import * as admin from 'firebase-admin' import { flatten, groupBy, sumBy, mapValues } from 'lodash' import { initAdmin } from './script-init' initAdmin() import { Bet } from '../../../common/bet' import { Contract } from '../../../common/contract' import { getLoanPayouts, getPayouts } from '../../../common/payouts' import { filterDefined } from '../../../common/util/array' type DocRef = admin.firestore.DocumentReference const firestore = admin.firestore() async function checkIfPayOutAgain(contractRef: DocRef, contract: Contract) { const bets = await contractRef .collection('bets') .get() .then((snap) => => as Bet)) const openBets = bets.filter((b) => !b.isSold && ! const loanedBets = openBets.filter((bet) => bet.loanAmount) if (loanedBets.length && contract.resolution) { const { resolution, resolutions, resolutionProbability } = contract as any const { payouts } = getPayouts( resolution, contract, openBets, [], resolutions, resolutionProbability ) const loanPayouts = getLoanPayouts(openBets) const groups = groupBy( [...payouts, ...loanPayouts], (payout) => payout.userId ) const userPayouts = mapValues(groups, (group) => sumBy(group, (g) => g.payout) ) const entries = Object.entries(userPayouts) const firstNegative = entries.findIndex(([_, payout]) => payout < 0) const toBePaidOut = firstNegative === -1 ? [] : entries.slice(firstNegative) if (toBePaidOut.length) { console.log( 'to be paid out', toBePaidOut.length, 'already paid out', entries.length - toBePaidOut.length ) const positivePayouts = toBePaidOut.filter(([_, payout]) => payout > 0) if (positivePayouts.length) return { contract, toBePaidOut: positivePayouts } } } return undefined } async function payOutContractAgain() { console.log('Recalculating contract info') const snapshot = await firestore.collection('contracts').get() const [startTime, endTime] = [ new Date('2022-03-02'), new Date('2022-03-07'), ].map((date) => date.getTime()) const contracts = .map((doc) => as Contract) .filter((contract) => { const { resolutionTime } = contract return ( resolutionTime && resolutionTime > startTime && resolutionTime < endTime ) }) console.log('Loaded', contracts.length, 'contracts') const toPayOutAgain = filterDefined( await Promise.all( (contract) => { const contractRef = firestore.doc(`contracts/${}`) return await checkIfPayOutAgain(contractRef, contract) }) ) ) const flattened = flatten( => d.toBePaidOut)) for (const [userId, payout] of flattened) { console.log('Paying out', userId, payout) // await payUser(userId, payout) } } if (require.main === module) payOutContractAgain().then(() => process.exit())