import router, { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import clsx from 'clsx' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import Textarea from 'react-expanding-textarea' import { Spacer } from 'web/components/layout/spacer' import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { Contract, contractPath } from 'web/lib/firebase/contracts' import { createMarket } from 'web/lib/firebase/api-call' import { FIXED_ANTE, MINIMUM_ANTE } from 'common/antes' import { InfoTooltip } from 'web/components/info-tooltip' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row' import { MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH, MAX_QUESTION_LENGTH, outcomeType, } from 'common/contract' import { formatMoney } from 'common/util/format' import { removeUndefinedProps } from 'common/util/object' import { ChoicesToggleGroup } from 'web/components/choices-toggle-group' import { getGroup, updateGroup } from 'web/lib/firebase/groups' import { Group } from 'common/group' import { useTracking } from 'web/hooks/use-tracking' import { useWarnUnsavedChanges } from 'web/hooks/use-warn-unsaved-changes' import { track } from 'web/lib/service/analytics' import { GroupSelector } from 'web/components/groups/group-selector' import { CATEGORIES } from 'common/categories' export default function Create() { const [question, setQuestion] = useState('') // get query params: const router = useRouter() const { groupId } = router.query as { groupId: string } useTracking('view create page') if (!router.isReady) return <div /> return ( <Page> <div className="mx-auto w-full max-w-2xl"> <div className="rounded-lg px-6 py-4 sm:py-0"> <form> <div className="form-control w-full"> <label className="label"> <span className="mb-1"> Question<span className={'text-red-700'}>*</span> </span> </label> <Textarea placeholder="e.g. Will the Democrats win the 2024 US presidential election?" className="input input-bordered resize-none" autoFocus maxLength={MAX_QUESTION_LENGTH} value={question} onChange={(e) => setQuestion( || '')} /> </div> </form> <Spacer h={6} /> <NewContract question={question} groupId={groupId} /> </div> </div> </Page> ) } // Allow user to create a new contract export function NewContract(props: { question: string; groupId?: string }) { const { question, groupId } = props const creator = useUser() useEffect(() => { if (creator === null) router.push('/') }, [creator]) const [outcomeType, setOutcomeType] = useState<outcomeType>('BINARY') const [initialProb] = useState(50) const [minString, setMinString] = useState('') const [maxString, setMaxString] = useState('') const [description, setDescription] = useState('') // const [tagText, setTagText] = useState<string>(tag ?? '') // const tags = parseWordsAsTags(tagText) useEffect(() => { if (groupId && creator) getGroup(groupId).then((group) => { if (group && group.memberIds.includes( { setSelectedGroup(group) setShowGroupSelector(false) } }) }, [creator, groupId]) const [ante, _setAnte] = useState(FIXED_ANTE) // useEffect(() => { // if (ante === null && creator) { // const initialAnte = creator.balance < 100 ? MINIMUM_ANTE : 100 // setAnte(initialAnte) // } // }, [ante, creator]) // const [anteError, setAnteError] = useState<string | undefined>() // By default, close the market a week from today const weekFromToday = dayjs().add(7, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD') const [closeDate, setCloseDate] = useState<undefined | string>(weekFromToday) const [closeHoursMinutes, setCloseHoursMinutes] = useState<string>('23:59') const [marketInfoText, setMarketInfoText] = useState('') const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false) const [selectedGroup, setSelectedGroup] = useState<Group | undefined>( undefined ) const [showGroupSelector, setShowGroupSelector] = useState(true) const [category, setCategory] = useState<string>('') const closeTime = closeDate ? dayjs(`${closeDate}T${closeHoursMinutes}`).valueOf() : undefined const balance = creator?.balance || 0 const min = minString ? parseFloat(minString) : undefined const max = maxString ? parseFloat(maxString) : undefined // get days from today until the end of this year: const daysLeftInTheYear = dayjs().endOf('year').diff(dayjs(), 'day') const hasUnsavedChanges = !isSubmitting && Boolean(question || description) useWarnUnsavedChanges(hasUnsavedChanges) const isValid = (outcomeType === 'BINARY' ? initialProb >= 5 && initialProb <= 95 : true) && question.length > 0 && ante !== undefined && ante !== null && ante >= MINIMUM_ANTE && ante <= balance && // closeTime must be in the future closeTime && closeTime > && (outcomeType !== 'NUMERIC' || (min !== undefined && max !== undefined && isFinite(min) && isFinite(max) && min < max && max - min > 0.01)) function setCloseDateInDays(days: number) { const newCloseDate = dayjs().add(days, 'day').format('YYYY-MM-DD') setCloseDate(newCloseDate) } async function submit() { // TODO: Tell users why their contract is invalid if (!creator || !isValid) return setIsSubmitting(true) // TODO: add contract id to the group contractIds try { const result = await createMarket( removeUndefinedProps({ question, outcomeType, description, initialProb, ante, closeTime, min, max, groupId: selectedGroup?.id, tags: category ? [category] : undefined, }) ) track('create market', { slug: result.slug, initialProb, selectedGroup: selectedGroup?.id, isFree: false, }) if (result && selectedGroup) { await updateGroup(selectedGroup, { contractIds: [...selectedGroup.contractIds,], }) } await router.push(contractPath(result as Contract)) } catch (e) { console.log('error creating contract', e) } } const descriptionPlaceholder = outcomeType === 'BINARY' ? `e.g. This question resolves to "YES" if they receive the majority of votes...