import React, { useMemo, useState } from 'react' import { DatumValue } from '@nivo/core' import { ResponsiveLine } from '@nivo/line' import { Entry, makeEntries } from 'web/lib/simulator/entries' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' function TableBody(props: { entries: Entry[] }) { return ( <tbody> {, i) => ( <tr key={i}> <th>{props.entries.length - i}</th> <TableRowStart entry={entry} /> <TableRowEnd entry={entry} /> </tr> ))} </tbody> ) } function TableRowStart(props: { entry: Entry }) { const { entry } = props if (entry.yesBid && entry.noBid) { return ( <> <td> <div className="badge">ANTE</div> </td> <td> ${entry.yesBid} / ${entry.noBid} </td> </> ) } else if (entry.yesBid) { return ( <> <td> <div className="badge badge-success">YES</div> </td> <td>${entry.yesBid}</td> </> ) } else { return ( <> <td> <div className="badge badge-error">NO</div> </td> <td>${entry.noBid}</td> </> ) } } function TableRowEnd(props: { entry: Entry | null; isNew?: boolean }) { const { entry } = props if (!entry) { return ( <> <td>0</td> <td>0</td> {!props.isNew && ( <> <td>N/A</td> <td>N/A</td> </> )} </> ) } else if (entry.yesBid && entry.noBid) { return ( <> <td>{(entry.prob * 100).toFixed(1)}%</td> <td>N/A</td> {!props.isNew && ( <> <td>N/A</td> <td>N/A</td> </> )} </> ) } else if (entry.yesBid) { return ( <> <td>{(entry.prob * 100).toFixed(1)}%</td> <td>${entry.yesWeight.toFixed(0)}</td> {!props.isNew && ( <> <td>${entry.yesPayout.toFixed(0)}</td> <td>{(entry.yesReturn * 100).toFixed(0)}%</td> </> )} </> ) } else { return ( <> <td>{(entry.prob * 100).toFixed(1)}%</td> <td>${entry.noWeight.toFixed(0)}</td> {!props.isNew && ( <> <td>${entry.noPayout.toFixed(0)}</td> <td>{(entry.noReturn * 100).toFixed(0)}%</td> </> )} </> ) } } function NewBidTable(props: { steps: number bids: any[] setSteps: (steps: number) => void setBids: (bids: any[]) => void }) { const { steps, bids, setSteps, setBids } = props // Prepare for new bids const [newBid, setNewBid] = useState(0) const [newBidType, setNewBidType] = useState('YES') function makeBid(type: string, bid: number) { return { yesBid: type == 'YES' ? bid : 0, noBid: type == 'YES' ? 0 : bid, } } function submitBid() { if (newBid <= 0) return const bid = makeBid(newBidType, newBid) bids.splice(steps, 0, bid) setBids(bids) setSteps(steps + 1) setNewBid(0) } function toggleBidType() { setNewBidType(newBidType === 'YES' ? 'NO' : 'YES') } const nextBid = makeBid(newBidType, newBid) const fakeBids = [...bids.slice(0, steps), nextBid] const entries = makeEntries(fakeBids) const nextEntry = entries[entries.length - 1] function randomBid() { const bidType = Math.random() < 0.5 ? 'YES' : 'NO' // const p = bidType === 'YES' ? nextEntry.prob : 1 - nextEntry.prob const amount = Math.floor(Math.random() * 300) + 1 const bid = makeBid(bidType, amount) bids.splice(steps, 0, bid) setBids(bids) setSteps(steps + 1) setNewBid(0) } return ( <> <table className="table-compact my-8 table w-full text-center"> <thead> <tr> <th>Order #</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Bet</th> <th>Prob</th> <th>Est Payout</th> <th></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th>{steps + 1}</th> <td> <div className={ `badge hover:cursor-pointer ` + (newBidType == 'YES' ? 'badge-success' : 'badge-ghost') } onClick={toggleBidType} > YES </div> <br /> <div className={ `badge hover:cursor-pointer ` + (newBidType == 'NO' ? 'badge-error' : 'badge-ghost') } onClick={toggleBidType} > NO </div> </td> <td> {/* Note: Would love to make this input smaller... */} <input type="number" placeholder="0" className="input input-bordered" style={{ maxWidth: 100 }} value={newBid.toString()} onChange={(e) => setNewBid(parseInt( || 0)} onKeyUp={(e) => { if (e.key === 'Enter') { submitBid() } }} onFocus={(e) =>} /> </td> <TableRowEnd entry={nextEntry} isNew /> <button className="btn btn-primary mt-2" onClick={() => submitBid()} disabled={newBid <= 0} > Submit </button> </tr> </tbody> </table> <button className="btn btn-secondary mb-4" onClick={randomBid}> Random bet! </button> </> ) } // Show a hello world React page export default function Simulator() { const [steps, setSteps] = useState(1) const [bids, setBids] = useState([{ yesBid: 100, noBid: 100 }]) const entries = useMemo( () => makeEntries(bids.slice(0, steps)), [bids, steps] ) const reversedEntries = [...entries].reverse() const probs = => entry.prob) const points =, i) => ({ x: i + 1, y: prob * 100 })) const data = [{ id: 'Yes', data: points, color: '#11b981' }] const tickValues = [0, 25, 50, 75, 100] return ( <Col> <div className="mx-auto mt-8 grid w-full grid-cols-1 gap-4 p-2 text-center xl:grid-cols-2"> {/* Left column */} <div> <h1 className="mb-8 text-2xl font-bold"> Dynamic Parimutuel Market Simulator </h1> <NewBidTable {...{ steps, bids, setSteps, setBids }} /> {/* History of bids */} <div className="overflow-x-auto"> <table className="table w-full text-center"> <thead> <tr> <th>Order #</th> <th>Type</th> <th>Bet</th> <th>Prob</th> <th>Est Payout</th> <th>Payout</th> <th>Return</th> </tr> </thead> <TableBody entries={reversedEntries} /> </table> </div> </div> {/* Right column */} <Col> <h1 className="mb-8 text-2xl font-bold"> Probability of <div className="badge badge-success w-18 ml-3 h-8 text-2xl"> YES </div> </h1> <div className="mb-10 w-full" style={{ height: 500 }}> <ResponsiveLine data={data} yScale={{ min: 0, max: 100, type: 'linear' }} yFormat={formatPercent} gridYValues={tickValues} axisLeft={{ tickValues, format: formatPercent, }} enableGridX={false} colors={{ datum: 'color' }} pointSize={8} pointBorderWidth={1} pointBorderColor="#fff" enableSlices="x" enableArea margin={{ top: 20, right: 10, bottom: 20, left: 40 }} /> </div> {/* Range slider that sets the current step */} <label>Orders # 1 - {steps}</label> <input type="range" className="range" min="1" max={bids.length} value={steps} onChange={(e) => setSteps(parseInt(} /> </Col> </div> </Col> ) } function formatPercent(y: DatumValue) { return `${Math.round(+y.toString())}%` }