import * as admin from 'firebase-admin' import { BetFillData, BettingStreakData, ContractResolutionData, Notification, notification_reason_types, } from '../../common/notification' import { MANIFOLD_AVATAR_URL, MANIFOLD_USER_NAME, MANIFOLD_USER_USERNAME, User, } from '../../common/user' import { Contract } from '../../common/contract' import { getPrivateUser, getValues } from './utils' import { Comment } from '../../common/comment' import { groupBy, sum, uniq } from 'lodash' import { Bet, LimitBet } from '../../common/bet' import { Answer } from '../../common/answer' import { getContractBetMetrics } from '../../common/calculate' import { removeUndefinedProps } from '../../common/util/object' import { TipTxn } from '../../common/txn' import { Group } from '../../common/group' import { Challenge } from '../../common/challenge' import { Like } from '../../common/like' import { sendMarketCloseEmail, sendMarketResolutionEmail, sendNewAnswerEmail, sendNewCommentEmail, sendNewFollowedMarketEmail, sendNewUniqueBettorsEmail, } from './emails' import { filterDefined } from '../../common/util/array' import { getNotificationDestinationsForUser } from '../../common/user-notification-preferences' import { ContractFollow } from '../../common/follow' import { Badge } from 'common/badge' const firestore = admin.firestore() type recipients_to_reason_texts = { [userId: string]: { reason: notification_reason_types } } export const createNotification = async ( sourceId: string, sourceType: 'contract' | 'liquidity' | 'follow', sourceUpdateType: 'closed' | 'created', sourceUser: User, idempotencyKey: string, sourceText: string, miscData?: { contract?: Contract recipients?: string[] slug?: string title?: string } ) => { const { contract: sourceContract, recipients, slug, title } = miscData ?? {} const shouldReceiveNotification = ( userId: string, userToReasonTexts: recipients_to_reason_texts ) => { return ( != userId && !Object.keys(userToReasonTexts).includes(userId) ) } const sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit = async ( userToReasonTexts: recipients_to_reason_texts ) => { for (const userId in userToReasonTexts) { const { reason } = userToReasonTexts[userId] const privateUser = await getPrivateUser(userId) if (!privateUser) continue const { sendToBrowser, sendToEmail } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, reason ) if (sendToBrowser) { const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${userId}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId, reason, createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId, sourceType, sourceUpdateType, sourceContractId: sourceContract?.id, sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: sourceUser.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: sourceUser.avatarUrl, sourceText, sourceContractCreatorUsername: sourceContract?.creatorUsername, sourceContractTitle: sourceContract?.question, sourceContractSlug: sourceContract?.slug, sourceSlug: slug ? slug : sourceContract?.slug, sourceTitle: title ? title : sourceContract?.question, } await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) } if (!sendToEmail) continue if (reason === 'your_contract_closed' && privateUser && sourceContract) { // TODO: include number and names of bettors waiting for creator to resolve their market await sendMarketCloseEmail( reason, sourceUser, privateUser, sourceContract ) } else if (reason === 'subsidized_your_market') { // TODO: send email to creator of market that was subsidized } else if (reason === 'on_new_follow') { // TODO: send email to user who was followed } } } // The following functions modify the userToReasonTexts object in place. const userToReasonTexts: recipients_to_reason_texts = {} if (sourceType === 'follow' && recipients?.[0]) { if (shouldReceiveNotification(recipients[0], userToReasonTexts)) userToReasonTexts[recipients[0]] = { reason: 'on_new_follow', } return await sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit(userToReasonTexts) } else if ( sourceType === 'contract' && sourceUpdateType === 'closed' && sourceContract ) { userToReasonTexts[sourceContract.creatorId] = { reason: 'your_contract_closed', } return await sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit(userToReasonTexts) } else if ( sourceType === 'liquidity' && sourceUpdateType === 'created' && sourceContract ) { if (shouldReceiveNotification(sourceContract.creatorId, userToReasonTexts)) userToReasonTexts[sourceContract.creatorId] = { reason: 'subsidized_your_market', } return await sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit(userToReasonTexts) } } export type replied_users_info = { [key: string]: { repliedToType: 'comment' | 'answer' repliedToAnswerText: string | undefined repliedToId: string | undefined bet: Bet | undefined } } export const createCommentOrAnswerOrUpdatedContractNotification = async ( sourceId: