import { DatumValue } from '@nivo/core' import { ResponsiveLine } from '@nivo/line' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import { Bet } from '../../common/bet' import { getProbability } from '../../common/calculate' import { useBetsWithoutAntes } from '../hooks/use-bets' import { useWindowSize } from '../hooks/use-window-size' import { Contract } from '../lib/firebase/contracts' export function ContractProbGraph(props: { contract: Contract; bets: Bet[] }) { const { contract } = props const { phantomShares, resolutionTime, closeTime } = contract const bets = useBetsWithoutAntes(contract, props.bets) const startProb = getProbability( phantomShares as { [outcome: string]: number } ) const times = bets ? [contract.createdTime, => bet.createdTime)].map( (time) => new Date(time) ) : [] const probs = bets ? [startProb, => bet.probAfter)] : [] const isClosed = !!closeTime && > closeTime const latestTime = dayjs( resolutionTime && isClosed ? Math.min(resolutionTime, closeTime) : isClosed ? closeTime : resolutionTime ?? ) if (resolutionTime || isClosed) { times.push(latestTime.toDate()) probs.push(probs[probs.length - 1]) } else { // Add a fake datapoint in future so the line continues horizontally // to the right. times.push(latestTime.add(1, 'month').toDate()) probs.push(probs[probs.length - 1]) } const points =, i) => ({ x: times[i], y: prob * 100 })) const data = [{ id: 'Yes', data: points, color: '#11b981' }] const yTickValues = [0, 25, 50, 75, 100] const { width } = useWindowSize() const numXTickValues = !width || width < 800 ? 2 : 5 const hoursAgo = latestTime.subtract(5, 'hours') const startDate = dayjs(times[0]).isBefore(hoursAgo) ? times[0] : hoursAgo.toDate() const lessThanAWeek = dayjs(startDate).add(1, 'week').isAfter(latestTime) return ( <div className="w-full" style={{ height: !width || width >= 800 ? 400 : 250 }} > <ResponsiveLine data={data} yScale={{ min: 0, max: 100, type: 'linear' }} yFormat={formatPercent} gridYValues={yTickValues} axisLeft={{ tickValues: yTickValues, format: formatPercent, }} xScale={{ type: 'time', min: startDate, max: latestTime.toDate(), }} xFormat={(d) => formatTime(+d.valueOf(), lessThanAWeek)} axisBottom={{ tickValues: numXTickValues, format: (time) => formatTime(+time, lessThanAWeek), }} colors={{ datum: 'color' }} pointSize={10} pointBorderWidth={1} pointBorderColor="#fff" enableSlices="x" enableGridX={!!width && width >= 800} enableArea margin={{ top: 20, right: 28, bottom: 22, left: 40 }} /> </div> ) } function formatPercent(y: DatumValue) { return `${Math.round(+y.toString())}%` } function formatTime(time: number, includeTime: boolean) { const d = dayjs(time) if (d.isSame(, 'day')) return d.format('ha') if (includeTime) return dayjs(time).format('MMM D, ha') return dayjs(time).format('MMM D') }