import { track } from '@amplitude/analytics-browser' import { ArrowSmRightIcon, PlusCircleIcon, XCircleIcon, } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import PencilIcon from '@heroicons/react/solid/PencilIcon' import { Contract } from 'common/contract' import { Group } from 'common/group' import { Post } from 'common/post' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { ReactNode } from 'react' import { getPost } from 'web/lib/firebase/posts' import { ContractSearch } from '../contract-search' import { ContractCard } from '../contract/contract-card' import Masonry from 'react-masonry-css' import { Col } from '../layout/col' import { Row } from '../layout/row' import { SiteLink } from '../site-link' import { GroupOverviewPost } from './group-overview-post' import { getContractFromId } from 'web/lib/firebase/contracts' import { groupPath, updateGroup } from 'web/lib/firebase/groups' import { PinnedSelectModal } from '../pinned-select-modal' import { Button } from '../button' import { User } from 'common/user' import { UserLink } from '../user-link' import { EditGroupButton } from './edit-group-button' import { JoinOrLeaveGroupButton } from './groups-button' import { Linkify } from '../linkify' import { ChoicesToggleGroup } from '../choices-toggle-group' import { CopyLinkButton } from '../copy-link-button' import { REFERRAL_AMOUNT } from 'common/economy' import toast from 'react-hot-toast' import { ENV_CONFIG } from 'common/envs/constants' import { PostCard } from '../post-card' const MAX_TRENDING_POSTS = 6 export function GroupOverview(props: { group: Group isEditable: boolean posts: Post[] aboutPost: Post | null creator: User user: User | null | undefined memberIds: string[] }) { const { group, isEditable, posts, aboutPost, creator, user, memberIds } = props return ( {(group.aboutPostId != null || isEditable) && ( <> )} ) } function GroupOverviewPinned(props: { group: Group posts: Post[] isEditable: boolean }) { const { group, posts, isEditable } = props const [pinned, setPinned] = useState([]) const [open, setOpen] = useState(false) const [editMode, setEditMode] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { async function getPinned() { if (group.pinnedItems == null) { updateGroup(group, { pinnedItems: [] }) } else { const itemComponents = await Promise.all( (element) => { if (element.type === 'post') { const post = await getPost(element.itemId) if (post) { return } } else if (element.type === 'contract') { const contract = await getContractFromId(element.itemId) if (contract) { return } } }) ) setPinned( itemComponents.filter( (element) => element != undefined ) as JSX.Element[] ) } } getPinned() }, [group, group.pinnedItems]) async function onSubmit(selectedItems: { itemId: string; type: string }[]) { await updateGroup(group, { pinnedItems: [, ...(selectedItems as { itemId: string; type: 'contract' | 'post' }[]), ], }) setOpen(false) } return isEditable || pinned.length > 0 ? ( <> {isEditable && ( )}
{pinned.length == 0 && !editMode && (

No pinned items yet. Click the edit button to add some!

)} {, index) => (
{element} {editMode && ( { const newPinned = group.pinnedItems.filter((item) => { return item.itemId !== group.pinnedItems[index].itemId }) updateGroup(group, { pinnedItems: newPinned }) }} /> )}
))} {editMode && group.pinnedItems && pinned.length < 6 && (
Pin posts or markets to the overview of this group. } onSubmit={onSubmit} /> ) : ( <> ) } function SectionHeader(props: { label: string href?: string children?: ReactNode }) { const { label, href, children } = props const content = ( <> {label}{' '}