import Link from 'next/link' import _ from 'lodash' import dayjs from 'dayjs' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import clsx from 'clsx' import { useUserBets } from '../hooks/use-user-bets' import { Bet } from '../lib/firebase/bets' import { User } from '../lib/firebase/users' import { formatMoney, formatPercent, formatWithCommas, } from '../../common/util/format' import { Col } from './layout/col' import { Spacer } from './layout/spacer' import { Contract, getContractFromId, contractPath, getBinaryProbPercent, } from '../lib/firebase/contracts' import { Row } from './layout/row' import { UserLink } from './user-page' import { sellBet } from '../lib/firebase/api-call' import { ConfirmationButton } from './confirmation-button' import { OutcomeLabel, YesLabel, NoLabel } from './outcome-label' import { filterDefined } from '../../common/util/array' import { LoadingIndicator } from './loading-indicator' import { SiteLink } from './site-link' import { calculatePayout, calculateSaleAmount, getOutcomeProbability, getProbability, getProbabilityAfterSale, getContractBetMetrics, resolvedPayout, getContractBetNullMetrics, } from '../../common/calculate' type BetSort = 'newest' | 'profit' | 'resolutionTime' | 'value' | 'closeTime' type BetFilter = 'open' | 'closed' | 'resolved' | 'all' export function BetsList(props: { user: User }) { const { user } = props const bets = useUserBets( const [contracts, setContracts] = useState<Contract[] | undefined>() const [sort, setSort] = useState<BetSort>('value') const [filter, setFilter] = useState<BetFilter>('open') useEffect(() => { if (bets) { const contractIds = _.uniq( => bet.contractId)) let disposed = false Promise.all( => getContractFromId(id))).then( (contracts) => { if (!disposed) setContracts(filterDefined(contracts)) } ) return () => { disposed = true } } }, [bets]) if (!bets || !contracts) { return <LoadingIndicator /> } if (bets.length === 0) return <NoBets /> // Decending creation time. bets.sort((bet1, bet2) => bet2.createdTime - bet1.createdTime) const contractBets = _.groupBy(bets, 'contractId') const contractsById = _.fromPairs( => [, c])) const contractsMetrics = _.mapValues(contractBets, (bets, contractId) => { const contract = contractsById[contractId] if (!contract) return getContractBetNullMetrics() return getContractBetMetrics(contract, bets) }) const FILTERS: Record<BetFilter, (c: Contract) => boolean> = { resolved: (c) => !!c.resolutionTime, closed: (c) => !FILTERS.resolved(c) && (c.closeTime ?? Infinity) <, open: (c) => !(FILTERS.closed(c) || FILTERS.resolved(c)), all: () => true, // Pepe notes: most users want "settled", to see when their bets or sold; or "realized profit" } const SORTS: Record<BetSort, (c: Contract) => number> = { profit: (c) => contractsMetrics[].profit, value: (c) => contractsMetrics[].totalValue, newest: (c) => Math.max(...contractBets[].map((bet) => bet.createdTime)), resolutionTime: (c) => -(c.resolutionTime ?? c.closeTime ?? Infinity), closeTime: (c) => -(c.closeTime ?? Infinity), } const displayedContracts = _.sortBy(contracts, SORTS[sort]) .reverse() .filter(FILTERS[filter]) const [settled, unsettled] = _.partition( contracts, (c) => c.isResolved || contractsMetrics[].invested === 0 ) const currentInvested = _.sumBy( unsettled, (c) => contractsMetrics[].invested ) const currentBetsValue = _.sumBy( unsettled, (c) => contractsMetrics[].payout ) const currentNetInvestment = _.sumBy( unsettled, (c) => contractsMetrics[].netInvestment ) const totalPortfolio = currentNetInvestment + user.balance const totalPnl = totalPortfolio - user.totalDeposits const totalProfitPercent = (totalPnl / user.totalDeposits) * 100 const investedProfitPercent = ((currentBetsValue - currentInvested) / currentInvested) * 100 return ( <Col className="mt-6 gap-4 sm:gap-6"> <Col className="mx-4 gap-4 sm:flex-row sm:justify-between md:mx-0"> <Row className="gap-8"> <Col> <div className="text-sm text-gray-500">Investment value</div> <div className="text-lg"> {formatMoney(currentNetInvestment)}{' '} <ProfitBadge profitPercent={investedProfitPercent} /> </div> </Col> <Col> <div className="text-sm text-gray-500">Total profit</div> <div className="text-lg"> {formatMoney(totalPnl)}{' '} <ProfitBadge profitPercent={totalProfitPercent} /> </div> </Col> </Row> <Row className="gap-8"> <select className="select select-bordered self-start" value={filter} onChange={(e) => setFilter( as BetFilter)} > <option value="open">Open</option> <option value="closed">Closed</option> <option value="resolved">Resolved</option> <option value="all">All</option> </select> <select className="select select-bordered self-start" value={sort} onChange={(e) => setSort( as BetSort)} > <option value="value">By value</option> <option value="profit">By profit</option> <option value="newest">Most recent</option> <option value="closeTime">Closing soonest</option> <option value="resolutionTime">Resolved soonest</option> </select> </Row> </Col> {displayedContracts.length === 0 ? ( <NoBets /> ) : ( => ( <MyContractBets key={} contract={contract} bets={contractBets[] ?? []} metric={sort === 'profit' ? 