string, sourceType: 'comment' | 'answer' | 'contract', sourceUpdateType: 'created' | 'updated', sourceUser: User, idempotencyKey: string, sourceText: string, sourceContract: Contract, miscData?: { repliedUsersInfo: replied_users_info taggedUserIds: string[] } ) => { const { repliedUsersInfo, taggedUserIds } = miscData ?? {} const browserRecipientIdsList: string[] = [] const emailRecipientIdsList: string[] = [] const contractFollowersSnap = await firestore .collection(`contracts/${}/follows`) .get() const contractFollowersIds = (doc) => ) const createBrowserNotification = async ( userId: string, reason: notification_reason_types ) => { const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${userId}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId, reason, createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId, sourceType, sourceUpdateType, sourceContractId:, sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: sourceUser.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: sourceUser.avatarUrl, sourceText, sourceContractCreatorUsername: sourceContract.creatorUsername, sourceContractTitle: sourceContract.question, sourceContractSlug: sourceContract.slug, sourceSlug: sourceContract.slug, sourceTitle: sourceContract.question, } return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) } const stillFollowingContract = (userId: string) => { return contractFollowersIds.includes(userId) } const sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit = async ( userId: string, reason: notification_reason_types ) => { if (!stillFollowingContract(userId) || == userId) return const privateUser = await getPrivateUser(userId) if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser, sendToEmail } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, reason ) // Browser notifications if (sendToBrowser && !browserRecipientIdsList.includes(userId)) { await createBrowserNotification(userId, reason) browserRecipientIdsList.push(userId) } // Emails notifications if (!sendToEmail || emailRecipientIdsList.includes(userId)) return if (sourceType === 'comment') { const { repliedToType, repliedToAnswerText, repliedToId, bet } = repliedUsersInfo?.[userId] ?? {} // TODO: change subject of email title to be more specific, i.e.: replied to you on/tagged you on/comment await sendNewCommentEmail( reason, privateUser, sourceUser, sourceContract, sourceText, sourceId, bet, repliedToAnswerText, repliedToType === 'answer' ? repliedToId : undefined ) emailRecipientIdsList.push(userId) } else if (sourceType === 'answer') { await sendNewAnswerEmail( reason, privateUser,, sourceText, sourceContract, sourceUser.avatarUrl ) emailRecipientIdsList.push(userId) } } const notifyContractFollowers = async () => { for (const userId of contractFollowersIds) { await sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit( userId, sourceType === 'answer' ? 'answer_on_contract_you_follow' : sourceType === 'comment' ? 'comment_on_contract_you_follow' : sourceUpdateType === 'updated' ? 'update_on_contract_you_follow' : 'resolution_on_contract_you_follow' ) } } const notifyContractCreator = async () => { await sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit( sourceContract.creatorId, sourceType === 'comment' ? 'comment_on_your_contract' : 'answer_on_your_contract' ) } const notifyOtherAnswerersOnContract = async () => { const answers = await getValues( firestore .collection('contracts') .doc( .collection('answers') ) const recipientUserIds = uniq( => answer.userId)) await Promise.all( => sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit( userId, sourceType === 'answer' ? 'answer_on_contract_with_users_answer' : sourceType === 'comment' ? 'comment_on_contract_with_users_answer' : sourceUpdateType === 'updated' ? 'update_on_contract_with_users_answer' : 'resolution_on_contract_with_users_answer' ) ) ) } const notifyOtherCommentersOnContract = async () => { const comments = await getValues( firestore .collection('contracts') .doc( .collection('comments') ) const recipientUserIds = uniq( => comment.userId)) await Promise.all( => sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit( userId, sourceType === 'answer' ? 'answer_on_contract_with_users_comment' : sourceType === 'comment' ? 'comment_on_contract_with_users_comment' : sourceUpdateType === 'updated' ? 'update_on_contract_with_users_comment' : 'resolution_on_contract_with_users_comment' ) ) ) } const notifyBettorsOnContract = async () => { const betsSnap = await firestore .collection(`contracts/${}/bets`) .get() const bets = => as Bet) // filter bets for only users that have an amount invested still const recipientUserIds = uniq( => bet.userId)).filter( (userId) => { return ( getContractBetMetrics( sourceContract, bets.filter((bet) => bet.userId === userId) ).invested > 0 ) } ) await Promise.all( => sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit( userId, sourceType === 'answer' ? 