import CharacterCount from '@tiptap/extension-character-count' import Placeholder from '@tiptap/extension-placeholder' import { useEditor, EditorContent, JSONContent, Content, Editor, } from '@tiptap/react' import StarterKit from '@tiptap/starter-kit' import { Image } from '@tiptap/extension-image' import { Link } from '@tiptap/extension-link' import clsx from 'clsx' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { Linkify } from './linkify' import { uploadImage } from 'web/lib/firebase/storage' import { useMutation } from 'react-query' import { FileUploadButton } from './file-upload-button' import { linkClass } from './site-link' import { useUsers } from 'web/hooks/use-users' import { mentionSuggestion } from './editor/mention-suggestion' import { DisplayMention } from './editor/mention' import Iframe from 'common/util/tiptap-iframe' import TiptapTweet from './editor/tiptap-tweet' import { EmbedModal } from './editor/embed-modal' import { CodeIcon, PhotographIcon, PresentationChartLineIcon, } from '@heroicons/react/solid' import { MarketModal } from './editor/market-modal' import { insertContent } from './editor/utils' import { Tooltip } from './tooltip' const DisplayImage = Image.configure({ HTMLAttributes: { class: 'max-h-60', }, }) const DisplayLink = Link.configure({ HTMLAttributes: { class: clsx('no-underline !text-indigo-700', linkClass), }, }) const proseClass = clsx( 'prose prose-p:my-0 prose-ul:my-0 prose-ol:my-0 prose-li:my-0 prose-blockquote:not-italic max-w-none prose-quoteless leading-relaxed', 'font-light prose-a:font-light prose-blockquote:font-light' ) export function useTextEditor(props: { placeholder?: string max?: number defaultValue?: Content disabled?: boolean simple?: boolean }) { const { placeholder, max, defaultValue = '', disabled, simple } = props const users = useUsers() const editorClass = clsx( proseClass, !simple && 'min-h-[6em]', 'outline-none pt-2 px-4' ) const editor = useEditor( { editorProps: { attributes: { class: editorClass } }, extensions: [ StarterKit.configure({ heading: simple ? false : { levels: [1, 2, 3] }, horizontalRule: simple ? false : {}, }), Placeholder.configure({ placeholder, emptyEditorClass: 'before:content-[attr(data-placeholder)] before:text-slate-500 before:float-left before:h-0 cursor-text', }), CharacterCount.configure({ limit: max }), simple ? DisplayImage : Image, DisplayLink, DisplayMention.configure({ suggestion: mentionSuggestion(users), }), Iframe, TiptapTweet, ], content: defaultValue, }, [!users.length] // passed as useEffect dependency. (re-render editor when users load, to update mention menu) ) const upload = useUploadMutation(editor) editor?.setOptions({ editorProps: { handlePaste(view, event) { const imageFiles = Array.from(event.clipboardData?.files ?? []).filter( (file) => file.type.startsWith('image') ) if (imageFiles.length) { event.preventDefault() upload.mutate(imageFiles) } // If the pasted content is iframe code, directly inject it const text = event.clipboardData?.getData('text/plain').trim() ?? '' if (isValidIframe(text)) { insertContent(editor, text) return true // Prevent the code from getting pasted as text } return // Otherwise, use default paste handler }, }, }) useEffect(() => { editor?.setEditable(!disabled) }, [editor, disabled]) return { editor, upload } } function isValidIframe(text: string) { return /^<iframe.*<\/iframe>$/.test(text) } export function TextEditor(props: { editor: Editor | null upload: ReturnType<typeof useUploadMutation> children?: React.ReactNode // additional toolbar buttons }) { const { editor, upload, children } = props const [iframeOpen, setIframeOpen] = useState(false) const [marketOpen, setMarketOpen] = useState(false) return ( <> {/* hide placeholder when focused */} <div className="relative w-full [&]:before:content-none"> <div className="rounded-lg border border-gray-300 bg-white shadow-sm focus-within:border-indigo-500 focus-within:ring-1 focus-within:ring-indigo-500"> <EditorContent editor={editor} /> {/* Toolbar, with buttons for images and embeds */} <div className="flex h-9 items-center gap-5 pl-4 pr-1"> <Tooltip className="flex items-center" text="Add image" noTap> <FileUploadButton onFiles={upload.mutate} className="-m-2.5 flex h-10 w-10 items-center justify-center rounded-full text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500" > <PhotographIcon className="h-5 w-5" aria-hidden="true" /> </FileUploadButton> </Tooltip> <Tooltip className="flex items-center" text="Add embed" noTap> <button type="button" onClick={() => setIframeOpen(true)} className="-m-2.5 flex h-10 w-10 items-center justify-center rounded-full text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500" > <EmbedModal editor={editor} open={iframeOpen} setOpen={setIframeOpen} /> <CodeIcon className="h-5 w-5" aria-hidden="true" /> </button> </Tooltip> <Tooltip className="flex items-center" text="Add market" noTap> <button type="button" onClick={() => setMarketOpen(true)} className="-m-2.5 flex h-10 w-10 items-center justify-center rounded-full text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500" > <MarketModal editor={editor} open={marketOpen} setOpen={setMarketOpen} /> <PresentationChartLineIcon className="h-5 w-5" aria-hidden="true" /> </button> </Tooltip> {/* Spacer that also focuses editor on click */} <div className="grow cursor-text self-stretch" onMouseDown={() => editor?.chain().focus('end').createParagraphNear().run() } aria-hidden /> {children} </div> </div> </div> {upload.isLoading && <span className="text-xs">Uploading image...</span>} {upload.isError && ( <span className="text-error text-xs">Error uploading image :(</span> )} </> ) } const useUploadMutation = (editor: Editor | null) => useMutation( (files: File[]) => // TODO: Images should be uploaded under a particular username Promise.all( => uploadImage('default', file))), { onSuccess(urls) { if (!editor) return let trans = urls.forEach((src: any) => { const node = editor.view.state.schema.nodes.image.create({ src }) trans = trans.insert(, node) }) editor.view.dispatch(trans) }, } ) export function RichContent(props: { content: JSONContent | string smallImage?: boolean }) { const { content, smallImage } = props const editor = useEditor({ editorProps: { attributes: { class: proseClass } }, extensions: [ StarterKit, smallImage ? DisplayImage : Image, DisplayLink, DisplayMention, Iframe, TiptapTweet, ], content, editable: false, }) useEffect(() => void editor?.commands?.setContent(content), [editor, content]) return <EditorContent editor={editor} /> } // backwards compatibility: we used to store content as strings export function Content(props: { content: JSONContent | string smallImage?: boolean }) { const { content } = props return typeof content === 'string' ? ( <div className="whitespace-pre-line font-light leading-relaxed"> <Linkify text={content} /> </div> ) : ( <RichContent {...props} /> ) }