import { HomeIcon, SearchIcon, BookOpenIcon, DotsHorizontalIcon, CashIcon, HeartIcon, UserGroupIcon, TrendingUpIcon, ChatIcon, } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import clsx from 'clsx' import Link from 'next/link' import Router, { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { usePrivateUser, useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { firebaseLogout, User } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import { ManifoldLogo } from './manifold-logo' import { MenuButton } from './menu' import { ProfileSummary } from './profile-menu' import NotificationsIcon from 'web/components/notifications-icon' import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { IS_PRIVATE_MANIFOLD } from 'common/envs/constants' import { CreateQuestionButton } from 'web/components/create-question-button' import { useMemberGroups } from 'web/hooks/use-group' import { groupPath } from 'web/lib/firebase/groups' import { trackCallback, withTracking } from 'web/lib/service/analytics' import { Group, GROUP_CHAT_SLUG } from 'common/group' import { Spacer } from '../layout/spacer' import { useUnseenPreferredNotifications } from 'web/hooks/use-notifications' import { setNotificationsAsSeen } from 'web/pages/notifications' import { PrivateUser } from 'common/user' import { useWindowSize } from 'web/hooks/use-window-size' const logout = async () => { // log out, and then reload the page, in case SSR wants to boot them out // of whatever logged-in-only area of the site they might be in await withTracking(firebaseLogout, 'sign out')() await Router.replace(Router.asPath) } function getNavigation() { return [ { name: 'Home', href: '/home', icon: HomeIcon }, { name: 'Notifications', href: `/notifications`, icon: NotificationsIcon, }, { name: 'Leaderboards', href: '/leaderboards', icon: TrendingUpIcon }, ...(IS_PRIVATE_MANIFOLD ? [] : [{ name: 'Get M$', href: '/add-funds', icon: CashIcon }]), ] } function getMoreNavigation(user?: User | null) { if (IS_PRIVATE_MANIFOLD) { return [{ name: 'Leaderboards', href: '/leaderboards' }] } if (!user) { return [ { name: 'Charity', href: '/charity' }, { name: 'Blog', href: '' }, { name: 'Discord', href: '' }, { name: 'Twitter', href: '' }, ] } return [ { name: 'Referrals', href: '/referrals' }, { name: 'Charity', href: '/charity' }, { name: 'Send M$', href: '/links' }, { name: 'Discord', href: '' }, { name: 'About', href: '$how-to' }, { name: 'Sign out', href: '#', onClick: logout, }, ] } const signedOutNavigation = [ { name: 'Home', href: '/home', icon: HomeIcon }, { name: 'Explore', href: '/markets', icon: SearchIcon }, { name: 'About', href: '$how-to', icon: BookOpenIcon, }, ] const signedOutMobileNavigation = [ { name: 'About', href: '$how-to', icon: BookOpenIcon, }, { name: 'Charity', href: '/charity', icon: HeartIcon }, { name: 'Leaderboards', href: '/leaderboards', icon: TrendingUpIcon }, { name: 'Discord', href: '', icon: ChatIcon }, ] const signedInMobileNavigation = [ { name: 'Leaderboards', href: '/leaderboards', icon: TrendingUpIcon }, ...(IS_PRIVATE_MANIFOLD ? [] : [{ name: 'Get M$', href: '/add-funds', icon: CashIcon }]), { name: 'About', href: '$how-to', icon: BookOpenIcon, }, ] function getMoreMobileNav() { return [ ...(IS_PRIVATE_MANIFOLD ? [] : [ { name: 'Referrals', href: '/referrals' }, { name: 'Charity', href: '/charity' }, { name: 'Send M$', href: '/links' }, { name: 'Discord', href: '' }, ]), { name: 'Sign out', href: '#', onClick: logout, }, ] } export type Item = { name: string trackingEventName?: string href: string icon?: React.ComponentType<{ className?: string }> } function SidebarItem(props: { item: Item; currentPage: string }) { const { item, currentPage } = props return ( <Link href={item.href} key={}> <a onClick={trackCallback('sidebar: ' +} className={clsx( item.href == currentPage ? 'bg-gray-200 text-gray-900' : 'text-gray-600 hover:bg-gray-100', 'group flex items-center rounded-md px-3 py-2 text-sm font-medium' )} aria-current={item.href == currentPage ? 'page' : undefined} > {item.icon && ( <item.icon className={clsx( item.href == currentPage ? 