import { doc, collection, setDoc, query, collectionGroup, where, orderBy, } from 'firebase/firestore' import _ from 'lodash' import { getValues, listenForValues } from './utils' import { db } from './init' import { User } from '../../../common/user' import { Comment } from '../../../common/comment' export type { Comment } export const MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH = 10000 export async function createComment( contractId: string, text: string, commenter: User, betId?: string, answerOutcome?: string ) { const ref = betId ? doc(getCommentsCollection(contractId), betId) : doc(getCommentsCollection(contractId)) const comment: Comment = { id:, contractId, userId:, text: text.slice(0, MAX_COMMENT_LENGTH), createdTime:, userName:, userUsername: commenter.username, userAvatarUrl: commenter.avatarUrl, } if (betId) { comment.betId = betId } if (answerOutcome) { comment.answerOutcome = answerOutcome } return await setDoc(ref, comment) } function getCommentsCollection(contractId: string) { return collection(db, 'contracts', contractId, 'comments') } export async function listAllComments(contractId: string) { const comments = await getValues(getCommentsCollection(contractId)) comments.sort((c1, c2) => c1.createdTime - c2.createdTime) return comments } export function listenForComments( contractId: string, setComments: (comments: Comment[]) => void ) { return listenForValues( getCommentsCollection(contractId), (comments) => { comments.sort((c1, c2) => c1.createdTime - c2.createdTime) setComments(comments) } ) } // Return a map of betId -> comment export function mapCommentsByBetId(comments: Comment[]) { const map: Record = {} for (const comment of comments) { if (comment.betId) { map[comment.betId] = comment } } return map } const DAY_IN_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // Define "recent" as "<3 days ago" for now const recentCommentsQuery = query( collectionGroup(db, 'comments'), where('createdTime', '>', - 3 * DAY_IN_MS), orderBy('createdTime', 'desc') ) export async function getRecentComments() { return getValues(recentCommentsQuery) } export function listenForRecentComments( setComments: (comments: Comment[]) => void ) { return listenForValues(recentCommentsQuery, setComments) } const getCommentsQuery = (startTime: number, endTime: number) => query( collectionGroup(db, 'comments'), where('createdTime', '>=', startTime), where('createdTime', '<', endTime), orderBy('createdTime', 'asc') ) export async function getDailyComments( startTime: number, numberOfDays: number ) { const query = getCommentsQuery( startTime, startTime + DAY_IN_MS * numberOfDays ) const comments = await getValues(query) const commentsByDay = _.range(0, numberOfDays).map(() => [] as Comment[]) for (const comment of comments) { const dayIndex = Math.floor((comment.createdTime - startTime) / DAY_IN_MS) commentsByDay[dayIndex].push(comment) } return commentsByDay } // TODO: add firebase index for comments - userid export async function getUsersComments(userId: string) { const getUsersCommentsQuery = (userId: string) => query(collectionGroup(db, 'comments'), where('userId', '==', userId)) const comments = await getValues(getUsersCommentsQuery(userId)) return comments }