Congrats on creating your first market on Manifold!
The following is a short guide to creating markets.
What makes a good market?
topic. Manifold gives
creators M$10 for
each unique trader that bets on your
market, so it pays to ask a question people are interested in!
Clear resolution criteria. Any ambiguities or edge cases in your description
will drive traders away from your markets.
Detailed description. Include images/videos/tweets and any context or
information that could be useful to people who
are interested in learning more that are
uneducated on the subject.
Add it to a group. Groups are the
primary way users filter for relevant markets.
Also, consider making your own groups and
inviting friends/interested communities to
them from other sites!
Share it on social media. You'll earn the M$500
referral bonus if you get new users to sign up!
Examples of markets you should
Why not
create another market
while it is still fresh on your mind?
Thanks for reading!
David from Manifold