import { ControlledTabs } from 'web/components/layout/tabs' import React, { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from 'react' import Router, { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { BetFillData, ContractResolutionData, Notification, notification_source_types, } from 'common/notification' import { Avatar, EmptyAvatar } from 'web/components/avatar' import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { Title } from 'web/components/title' import { doc, updateDoc } from 'firebase/firestore' import { db } from 'web/lib/firebase/init' import { MANIFOLD_AVATAR_URL, MANIFOLD_USERNAME, PrivateUser, } from 'common/user' import clsx from 'clsx' import { RelativeTimestamp } from 'web/components/relative-timestamp' import { Linkify } from 'web/components/linkify' import { BinaryOutcomeLabel, CancelLabel, MultiLabel, NumericValueLabel, ProbPercentLabel, } from 'web/components/outcome-label' import { NotificationGroup, useGroupedNotifications, useUnseenGroupedNotification, } from 'web/hooks/use-notifications' import { TrendingUpIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import { formatMoney } from 'common/util/format' import { groupPath } from 'web/lib/firebase/groups' import { BETTING_STREAK_BONUS_AMOUNT, UNIQUE_BETTOR_BONUS_AMOUNT, } from 'common/economy' import { groupBy, sum, uniqBy } from 'lodash' import { track } from '@amplitude/analytics-browser' import { Pagination } from 'web/components/pagination' import { useWindowSize } from 'web/hooks/use-window-size' import { safeLocalStorage } from 'web/lib/util/local' import { SiteLink } from 'web/components/site-link' import { NotificationSettings } from 'web/components/notification-settings' import { SEO } from 'web/components/SEO' import { usePrivateUser, useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { UserLink } from 'web/components/user-link' import { LoadingIndicator } from 'web/components/loading-indicator' import { MultiUserLinkInfo, MultiUserTransactionLink, } from 'web/components/multi-user-transaction-link' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' export const NOTIFICATIONS_PER_PAGE = 30 const HIGHLIGHT_CLASS = 'bg-indigo-50' export default function Notifications() { const privateUser = usePrivateUser() const router = useRouter() const [navigateToSection, setNavigateToSection] = useState<string>() const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0) useEffect(() => { if (privateUser === null) Router.push('/') }) useEffect(() => { const query = { ...router.query } if ( === 'settings') { setActiveIndex(1) } if (query.section) { setNavigateToSection(query.section as string) } }, [router.query]) return ( <Page> <div className={'px-2 pt-4 sm:px-4 lg:pt-0'}> <Title text={'Notifications'} className={'hidden md:block'} /> <SEO title="Notifications" description="Manifold user notifications" /> {privateUser && router.isReady && ( <div> <ControlledTabs currentPageForAnalytics={'notifications'} labelClassName={'pb-2 pt-1 '} className={'mb-0 sm:mb-2'} activeIndex={activeIndex} onClick={(title, i) => { router.replace( { query: { ...router.query, tab: title.toLowerCase(), section: '', }, }, undefined, { shallow: true } ) setActiveIndex(i) }} tabs={[ { title: 'Notifications', content: <NotificationsList privateUser={privateUser} />, }, { title: 'Settings', content: ( <NotificationSettings navigateToSection={navigateToSection} privateUser={privateUser} /> ), }, ]} /> </div> )} </div> </Page> ) } function RenderNotificationGroups(props: { notificationGroups: NotificationGroup[] }) { const { notificationGroups } = props return ( <> { => notification.type === 'income' ? ( <IncomeNotificationGroupItem notificationGroup={notification} key={notification.groupedById + notification.timePeriod} /> ) : notification.notifications.length === 1 ? ( <NotificationItem notification={notification.notifications[0]} key={notification.notifications[0].id} justSummary={false} /> ) : ( <NotificationGroupItem notificationGroup={notification} key={notification.groupedById + notification.timePeriod} /> ) )} </> ) } function NotificationsList(props: { privateUser: PrivateUser }) { const { privateUser } = props const [page, setPage] = useState(0) const allGroupedNotifications = useGroupedNotifications(privateUser) const unseenGroupedNotifications = useUnseenGroupedNotification(privateUser) const paginatedGroupedNotifications = useMemo(() => { if (!allGroupedNotifications) return const start = page * NOTIFICATIONS_PER_PAGE const end = start + NOTIFICATIONS_PER_PAGE const maxNotificationsToShow = allGroupedNotifications.slice(start, end) const local = safeLocalStorage() local?.setItem( 'notification-groups', JSON.stringify(allGroupedNotifications) ) return maxNotificationsToShow }, [allGroupedNotifications, page]) // Set all notifications that don't fit on the first page to seen useEffect(() => { if ( paginatedGroupedNotifications && paginatedGroupedNotifications?.length >= NOTIFICATIONS_PER_PAGE ) { const allUnseenNotifications = unseenGroupedNotifications ?.map((ng) => ng.notifications) .flat() allUnseenNotifications && setNotificationsAsSeen(allUnseenNotifications) } }, [paginatedGroupedNotifications, unseenGroupedNotifications]) if (!paginatedGroupedNotifications || !allGroupedNotifications) return <LoadingIndicator /> return ( <div className={'min-h-[100vh] text-sm'}> {paginatedGroupedNotifications.length === 0 && ( <div className={'mt-2'}> You don't have any notifications. Try changing your settings to see more. </div> )} <RenderNotificationGroups notificationGroups={paginatedGroupedNotifications} /> {paginatedGroupedNotifications.length > 0 && allGroupedNotifications.length > NOTIFICATIONS_PER_PAGE && ( <Pagination page={page} itemsPerPage={NOTIFICATIONS_PER_PAGE} totalItems={allGroupedNotifications.length} setPage={setPage} scrollToTop nextTitle={'Older'} prevTitle={'Newer'} /> )} </div> ) } function IncomeNotificationGroupItem(props: { notificationGroup: NotificationGroup className?: string }) { const { notificationGroup, className } = props const { notifications } = notificationGroup const numSummaryLines = 3 const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState( notifications.length <= numSummaryLines ) const [highlighted, setHighlighted] = useState( notifications.some((n) => !n.isSeen) ) const onClickHandler = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => { if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) return setExpanded(!expanded) } useEffect(() => { setNotificationsAsSeen(notifications) }, [notifications]) useEffect(() => { if (expanded) setHighlighted(false) }, [expanded]) const totalIncome = sum( => notification.sourceText ? parseInt(notification.sourceText) : 0 ) ) // Loop through the contracts and combine the notification items into one function combineNotificationsByAddingNumericSourceTexts( notifications: Notification[] ) { const newNotifications: Notification[] = [] const groupedNotificationsBySourceType = groupBy( notifications, (n) => n.sourceType ) for (const sourceType in groupedNotificationsBySourceType) { // Source title splits by contracts, groups, betting streak bonus const groupedNotificationsBySourceTitle = groupBy( groupedNotificationsBySourceType[sourceType], (notification) => { return notification.sourceTitle ?? notification.sourceContractTitle } ) for (const sourceTitle in groupedNotificationsBySourceTitle) { const notificationsForSourceTitle = groupedNotificationsBySourceTitle[sourceTitle] let sum = 0 notificationsForSourceTitle.forEach( (notification) => (sum = parseInt(notification.sourceText ?? '0') + sum) ) const uniqueUsers = uniqBy( => { let