'profit' : 'value'} /> )) )} </Col> ) } const NoBets = () => { return ( <div className="mx-4 text-gray-500"> You have not made any bets yet.{' '} <SiteLink href="/" className="underline"> Find a prediction market! </SiteLink> </div> ) } function MyContractBets(props: { contract: Contract bets: Bet[] metric: 'profit' | 'value' }) { const { bets, contract, metric } = props const { resolution, outcomeType } = contract const [collapsed, setCollapsed] = useState(true) const isBinary = outcomeType === 'BINARY' const probPercent = getBinaryProbPercent(contract) const { totalValue, profit, profitPercent } = getContractBetMetrics( contract, bets ) return ( <div tabIndex={0} className={clsx( 'card card-body collapse collapse-arrow relative cursor-pointer bg-white p-6 shadow-xl', collapsed ? 'collapse-close' : 'collapse-open pb-2' )} onClick={() => setCollapsed((collapsed) => !collapsed)} > <Row className="flex-wrap gap-2"> <Col className="flex-[2] gap-1"> <Row className="mr-2 max-w-lg"> <Link href={contractPath(contract)}> <a className="font-medium text-indigo-700 hover:underline hover:decoration-indigo-400 hover:decoration-2" onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} > {contract.question} </a> </Link> {/* Show carrot for collapsing. Hack the positioning. */} <div className="collapse-title absolute h-0 min-h-0 w-0 p-0" style={{ top: -10, right: 4 }} /> </Row> <Row className="flex-1 items-center gap-2 text-sm text-gray-500"> {isBinary && ( <> {resolution ? ( <div> Resolved <OutcomeLabel outcome={resolution} /> </div> ) : ( <div className="text-primary text-lg">{probPercent}</div> )} <div>•</div> </> )} <UserLink name={contract.creatorName} username={contract.creatorUsername} /> </Row> </Col> <Row className="mr-5 justify-end sm:mr-8"> <Col> <div className="whitespace-nowrap text-right text-lg"> {formatMoney(metric === 'profit' ? profit : totalValue)} </div> <div className="text-right"> <ProfitBadge profitPercent={profitPercent} /> </div> </Col> </Row> </Row> <div className="collapse-content !px-0" style={{ backgroundColor: 'white' }} > <Spacer h={8} /> <MyBetsSummary className="mr-5 flex-1 sm:mr-8" contract={contract} bets={bets} /> <Spacer h={8} /> <ContractBetsTable contract={contract} bets={bets} /> </div> </div> ) } export function MyBetsSummary(props: { contract: Contract bets: Bet[] className?: string }) { const { bets, contract, className } = props const { resolution, outcomeType } = contract const isBinary = outcomeType === 'BINARY' const excludeSales = bets.filter((b) => !b.isSold && ! const yesWinnings = _.sumBy(excludeSales, (bet) => calculatePayout(contract, bet, 'YES') ) const noWinnings = _.sumBy(excludeSales, (bet) => calculatePayout(contract, bet, 'NO') ) const { invested, profitPercent, payout } = getContractBetMetrics( contract, bets ) return ( <Row className={clsx('flex-wrap gap-4 sm:flex-nowrap sm:gap-6', className)}> <Row className="gap-4 sm:gap-6"> <Col> <div className="whitespace-nowrap text-sm text-gray-500"> Invested </div> <div className="whitespace-nowrap">{formatMoney(invested)}</div> </Col> {resolution ? ( <Col> <div className="text-sm text-gray-500">Payout</div> <div className="whitespace-nowrap"> {formatMoney(payout)}{' '} <ProfitBadge profitPercent={profitPercent} /> </div> </Col> ) : ( <> {isBinary && ( <> <Col> <div className="whitespace-nowrap text-sm text-gray-500"> Payout if <YesLabel /> </div> <div className="whitespace-nowrap"> {formatMoney(yesWinnings)} </div> </Col> <Col> <div className="whitespace-nowrap text-sm text-gray-500"> Payout if <NoLabel /> </div> <div className="whitespace-nowrap"> {formatMoney(noWinnings)} </div> </Col> </> )} <Col> <div className="whitespace-nowrap text-sm text-gray-500"> {isBinary ? ( <> Payout at{' '} <span className="text-blue-400"> {formatPercent(getProbability(contract))} </span> </> ) : ( <>Current payout</> )} </div> <div className="whitespace-nowrap">{formatMoney(payout)}</div> </Col> </> )} </Row> </Row> ) } export function ContractBetsTable(props: { contract: Contract bets: Bet[] className?: string }) { const { contract, bets, className } = props const [sales, buys] = _.partition(bets, (bet) => const salesDict = _.fromPairs( => [ ?? '', sale]) ) const [redemptions, normalBets] = _.partition(buys, (b) => b.isRedemption) const amountRedeemed = Math.floor( -0.5 * _.sumBy(redemptions, (b) => b.shares) ) const amountLoaned = _.sumBy( bets.filter((bet) => !bet.isSold && !, (bet) => bet.loanAmount ?? 