import { memo, useState } from 'react' import { getOutcomeProbability } from 'common/calculate' import { Pagination } from 'web/components/pagination' import { FeedBet } from '../feed/feed-bets' import { FeedLiquidity } from '../feed/feed-liquidity' import { FeedAnswerCommentGroup } from '../feed/feed-answer-comment-group' import { FeedCommentThread, ContractCommentInput } from '../feed/feed-comments' import { groupBy, sortBy, sum } from 'lodash' import { Bet } from 'common/bet' import { Contract } from 'common/contract' import { PAST_BETS } from 'common/user' import { ContractBetsTable } from '../bets-list' import { Spacer } from '../layout/spacer' import { Tabs } from '../layout/tabs' import { Col } from '../layout/col' import { LoadingIndicator } from 'web/components/loading-indicator' import { useComments } from 'web/hooks/use-comments' import { useLiquidity } from 'web/hooks/use-liquidity' import { useTipTxns } from 'web/hooks/use-tip-txns' import { capitalize } from 'lodash' import { DEV_HOUSE_LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ID, HOUSE_LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ID, } from 'common/antes' import { buildArray } from 'common/util/array' import { ContractComment } from 'common/comment' import { Button } from 'web/components/button' import { MINUTE_MS } from 'common/util/time' import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { Tooltip } from 'web/components/tooltip' import { BountiedContractSmallBadge } from 'web/components/contract/bountied-contract-badge' import { Row } from '../layout/row' import { storageStore, usePersistentState, } from 'web/hooks/use-persistent-state' import { safeLocalStorage } from 'web/lib/util/local' export function ContractTabs(props: { contract: Contract bets: Bet[] userBets: Bet[] comments: ContractComment[] }) { const { contract, bets, userBets, comments } = props const yourTrades = ( <div> <Spacer h={6} /> <ContractBetsTable contract={contract} bets={userBets} isYourBets /> <Spacer h={12} /> </div> ) const tabs = buildArray( { title: 'Comments', content: <CommentsTabContent contract={contract} comments={comments} />, }, bets.length > 0 && { title: capitalize(PAST_BETS), content: <BetsTabContent contract={contract} bets={bets} />, }, userBets.length > 0 && { title: 'Your trades', content: yourTrades, } ) return ( <Tabs className="mb-4" currentPageForAnalytics={'contract'} tabs={tabs} /> ) } const CommentsTabContent = memo(function CommentsTabContent(props: { contract: Contract comments: ContractComment[] }) { const { contract } = props const tips = useTipTxns({ contractId: }) const comments = useComments( ?? props.comments const [sort, setSort] = usePersistentState<'Newest' | 'Best'>('Newest', { key: `contract-${}-comments-sort`, store: storageStore(safeLocalStorage()), }) const me = useUser() if (comments == null) { return <LoadingIndicator /> } const tipsOrBountiesAwarded = Object.keys(tips).length > 0 || comments.some((c) => c.bountiesAwarded) // replied to answers/comments are NOT newest, otherwise newest first const shouldBeNewestFirst = (c: ContractComment) => c.replyToCommentId == undefined && (contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE' ? c.betId === undefined && c.answerOutcome == undefined : true) // TODO: links to comments are broken because tips load after render and // comments will reorganize themselves if there are tips/bounties awarded const sortedComments = sortBy(comments, [ sort === 'Best' ? (c) => // Is this too magic? If there are tips/bounties, 'Best' shows your own comments made within the last 10 minutes first, then sorts by score tipsOrBountiesAwarded && c.createdTime > - 10 * MINUTE_MS && c.userId === me?.id && shouldBeNewestFirst(c) ? -Infinity : -((c.bountiesAwarded ?? 0) + sum(Object.values(tips[] ?? []))) : (c) => c, (c) => (!shouldBeNewestFirst(c) ? c.createdTime : -c.createdTime), ]) const commentsByParent = groupBy( sortedComments, (c) => c.replyToCommentId ?? '_' ) const topLevelComments = commentsByParent['_'] ?? [] const sortRow = comments.length > 0 && ( <Row className="mb-4 items-center"> <Button size={'xs'} color={'gray-white'} onClick={() => setSort(sort === 'Newest' ? 'Best' : 'Newest')} > <Tooltip text={ sort === 'Best' ? 'Highest tips + bounties first. Your new comments briefly appear to you first.' : '' } > Sort by: {sort} </Tooltip> </Button> <BountiedContractSmallBadge contract={contract} showAmount /> </Row> ) if (contract.outcomeType === 'FREE_RESPONSE') { const sortedAnswers = sortBy( contract.answers, (a) => -getOutcomeProbability(contract, ) const commentsByOutcome = groupBy( sortedComments, (c) => c.answerOutcome ?? c.betOutcome ?? '_' ) const generalTopLevelComments = topLevelComments.filter( (c) => c.answerOutcome === undefined && c.betId === undefined ) return ( <> {sortRow} { => ( <div key={} className="relative pb-4"> <span className="absolute top-5 left-5 -ml-px h-[calc(100%-2rem)] w-0.5 bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" /> <FeedAnswerCommentGroup contract={contract} answer={answer} answerComments={commentsByOutcome[answer.number.toString()] ?? []} tips={tips} /> </div> ))} <Col className="mt-8 flex w-full"> <div className="text-md mt-8 mb-2 text-left">General Comments</div> <div className="mb-4 w-full border-b border-gray-200" /> {sortRow} <ContractCommentInput className="mb-5" contract={contract} /> { => ( <FeedCommentThread key={} contract={contract} parentComment={comment} threadComments={commentsByParent[] ?? []} tips={tips} /> ))} </Col> </> ) } else { return ( <> {sortRow} <ContractCommentInput className="mb-5" contract={contract} /> { => ( <FeedCommentThread key={} contract={contract} parentComment={parent} threadComments={sortBy( commentsByParent[] ?? [], (c) => c.createdTime )} tips={tips} /> ))} </> ) } }) const BetsTabContent = memo(function BetsTabContent(props: { contract: Contract bets: Bet[] }) { const { contract, bets } = props const [page, setPage] = useState(0) const ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 50 const start = page * ITEMS_PER_PAGE const end = start + ITEMS_PER_PAGE const lps = useLiquidity( ?? [] const visibleBets = bets.filter( (bet) => !bet.isAnte && !bet.isRedemption && bet.amount !== 0 ) const visibleLps = lps.filter( (l) => !l.isAnte && l.userId !== HOUSE_LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ID && l.userId !== DEV_HOUSE_LIQUIDITY_PROVIDER_ID && l.amount > 0 ) const items = [ => ({ type: 'bet' as const, id: + '-' + bet.isSold, bet, })), => ({ type: 'liquidity' as const, id:, lp, })), ] const pageItems = sortBy(items, (item) => item.type === 'bet' ? : item.type === 'liquidity' ? -item.lp.createdTime : undefined ).slice(start, end) return ( <> <Col className="mb-4 gap-4"> { => item.type === 'bet' ? ( <FeedBet key={} contract={contract} bet={} /> ) : ( <FeedLiquidity key={} liquidity={item.lp} /> ) )} </Col> <Pagination page={page} itemsPerPage={50} totalItems={items.length} setPage={setPage} scrollToTop nextTitle={'Older'} prevTitle={'Newer'} /> </> ) })