thisSum = 0 notificationsForSourceTitle .filter( (n) => n.sourceUserUsername === notification.sourceUserUsername ) .forEach( (n) => (thisSum = parseInt(n.sourceText ?? '0') + thisSum) ) return { username: notification.sourceUserUsername, name: notification.sourceUserName, avatarUrl: notification.sourceUserAvatarUrl, amount: thisSum, } as MultiUserLinkInfo }), (n) => n.username ) const newNotification = { ...notificationsForSourceTitle[0], sourceText: sum.toString(), sourceUserUsername: notificationsForSourceTitle[0].sourceUserUsername, data: { uniqueUsers }, } newNotifications.push(newNotification) } } return newNotifications } const combinedNotifs = combineNotificationsByAddingNumericSourceTexts( notifications.filter((n) => n.sourceType !== 'betting_streak_bonus') ) // Because the server's reset time will never align with the client's, we may // erroneously sum 2 betting streak bonuses, therefore just show the most recent const mostRecentBettingStreakBonus = notifications .filter((n) => n.sourceType === 'betting_streak_bonus') .sort((a, b) => a.createdTime - b.createdTime) .pop() if (mostRecentBettingStreakBonus) combinedNotifs.unshift(mostRecentBettingStreakBonus) return ( <div className={clsx( 'relative cursor-pointer bg-white px-2 pt-6 text-sm', className, !expanded ? 'hover:bg-gray-100' : '', highlighted && !expanded ? HIGHLIGHT_CLASS : '' )} onClick={onClickHandler} > {expanded && ( <span className="absolute top-14 left-6 -ml-px h-[calc(100%-5rem)] w-0.5 bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" /> )} <Row className={'items-center text-gray-500 sm:justify-start'}> <TrendingUpIcon className={'text-primary ml-1 h-7 w-7 flex-shrink-0 sm:ml-2'} /> <div className={'ml-2 flex w-full flex-row flex-wrap truncate'} onClick={onClickHandler} > <div className={'flex w-full flex-row justify-between'}> <div> {'Daily Income Summary: '} <span className={'text-primary'}> {'+' + formatMoney(totalIncome)} </span> </div> <div className={'inline-block'}> <RelativeTimestamp time={notifications[0].createdTime} /> </div> </div> </div> </Row> <div> <div className={clsx('mt-1 md:text-base', expanded ? 'pl-4' : '')}> {' '} <div className={clsx( 'mt-1 ml-1 gap-1 whitespace-pre-line', !expanded ? 'line-clamp-4' : '' )} > {!expanded ? ( <> {combinedNotifs .slice(0, numSummaryLines) .map((notification) => ( <IncomeNotificationItem notification={notification} justSummary={true} key={} /> ))} <div className={'text-sm text-gray-500 hover:underline '}> {combinedNotifs.length - numSummaryLines > 0 ? 'And ' + (combinedNotifs.length - numSummaryLines) + ' more...' : ''} </div> </> ) : ( <> { => ( <IncomeNotificationItem notification={notification} key={} justSummary={false} /> ))} </> )} </div> </div> <div className={'mt-6 border-b border-gray-300'} /> </div> </div> ) } function IncomeNotificationItem(props: { notification: Notification justSummary?: boolean }) { const { notification, justSummary } = props const { sourceType, sourceUserUsername, sourceText, data } = notification const [highlighted] = useState(!notification.isSeen) const { width } = useWindowSize() const isMobile = (width && width < 768) || false const user = useUser() const isTip = sourceType === 'tip' || sourceType === 'tip_and_like' const isUniqueBettorBonus = sourceType === 'bonus' const userLinks: MultiUserLinkInfo[] = isTip || isUniqueBettorBonus ? data?.uniqueUsers ?? [] : [] useEffect(() => { setNotificationsAsSeen([notification]) }, [notification]) function reasonAndLink(simple: boolean) { const { sourceText } = notification let reasonText = '' if (sourceType === 'bonus' && sourceText) { reasonText = !simple ? `Bonus for ${ parseInt(sourceText) / UNIQUE_BETTOR_BONUS_AMOUNT } new predictors on` : 'bonus on' } else if (sourceType === 'tip') { reasonText = !simple ? `tipped you on` : `in