import clsx from 'clsx' import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { partition, sumBy } from 'lodash' import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { Binary, CPMM, DPM, FullContract } from 'common/contract' import { Col } from './layout/col' import { Row } from './layout/row' import { Spacer } from './layout/spacer' import { YesNoSelector } from './yes-no-selector' import { formatMoney, formatPercent, formatWithCommas, } from 'common/util/format' import { Title } from './title' import { User } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import { Bet } from 'common/bet' import { APIError, placeBet } from 'web/lib/firebase/api-call' import { sellShares } from 'web/lib/firebase/fn-call' import { AmountInput, BuyAmountInput } from './amount-input' import { InfoTooltip } from './info-tooltip' import { BinaryOutcomeLabel } from './outcome-label' import { calculatePayoutAfterCorrectBet, calculateShares, getProbability, getOutcomeProbabilityAfterBet, } from 'common/calculate' import { useFocus } from 'web/hooks/use-focus' import { useUserContractBets } from 'web/hooks/use-user-bets' import { calculateCpmmSale, getCpmmProbability, getCpmmLiquidityFee, } from 'common/calculate-cpmm' import { SellRow } from './sell-row' import { useSaveShares } from './use-save-shares' import { SignUpPrompt } from './sign-up-prompt' export function BetPanel(props: { contract: FullContract<DPM | CPMM, Binary> className?: string }) { const { contract, className } = props const user = useUser() const userBets = useUserContractBets(user?.id, const { yesFloorShares, noFloorShares } = useSaveShares(contract, userBets) const sharesOutcome = yesFloorShares ? 'YES' : noFloorShares ? 'NO' : undefined return ( <Col className={className}> <SellRow contract={contract} user={user} className={'rounded-t-md bg-gray-100 px-6 py-6'} /> <Col className={clsx( 'rounded-b-md bg-white px-8 py-6', !sharesOutcome && 'rounded-t-md', className )} > <div className="mb-6 text-2xl">Place your bet</div> {/* <Title className={clsx('!mt-0 text-neutral')} text="Place a trade" /> */} <BuyPanel contract={contract} user={user} /> <SignUpPrompt /> </Col> </Col> ) } export function BetPanelSwitcher(props: { contract: FullContract<DPM | CPMM, Binary> className?: string title?: string // Set if BetPanel is on a feed modal selected?: 'YES' | 'NO' onBetSuccess?: () => void }) { const { contract, className, title, selected, onBetSuccess } = props const { mechanism } = contract const user = useUser() const userBets = useUserContractBets(user?.id, const [tradeType, setTradeType] = useState<'BUY' | 'SELL'>('BUY') const { yesFloorShares, noFloorShares, yesShares, noShares } = useSaveShares( contract, userBets ) const floorShares = yesFloorShares || noFloorShares const sharesOutcome = yesFloorShares ? 'YES' : noFloorShares ? 'NO' : undefined useEffect(() => { // Switch back to BUY if the user has sold all their shares. if (tradeType === 'SELL' && sharesOutcome === undefined) { setTradeType('BUY') } }, [tradeType, sharesOutcome]) return ( <Col className={className}> {sharesOutcome && mechanism === 'cpmm-1' && ( <Col className="rounded-t-md bg-gray-100 px-6 py-6"> <Row className="items-center justify-between gap-2"> <div> You have {formatWithCommas(floorShares)}{' '} <BinaryOutcomeLabel outcome={sharesOutcome} /> shares </div> {tradeType === 'BUY' && ( <button className="btn btn-sm" style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', border: '2px solid', color: '#3D4451', }} onClick={() => tradeType === 'BUY' ? setTradeType('SELL') : setTradeType('BUY') } > {tradeType === 'BUY' ? 'Sell' : 'Bet'} </button> )} </Row> </Col> )} <Col className={clsx( 'rounded-b-md bg-white px-8 py-6', !sharesOutcome && 'rounded-t-md' )} > <Title className={clsx( '!mt-0', tradeType === 'BUY' && title ? '!text-xl' : '' )} text={tradeType === 'BUY' ? title ?? 