'text-gray-500' : 'text-gray-400 group-hover:text-gray-500', '-ml-1 mr-3 h-6 w-6 flex-shrink-0' )} aria-hidden="true" /> )} <span className="truncate">{}</span> </a> </Link> ) } function SidebarButton(props: { text: string icon: React.ComponentType<{ className?: string }> children?: React.ReactNode }) { const { text, children } = props return ( <a className="group flex items-center rounded-md px-3 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-600 hover:cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100"> <props.icon className="-ml-1 mr-3 h-6 w-6 flex-shrink-0 text-gray-400 group-hover:text-gray-500" aria-hidden="true" /> <span className="truncate">{text}</span> {children} </a> ) } function MoreButton() { return <SidebarButton text={'More'} icon={DotsHorizontalIcon} /> } export default function Sidebar(props: { className?: string }) { const { className } = props const router = useRouter() const currentPage = router.pathname const user = useUser() const privateUser = usePrivateUser(user?.id) // usePing(user?.id) const navigationOptions = !user ? signedOutNavigation : getNavigation() const mobileNavigationOptions = !user ? signedOutMobileNavigation : signedInMobileNavigation const memberItems = ( useMemberGroups( user?.id, { withChatEnabled: true }, { by: 'mostRecentChatActivityTime' } ) ?? [] ).map((group: Group) => ({ name:, href: `${groupPath(group.slug)}/${GROUP_CHAT_SLUG}`, })) return ( <nav aria-label="Sidebar" className={className}> <ManifoldLogo className="py-6" twoLine /> <CreateQuestionButton user={user} /> <Spacer h={4} /> {user && ( <div className="w-full" style={{ minHeight: 80 }}> <ProfileSummary user={user} /> </div> )} {/* Mobile navigation */} <div className="space-y-1 lg:hidden"> { => ( <SidebarItem key={item.href} item={item} currentPage={currentPage} /> ))} {user && ( <MenuButton menuItems={getMoreMobileNav()} buttonContent={<MoreButton />} /> )} {/* Spacer if there are any groups */} {memberItems.length > 0 && ( <hr className="!my-4 mr-2 border-gray-300" /> )} {privateUser && ( <GroupsList currentPage={router.asPath} memberItems={memberItems} privateUser={privateUser} /> )} </div> {/* Desktop navigation */} <div className="hidden space-y-1 lg:block"> { => ( <SidebarItem key={item.href} item={item} currentPage={currentPage} /> ))} <MenuButton menuItems={getMoreNavigation(user)} buttonContent={<MoreButton />} /> {/* Spacer if there are any groups */} {memberItems.length > 0 && <hr className="!my-4 border-gray-300" />} {privateUser && ( <GroupsList currentPage={router.asPath} memberItems={memberItems} privateUser={privateUser} /> )} </div> </nav> ) } function GroupsList(props: { currentPage: string memberItems: Item[] privateUser: PrivateUser }) { const { currentPage, memberItems, privateUser } = props const preferredNotifications = useUnseenPreferredNotifications( privateUser, { customHref: '/group/', }, memberItems.length > 0 ? memberItems.length : undefined ) // Set notification as seen if our current page is equal to the isSeenOnHref property useEffect(() => { const currentPageWithoutQuery = currentPage.split('?')[0] const currentPageGroupSlug = currentPageWithoutQuery.split('/')[2] preferredNotifications.forEach((notification) => { if ( notification.isSeenOnHref === currentPage || // Old chat style group chat notif was just /group/slug (notification.isSeenOnHref && currentPageWithoutQuery.includes(notification.isSeenOnHref)) || // They're on the home page, so if they've a chat notif, they're seeing the chat (notification.isSeenOnHref?.endsWith(GROUP_CHAT_SLUG) && currentPageWithoutQuery.endsWith(currentPageGroupSlug)) ) { setNotificationsAsSeen([notification]) } }) }, [currentPage, preferredNotifications]) const { height } = useWindowSize() const [containerRef, setContainerRef] = useState<HTMLDivElement | null>(null) const remainingHeight = (height ?? window.innerHeight) - (containerRef?.offsetTop ?? 0) return ( <> <SidebarItem item={{ name: 'Groups', href: '/groups', icon: UserGroupIcon }} currentPage={currentPage} /> <div className="flex-1 space-y-0.5 overflow-auto" style={{ height: remainingHeight }} ref={setContainerRef} > { => ( <a key={item.href} href={item.href} className={clsx( 'group flex items-center rounded-md px-3 py-2 text-sm font-medium text-gray-600 hover:bg-gray-100 hover:text-gray-900', preferredNotifications.some( (n) => !n.isSeen && (n.isSeenOnHref === item.href || n.isSeenOnHref === item.href.replace('/chat', '')) ) && 'font-bold' )} > <span className="truncate">{}</span> </a> ))} </div> </> ) }