tips on` } else if (sourceType === 'betting_streak_bonus') { if (sourceText && +sourceText === 50) reasonText = '(max) for your' else reasonText = 'for your' } else if (sourceType === 'loan' && sourceText) { reasonText = `of your invested predictions returned as a` // TODO: support just 'like' notification without a tip } else if (sourceType === 'tip_and_like' && sourceText) { reasonText = !simple ? `liked` : `in likes on` } const streakInDays = ? : - notification.createdTime > 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ? parseInt(sourceText ?? '0') / BETTING_STREAK_BONUS_AMOUNT : user?.currentBettingStreak ?? 0 const bettingStreakText = sourceType === 'betting_streak_bonus' && (sourceText ? `🔥 ${streakInDays} day Prediction Streak` : 'Prediction Streak') return ( <> {reasonText} {sourceType === 'loan' ? ( simple ? ( <span className={'ml-1 font-bold'}>🏦 Loan</span> ) : ( <SiteLink className={'ml-1 font-bold'} href={'/loans'}> 🏦 Loan </SiteLink> ) ) : sourceType === 'betting_streak_bonus' ? ( simple ? ( <span className={'ml-1 font-bold'}>{bettingStreakText}</span> ) : ( <SiteLink className={'ml-1 font-bold'} href={'/betting-streak-bonus'} > {bettingStreakText} </SiteLink> ) ) : ( <QuestionOrGroupLink notification={notification} ignoreClick={isMobile} /> )} </> ) } const incomeNotificationLabel = () => { return sourceText ? ( <span className="text-primary"> {'+' + formatMoney(parseInt(sourceText))} </span> ) : ( <div /> ) } const getIncomeSourceUrl = () => { const { sourceId, sourceContractCreatorUsername, sourceContractSlug, sourceSlug, } = notification if (sourceType === 'tip' && sourceContractSlug) return `/${sourceContractCreatorUsername}/${sourceContractSlug}#${sourceSlug}` if (sourceType === 'tip' && sourceSlug) return `${groupPath(sourceSlug)}` if (sourceType === 'challenge') return `${sourceSlug}` if (sourceType === 'betting_streak_bonus') return `/${sourceUserUsername}/?show=betting-streak` if (sourceType === 'loan') return `/${sourceUserUsername}/?show=loans` if (sourceContractCreatorUsername && sourceContractSlug) return `/${sourceContractCreatorUsername}/${sourceContractSlug}#${getSourceIdForLinkComponent( sourceId ?? '', sourceType )}` } if (justSummary) { return ( <Row className={'items-center text-sm text-gray-500 sm:justify-start'}> <div className={'line-clamp-1 flex-1 overflow-hidden sm:flex'}> <div className={'flex pl-1 sm:pl-0'}> <div className={'inline-flex overflow-hidden text-ellipsis pl-1'}> <div className={'mr-1 text-black'}> {incomeNotificationLabel()} </div> <span className={'flex truncate'}>{reasonAndLink(true)}</span> </div> </div> </div> </Row> ) } return ( <div className={clsx( 'bg-white px-2 pt-6 text-sm sm:px-4', highlighted && HIGHLIGHT_CLASS )} > <div className={'relative'}> <SiteLink href={getIncomeSourceUrl() ?? ''} className={'absolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 z-0'} /> <Col className={'justify-start text-gray-500'}> {(isTip || isUniqueBettorBonus) && ( <MultiUserTransactionLink userInfos={userLinks} modalLabel={isTip ? 'Who tipped you' : 'Unique predictors'} /> )} <Row className={'line-clamp-2 flex max-w-xl'}> <span>{incomeNotificationLabel()}</span> <span className={'mx-1'}> {isTip && (userLinks.length > 1 ? 'Multiple users' : userLinks.length > 0 ? userLinks[0].name : '')} </span> <span>{reasonAndLink(false)}</span> </Row> </Col> <div className={'border-b border-gray-300 pt-4'} /> </div> </div> ) } function NotificationGroupItem(props: { notificationGroup: NotificationGroup className?: string }) { const { notificationGroup, className } = props const { notifications } = notificationGroup const { sourceContractTitle } = notifications[0] const { width } = useWindowSize() const isMobile = (width && width < 768) || false const numSummaryLines = 3 