import fetch from 'node-fetch' import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http' import { FIREBASE_CONFIG, PROJECT_ID } from 'common/envs/constants' import { getFunctionUrl } from 'common/api' import { UserCredential } from 'firebase/auth' import { getTokensFromCookies, setTokenCookies, deleteTokenCookies, } from './auth' import { GetServerSideProps, GetServerSidePropsContext, GetServerSidePropsResult, } from 'next' // server firebase SDK import * as admin from 'firebase-admin' // client firebase SDK import { app as clientApp } from './init' import { getAuth, signInWithCustomToken } from 'firebase/auth' const ensureApp = async () => { // Note: firebase-admin can only be imported from a server context, // because it relies on Node standard library dependencies. if (admin.apps.length === 0) { // never initialize twice return admin.initializeApp({ projectId: PROJECT_ID }) } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion return admin.apps[0]! } const requestFirebaseIdToken = async (refreshToken: string) => { // See const refreshUrl = new URL('') refreshUrl.searchParams.append('key', FIREBASE_CONFIG.apiKey) const result = await fetch(refreshUrl.toString(), { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', }, body: new URLSearchParams({ grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: refreshToken, }), }) if (!result.ok) { throw new Error(`Could not refresh ID token: ${await result.text()}`) } return (await result.json()) as { id_token: string; refresh_token: string } } const requestManifoldCustomToken = async (idToken: string) => { const functionUrl = getFunctionUrl('getcustomtoken') const result = await fetch(functionUrl, { method: 'GET', headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${idToken}`, }, }) if (!result.ok) { throw new Error(`Could not get custom token: ${await result.text()}`) } return (await result.json()) as { token: string } } type RequestContext = { req: IncomingMessage res: ServerResponse } const authAndRefreshTokens = async (ctx: RequestContext) => { const adminAuth = (await ensureApp()).auth() const clientAuth = getAuth(clientApp) console.debug('Initialized Firebase auth libraries.') let { id, refresh, custom } = getTokensFromCookies(ctx.req) // step 0: if you have no refresh token you are logged out if (refresh == null) { console.debug('User is unauthenticated.') return null } console.debug('User may be authenticated; checking cookies.') // step 1: given a valid refresh token, ensure a valid ID token if (id != null) { // if they have an ID token, throw it out if it's invalid/expired try { await adminAuth.verifyIdToken(id) console.debug('Verified ID token.') } catch { id = undefined console.debug('Invalid existing ID token.') } } if (id == null) { // ask for a new one from google using the refresh token try { const resp = await requestFirebaseIdToken(refresh) console.debug('Obtained fresh ID token from Firebase.') id = resp.id_token refresh = resp.refresh_token } catch (e) { // big unexpected problem -- functionally, they are not logged in console.error(e) return null } } // step 2: given a valid ID token, ensure a valid custom token, and sign in // to the client SDK with the custom token if (custom != null) { // sign in with this token, or throw it out if it's invalid/expired try { const creds = await signInWithCustomToken(clientAuth, custom) console.debug('Signed in with custom token.') return { creds, id, refresh, custom } } catch { custom = undefined console.debug('Invalid existing custom token.') } } if (custom == null) { // ask for a new one from our cloud functions using the ID token, then sign in try { const resp = await requestManifoldCustomToken(id) console.debug('Obtained fresh custom token from backend.') custom = resp.token const creds = await signInWithCustomToken(clientAuth, custom) console.debug('Signed in with custom token.') return { creds, id, refresh, custom } } catch (e) { // big unexpected problem -- functionally, they are not logged in console.error(e) return null } } return null } export const authenticateOnServer = async (ctx: RequestContext) => { console.debug('Server authentication sequence starting.') const tokens = await authAndRefreshTokens(ctx) console.debug('Finished checking and refreshing tokens.') const creds = tokens?.creds try { if (tokens == null) { deleteTokenCookies(ctx.res) console.debug('Not logged in; cleared token cookies.') } else { setTokenCookies(tokens, ctx.res) console.debug('Logged in; set current token cookies.') } } catch (e) { // definitely not supposed to happen, but let's be maximally robust console.error(e) } return creds ?? null } // note that we might want to define these types more generically if we want better // type safety on next.js stuff... see the definition of GetServerSideProps type GetServerSidePropsAuthed<P> = ( context: GetServerSidePropsContext, creds: UserCredential ) => Promise<GetServerSidePropsResult<P>> export const redirectIfLoggedIn = <P>( dest: string, fn?: GetServerSideProps<P> ) => { return async (ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext) => { const creds = await authenticateOnServer(ctx) if (creds == null) { if (fn == null) { return { props: {} } } else { const props = await fn(ctx) console.debug('Finished getting initial props for rendering.') return props } } else { console.debug(`Redirecting to ${dest}.`) return { redirect: { destination: dest, permanent: false } } } } } export const redirectIfLoggedOut = <P>( dest: string, fn?: GetServerSidePropsAuthed<P> ) => { return async (ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext) => { const creds = await authenticateOnServer(ctx) if (creds == null) { console.debug(`Redirecting to ${dest}.`) return { redirect: { destination: dest, permanent: false } } } else { if (fn == null) { return { props: {} } } else { const props = await fn(ctx, creds) console.debug('Finished getting initial props for rendering.') return props } } } }