'Place a trade' : 'Sell shares'} /> {tradeType === 'SELL' && user && sharesOutcome && ( <SellPanel contract={contract as FullContract<CPMM, Binary>} shares={yesShares || noShares} sharesOutcome={sharesOutcome} user={user} userBets={userBets ?? []} onSellSuccess={onBetSuccess} /> )} {tradeType === 'BUY' && ( <BuyPanel contract={contract} user={user} selected={selected} onBuySuccess={onBetSuccess} /> )} <SignUpPrompt /> </Col> </Col> ) } function BuyPanel(props: { contract: FullContract<DPM | CPMM, Binary> user: User | null | undefined selected?: 'YES' | 'NO' onBuySuccess?: () => void }) { const { contract, user, selected, onBuySuccess } = props const [betChoice, setBetChoice] = useState<'YES' | 'NO' | undefined>(selected) const [betAmount, setBetAmount] = useState<number | undefined>(undefined) const [error, setError] = useState<string | undefined>() const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false) const [wasSubmitted, setWasSubmitted] = useState(false) const [inputRef, focusAmountInput] = useFocus() useEffect(() => { // warm up cloud function placeBet({}).catch(() => {}) }, []) useEffect(() => { if (selected) focusAmountInput() }, [selected, focusAmountInput]) function onBetChoice(choice: 'YES' | 'NO') { setBetChoice(choice) setWasSubmitted(false) focusAmountInput() } function onBetChange(newAmount: number | undefined) { setWasSubmitted(false) setBetAmount(newAmount) if (!betChoice) { setBetChoice('YES') } } async function submitBet() { if (!user || !betAmount) return setError(undefined) setIsSubmitting(true) placeBet({ amount: betAmount, outcome: betChoice, contractId:, }) .then((r) => { console.log('placed bet. Result:', r) setIsSubmitting(false) setWasSubmitted(true) setBetAmount(undefined) if (onBuySuccess) onBuySuccess() }) .catch((e) => { if (e instanceof APIError) { setError(e.toString()) } else { console.error(e) setError('Error placing bet') } setIsSubmitting(false) }) } const betDisabled = isSubmitting || !betAmount || error const initialProb = getProbability(contract) const outcomeProb = getOutcomeProbabilityAfterBet( contract, betChoice || 'YES', betAmount ?? 0 ) const resultProb = betChoice === 'NO' ? 1 - outcomeProb : outcomeProb const shares = calculateShares(contract, betAmount ?? 0, betChoice || 'YES') const currentPayout = betAmount ? calculatePayoutAfterCorrectBet(contract, { outcome: betChoice, amount: betAmount, shares, } as Bet) : 0 const currentReturn = betAmount ? (currentPayout - betAmount) / betAmount : 0 const currentReturnPercent = formatPercent(currentReturn) const cpmmFees = contract.mechanism === 'cpmm-1' && getCpmmLiquidityFee(contract, betAmount ?? 0, betChoice ?? 'YES').totalFees const dpmTooltip = contract.mechanism === 'dpm-2' ? `Current payout for ${formatWithCommas(shares)} / ${formatWithCommas( shares + contract.totalShares[betChoice ?? 'YES'] - (contract.phantomShares ? contract.phantomShares[betChoice ?? 'YES'] : 0) )} ${betChoice ?? 'YES'} shares` : undefined return ( <> <YesNoSelector className="mb-4" btnClassName="flex-1" selected={betChoice} onSelect={(choice) => onBetChoice(choice)} /> <div className="my-3 text-left text-sm text-gray-500">Amount</div> <BuyAmountInput inputClassName="w-full max-w-none" amount={betAmount} onChange={onBetChange} error={error} setError={setError} disabled={isSubmitting} inputRef={inputRef} /> <Col className="mt-3 w-full gap-3"> <Row className="items-center justify-between text-sm"> <div className="text-gray-500">Probability</div> <div> {formatPercent(initialProb)} <span className="mx-2">→</span> {formatPercent(resultProb)} </div> </Row> <Row className="items-center justify-between gap-2 text-sm"> <Row className="flex-nowrap items-center gap-2 whitespace-nowrap text-gray-500"> <div> {contract.mechanism === 'dpm-2' ? ( <> Estimated <br /> payout if{' '} <BinaryOutcomeLabel outcome={betChoice ?? 'YES'} /> </> ) : ( <> Payout if <BinaryOutcomeLabel outcome={betChoice ?? 