'answer_on_contract_with_users_shares_in' : sourceType === 'comment' ? 'comment_on_contract_with_users_shares_in' : sourceUpdateType === 'updated' ? 'update_on_contract_with_users_shares_in' : 'resolution_on_contract_with_users_shares_in' ) ) ) } const notifyRepliedUser = async () => { if (sourceType === 'comment' && repliedUsersInfo) await Promise.all( Object.keys(repliedUsersInfo).map((userId) => sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit( userId, repliedUsersInfo[userId].repliedToType === 'answer' ? 'reply_to_users_answer' : 'reply_to_users_comment' ) ) ) } const notifyTaggedUsers = async () => { if (sourceType === 'comment' && taggedUserIds && taggedUserIds.length > 0) await Promise.all( => sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit(userId, 'tagged_user') ) ) } const notifyLiquidityProviders = async () => { const liquidityProviders = await firestore .collection(`contracts/${}/liquidity`) .get() const liquidityProvidersIds = uniq( => ) await Promise.all( => sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit( userId, sourceType === 'answer' ? 'answer_on_contract_with_users_shares_in' : sourceType === 'comment' ? 'comment_on_contract_with_users_shares_in' : sourceUpdateType === 'updated' ? 'update_on_contract_with_users_shares_in' : 'resolution_on_contract_with_users_shares_in' ) ) ) } //TODO: store all possible reasons why the user might be getting the notification // and choose the most lenient that they have enabled so they will unsubscribe // from the least important notifications await notifyRepliedUser() await notifyTaggedUsers() await notifyContractCreator() await notifyOtherAnswerersOnContract() await notifyLiquidityProviders() await notifyBettorsOnContract() await notifyOtherCommentersOnContract() // if they weren't notified previously, notify them now await notifyContractFollowers() } export const createTipNotification = async ( fromUser: User, toUser: User, tip: TipTxn, idempotencyKey: string, commentId: string, contract?: Contract, group?: Group ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser( if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'tip_received' ) if (!sendToBrowser) return const slug = group ? group.slug + `#${commentId}` : commentId const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId:, reason: 'tip_received', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId:, sourceType: 'tip', sourceUpdateType: 'created', sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: fromUser.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: fromUser.avatarUrl, sourceText: tip.amount.toString(), sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract?.creatorUsername, sourceContractTitle: contract?.question, sourceContractSlug: contract?.slug, sourceSlug: slug, sourceTitle: group?.name, } return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) // TODO: send notification to users that are watching the contract and want highly tipped comments only // maybe TODO: send email notification to bet creator } export const createBetFillNotification = async ( fromUser: User, toUser: User, bet: Bet, limitBet: LimitBet, contract: Contract, idempotencyKey: string ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser( if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'bet_fill' ) if (!sendToBrowser) return const fill = limitBet.fills.find((fill) => fill.matchedBetId === const fillAmount = fill?.amount ?? 0 const remainingAmount = limitBet.orderAmount - sum( => f.amount)) const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId:, reason: 'bet_fill', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId:, sourceType: 'bet', sourceUpdateType: 'updated', sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: fromUser.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: fromUser.avatarUrl, sourceText: fillAmount.toString(), sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername, sourceContractTitle: contract.question, sourceContractSlug: contract.slug, sourceContractId:, data: { betOutcome: bet.outcome, creatorOutcome: limitBet.outcome, fillAmount, probability: limitBet.limitProb, limitOrderTotal: limitBet.orderAmount, limitOrderRemaining: remainingAmount, } as BetFillData, } return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) // maybe TODO: send email notification to bet creator } export const createReferralNotification = async ( toUser: User, referredUser: User, idempotencyKey: string, bonusAmount: string, referredByContract?: Contract, referredByGroup?: Group ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser( if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'you_referred_user' ) if (!sendToBrowser) return const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId:, reason: referredByGroup ? 'user_joined_from_your_group_invite' : referredByContract?.creatorId === ? 