import { Fragment } from 'react' import { SiteLink } from './site-link' // Return a JSX span, linkifying @username, #hashtags, and https://... // TODO: Use a markdown parser instead of rolling our own here. export function Linkify(props: { text: string; gray?: boolean }) { const { text, gray } = props // Replace "m1234" with "ϻ1234" // const mRegex = /(\W|^)m(\d+)/g // text = text.replace(mRegex, (_, pre, num) => `${pre}ϻ${num}`) // Find instances of @username, #hashtag, and https://... const regex = /(?:^|\s)(?:[@#][a-z0-9_]+|https?:\/\/[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%?=~_()|!:,.;]*[-A-Za-z0-9+&@#/%=~_|])/gi const matches = text.match(regex) || [] const links = => { // Matches are in the form: " @username" or "" const whitespace = match.match(/^\s/) const symbol = match.trim().substring(0, 1) const tag = match.trim().substring(1) const href = { '@': `/${tag}`, '#': `/tag/${tag}`, }[symbol] ?? match.trim() return ( <> {whitespace} <SiteLink className={gray ? 'text-gray-500' : 'text-indigo-700'} href={href} > {symbol} {tag} </SiteLink> </> ) }) return ( <span className="break-words" style={{ /* For iOS safari */ wordBreak: 'break-word' }} > {text.split(regex).map((part, i) => ( <Fragment key={i}> {part} {links[i]} </Fragment> ))} </span> ) }