const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState( notifications.length <= numSummaryLines ) const [highlighted, setHighlighted] = useState( notifications.some((n) => !n.isSeen) ) const onClickHandler = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => { if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) return setExpanded(!expanded) } useEffect(() => { setNotificationsAsSeen(notifications) }, [notifications]) useEffect(() => { if (expanded) setHighlighted(false) }, [expanded]) return ( <div className={clsx( 'relative cursor-pointer bg-white px-2 pt-6 text-sm', className, !expanded ? 'hover:bg-gray-100' : '', highlighted && !expanded ? HIGHLIGHT_CLASS : '' )} onClick={onClickHandler} > {expanded && ( <span className="absolute top-14 left-6 -ml-px h-[calc(100%-5rem)] w-0.5 bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" /> )} <Row className={'items-center text-gray-500 sm:justify-start'}> <EmptyAvatar multi /> <div className={'line-clamp-2 flex w-full flex-row flex-wrap pl-1 sm:pl-0'} > {sourceContractTitle ? ( <div className={'flex w-full flex-row justify-between'}> <div className={'ml-2'}> Activity on <QuestionOrGroupLink notification={notifications[0]} ignoreClick={!expanded && isMobile} /> </div> <div className={'hidden sm:inline-block'}> <RelativeTimestamp time={notifications[0].createdTime} /> </div> </div> ) : ( <span> Other activity <RelativeTimestamp time={notifications[0].createdTime} /> </span> )} </div> </Row> <div> <div className={clsx('mt-1 md:text-base', expanded ? 'pl-4' : '')}> {' '} <div className={clsx( 'mt-1 ml-1 gap-1 whitespace-pre-line', !expanded ? 'line-clamp-4' : '' )} > {' '} {!expanded ? ( <> {notifications.slice(0, numSummaryLines).map((notification) => { return ( <NotificationItem notification={notification} justSummary={true} key={} /> ) })} <div className={'text-sm text-gray-500 hover:underline '}> {notifications.length - numSummaryLines > 0 ? 'And ' + (notifications.length - numSummaryLines) + ' more...' : ''} </div> </> ) : ( <> { => ( <NotificationItem notification={notification} key={} justSummary={false} isChildOfGroup={true} /> ))} </> )} </div> </div> <div className={'mt-6 border-b border-gray-300'} /> </div> </div> ) } function NotificationItem(props: { notification: Notification justSummary: boolean isChildOfGroup?: boolean }) { const { notification, justSummary, isChildOfGroup } = props const { sourceType, reason, sourceUpdateType } = notification const [highlighted] = useState(!notification.isSeen) useEffect(() => { setNotificationsAsSeen([notification]) }, [notification]) // TODO Any new notification should be its own component if (reason === 'bet_fill') { return ( <BetFillNotification notification={notification} isChildOfGroup={isChildOfGroup} highlighted={highlighted} justSummary={justSummary} /> ) } else if (sourceType === 'contract' && sourceUpdateType === 'resolved') { return ( <ContractResolvedNotification notification={notification} isChildOfGroup={isChildOfGroup} highlighted={highlighted} justSummary={justSummary} /> ) } // TODO Add new notification components here if (justSummary) { return ( <NotificationSummaryFrame notification={notification} subtitle={ (sourceType && reason && getReasonForShowingNotification(notification, true)) ?? '' } > <NotificationTextLabel className={'line-clamp-1'} notification={notification} justSummary={true} /> </NotificationSummaryFrame> ) } return ( <NotificationFrame notification={notification} subtitle={getReasonForShowingNotification( notification, isChildOfGroup ?? false )} highlighted={highlighted} > <div className={'mt-1 ml-1 md:text-base'}> <NotificationTextLabel notification={notification} /> </div> </NotificationFrame> ) } function NotificationSummaryFrame(props: { notification: Notification subtitle: string children: React.ReactNode }) { const { notification, subtitle, children } = props const { sourceUserName, sourceUserUsername } = notification return ( <Row className={'items-center text-sm text-gray-500 sm:justify-start'}> <div className={'line-clamp-1 flex-1 overflow-hidden sm:flex'}> <div className={'flex pl-1 sm:pl-0'}> <UserLink name={sourceUserName || ''} username={sourceUserUsername || ''} className={'mr-0 flex-shrink-0'} short={true} /> <div className={'inline-flex overflow-hidden text-ellipsis pl-1'}> <span className={'flex-shrink-0'}>{subtitle}</span> <div className={'line-clamp-1 ml-1 text-black'}>{children}</div> </div> </div> </div> </Row> ) } function NotificationFrame(props: { notification: Notification highlighted: boolean subtitle: string children: React.ReactNode isChildOfGroup?: boolean }) { const { notification, isChildOfGroup, highlighted, subtitle, children } = props const { sourceType, sourceUserName, sourceUserAvatarUrl, sourceUpdateType, reason, reasonText, sourceUserUsername, sourceText, } = notification const questionNeedsResolution = sourceUpdateType == 'closed' const { width } = useWindowSize() const isMobile = (width ?? 0) < 600 return ( <div className={clsx( 'bg-white px-2 pt-6 text-sm sm:px-4', highlighted && HIGHLIGHT_CLASS )} > <div className={'relative cursor-pointer'}> <SiteLink href={getSourceUrl(notification) ?? ''} className={'absolute left-0 right-0 top-0 bottom-0 z-0'} onClick={() => track('Notification Clicked', { type: 'notification item', sourceType, sourceUserName, sourceUserAvatarUrl, sourceUpdateType, reasonText, reason, sourceUserUsername, sourceText, }) } /> <Row className={'items-center text-gray-500 sm:justify-start'}> <Avatar avatarUrl={ questionNeedsResolution ? MANIFOLD_AVATAR_URL : sourceUserAvatarUrl } size={'sm'} className={'z-10 mr-2'} username={ questionNeedsResolution ? MANIFOLD_USERNAME : sourceUserUsername } /> <div className={'flex w-full flex-row pl-1 sm:pl-0'}> <div className={ 'line-clamp-2 sm:line-clamp-none flex w-full flex-row justify-between' } > <div> <UserLink name={sourceUserName || ''} username={sourceUserUsername || ''} className={'relative mr-1 flex-shrink-0'} short={isMobile} /> {subtitle} {isChildOfGroup ? ( <RelativeTimestamp time={notification.createdTime} /> ) : ( <QuestionOrGroupLink notification={notification} /> )} </div> </div> {!isChildOfGroup && ( <div className={'hidden sm:inline-block'}> <RelativeTimestamp time={notification.createdTime} /> </div> )} </div> </Row> <div className={'mt-1 ml-1 md:text-base'}>{children}</div> <div className={'mt-6 border-b border-gray-300'} /> </div> </div> ) } function BetFillNotification(props: { notification: Notification highlighted: boolean justSummary: boolean isChildOfGroup?: boolean }) { const { notification, isChildOfGroup, highlighted, justSummary } = props const { sourceText, data } = notification const { creatorOutcome, probability, limitOrderTotal, limitOrderRemaining } = (data as BetFillData) ?? {} const subtitle = 'bet against you' const amount = formatMoney(parseInt(sourceText ?? '0')) const description = creatorOutcome && probability ? ( <span> of your {limitOrderTotal ? formatMoney(limitOrderTotal) : ''} <span className={clsx( 'mx-1', creatorOutcome === 'YES' ? 'text-primary' : creatorOutcome === 'NO' ? 