0 ) const { isResolved, mechanism } = contract const isCPMM = mechanism === 'cpmm-1' return ( <div className={clsx('overflow-x-auto', className)}> {amountRedeemed > 0 && ( <> <div className="pl-2 text-sm text-gray-500"> {amountRedeemed} YES shares and {amountRedeemed} NO shares automatically redeemed for {formatMoney(amountRedeemed)}. </div> <Spacer h={4} /> </> )} {!isResolved && amountLoaned > 0 && ( <> <div className="pl-2 text-sm text-gray-500"> You currently have a loan of {formatMoney(amountLoaned)}. </div> <Spacer h={4} /> </> )} <table className="table-zebra table-compact table w-full text-gray-500"> <thead> <tr className="p-2"> <th></th> {isCPMM && <th>Type</th>} <th>Outcome</th> <th>Amount</th> {!isCPMM && <th>{isResolved ? <>Payout</> : <>Sale price</>}</th>} {!isCPMM && !isResolved && <th>Payout if chosen</th>} <th>Shares</th> <th>Probability</th> <th>Date</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> { => ( <BetRow key={} bet={bet} saleBet={salesDict[]} contract={contract} /> ))} </tbody> </table> </div> ) } function BetRow(props: { bet: Bet; contract: Contract; saleBet?: Bet }) { const { bet, saleBet, contract } = props const { amount, outcome, createdTime, probBefore, probAfter, shares, isSold, isAnte, } = bet const { isResolved, closeTime, mechanism } = contract const isClosed = closeTime && > closeTime const isCPMM = mechanism === 'cpmm-1' const saleAmount = saleBet?.sale?.amount const saleDisplay = isAnte ? ( 'ANTE' ) : saleAmount !== undefined ? ( <>{formatMoney(saleAmount)} (sold)</> ) : ( formatMoney( isResolved ? resolvedPayout(contract, bet) : calculateSaleAmount(contract, bet) ) ) const payoutIfChosenDisplay = bet.outcome === '0' && bet.isAnte ? 'N/A' : formatMoney(calculatePayout(contract, bet, bet.outcome)) return ( <tr> <td className="text-neutral"> {!isCPMM && !isResolved && !isClosed && !isSold && !isAnte && ( <SellButton contract={contract} bet={bet} /> )} </td> {isCPMM && <td>{shares >= 0 ? 'BUY' : 'SELL'}</td>} <td> <OutcomeLabel outcome={outcome} /> </td> <td>{formatMoney(Math.abs(amount))}</td> {!isCPMM && <td>{saleDisplay}</td>} {!isCPMM && !isResolved && <td>{payoutIfChosenDisplay}</td>} <td>{formatWithCommas(Math.abs(shares))}</td> <td> {formatPercent(probBefore)} → {formatPercent(probAfter)} </td> <td>{dayjs(createdTime).format('MMM D, h:mma')}</td> </tr> ) } function SellButton(props: { contract: Contract; bet: Bet }) { useEffect(() => { // warm up cloud function sellBet({}).catch() }, []) const { contract, bet } = props const { outcome, shares, loanAmount } = bet const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false) const initialProb = getOutcomeProbability( contract, outcome === 'NO' ? 'YES' : outcome ) const outcomeProb = getProbabilityAfterSale(contract, outcome, shares) const saleAmount = calculateSaleAmount(contract, bet) const profit = saleAmount - bet.amount return ( <ConfirmationButton id={`sell-${}`} openModalBtn={{ className: clsx('btn-sm', isSubmitting && 'btn-disabled loading'), label: 'Sell', }} submitBtn={{ className: 'btn-primary', label: 'Sell' }} onSubmit={async () => { setIsSubmitting(true) await sellBet({ contractId:, betId: }) setIsSubmitting(false) }} > <div className="mb-4 text-2xl"> Sell {formatWithCommas(shares)} shares of{' '} <OutcomeLabel outcome={outcome} /> for {formatMoney(saleAmount)}? </div> {!!loanAmount && ( <div className="mt-2"> You will also pay back {formatMoney(loanAmount)} of your loan, for a net of {formatMoney(saleAmount - loanAmount)}. </div> )} <div className="mt-2 mb-1 text-sm"> {profit > 0 ? 'Profit' : 'Loss'}: {formatMoney(profit).replace('-', '')} <br /> Market probability: {formatPercent(initialProb)} →{' '} {formatPercent(outcomeProb)} </div> </ConfirmationButton> ) } function ProfitBadge(props: { profitPercent: number }) { const { profitPercent } = props if (!profitPercent) return null const colors = profitPercent > 0 ? 'bg-green-100 text-green-800' : 'bg-red-100 text-red-800' return ( <span className={clsx( 'ml-1 inline-flex items-center rounded-full px-3 py-0.5 text-sm font-medium', colors )} > {(profitPercent > 0 ? '+' : '') + profitPercent.toFixed(1) + '%'} </span> ) }