'YES'} /> </> )} </div> {cpmmFees !== false && ( <InfoTooltip text={`Includes ${formatMoney(cpmmFees)} in fees`} /> )} {dpmTooltip && <InfoTooltip text={dpmTooltip} />} </Row> <div> <span className="mr-2 whitespace-nowrap"> {formatMoney(currentPayout)} </span> (+{currentReturnPercent}) </div> </Row> </Col> <Spacer h={8} /> {user && ( <button className={clsx( 'btn flex-1', betDisabled ? 'btn-disabled' : betChoice === 'YES' ? 'btn-primary' : 'border-none bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-500', isSubmitting ? 'loading' : '' )} onClick={betDisabled ? undefined : submitBet} > {isSubmitting ? 'Submitting...' : 'Submit bet'} </button> )} {wasSubmitted && <div className="mt-4">Bet submitted!</div>} </> ) } export function SellPanel(props: { contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary> userBets: Bet[] shares: number sharesOutcome: 'YES' | 'NO' user: User onSellSuccess?: () => void }) { const { contract, shares, sharesOutcome, userBets, user, onSellSuccess } = props const [amount, setAmount] = useState<number | undefined>(shares) const [error, setError] = useState<string | undefined>() const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false) const [wasSubmitted, setWasSubmitted] = useState(false) const betDisabled = isSubmitting || !amount || error async function submitSell() { if (!user || !amount) return setError(undefined) setIsSubmitting(true) // Sell all shares if remaining shares would be < 1 const sellAmount = amount === Math.floor(shares) ? shares : amount const result = await sellShares({ shares: sellAmount, outcome: sharesOutcome, contractId:, }).then((r) => console.log('Sold shares. Result:', result) if (result?.status === 'success') { setIsSubmitting(false) setWasSubmitted(true) setAmount(undefined) if (onSellSuccess) onSellSuccess() } else { setError(result?.message || 'Error selling') setIsSubmitting(false) } } const initialProb = getProbability(contract) const { newPool } = calculateCpmmSale( contract, Math.min(amount ?? 0, shares), sharesOutcome ) const resultProb = getCpmmProbability(newPool, contract.p) const openUserBets = userBets.filter((bet) => !bet.isSold && ! const [yesBets, noBets] = partition( openUserBets, (bet) => bet.outcome === 'YES' ) const [yesShares, noShares] = [ sumBy(yesBets, (bet) => bet.shares), sumBy(noBets, (bet) => bet.shares), ] const sellOutcome = yesShares ? 'YES' : noShares ? 'NO' : undefined const ownedShares = Math.round(yesShares) || Math.round(noShares) const sharesSold = Math.min(amount ?? 0, ownedShares) const { saleValue } = calculateCpmmSale( contract, sharesSold, sellOutcome as 'YES' | 'NO' ) const onAmountChange = (amount: number | undefined) => { setAmount(amount) // Check for errors. if (amount !== undefined) { if (amount > ownedShares) { setError(`Maximum ${formatWithCommas(Math.floor(ownedShares))} shares`) } else { setError(undefined) } } } return ( <> <AmountInput amount={ amount ? Math.round(amount) === 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(amount) : undefined } onChange={onAmountChange} label="Qty" error={error} disabled={isSubmitting} inputClassName="w-full" /> <Col className="mt-3 w-full gap-3 text-sm"> <Row className="items-center justify-between gap-2 text-gray-500"> Sale proceeds <span className="text-neutral">{formatMoney(saleValue)}</span> </Row> <Row className="items-center justify-between"> <div className="text-gray-500">Probability</div> <div> {formatPercent(initialProb)} <span className="mx-2">→</span> {formatPercent(resultProb)} </div> </Row> </Col> <Spacer h={8} /> <button className={clsx( 'btn flex-1', betDisabled ? 'btn-disabled' : sharesOutcome === 'YES' ? 'btn-primary' : 'border-none bg-red-400 hover:bg-red-500', isSubmitting ? 'loading' : '' )} onClick={betDisabled ? undefined : submitSell} > {isSubmitting ? 'Submitting...' : 'Submit sell'} </button> {wasSubmitted && <div className="mt-4">Sell submitted!</div>} </> ) }