'text-red-500' : 'text-blue-500' )} > {creatorOutcome} </span> limit order at {Math.round(probability * 100)}% was filled{' '} {limitOrderRemaining ? `(${formatMoney(limitOrderRemaining)} remaining)` : ''} </span> ) : ( <span>of your limit order was filled</span> ) if (justSummary) { return ( <NotificationSummaryFrame notification={notification} subtitle={subtitle}> <Row className={'line-clamp-1'}> <span className={'text-primary mr-1'}>{amount}</span> <span>{description}</span> </Row> </NotificationSummaryFrame> ) } return ( <NotificationFrame notification={notification} isChildOfGroup={isChildOfGroup} highlighted={highlighted} subtitle={subtitle} > <Row> <span> <span className="text-primary mr-1">{amount}</span> {description} </span> </Row> </NotificationFrame> ) } function ContractResolvedNotification(props: { notification: Notification highlighted: boolean justSummary: boolean isChildOfGroup?: boolean }) { const { notification, isChildOfGroup, highlighted, justSummary } = props const { sourceText, data } = notification const { userInvestment, userPayout } = (data as ContractResolutionData) ?? {} const subtitle = 'resolved the market' const resolutionDescription = () => { if (!sourceText) return <div /> if (sourceText === 'YES' || sourceText == 'NO') { return <BinaryOutcomeLabel outcome={sourceText as any} /> } if (sourceText.includes('%')) return ( <ProbPercentLabel prob={parseFloat(sourceText.replace('%', '')) / 100} /> ) if (sourceText === 'CANCEL') return <CancelLabel /> if (sourceText === 'MKT' || sourceText === 'PROB') return <MultiLabel /> // Numeric market if (parseFloat(sourceText)) return <NumericValueLabel value={parseFloat(sourceText)} /> // Free response market return ( <div className={'line-clamp-1 text-blue-400'}> <Linkify text={sourceText} /> </div> ) } const description = userInvestment && userPayout !== undefined ? ( <Row className={'gap-1 '}> Resolved: {resolutionDescription()} Invested: <span className={'text-primary'}>{formatMoney(userInvestment)} </span> Payout: <span className={clsx( userPayout > 0 ? 'text-primary' : 'text-red-500', 'truncate' )} > {formatMoney(userPayout)} {` (${userPayout > 0 ? '+' : ''}${Math.round( ((userPayout - userInvestment) / userInvestment) * 100 )}%)`} </span> </Row> ) : ( <span>Resolved {resolutionDescription()}</span> ) if (justSummary) { return ( <NotificationSummaryFrame notification={notification} subtitle={subtitle}> <Row className={'line-clamp-1'}>{description}</Row> </NotificationSummaryFrame> ) } return ( <NotificationFrame notification={notification} isChildOfGroup={isChildOfGroup} highlighted={highlighted} subtitle={subtitle} > <Row> <span>{description}</span> </Row> </NotificationFrame> ) } export const setNotificationsAsSeen = async (notifications: Notification[]) => { const unseenNotifications = notifications.filter((n) => !n.isSeen) return await Promise.all( => { const notificationDoc = doc(db, `users/${n.userId}/notifications/`, return updateDoc(notificationDoc, { isSeen: true, viewTime: new Date() }) }) ) } function QuestionOrGroupLink(props: { notification: Notification ignoreClick?: boolean }) { const { notification, ignoreClick } = props const { sourceType, sourceContractTitle, sourceContractCreatorUsername, sourceContractSlug, sourceSlug, sourceTitle, } = notification if (ignoreClick) return ( <span className={'ml-1 font-bold '}> {sourceContractTitle || sourceTitle} </span> ) return ( <SiteLink className={'relative ml-1 font-bold'} href={ sourceContractCreatorUsername ? `/${sourceContractCreatorUsername}/${sourceContractSlug}` : // User's added to group or received a tip there (sourceType === 'group' || sourceType === 'tip') && sourceSlug ? `${groupPath(sourceSlug)}` : // User referral via group sourceSlug?.includes('/group/') ? `${sourceSlug}` : '' } onClick={() => track('Notification Clicked', { type: 'question title', sourceType, sourceContractTitle, sourceContractCreatorUsername, sourceContractSlug, sourceSlug, sourceTitle, }) } > {sourceContractTitle || sourceTitle} </SiteLink> ) } function getSourceUrl(notification: Notification) { const { sourceType, sourceId, sourceUserUsername, sourceContractCreatorUsername, sourceContractSlug, sourceSlug, } = notification if (sourceType === 'follow') return `/${sourceUserUsername}` if (sourceType === 'group' && sourceSlug) return `${groupPath(sourceSlug)}` // User referral via contract: if ( sourceContractCreatorUsername && sourceContractSlug && sourceType === 'user' ) return `/${sourceContractCreatorUsername}/${sourceContractSlug}` // User referral: if (sourceType === 'user' && !sourceContractSlug) return `/${sourceUserUsername}` if (sourceType === 'challenge') return `${sourceSlug}` if (sourceContractCreatorUsername && sourceContractSlug) return `/${sourceContractCreatorUsername}/${sourceContractSlug}#${getSourceIdForLinkComponent( sourceId ?? '', sourceType )}` } function getSourceIdForLinkComponent( sourceId: string, sourceType?: notification_source_types ) { switch (sourceType) { case 'answer': return `answer-${sourceId}` case 'comment': return sourceId case 'contract': return '' case 'bet': return '' default: return sourceId } } function NotificationTextLabel(props: { notification: Notification className?: string justSummary?: boolean }) { const { className, notification, justSummary } = props const { sourceUpdateType, sourceType, sourceText, reasonText } = notification const defaultText = sourceText ?? reasonText ?? '' if (sourceType === 'contract') { if (justSummary || !sourceText) return <div /> // Resolved contracts // Close date will be a number - it looks better without it if (sourceUpdateType === 'closed') { return <div /> } // Updated contracts // Description will be in default text if (parseInt(sourceText) > 0) { return ( <span> Updated close time: {new Date(parseInt(sourceText)).toLocaleString()} </span> ) } } else if (sourceType === 'user' && sourceText) { return ( <span> As a thank you, we sent you{' '} <span className="text-primary"> {formatMoney(parseInt(sourceText))} </span> ! </span> ) } else if (sourceType === 'liquidity' && sourceText) { return ( <span className="text-blue-400">{formatMoney(parseInt(sourceText))}</span> ) } else if (sourceType === 'challenge' && sourceText) { return ( <> <span> for </span> <span className="text-primary"> {formatMoney(parseInt(sourceText))} </span> </> ) } return ( <div className={className ? className : 'line-clamp-4 whitespace-pre-line'}> <Linkify text={defaultText} /> </div> ) } function getReasonForShowingNotification( notification: Notification, justSummary: boolean ) { const { sourceType, sourceUpdateType, reason, sourceSlug } = notification let reasonText: string // TODO: we could leave out this switch and just use the reason field now that they have more information if (reason === 'tagged_user') reasonText = justSummary ? 'tagged you' : 'tagged you on' else switch (sourceType) { case 'comment': if (reason === 'reply_to_users_answer') reasonText = justSummary ? 'replied' : 'replied to you on' else if (reason === 'reply_to_users_comment') reasonText = justSummary ? 'replied' : 'replied to you on' else reasonText = justSummary ? `commented` : `commented on` break case 'contract': if (reason === 'contract_from_followed_user') reasonText = justSummary ? 'asked the question' : 'asked' else if (sourceUpdateType === 'resolved') reasonText = justSummary ? `resolved the question` : `resolved` else if (sourceUpdateType === 'closed') reasonText = `Please resolve` else reasonText = justSummary ? 'updated the question' : `updated` break case 'answer': if (reason === 'answer_on_your_contract') reasonText = `answered your question ` else reasonText = `answered` break case 'follow': reasonText = 'followed you' break case 'liquidity': reasonText = 'added a subsidy to your question' break case 'group': reasonText = 'added you to the group' break case 'user': if (sourceSlug && reason === 'user_joined_to_bet_on_your_market') reasonText = 'joined to bet on your market' else if (sourceSlug) reasonText = 'joined because you shared' else reasonText = 'joined because of you' break case 'challenge': reasonText = 'accepted your challenge' break default: reasonText = '' } return reasonText }