import * as admin from 'firebase-admin' import { z } from 'zod' import { MANIFOLD_AVATAR_URL, MANIFOLD_USERNAME, PrivateUser, STARTING_BALANCE, SUS_STARTING_BALANCE, User, } from '../../common/user' import { getUser, getUserByUsername, getValues, isProd } from './utils' import { randomString } from '../../common/util/random' import { cleanDisplayName, cleanUsername, } from '../../common/util/clean-username' import { sendWelcomeEmail } from './emails' import { isWhitelisted } from '../../common/envs/constants' import { CATEGORIES_GROUP_SLUG_POSTFIX, DEFAULT_CATEGORIES, } from '../../common/categories' import { track } from './analytics' import { APIError, newEndpoint, validate } from './api' import { Group, NEW_USER_GROUP_SLUGS } from '../../common/group' import { uniq } from 'lodash' import { DEV_HOUSE_LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ID, HOUSE_LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ID, } from '../../common/antes' const bodySchema = z.object({ deviceToken: z.string().optional(), }) const opts = { secrets: ['MAILGUN_KEY'] } export const createuser = newEndpoint(opts, async (req, auth) => { const { deviceToken } = validate(bodySchema, req.body) const preexistingUser = await getUser(auth.uid) if (preexistingUser) throw new APIError(400, 'User already exists', { user: preexistingUser }) const fbUser = await admin.auth().getUser(auth.uid) const email = if (!isWhitelisted(email)) { throw new APIError(400, `${email} is not whitelisted`) } const emailName = email?.replace(/@.*$/, '') const rawName = fbUser.displayName || emailName || 'User' + randomString(4) const name = cleanDisplayName(rawName) let username = cleanUsername(name) const sameNameUser = await getUserByUsername(username) if (sameNameUser) { username += randomString(4) } const avatarUrl = fbUser.photoURL const deviceUsedBefore = !deviceToken || (await isPrivateUserWithDeviceToken(deviceToken)) const ipCount = req.ip ? await numberUsersWithIp(req.ip) : 0 const balance = deviceUsedBefore || ipCount > 2 ? SUS_STARTING_BALANCE : STARTING_BALANCE const user: User = { id: auth.uid, name, username, avatarUrl, balance, totalDeposits: balance, createdTime:, profitCached: { daily: 0, weekly: 0, monthly: 0, allTime: 0 }, creatorVolumeCached: { daily: 0, weekly: 0, monthly: 0, allTime: 0 }, followerCountCached: 0, followedCategories: DEFAULT_CATEGORIES, } await firestore.collection('users').doc(auth.uid).create(user) console.log('created user', username, 'firebase id:', auth.uid) const privateUser: PrivateUser = { id: auth.uid, username, email, initialIpAddress: req.ip, initialDeviceToken: deviceToken, } await firestore.collection('private-users').doc(auth.uid).create(privateUser) await sendWelcomeEmail(user, privateUser) await addUserToDefaultGroups(user) await track(auth.uid, 'create user', { username }, { ip: req.ip }) return user }) const firestore = admin.firestore() const isPrivateUserWithDeviceToken = async (deviceToken: string) => { const snap = await firestore .collection('private-users') .where('initialDeviceToken', '==', deviceToken) .get() return !snap.empty } const numberUsersWithIp = async (ipAddress: string) => { const snap = await firestore .collection('private-users') .where('initialIpAddress', '==', ipAddress) .get() return } const addUserToDefaultGroups = async (user: User) => { for (const category of Object.values(DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)) { const slug = category.toLowerCase() + CATEGORIES_GROUP_SLUG_POSTFIX const groups = await getValues( firestore.collection('groups').where('slug', '==', slug) ) await firestore .collection('groups') .doc(groups[0].id) .update({ memberIds: uniq(groups[0].memberIds.concat(, }) } for (const slug of NEW_USER_GROUP_SLUGS) { const groups = await getValues( firestore.collection('groups').where('slug', '==', slug) ) const group = groups[0] await firestore .collection('groups') .doc( .update({ memberIds: uniq(group.memberIds.concat(, }) const manifoldAccount = isProd() ? HOUSE_LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ID : DEV_HOUSE_LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ID if (slug === 'welcome') { const welcomeCommentDoc = firestore .collection(`groups/${}/comments`) .doc() await welcomeCommentDoc.create({ id:, groupId:, userId: manifoldAccount, text: `Welcome, ${} (@${user.username})!`, createdTime:, userName: 'Manifold Markets', userUsername: MANIFOLD_USERNAME, userAvatarUrl: MANIFOLD_AVATAR_URL, }) } } }