import * as _ from 'lodash' import { Bet } from './bet' import { Binary, DPM, FreeResponse, FullContract } from './contract' import { DPM_FEES } from './fees' export function getDpmProbability(totalShares: { [outcome: string]: number }) { // For binary contracts only. return getDpmOutcomeProbability(totalShares, 'YES') } export function getDpmOutcomeProbability( totalShares: { [outcome: string]: number }, outcome: string ) { const squareSum = _.sumBy(Object.values(totalShares), (shares) => shares ** 2) const shares = totalShares[outcome] ?? 0 return shares ** 2 / squareSum } export function getDpmOutcomeProbabilityAfterBet( totalShares: { [outcome: string]: number }, outcome: string, bet: number ) { const shares = calculateDpmShares(totalShares, bet, outcome) const prevShares = totalShares[outcome] ?? 0 const newTotalShares = { ...totalShares, [outcome]: prevShares + shares } return getDpmOutcomeProbability(newTotalShares, outcome) } export function getDpmProbabilityAfterSale( totalShares: { [outcome: string]: number }, outcome: string, shares: number ) { const prevShares = totalShares[outcome] ?? 0 const newTotalShares = { ...totalShares, [outcome]: prevShares - shares } const predictionOutcome = outcome === 'NO' ? 'YES' : outcome return getDpmOutcomeProbability(newTotalShares, predictionOutcome) } export function calculateDpmShares( totalShares: { [outcome: string]: number }, bet: number, betChoice: string ) { const squareSum = _.sumBy(Object.values(totalShares), (shares) => shares ** 2) const shares = totalShares[betChoice] ?? 0 const c = 2 * bet * Math.sqrt(squareSum) return Math.sqrt(bet ** 2 + shares ** 2 + c) - shares } export function calculateDpmRawShareValue( totalShares: { [outcome: string]: number }, shares: number, betChoice: string ) { const currentValue = Math.sqrt( _.sumBy(Object.values(totalShares), (shares) => shares ** 2) ) const postSaleValue = Math.sqrt( _.sumBy(Object.keys(totalShares), (outcome) => outcome === betChoice ? Math.max(0, totalShares[outcome] - shares) ** 2 : totalShares[outcome] ** 2 ) ) return currentValue - postSaleValue } export function calculateDpmMoneyRatio( contract: FullContract, bet: Bet, shareValue: number ) { const { totalShares, totalBets, pool } = contract const { outcome, amount } = bet const p = getDpmOutcomeProbability(totalShares, outcome) const actual = _.sum(Object.values(pool)) - shareValue const betAmount = p * amount const expected = _.sumBy( Object.keys(totalBets), (outcome) => getDpmOutcomeProbability(totalShares, outcome) * (totalBets as { [outcome: string]: number })[outcome] ) - betAmount if (actual <= 0 || expected <= 0) return 0 return actual / expected } export function calculateDpmShareValue( contract: FullContract, bet: Bet ) { const { pool, totalShares } = contract const { shares, outcome } = bet const shareValue = calculateDpmRawShareValue(totalShares, shares, outcome) const f = calculateDpmMoneyRatio(contract, bet, shareValue) const myPool = pool[outcome] const adjShareValue = Math.min(Math.min(1, f) * shareValue, myPool) return adjShareValue } export function calculateDpmSaleAmount( contract: FullContract, bet: Bet ) { const { amount } = bet const winnings = calculateDpmShareValue(contract, bet) return deductDpmFees(amount, winnings) } export function calculateDpmPayout( contract: FullContract, bet: Bet, outcome: string ) { if (outcome === 'CANCEL') return calculateDpmCancelPayout(contract, bet) if (outcome === 'MKT') return calculateMktDpmPayout(contract, bet) return calculateStandardDpmPayout(contract, bet, outcome) } export function calculateDpmCancelPayout( contract: FullContract, bet: Bet ) { const { totalBets, pool } = contract const betTotal = _.sum(Object.values(totalBets)) const poolTotal = _.sum(Object.values(pool)) return (bet.amount / betTotal) * poolTotal } export function calculateStandardDpmPayout( contract: FullContract, bet: Bet, outcome: string ) { const { amount, outcome: betOutcome, shares } = bet if (betOutcome !