import { app } from './init' import { getFirestore, doc, setDoc, deleteDoc, where, collection, query, getDocs, onSnapshot, orderBy, } from 'firebase/firestore' export type Contract = { id: string // Chosen by creator; must be unique creatorId: string creatorName: string question: string description: string // More info about what the contract is about outcomeType: 'BINARY' // | 'MULTI' | 'interval' | 'date' // outcomes: ['YES', 'NO'] seedAmounts: { YES: number; NO: number } // seedBets: [number, number] pot: { YES: number; NO: number } createdTime: number // Milliseconds since epoch lastUpdatedTime: number // If the question or description was changed closeTime?: number // When no more trading is allowed // isResolved: boolean resolutionTime?: 10293849 // When the contract creator resolved the market; 0 if unresolved resolution?: 'YES' | 'NO' | 'CANCEL' // Chosen by creator; must be one of outcomes } const db = getFirestore(app) const contractCollection = collection(db, 'contracts') // Push contract to Firestore export async function setContract(contract: Contract) { const docRef = doc(db, 'contracts', await setDoc(docRef, contract) } export async function deleteContract(contractId: string) { const docRef = doc(db, 'contracts', contractId) await deleteDoc(docRef) } export async function listContracts(creatorId: string): Promise<Contract[]> { const q = query( contractCollection, where('creatorId', '==', creatorId), orderBy('createdTime', 'desc') ) const snapshot = await getDocs(q) const contracts: Contract[] = [] snapshot.forEach((doc) => contracts.push( as Contract)) return contracts } export function listenForContract( contractId: string, setContract: (contract: Contract) => void ) { const contractRef = doc(contractCollection, contractId) return onSnapshot(contractRef, (contractSnap) => { setContract( as Contract) }) }