import * as functions from 'firebase-functions' import * as admin from 'firebase-admin' import { Contract } from '../../common/contract' import { getAllPrivateUsers, getGroup, getPrivateUser, getUser, getValues, isProd, log, } from './utils' import { createRNG, shuffle } from '../../common/util/random' import { DAY_MS, HOUR_MS } from '../../common/util/time' import { filterDefined } from '../../common/util/array' import { Follow } from '../../common/follow' import { countBy, uniq, uniqBy } from 'lodash' import { sendInterestingMarketsEmail } from './emails' export const weeklyMarketsEmails = functions .runWith({ secrets: ['MAILGUN_KEY'], memory: '4GB' }) // every minute on Monday for 2 hours starting at 12pm PT (UTC -07:00) .pubsub.schedule('* 19-20 * * 1') .timeZone('Etc/UTC') .onRun(async () => { await sendTrendingMarketsEmailsToAllUsers() }) const firestore = admin.firestore() export async function getTrendingContracts() { return await getValues( firestore .collection('contracts') .where('isResolved', '==', false) .where('visibility', '==', 'public') // can't use multiple inequality (/orderBy) operators on different fields, // so have to filter for closed contracts separately .orderBy('popularityScore', 'desc') // might as well go big and do a quick filter for closed ones later .limit(500) ) } export async function sendTrendingMarketsEmailsToAllUsers() { const numContractsToSend = 6 const privateUsers = isProd() ? await getAllPrivateUsers() : filterDefined([ await getPrivateUser('6hHpzvRG0pMq8PNJs7RZj2qlZGn2'), // dev Ian ]) const privateUsersToSendEmailsTo = isProd() ? privateUsers .filter((user) => { // get all users that haven't unsubscribed from weekly emails user.notificationPreferences.trending_markets.includes('email') && !user.weeklyTrendingEmailSent }) .slice(100) // Send the emails out in batches : privateUsers // For testing different users on prod: (only send ian an email though) // filterDefined([ // await getPrivateUser('AJwLWoo3xue32XIiAVrL5SyR1WB2'), // prod Ian // isProd() // ? await getPrivateUser('FptiiMZZ6dQivihLI8MYFQ6ypSw1') // prod Mik // : await getPrivateUser('6hHpzvRG0pMq8PNJs7RZj2qlZGn2'), // dev Ian // ]) log( 'Sending weekly trending emails to', privateUsersToSendEmailsTo.length, 'users' ) const trendingContracts = (await getTrendingContracts()) .filter( (contract) => !( contract.question.toLowerCase().includes('trump') && contract.question.toLowerCase().includes('president') ) && (contract?.closeTime ?? 0) > + DAY_MS && !contract.groupSlugs?.includes('manifold-features') && !contract.groupSlugs?.includes('manifold-6748e065087e') ) .slice(0, 50) const uniqueTrendingContracts = removeSimilarQuestions( trendingContracts, trendingContracts, true ).slice(0, 20) await Promise.all( (privateUser) => { if (! { log(`No email for ${privateUser.username}`) return } const unbetOnFollowedMarkets = await getUserUnBetOnFollowsMarkets( ) const unBetOnGroupMarkets = await getUserUnBetOnGroupsMarkets(, unbetOnFollowedMarkets ) const similarBettorsMarkets = await getSimilarBettorsMarkets(, unBetOnGroupMarkets ) const marketsAvailableToSend = uniqBy( [ ...chooseRandomSubset(unbetOnFollowedMarkets, 2), // // Most people will belong to groups but may not follow other users, // so choose more from the other subsets if the followed markets is sparse ...chooseRandomSubset( unBetOnGroupMarkets, unbetOnFollowedMarkets.length === 0 ? 3 : 2 ), ...chooseRandomSubset( similarBettorsMarkets, unbetOnFollowedMarkets.length === 0 ? 