import { useState } from 'react' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import customParseFormat from 'dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat' dayjs.extend(customParseFormat) import { formatMoney } from 'common/util/format' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { SEO } from 'web/components/SEO' import { Title } from 'web/components/title' import { Subtitle } from 'web/components/subtitle' import { getUserAndPrivateUser } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import { useUserManalinks } from 'web/lib/firebase/manalinks' import { useUserById } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { ManalinkTxn } from 'common/txn' import { User } from 'common/user' import { Avatar } from 'web/components/avatar' import { RelativeTimestamp } from 'web/components/relative-timestamp' import { CreateLinksButton } from 'web/components/manalinks/create-links-button' import { redirectIfLoggedOut } from 'web/lib/firebase/server-auth' import { ManalinkCardFromView } from 'web/components/manalink-card' import { Pagination } from 'web/components/pagination' import { Manalink } from 'common/manalink' import { SiteLink } from 'web/components/site-link' import { REFERRAL_AMOUNT } from 'common/economy' import { UserLink } from 'web/components/user-link' const LINKS_PER_PAGE = 24 export const getServerSideProps = redirectIfLoggedOut('/', async (_, creds) => { return { props: { auth: await getUserAndPrivateUser(creds.uid) } } }) export function getManalinkUrl(slug: string) { return `${location.protocol}//${}/link/${slug}` } export default function LinkPage(props: { auth: { user: User } }) { const { user } = props.auth const links = useUserManalinks( ?? '') // const manalinkTxns = useManalinkTxns(user?.id ?? '') const [highlightedSlug, setHighlightedSlug] = useState('') const unclaimedLinks = links.filter( (l) => (l.maxUses == null || l.claimedUserIds.length < l.maxUses) && (l.expiresTime == null || l.expiresTime > ) return ( <Page> <SEO title="Manalinks" description="Send M$ to others with a link, even if they don't have a Manifold account yet!" url="/send" /> <Col className="w-full px-8"> <Row className="items-center justify-between"> <Title text="Manalinks" /> {user && ( <CreateLinksButton user={user} highlightedSlug={highlightedSlug} setHighlightedSlug={setHighlightedSlug} /> )} </Row> <p> You can use manalinks to send mana (M$) to other people, even if they don't yet have a Manifold account.{' '} <SiteLink href="/referrals"> Eligible for {formatMoney(REFERRAL_AMOUNT)} referral bonus if a new user signs up! </SiteLink> </p> <Subtitle text="Your Manalinks" /> <ManalinksDisplay unclaimedLinks={unclaimedLinks} highlightedSlug={highlightedSlug} /> </Col> </Page> ) } function ManalinksDisplay(props: { unclaimedLinks: Manalink[] highlightedSlug: string }) { const { unclaimedLinks, highlightedSlug } = props const [page, setPage] = useState(0) const start = page * LINKS_PER_PAGE const end = start + LINKS_PER_PAGE const displayedLinks = unclaimedLinks.slice(start, end) if (unclaimedLinks.length === 0) { return ( <p className="text-gray-500"> You don't have any unclaimed manalinks. Send some more to spread the wealth! </p> ) } else { return ( <> <Col className="grid w-full gap-4 md:grid-cols-2"> { => ( <ManalinkCardFromView key={link.slug + link.createdTime} link={link} highlightedSlug={highlightedSlug} /> ))} </Col> <Pagination page={page} itemsPerPage={LINKS_PER_PAGE} totalItems={unclaimedLinks.length} setPage={setPage} className="mt-4 bg-transparent" scrollToTop /> </> ) } } // TODO: either utilize this or get rid of it export function ClaimsList(props: { txns: ManalinkTxn[] }) { const { txns } = props return ( <> <h1 className="mb-4 text-xl font-semibold text-gray-900"> Claimed links </h1> { => ( <ClaimDescription txn={txn} key={} /> ))} </> ) } export function ClaimDescription(props: { txn: ManalinkTxn }) { const { txn } = props const from = useUserById(txn.fromId) const to = useUserById(txn.toId) if (!from || !to) { return <>Loading...</> } return ( <div className="mb-2 flow-root pr-2 md:pr-0"> <div className="relative flex items-center space-x-3"> <Avatar username={} avatarUrl={to.avatarUrl} size="sm" /> <div className="min-w-0 flex-1"> <p className="mt-0.5 text-sm text-gray-500"> <UserLink className="text-gray-500" username={to.username} name={} />{' '} claimed {formatMoney(txn.amount)} from{' '} <UserLink className="text-gray-500" username={from.username} name={} /> <RelativeTimestamp time={txn.createdTime} /> </p> </div> </div> </div> ) }