` : `e.g. I will choose the answer according to...` if (!creator) return <></> return ( <div> <label className="label"> <span className="mb-1">Answer type</span> </label> <ChoicesToggleGroup currentChoice={outcomeType} setChoice={(choice) => { if (choice === 'FREE_RESPONSE') setMarketInfoText( 'Users can submit their own answers to this market.' ) else setMarketInfoText('') setOutcomeType(choice as 'BINARY' | 'FREE_RESPONSE') }} choicesMap={{ 'Yes / No': 'BINARY', 'Free response': 'FREE_RESPONSE', }} isSubmitting={isSubmitting} className={'col-span-4'} /> {marketInfoText && ( <div className="mt-3 ml-1 text-sm text-indigo-700"> {marketInfoText} </div> )} <Spacer h={6} /> {outcomeType === 'NUMERIC' && ( <div className="form-control items-start"> <label className="label gap-2"> <span className="mb-1">Range</span> <InfoTooltip text="The minimum and maximum numbers across the numeric range." /> </label> <Row className="gap-2"> <input type="number" className="input input-bordered" placeholder="MIN" onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onChange={(e) => setMinString(} min={Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER} max={Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER} disabled={isSubmitting} value={minString ?? ''} /> <input type="number" className="input input-bordered" placeholder="MAX" onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onChange={(e) => setMaxString(} min={Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER} max={Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER} disabled={isSubmitting} value={maxString} /> </Row> </div> )} <div className="form-control max-w-[265px] items-start"> <label className="label gap-2"> <span className="mb-1">Category</span> </label> <select className={clsx( 'select select-bordered w-full text-sm', category === '' ? 'font-normal text-gray-500' : '' )} value={category} onChange={(e) => setCategory(e.currentTarget.value ?? '')} > <option value={''}>None</option> {Object.entries(CATEGORIES).map(([id, name]) => ( <option key={id} value={id}> {name} </option> ))} </select> </div> <div className={'mt-2'}> <GroupSelector selectedGroup={selectedGroup} setSelectedGroup={setSelectedGroup} creator={creator} showSelector={showGroupSelector} /> </div> <Spacer h={6} /> <div className="form-control mb-1 items-start"> <label className="label mb-1 gap-2"> <span>Question closes in</span> <InfoTooltip text="Betting will be halted after this time (local timezone)." /> </label> <Row className={'w-full items-center gap-2'}> <ChoicesToggleGroup currentChoice={dayjs(`${closeDate}T23:59`).diff(dayjs(), 'day')} setChoice={(choice) => { setCloseDateInDays(choice as number) }} choicesMap={{ 'A day': 1, 'A week': 7, '30 days': 30, 'This year': daysLeftInTheYear, }} isSubmitting={isSubmitting} className={'col-span-4 sm:col-span-2'} /> </Row> <Row> <input type={'date'} className="input input-bordered mt-4" onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onChange={(e) => setCloseDate(dayjs('YYYY-MM-DD') || '') } min={} disabled={isSubmitting} value={dayjs(closeDate).format('YYYY-MM-DD')} /> <input type={'time'} className="input input-bordered mt-4 ml-2" onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onChange={(e) => setCloseHoursMinutes(} min={'00:00'} disabled={isSubmitting} value={closeHoursMinutes} /> </Row> </div> <Spacer h={6} /> <div className="form-control mb-1 items-start"> <label className="label mb-1 gap-2"> <span className="mb-1">Description</span> <InfoTooltip text="Optional. Describe how you will resolve this question." /> </label> <Textarea className="textarea textarea-bordered w-full resize-none" rows={3} maxLength={MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH} placeholder={descriptionPlaceholder} value={description} disabled={isSubmitting} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onChange={(e) => setDescription( || '')} /> </div> <Spacer h={6} /> <Row className="items-end justify-between"> <div className="form-control mb-1 items-start"> <label className="label mb-1 gap-2"> <span>Cost</span> <InfoTooltip text={`Cost to create your question. This amount is used to subsidize betting.`} /> </label> <div className="label-text text-neutral pl-1"> {formatMoney(ante)} </div> {ante > balance && ( <div className="mb-2 mt-2 mr-auto self-center whitespace-nowrap text-xs font-medium tracking-wide"> <span className="mr-2 text-red-500">Insufficient balance</span> <button className="btn btn-xs btn-primary" onClick={() => (window.location.href = '/add-funds')} > Get M$ </button> </div> )} </div> <button type="submit" className={clsx( 'btn btn-primary normal-case', isSubmitting && 'loading disabled' )} disabled={isSubmitting || !isValid} onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault() submit() }} > {isSubmitting ? 'Creating...' : 'Create question'} </button> </Row> </div> ) }