import clsx from 'clsx' import Link from 'next/link' import _ from 'lodash' import { ClockIcon, DatabaseIcon, PencilIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import { TrendingUpIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid' import { Row } from '../layout/row' import { formatMoney, formatPercent } from '../../../common/util/format' import { UserLink } from '../user-page' import { Contract, contractMetrics, contractPath, getBinaryProbPercent, updateContract, } from '../../lib/firebase/contracts' import { Col } from '../layout/col' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import { DateTimeTooltip } from '../datetime-tooltip' import { fromNow } from '../../lib/util/time' import { Avatar } from '../avatar' import { Spacer } from '../layout/spacer' import { useState } from 'react' import { ContractInfoDialog } from './contract-info-dialog' import { Bet } from '../../../common/bet' import { Binary, CPMM, DPM, FreeResponse, FreeResponseContract, FullContract, } from '../../../common/contract' import { AnswerLabel, BinaryContractOutcomeLabel, FreeResponseOutcomeLabel, } from '../outcome-label' import { getOutcomeProbability } from '../../../common/calculate' export function ContractCard(props: { contract: Contract showHotVolume?: boolean showCloseTime?: boolean className?: string }) { const { contract, showHotVolume, showCloseTime, className } = props const { question, outcomeType, resolution } = contract return ( <div> <div className={clsx( 'relative rounded-lg bg-white p-6 shadow-md hover:bg-gray-100', className )} > <Link href={contractPath(contract)}> <a className="absolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0" /> </Link> <AbbrContractDetails contract={contract} showHotVolume={showHotVolume} showCloseTime={showCloseTime} /> <Spacer h={3} /> <Row className={clsx( 'justify-between gap-4', outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE' && 'flex-col items-start' )} > <p className="break-words font-medium text-indigo-700" style={{ /* For iOS safari */ wordBreak: 'break-word' }} > {question} </p> {outcomeType === 'BINARY' && ( <BinaryResolutionOrChance className="items-center" contract={contract} /> )} {outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE' && ( <FreeResponseResolutionOrChance contract={contract as FullContract<DPM, FreeResponse>} truncate="long" /> )} </Row> </div> </div> ) } export function BinaryResolutionOrChance(props: { contract: FullContract<DPM | CPMM, Binary> large?: boolean className?: string }) { const { contract, large, className } = props const { resolution } = contract const marketClosed = (contract.closeTime || Infinity) < const probColor = marketClosed ? 'text-gray-400' : 'text-primary' return ( <Col className={clsx(large ? 'text-4xl' : 'text-3xl', className)}> {resolution ? ( <> <div className={clsx('text-gray-500', large ? 'text-xl' : 'text-base')} > Resolved </div> <BinaryContractOutcomeLabel contract={contract} resolution={resolution} /> </> ) : ( <> <div className={probColor}>{getBinaryProbPercent(contract)}</div> <div className={clsx(probColor, large ? 'text-xl' : 'text-base')}> chance </div> </> )} </Col> ) } function getTopAnswer(contract: FreeResponseContract) { const { answers } = contract const top = _.maxBy( => ({ answer, prob: getOutcomeProbability(contract,, })), ({ prob }) => prob ) return top?.answer } export function FreeResponseResolutionOrChance(props: { contract: FreeResponseContract truncate: 'short' | 'long' | 'none' }) { const { contract, truncate } = props const { resolution } = contract const topAnswer = getTopAnswer(contract) return ( <Col className="text-xl"> {resolution ? ( <> <div className={clsx('text-base text-gray-500')}>Resolved</div> <FreeResponseOutcomeLabel contract={contract} resolution={resolution} truncate={truncate} /> </> ) : ( topAnswer && ( <Row className="flex-1 items-center justify-between gap-6"> <AnswerLabel answer={topAnswer} truncate={truncate} /> <Col className="text-primary"> <div> {formatPercent(getOutcomeProbability(contract,} </div> <div className="text-base">chance</div> </Col> </Row> ) )} </Col> ) } function AbbrContractDetails(props: { contract: Contract showHotVolume?: boolean showCloseTime?: boolean }) { const { contract, showHotVolume, showCloseTime } = props const { volume24Hours, creatorName, creatorUsername, closeTime } = contract const { volumeLabel } = contractMetrics(contract) return ( <Col className={clsx('gap-2 text-sm text-gray-500')}> <Row className="items-center justify-between"> <Row className="items-center gap-2"> <Avatar username={creatorUsername} avatarUrl={contract.creatorAvatarUrl} size={6} /> <UserLink className="whitespace-nowrap" name={creatorName} username={creatorUsername} /> </Row> {showHotVolume ? ( <Row className="gap-1"> <TrendingUpIcon className="h-5 w-5" /> {formatMoney(volume24Hours)} </Row> ) : showCloseTime ? ( <Row className="gap-1"> <ClockIcon className="h-5 w-5" /> {(closeTime || 0) < ? 