== outcome) return 0 const { totalShares, phantomShares, pool } = contract if (!totalShares[outcome]) return 0 const poolTotal = _.sum(Object.values(pool)) const total = totalShares[outcome] - (phantomShares ? phantomShares[outcome] : 0) const winnings = (shares / total) * poolTotal // profit can be negative if using phantom shares return amount + (1 - DPM_FEES) * Math.max(0, winnings - amount) } export function calculateDpmPayoutAfterCorrectBet( contract: FullContract, bet: Bet ) { const { totalShares, pool, totalBets } = contract const { shares, amount, outcome } = bet const prevShares = totalShares[outcome] ?? 0 const prevPool = pool[outcome] ?? 0 const prevTotalBet = totalBets[outcome] ?? 0 const newContract = { ...contract, totalShares: { ...totalShares, [outcome]: prevShares + shares, }, pool: { ...pool, [outcome]: prevPool + amount, }, totalBets: { ...totalBets, [outcome]: prevTotalBet + amount, }, } return calculateStandardDpmPayout(newContract, bet, outcome) } function calculateMktDpmPayout(contract: FullContract, bet: Bet) { if (contract.outcomeType === 'BINARY') return calculateBinaryMktDpmPayout(contract, bet) const { totalShares, pool, resolutions } = contract as FullContract< DPM, FreeResponse > if (!resolutions) throw new Error( 'resolutions required for MKT payout of free response market' ) const totalPool = _.sum(Object.values(pool)) const probTotal = _.sum(Object.values(resolutions)) const weightedShareTotal = _.sumBy(Object.keys(resolutions), (outcome) => { const prob = resolutions[outcome] / probTotal return prob * totalShares[outcome] }) const { outcome, amount, shares } = bet const betP = (resolutions[outcome] ?? 0) / probTotal const winnings = ((betP * shares) / weightedShareTotal) * totalPool return deductDpmFees(amount, winnings) } function calculateBinaryMktDpmPayout( contract: FullContract, bet: Bet ) { const { resolutionProbability, totalShares, phantomShares } = contract const p = resolutionProbability !== undefined ? resolutionProbability : getDpmProbability(totalShares) const pool = contract.pool.YES + contract.pool.NO const weightedShareTotal = p * (totalShares.YES - (phantomShares?.YES ?? 0)) + (1 - p) * (totalShares.NO - (phantomShares?.NO ?? 0)) const { outcome, amount, shares } = bet const betP = outcome === 'YES' ? p : 1 - p const winnings = ((betP * shares) / weightedShareTotal) * pool return deductDpmFees(amount, winnings) } export function resolvedDpmPayout(contract: FullContract, bet: Bet) { if (contract.resolution) return calculateDpmPayout(contract, bet, contract.resolution) throw new Error('Contract was not resolved') } export const deductDpmFees = (betAmount: number, winnings: number) => { return winnings > betAmount ? betAmount + (1 - DPM_FEES) * (winnings - betAmount) : winnings } export const calcDpmInitialPool = ( initialProbInt: number, ante: number, phantomAnte: number ) => { const p = initialProbInt / 100.0 const totalAnte = phantomAnte + ante const sharesYes = Math.sqrt(p * totalAnte ** 2) const sharesNo = Math.sqrt(totalAnte ** 2 - sharesYes ** 2) const poolYes = p * ante const poolNo = (1 - p) * ante const phantomYes = Math.sqrt(p) * phantomAnte const phantomNo = Math.sqrt(1 - p) * phantomAnte return { sharesYes, sharesNo, poolYes, poolNo, phantomYes, phantomNo } }