import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { DailyCountChart, DailyPercentChart, } from 'web/components/analytics/charts' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { Spacer } from 'web/components/layout/spacer' import { Tabs } from 'web/components/layout/tabs' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { Title } from 'web/components/title' import { SiteLink } from 'web/components/site-link' import { Linkify } from 'web/components/linkify' import { getStats } from 'web/lib/firebase/stats' import { Stats } from 'common/stats' import { PAST_BETS } from 'common/user' import { capitalize } from 'lodash' export default function Analytics() { const [stats, setStats] = useState(undefined) useEffect(() => { getStats().then(setStats) }, []) if (stats == null) { return <> } return ( , }, { title: 'Market Stats', content: , }, { title: 'Google Analytics', content: , }, ]} /> ) } export function CustomAnalytics(props: Stats) { const { startDate, d1, d1Weekly, w1NewUsers, dailyActiveUsers, dailyBetCounts, dailyContractCounts, dailyCommentCounts, dailySignups, weeklyActiveUsers, monthlyActiveUsers, weekOnWeekRetention, monthlyRetention, weeklyActivationRate, topTenthActions, manaBet, } = props const dailyDividedByWeekly = dailyActiveUsers .map((dailyActive, i) => Math.round((100 * dailyActive) / weeklyActiveUsers[i]) ) .slice(7) const dailyDividedByMonthly = dailyActiveUsers .map((dailyActive, i) => Math.round((100 * dailyActive) / monthlyActiveUsers[i]) ) .slice(7) const weeklyDividedByMonthly = weeklyActiveUsers .map((weeklyActive, i) => Math.round((100 * weeklyActive) / monthlyActiveUsers[i]) ) .slice(7) const oneWeekLaterDate = startDate + 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 return ( <p className="text-gray-500"> An active user is a user who has traded in, commented on, or created a market. </p> <Spacer h={4} /> <Tabs defaultIndex={1} tabs={[ { title: 'Daily', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={dailyActiveUsers} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Weekly', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={weeklyActiveUsers} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Monthly', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={monthlyActiveUsers} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, ]} /> <Spacer h={8} /> <Title text="D1" /> <p className="text-gray-500"> The fraction of users that took an action yesterday that took an action today. </p> <Spacer h={4} /> <Tabs defaultIndex={1} tabs={[ { title: 'D1', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={d1} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'D1 weekly average', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={d1Weekly} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, ]} /> <Spacer h={8} /> <Title text="W1 New users" /> <p className="text-gray-500"> The fraction of new users two weeks ago that took an action in the past week. </p> <Spacer h={4} /> <Tabs defaultIndex={0} tabs={[ { title: 'W1', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={w1NewUsers} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, ]} /> <Spacer h={8} /> <Title text="Daily activity" /> <Tabs defaultIndex={0} tabs={[ { title: capitalize(PAST_BETS), content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={dailyBetCounts} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Markets created', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={dailyContractCounts} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Comments', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={dailyCommentCounts} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Signups', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={dailySignups} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, ]} /> <Spacer h={8} /> <Title text="Retention" /> <p className="text-gray-500"> What fraction of active users are still active after the given time period? </p> <Tabs defaultIndex={0} tabs={[ { title: 'Weekly', content: ( <DailyPercentChart dailyPercent={weekOnWeekRetention.slice(7)} startDate={oneWeekLaterDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Monthly', content: ( <DailyPercentChart dailyPercent={monthlyRetention.slice(7)} startDate={oneWeekLaterDate} small /> ), }, ]} /> <Spacer h={8} /> <Title text="Weekly activation rate" /> <p className="text-gray-500"> Out of all new users this week, how many placed at least one bet? </p> <DailyPercentChart dailyPercent={weeklyActivationRate.slice(7)} startDate={oneWeekLaterDate} small /> <Spacer h={8} /> <Title text="Ratio of Active Users" /> <Tabs defaultIndex={1} tabs={[ { title: 'Daily / Weekly', content: ( <DailyPercentChart dailyPercent={dailyDividedByWeekly} startDate={oneWeekLaterDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Daily / Monthly', content: ( <DailyPercentChart dailyPercent={dailyDividedByMonthly} startDate={oneWeekLaterDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Weekly / Monthly', content: ( <DailyPercentChart dailyPercent={weeklyDividedByMonthly} startDate={oneWeekLaterDate} small /> ), }, ]} /> <Spacer h={8} /> <Title text="Action count of top tenth" /> <p className="text-gray-500"> Number of actions (bets, comments, markets created) taken by the tenth percentile of top users. </p> <Tabs defaultIndex={1} tabs={[ { title: 'Daily', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={topTenthActions.daily} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Weekly', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={topTenthActions.weekly} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Monthly', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={topTenthActions.monthly} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, ]} /> <Title text="Total mana bet" /> <p className="text-gray-500"> Sum of bet amounts. (Divided by 100 to be more readable.) </p> <Tabs defaultIndex={1} tabs={[ { title: 'Daily', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={manaBet.daily} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Weekly', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={manaBet.weekly} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, { title: 'Monthly', content: ( <DailyCountChart dailyCounts={manaBet.monthly} startDate={startDate} small /> ), }, ]} /> </Col> ) } export function FirebaseAnalytics() { // Edit dashboard at return ( <> <p className="text-gray-500"> Less accurate; includes all viewers (not just signed-in users). </p> <Spacer h={4} /> <iframe className="w-full border-0" height={2200} src="" frameBorder="0" allowFullScreen /> </> ) } export function WasabiCharts() { return ( <> <p className="text-gray-500"> Courtesy of <Linkify text="@wasabipesto" />; originally found{' '} <SiteLink className="font-bold" href="" > here. </SiteLink> </p> <Spacer h={4} /> <iframe className="w-full border-0" height={21000} src="" frameBorder="0" allowFullScreen /> </> ) }