3 : 2 ), ], (contract) => ) // // at least send them trending contracts if nothing else if (marketsAvailableToSend.length < numContractsToSend) marketsAvailableToSend.push( ...removeSimilarQuestions( uniqueTrendingContracts, marketsAvailableToSend, false ) .filter( (contract) => !contract.uniqueBettorIds?.includes( ) .slice(0, numContractsToSend - marketsAvailableToSend.length) ) if (marketsAvailableToSend.length < numContractsToSend) { log( 'not enough new, unbet-on contracts to send to user', ) await firestore.collection('private-users').doc({ weeklyTrendingEmailSent: true, }) return } // choose random subset of contracts to send to user const contractsToSend = chooseRandomSubset( marketsAvailableToSend, numContractsToSend ) const user = await getUser( if (!user) return log( 'sending contracts:', => c.question + ' ' + c.popularityScore) ) // if they don't have enough markets, find user bets and get the other bettor ids who most overlap on those markets, then do the same thing as above for them // await sendInterestingMarketsEmail(user, privateUser, contractsToSend) await sendInterestingMarketsEmail(user, privateUser, contractsToSend) await firestore.collection('private-users').doc({ weeklyTrendingEmailSent: true, }) }) ) } const MINIMUM_POPULARITY_SCORE = 2 const getUserUnBetOnFollowsMarkets = async (userId: string) => { const follows = await getValues( firestore.collection('users').doc(userId).collection('follows') ) const unBetOnContractsFromFollows = await Promise.all( (follow) => { const unresolvedContracts = await getValues( firestore .collection('contracts') .where('isResolved', '==', false) .where('visibility', '==', 'public') .where('creatorId', '==', follow.userId) // can't use multiple inequality (/orderBy) operators on different fields, // so have to filter for closed contracts separately .orderBy('popularityScore', 'desc') .limit(50) ) // filter out contracts that have close times less than 6 hours from now const openContracts = unresolvedContracts.filter( (contract) => (contract?.closeTime ?? 0) > + 6 * HOUR_MS ) return openContracts.filter( (contract) => !contract.uniqueBettorIds?.includes(userId) ) }) ) const sortedMarkets = unBetOnContractsFromFollows .flat() .filter( (contract) => contract.popularityScore !== undefined && contract.popularityScore > MINIMUM_POPULARITY_SCORE ) .sort((a, b) => (b.popularityScore ?? 0) - (a.popularityScore ?? 0)) const uniqueSortedMarkets = removeSimilarQuestions( sortedMarkets, sortedMarkets, true ) const topSortedMarkets = uniqueSortedMarkets.slice(0, 10) log( 'top 10 sorted markets by followed users', => c.question + ' ' + c.popularityScore) ) return topSortedMarkets } const getUserUnBetOnGroupsMarkets = async ( userId: string, differentThanTheseContracts: Contract[] ) => { const snap = await firestore .collectionGroup('groupMembers') .where('userId', '==', userId) .get() const groupIds = filterDefined( => doc.ref.parent.parent?.id) ) const groups = filterDefined( await Promise.all( (groupId) => await getGroup(groupId))) ) const unBetOnContractsFromGroups = await Promise.all( (group) => { const unresolvedContracts = await getValues( firestore .collection('contracts') .where('isResolved', '==', false) .where('visibility', '==', 'public') .where('groupSlugs', 'array-contains', group.slug) // can't use multiple inequality (/orderBy) operators on different fields, // so have to filter for closed contracts separately .orderBy('popularityScore', 'desc') .limit(50) ) // filter out contracts that have close times less than 6 hours from now const openContracts = unresolvedContracts.filter( (contract) => (contract?.closeTime ?? 0) > + 6 * HOUR_MS ) return openContracts.filter( (contract) => !contract.uniqueBettorIds?.includes(userId) ) }) ) const sortedMarkets = unBetOnContractsFromGroups .flat() .filter( (contract) => contract.popularityScore !== undefined && contract.popularityScore > MINIMUM_POPULARITY_SCORE ) .sort((a, b) => (b.popularityScore ?? 0) - (a.popularityScore ?? 