotificationSettingLine label={"Activity on questions you've ever bet or commented on"} highlight={notificationSettings === 'all'} /> </div> </div> </div> <div className={'mt-4'}>Email Notifications</div> <ChoicesToggleGroup currentChoice={emailNotificationSettings} choicesMap={{ All: 'all', Less: 'less', None: 'none' }} setChoice={(choice) => changeEmailNotifications(choice as notification_subscribe_types) } className={'col-span-4 p-2'} toggleClassName={'w-24'} /> <div className={'mt-4 text-sm'}> <div> You will receive emails for: <NotificationSettingLine label={"Resolution of questions you're betting on"} highlight={emailNotificationSettings !== 'none'} /> <NotificationSettingLine label={'Closure of your questions'} highlight={emailNotificationSettings !== 'none'} /> <NotificationSettingLine label={'Activity on your questions'} highlight={emailNotificationSettings === 'all'} /> <NotificationSettingLine label={"Activity on questions you've answered or commented on"} highlight={emailNotificationSettings === 'all'} /> </div> </div> </div> ) } function isNotificationAboutContractResolution( sourceType: notification_source_types | undefined, sourceUpdateType: notification_source_update_types | undefined, contract: Contract | null | undefined ) { return ( (sourceType === 'contract' && sourceUpdateType === 'resolved') || (sourceType === 'contract' && !sourceUpdateType && contract?.resolution) ) } function NotificationItem(props: { notification: Notification justSummary?: boolean }) { const { notification, justSummary } = props const { sourceType, sourceContractId, sourceId, sourceUserName, sourceUserAvatarUrl, sourceUpdateType, reasonText, reason, sourceUserUsername, createdTime, sourceText, sourceContractTitle, sourceContractCreatorUsername, sourceContractSlug, } = notification const [defaultNotificationText, setDefaultNotificationText] = useState<string>('') const [contract, setContract] = useState<Contract | null>(null) useEffect(() => { if ( !sourceContractId || (sourceContractSlug && sourceContractCreatorUsername) ) return getContractFromId(sourceContractId) .then((contract) => { if (contract) setContract(contract) }) .catch((e) => console.log(e)) }, [ sourceContractCreatorUsername, sourceContractId, sourceContractSlug, sourceContractTitle, ]) useEffect(() => { if (sourceText) { setDefaultNotificationText(sourceText) } else if (!contract || !sourceContractId || !sourceId) return else if ( sourceType === 'answer' || sourceType === 'comment' || sourceType === 'contract' ) { try { parseNotificationText( sourceId, sourceContractId, sourceType, sourceUpdateType, setDefaultNotificationText, contract ) } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } else if (reasonText) { // Handle arbitrary notifications with reason text here. setDefaultNotificationText(reasonText) } }, [ contract, reasonText, sourceContractId, sourceId, sourceText, sourceType, sourceUpdateType, ]) useEffect(() => { setNotificationsAsSeen([notification]) }, [notification]) function getSourceUrl() { if (sourceType === 'follow') return `/${sourceUserUsername}` if (sourceContractCreatorUsername && sourceContractSlug) return `/${sourceContractCreatorUsername}/${sourceContractSlug}#${getSourceIdForLinkComponent( sourceId ?? '' )}` if (!contract) return '' return `/${contract.creatorUsername}/${ contract.slug }#${getSourceIdForLinkComponent(sourceId ?? '')}` } function getSourceIdForLinkComponent(sourceId: string) { switch (sourceType) { case 'answer': return `answer-${sourceId}` case 'comment': return sourceId case 'contract': return '' default: return sourceId } } async function parseNotificationText( sourceId: string, sourceContractId: string, sourceType: 'answer' | 'comment' | 'contract', sourceUpdateType: notification_source_update_types | undefined, setText: (text: string) => void, contract: Contract ) { if (sourceType === 'contract') { if ( isNotificationAboutContractResolution( sourceType, sourceUpdateType, contract ) && contract.resolution ) setText(contract.resolution) else setText(contract.question) } else if (sourceType === 'answer') { const answer = await getValue<Answer>( doc(db, `contracts/${sourceContractId}/answers/`, sourceId) ) setText(answer?.text ?? '') } else { const comment = await getValue<Comment>( doc(db, `contracts/${sourceContractId}/comments/`, sourceId) ) setText(comment?.text ?? '') } } if (justSummary) { return ( <Row className={'items-center text-sm text-gray-500 sm:justify-start'}> <div className={'line-clamp-1 flex-1 overflow-hidden sm:flex'}> <div className={'flex pl-1 sm:pl-0'}> <UserLink name={sourceUserName || ''} username={sourceUserUsername || ''} className={'mr-0 flex-shrink-0'} /> <div className={'inline-flex overflow-hidden text-ellipsis pl-1'}> <span className={'flex-shrink-0'}> {sourceType && reason && getReasonForShowingNotification( sourceType, reason, sourceUpdateType, contract, true ).replace(' on', '')} </span> <div className={'ml-1 text-black'}> <NotificationTextLabel contract={contract} defaultText={defaultNotificationText} className={'line-clamp-1'} notification={notification} justSummary={true} /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </Row> ) } return ( <div className={'bg-white px-2 pt-6 text-sm sm:px-4'}> <a href={getSourceUrl()}> <Row className={'items-center text-gray-500 sm:justify-start'}> <Avatar avatarUrl={sourceUserAvatarUrl} size={'sm'} className={'mr-2'} username={sourceUserName} /> <div className={'flex-1 overflow-hidden sm:flex'}> <div className={ 'flex max-w-xl shrink overflow-hidden text-ellipsis pl-1 sm:pl-0' } > <UserLink name={sourceUserName || ''} username={sourceUserUsername || ''} className={'mr-0 flex-shrink-0'} /> <div className={'inline-flex overflow-hidden text-ellipsis pl-1'}> {sourceType && reason && ( <div className={'inline truncate'}> {getReasonForShowingNotification( sourceType, reason, sourceUpdateType, contract )} <a href={ sourceContractCreatorUsername ? `/${sourceContractCreatorUsername}/${sourceContractSlug}` : `/${contract?.creatorUsername}/${contract?.slug}` } className={ 'ml-1 font-bold hover:underline hover:decoration-indigo-400 hover:decoration-2' } > {contract?.question || sourceContractTitle} </a> </div> )} </div> </div> {sourceId && sourceContractSlug && sourceContractCreatorUsername ? ( <CopyLinkDateTimeComponent contractCreatorUsername={sourceContractCreatorUsername} contractSlug={sourceContractSlug} createdTime={createdTime} elementId={getSourceIdForLinkComponent(sourceId)} className={'-mx-1 inline-flex sm:inline-block'} /> ) : ( <RelativeTimestamp time={createdTime} /> )} </div> </Row> <div className={'mt-1 ml-1 md:text-base'}> <NotificationTextLabel contract={contract} defaultText={defaultNotificationText} notification={notification} /> </div> <div className={'mt-6 border-b border-gray-300'} /> </a> </div> ) } function NotificationTextLabel(props: { defaultText: string contract?: Contract | null notification: Notification className?: string justSummary?: boolean }) { const { contract, className, defaultText, notification, justSummary } = props const { sourceUpdateType, sourceType, sourceText, sourceContractTitle } = notification if (!contract && !sourceText && sourceType !== 'follow') return <LoadingIndicator spinnerClassName={'border-gray-500 h-4 w-4'} /> if ( isNotificationAboutContractResolution( sourceType, sourceUpdateType, contract ) ) { if (sourceText) { if (sourceText === 'YES' || sourceText == 'NO') { return <BinaryOutcomeLabel outcome={sourceText as any} /> } if (sourceText.includes('%')) return ( <ProbPercentLabel prob={parseFloat(sourceText.replace('%', ''))} /> ) if (sourceText === 'CANCEL') return <CancelLabel /> if (sourceText === 'MKT' || sourceText === 'PROB') return <MultiLabel /> // Show free response answer text return <span>{sourceText}</span> } else if (contract?.resolution) { if (contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE') { return ( <FreeResponseOutcomeLabel contract={contract} resolution={contract.resolution} truncate={'long'} answerClassName={className} /> ) } return ( <OutcomeLabel contract={contract} outcome={contract.resolution} truncate={'long'} /> ) } else return <div /> } else if (sourceType === 'contract') { if (justSummary) return <span>{contract?.question || sourceContractTitle}</span> // Ignore contract update source text until we improve them return <div /> } else { return ( <div className={className ? className : 'line-clamp-4 whitespace-pre-line'} > <Linkify text={defaultText} /> </div> ) } } function getReasonForShowingNotification( source: notification_source_types, reason: notification_reason_types, sourceUpdateType: notification_source_update_types | undefined, contract: Contract | undefined | null, simple?: boolean ) { let reasonText: string switch (source) { case 'comment': if (reason === 'reply_to_users_answer') reasonText = !simple ? 'replied to your answer on' : 'replied' else if (reason === 'tagged_user') reasonText = !simple ? 'tagged you in a comment on' : 'tagged you' else if (reason === 'reply_to_users_comment') reasonText = !simple ? 'replied to your comment on' : 'replied' else if (reason === 'on_users_contract') reasonText = !simple ? `commented on your question` : 'commented' else if (reason === 'on_contract_with_users_comment') reasonText = `commented on` else if (reason === 'on_contract_with_users_answer') reasonText = `commented on` else if (reason === 'on_contract_with_users_shares_in') reasonText = `commented` else reasonText = `commented on` break case 'contract': if (reason === 'you_follow_user') reasonText = 'created a new question' else if ( isNotificationAboutContractResolution( source, sourceUpdateType, contract ) ) reasonText = `resolved` else reasonText = `updated` break case 'answer': if (reason === 'on_users_contract') reasonText = `answered your question ` else if (reason === 'on_contract_with_users_comment') reasonText = `answered` else if (reason === 'on_contract_with_users_answer') reasonText = `answered` else if (reason === 'on_contract_with_users_shares_in') reasonText = `answered` else reasonText = `answered` break case 'follow': reasonText = 'followed you' break default: reasonText = '' } return reasonText }