'Closed' : 'Closes'}{' '} {fromNow(closeTime || 0)} </Row> ) : ( <Row className="gap-1"> {/* <DatabaseIcon className="h-5 w-5" /> */} {volumeLabel} </Row> )} </Row> </Col> ) } export function ContractDetails(props: { contract: Contract bets: Bet[] isCreator?: boolean hideShareButtons?: boolean }) { const { contract, bets, isCreator, hideShareButtons } = props const { closeTime, creatorName, creatorUsername } = contract const { volumeLabel, createdDate, resolvedDate } = contractMetrics(contract) return ( <Col className="gap-2 text-sm text-gray-500 sm:flex-row sm:flex-wrap"> <Row className="flex-1 flex-wrap items-center gap-x-4 gap-y-3"> <Row className="items-center gap-2"> <Avatar username={creatorUsername} avatarUrl={contract.creatorAvatarUrl} size={6} /> <UserLink className="whitespace-nowrap" name={creatorName} username={creatorUsername} /> </Row> {(!!closeTime || !!resolvedDate) && ( <Row className="items-center gap-1"> <ClockIcon className="h-5 w-5" /> {/* <DateTimeTooltip text="Market created:" time={contract.createdTime}> {createdDate} </DateTimeTooltip> */} {resolvedDate && contract.resolutionTime ? ( <> {/* {' - '} */} <DateTimeTooltip text="Market resolved:" time={contract.resolutionTime} > {resolvedDate} </DateTimeTooltip> </> ) : null} {!resolvedDate && closeTime && ( <> {/* {' - '}{' '} */} <EditableCloseDate closeTime={closeTime} contract={contract} isCreator={isCreator ?? false} /> </> )} </Row> )} <Row className="items-center gap-1"> <DatabaseIcon className="h-5 w-5" /> <div className="whitespace-nowrap">{volumeLabel}</div> </Row> {!hideShareButtons && ( <ContractInfoDialog contract={contract} bets={bets} /> )} </Row> </Col> ) } // String version of the above, to send to the OpenGraph image generator export function contractTextDetails(contract: Contract) { const { closeTime, tags } = contract const { createdDate, resolvedDate, volumeLabel } = contractMetrics(contract) const hashtags = => `#${tag}`) return ( `${resolvedDate ? `${createdDate} - ${resolvedDate}` : createdDate}` + (closeTime ? ` • ${closeTime > ? 'Closes' : 'Closed'} ${dayjs( closeTime ).format('MMM D, h:mma')}` : '') + ` • ${volumeLabel}` + (hashtags.length > 0 ? ` • ${hashtags.join(' ')}` : '') ) } function EditableCloseDate(props: { closeTime: number contract: Contract isCreator: boolean }) { const { closeTime, contract, isCreator } = props const [isEditingCloseTime, setIsEditingCloseTime] = useState(false) const [closeDate, setCloseDate] = useState( closeTime && dayjs(closeTime).format('YYYY-MM-DDT23:59') ) const onSave = () => { const newCloseTime = dayjs(closeDate).valueOf() if (newCloseTime === closeTime) setIsEditingCloseTime(false) else if (newCloseTime > { const { description } = contract const formattedCloseDate = dayjs(newCloseTime).format('YYYY-MM-DD h:mm a') const newDescription = `${description}\n\nClose date updated to ${formattedCloseDate}` updateContract(, { closeTime: newCloseTime, description: newDescription, }) setIsEditingCloseTime(false) } } return ( <> {isEditingCloseTime ? ( <div className="form-control mr-1 items-start"> <input type="datetime-local" className="input input-bordered" onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onChange={(e) => setCloseDate( || '')} min={} value={closeDate} /> </div> ) : ( <DateTimeTooltip text={closeTime > ? 'Trading ends:' : 'Trading ended:'} time={closeTime} > {dayjs(closeTime).format('MMM D')} ({fromNow(closeTime)}) </DateTimeTooltip> )} {isCreator && (isEditingCloseTime ? ( <button className="btn btn-xs" onClick={onSave}> Done </button> ) : ( <button className="btn btn-xs btn-ghost" onClick={() => setIsEditingCloseTime(true)} > <PencilIcon className="mr-2 inline h-4 w-4" /> Edit </button> ))} </> ) }