import * as functions from 'firebase-functions' import * as admin from 'firebase-admin' import { CPMMContract } from '../../common/contract' import { batchedWaitAll } from '../../common/util/promise' import { APIError } from '../../common/api' import { addCpmmLiquidity } from '../../common/calculate-cpmm' import { formatMoneyWithDecimals } from '../../common/util/format' const firestore = admin.firestore() export const drizzleLiquidity = async () => { const snap = await firestore .collection('contracts') .where('subsidyPool', '>', 1e-7) .get() const contractIds = => console.log('found', contractIds.length, 'markets to drizzle') console.log() await batchedWaitAll( => () => drizzleMarket(cid)), 10 ) } export const drizzleLiquidityScheduler = functions.pubsub .schedule('* * * * *') // every minute .onRun(drizzleLiquidity) const drizzleMarket = async (contractId: string) => { await firestore.runTransaction(async (trans) => { const snap = await trans.get(firestore.doc(`contracts/${contractId}`)) const contract = as CPMMContract const { subsidyPool, pool, p, slug, popularityScore } = contract if ((subsidyPool ?? 0) < 1e-7) return const r = Math.random() const logPopularity = Math.log10((popularityScore ?? 0) + 1) const v = Math.max(1, Math.min(5, logPopularity)) const amount = subsidyPool <= 0.5 ? subsidyPool : r * v * 0.01 * subsidyPool const { newPool, newP } = addCpmmLiquidity(pool, p, amount) if (!isFinite(newP)) { throw new APIError( 500, 'Liquidity injection rejected due to overflow error.' ) } await trans.update(firestore.doc(`contracts/${}`), { pool: newPool, p: newP, subsidyPool: subsidyPool - amount, }) console.log( 'added subsidy', formatMoneyWithDecimals(amount), 'of', formatMoneyWithDecimals(subsidyPool), 'pool to', slug ) console.log() }) }