'user_joined_to_bet_on_your_market' : 'you_referred_user', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId:, sourceType: 'user', sourceUpdateType: 'updated', sourceContractId: referredByContract?.id, sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: referredUser.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: referredUser.avatarUrl, sourceText: bonusAmount, // Only pass the contract referral details if they weren't referred to a group sourceContractCreatorUsername: !referredByGroup ? referredByContract?.creatorUsername : undefined, sourceContractTitle: !referredByGroup ? referredByContract?.question : undefined, sourceContractSlug: !referredByGroup ? referredByContract?.slug : undefined, sourceSlug: referredByGroup ? groupPath(referredByGroup.slug) : referredByContract?.slug, sourceTitle: referredByGroup ? : referredByContract?.question, } await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) // TODO send email notification } export const createLoanIncomeNotification = async ( toUser: User, idempotencyKey: string, income: number ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser( if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'loan_income' ) if (!sendToBrowser) return const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId:, reason: 'loan_income', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId: idempotencyKey, sourceType: 'loan', sourceUpdateType: 'updated', sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: toUser.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: toUser.avatarUrl, sourceText: income.toString(), sourceTitle: 'Loan', } await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) } const groupPath = (groupSlug: string) => `/group/${groupSlug}` export const createChallengeAcceptedNotification = async ( challenger: User, challengeCreator: User, challenge: Challenge, acceptedAmount: number, contract: Contract ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser( if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'challenge_accepted' ) if (!sendToBrowser) return const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${}/notifications`) .doc() const notification: Notification = { id:, userId:, reason: 'challenge_accepted', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId: challenge.slug, sourceType: 'challenge', sourceUpdateType: 'updated', sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: challenger.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: challenger.avatarUrl, sourceText: acceptedAmount.toString(), sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername, sourceContractTitle: contract.question, sourceContractSlug: contract.slug, sourceContractId:, sourceSlug: `/challenges/${challengeCreator.username}/${challenge.contractSlug}/${challenge.slug}`, } return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) } export const createBettingStreakBonusNotification = async ( user: User, txnId: string, bet: Bet, contract: Contract, amount: number, streak: number, idempotencyKey: string ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser( if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'betting_streak_incremented' ) if (!sendToBrowser) return const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId:, reason: 'betting_streak_incremented', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId: txnId, sourceType: 'betting_streak_bonus', sourceUpdateType: 'created', sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: user.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: user.avatarUrl, sourceText: amount.toString(), sourceSlug: `/${contract.creatorUsername}/${contract.slug}/bets/${}`, sourceTitle: 'Betting Streak Bonus', // Perhaps not necessary, but just in case sourceContractSlug: contract.slug, sourceContractId:, sourceContractTitle: contract.question, sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername, data: { streak: streak, bonusAmount: amount, } as BettingStreakData, } return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) } export const createLikeNotification = async ( fromUser: User, toUser: User, like: Like, idempotencyKey: string, contract: Contract, tip?: TipTxn ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser( if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'liked_and_tipped_your_contract' ) if (!sendToBrowser) return // not handling just likes, must include tip if (!tip) return const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId:, reason: 'liked_and_tipped_your_contract', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId:, sourceType: tip ? 'tip_and_like' : 'like', sourceUpdateType: 'created', sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: fromUser.