0)) const uniqueSortedMarkets = removeSimilarQuestions( sortedMarkets, sortedMarkets, true ) const topSortedMarkets = removeSimilarQuestions( uniqueSortedMarkets, differentThanTheseContracts, false ).slice(0, 10) log( 'top 10 sorted group markets', => c.question + ' ' + c.popularityScore) ) return topSortedMarkets } // Gets markets followed by similar bettors and bet on by similar bettors const getSimilarBettorsMarkets = async ( userId: string, differentThanTheseContracts: Contract[] ) => { // get contracts with unique bettor ids with this user const contractsUserHasBetOn = await getValues( firestore .collection('contracts') .where('uniqueBettorIds', 'array-contains', userId) ) // count the number of times each unique bettor id appears on those contracts const bettorIdsToCounts = countBy( => contract.uniqueBettorIds).flat(), (bettorId) => bettorId ) // sort by number of times they appear with at least 2 appearances const sortedBettorIds = Object.entries(bettorIdsToCounts) .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]) .filter((bettorId) => bettorId[1] > 2) .map((entry) => entry[0]) .filter((bettorId) => bettorId !== userId) // get the top 10 most similar bettors (excluding this user) const similarBettorIds = sortedBettorIds.slice(0, 10) // get contracts with unique bettor ids with this user const contractsSimilarBettorsHaveBetOn = ( await getValues( firestore .collection('contracts') .where( 'uniqueBettorIds', 'array-contains-any', similarBettorIds.slice(0, 10) ) .orderBy('popularityScore', 'desc') .limit(200) ) ).filter((contract) => !contract.uniqueBettorIds?.includes(userId)) // sort the contracts by how many times similar bettor ids are in their unique bettor ids array const sortedContractsInSimilarBettorsBets = contractsSimilarBettorsHaveBetOn .map((contract) => { const appearances = contract.uniqueBettorIds?.filter((bettorId) => similarBettorIds.includes(bettorId) ).length return [contract, appearances] as [Contract, number] }) .sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1]) .map((entry) => entry[0]) const uniqueSortedContractsInSimilarBettorsBets = removeSimilarQuestions( sortedContractsInSimilarBettorsBets, sortedContractsInSimilarBettorsBets, true ) const topMostSimilarContracts = removeSimilarQuestions( uniqueSortedContractsInSimilarBettorsBets, differentThanTheseContracts, false ).slice(0, 10) log( 'top 10 sorted contracts other similar bettors have bet on', => c.question) ) return topMostSimilarContracts } // search contract array by question and remove contracts with 3 matching words in the question const removeSimilarQuestions = ( contractsToFilter: Contract[], byContracts: Contract[], allowExactSameContracts: boolean ) => { // log( // 'contracts to filter by', // => c.question + ' ' + c.popularityScore) // ) let contractsToRemove: Contract[] = [] byContracts.length > 0 && byContracts.forEach((contract) => { const contractQuestion = stripNonAlphaChars(contract.question) // Don't lowercase so we match the proper nouns, which are the ones we're really looking for const contractQuestionWords = uniq(contractQuestion.split(' ')).filter( (w) => !IGNORE_WORDS.includes(w.toLowerCase()) ) contractsToRemove = contractsToRemove.concat( contractsToFilter.filter( // Remove contracts with more than 3 matching words and a lower popularity score (c2) => { const significantOverlap = uniq(stripNonAlphaChars(c2.question).split(' ')).filter((word) => contractQuestionWords.includes(word) ).length > 3 const lessPopular = (c2.popularityScore ?? 0) < (contract.popularityScore ?? 0) return ( (significantOverlap && lessPopular) || (allowExactSameContracts ? false : === ) } ) ) }) // log( // 'contracts to filter out', // => c.question) // ) const returnContracts = contractsToFilter.filter( (cf) => ! => ) return returnContracts } const fiveMinutes = 5 * 60 * 1000 const seed = Math.round( / fiveMinutes).toString() const rng = createRNG(seed) function chooseRandomSubset(contracts: Contract[], count: number) { shuffle(contracts, rng) return contracts.slice(0, count) } function stripNonAlphaChars(str: string) { return str.replace(/[^\w\s']|_/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ') } const IGNORE_WORDS = [ 'the', 'a', 'an', 'and', 'or', 'of', 'to', 'in', 'on', 'will', 'be', 'is', 'are', 'for', 'by', 'at', 'from', 'what', 'when', 'which', 'that', 'it', 'as', 'if', 'then', 'than', 'but', 'have', 'has', 'had', ]