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: fromUser.avatarUrl, sourceText: tip?.amount.toString(), sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername, sourceContractTitle: contract.question, sourceContractSlug: contract.slug, sourceSlug: contract.slug, sourceTitle: contract.question, } return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) // TODO send email notification } export const createUniqueBettorBonusNotification = async ( contractCreatorId: string, bettor: User, txnId: string, contract: Contract, amount: number, uniqueBettorIds: string[], idempotencyKey: string ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser(contractCreatorId) if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser, sendToEmail } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'unique_bettors_on_your_contract' ) if (sendToBrowser) { const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${contractCreatorId}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId: contractCreatorId, reason: 'unique_bettors_on_your_contract', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId: txnId, sourceType: 'bonus', sourceUpdateType: 'created', sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: bettor.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: bettor.avatarUrl, sourceText: amount.toString(), sourceSlug: contract.slug, sourceTitle: contract.question, // Perhaps not necessary, but just in case sourceContractSlug: contract.slug, sourceContractId:, sourceContractTitle: contract.question, sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername, } await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) } if (!sendToEmail) return const uniqueBettorsExcludingCreator = uniqueBettorIds.filter( (id) => id !== contractCreatorId ) // only send on 1st and 6th bettor if ( uniqueBettorsExcludingCreator.length !== 1 && uniqueBettorsExcludingCreator.length !== 6 ) return const totalNewBettorsToReport = uniqueBettorsExcludingCreator.length === 1 ? 1 : 5 const mostRecentUniqueBettors = await getValues( firestore .collection('users') .where( 'id', 'in', uniqueBettorsExcludingCreator.slice( uniqueBettorsExcludingCreator.length - totalNewBettorsToReport, uniqueBettorsExcludingCreator.length ) ) ) const bets = await getValues( firestore.collection('contracts').doc('bets') ) // group bets by bettors const bettorsToTheirBets = groupBy(bets, (bet) => bet.userId) await sendNewUniqueBettorsEmail( 'unique_bettors_on_your_contract', contractCreatorId, privateUser, contract, uniqueBettorsExcludingCreator.length, mostRecentUniqueBettors, bettorsToTheirBets, Math.round(amount * totalNewBettorsToReport) ) } export const createNewContractNotification = async ( contractCreator: User, contract: Contract, idempotencyKey: string, text: string, mentionedUserIds: string[] ) => { if (contract.visibility !== 'public') return const sendNotificationsIfSettingsAllow = async ( userId: string, reason: notification_reason_types ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser(userId) if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser, sendToEmail } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, reason ) if (sendToBrowser) { const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${userId}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId: userId, reason, createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId:, sourceType: 'contract', sourceUpdateType: 'created', sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: contractCreator.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: contractCreator.avatarUrl, sourceText: text, sourceSlug: contract.slug, sourceTitle: contract.question, sourceContractSlug: contract.slug, sourceContractId:, sourceContractTitle: contract.question, sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername, } await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) } if (!sendToEmail) return if (reason === 'contract_from_followed_user') await sendNewFollowedMarketEmail(reason, userId, privateUser, contract) } const followersSnapshot = await firestore .collectionGroup('follows') .where('userId', '==', .get() const followerUserIds = filterDefined( => { const followerUserId = doc.ref.parent.parent?.id return followerUserId && followerUserId != ? followerUserId : undefined }) ) // As it is coded now, the tag notification usurps the new contract notification // It'd be easy to append the reason to the eventId if desired for (const followerUserId of followerUserIds) { await sendNotificationsIfSettingsAllow( followerUserId, 'contract_from_followed_user' ) } for (const mentionedUserId of mentionedUserIds) { await sendNotificationsIfSettingsAllow(mentionedUserId, 'tagged_user') } } export const createContractResolvedNotifications = async ( contract: Contract, creator: User, outcome: string, probabilityInt: number | undefined, resolutionValue: number | undefined, resolutionData: { bets: Bet[] userInvestments: { [userId: string]: number } userPayouts: { [userId: string]: number } creator: User creatorPayout: number contract: Contract outcome: string resolutionProbability?: number resolutions?: { [outcome: string]: number } } ) => { let resolutionText = outcome ?? contract.question if ( contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE' || contract.outcomeType === 'MULTIPLE_CHOICE' ) { const answerText = contract.answers.find( (answer) => === outcome )?.text if (answerText) resolutionText = answerText } else if (contract.outcomeType === 'BINARY') { if (resolutionText === 'MKT' && probabilityInt) resolutionText = `${probabilityInt}%` else if (resolutionText === 'MKT') resolutionText = 'PROB' } else if (contract.outcomeType === 'PSEUDO_NUMERIC') { if (resolutionText === 'MKT' && resolutionValue) resolutionText = `${resolutionValue}` } const idempotencyKey = + '-resolved' const createBrowserNotification = async ( userId: string, reason: notification_reason_types ) => { const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${userId}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId, reason, createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId:, sourceType: 'contract', sourceUpdateType: 'resolved', sourceContractId:, sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: creator.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: creator.avatarUrl, sourceText: resolutionText, sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername, sourceContractTitle: contract.question, sourceContractSlug: contract.slug, sourceSlug: contract.slug, sourceTitle: contract.question, data: { outcome, userInvestment: resolutionData.userInvestments[userId] ?? 0, userPayout: resolutionData.userPayouts[userId] ?? 0, } as ContractResolutionData, } return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) } const sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit = async ( userId: string, reason: notification_reason_types ) => { if (!stillFollowingContract(userId) || == userId) return const privateUser = await getPrivateUser(userId) if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser, sendToEmail } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, reason ) // Browser notifications if (sendToBrowser) { await createBrowserNotification(userId, reason) } // Emails notifications if (sendToEmail) await sendMarketResolutionEmail( reason, privateUser, resolutionData.userInvestments[userId] ?? 0, resolutionData.userPayouts[userId] ?? 0, creator, resolutionData.creatorPayout, contract, resolutionData.outcome, resolutionData.resolutionProbability, resolutionData.resolutions ) } const contractFollowersIds = ( await getValues( firestore.collection(`contracts/${}/follows`) ) ).map((follow) => const stillFollowingContract = (userId: string) => { return contractFollowersIds.includes(userId) } await Promise.all( => sendNotificationsIfSettingsPermit( id, resolutionData.userInvestments[id] ? 'resolution_on_contract_with_users_shares_in' : 'resolution_on_contract_you_follow' ) ) ) } export const createBountyNotification = async ( fromUser: User, toUserId: string, amount: number, idempotencyKey: string, contract: Contract, commentId?: string ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser(toUserId) if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'tip_received' ) if (!sendToBrowser) return const slug = commentId const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${toUserId}/notifications`) .doc(idempotencyKey) const notification: Notification = { id: idempotencyKey, userId: toUserId, reason: 'tip_received', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId: commentId ? commentId :, sourceType: 'tip', sourceUpdateType: 'created', sourceUserName:, sourceUserUsername: fromUser.username, sourceUserAvatarUrl: fromUser.avatarUrl, sourceText: amount.toString(), sourceContractCreatorUsername: contract.creatorUsername, sourceContractTitle: contract.question, sourceContractSlug: contract.slug, sourceSlug: slug, sourceTitle: contract.question, } return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) } export const createBadgeAwardedNotification = async ( user: User, badge: Badge ) => { const privateUser = await getPrivateUser( if (!privateUser) return const { sendToBrowser } = getNotificationDestinationsForUser( privateUser, 'badges_awarded' ) if (!sendToBrowser) return const notificationRef = firestore .collection(`/users/${}/notifications`) .doc() const notification: Notification = { id:, userId:, reason: 'badges_awarded', createdTime:, isSeen: false, sourceId: badge.type, sourceType: 'badge', sourceUpdateType: 'created', sourceUserName: MANIFOLD_USER_NAME, sourceUserUsername: MANIFOLD_USER_USERNAME, sourceUserAvatarUrl: MANIFOLD_AVATAR_URL, sourceText: `You earned a new ${} badge!`, sourceSlug: `/${user.username}?show=badges&badge=${badge.type}`, sourceTitle:, data: { badge, }, } return await notificationRef.set(removeUndefinedProps(notification)) // TODO send email notification }