import { ContractComment } from 'common/comment' import { Contract } from 'common/contract' import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react' import { useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { formatMoney } from 'common/util/format' import { useRouter } from 'next/router' import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row' import clsx from 'clsx' import { Avatar } from 'web/components/avatar' import { OutcomeLabel } from 'web/components/outcome-label' import { CopyLinkDateTimeComponent } from 'web/components/feed/copy-link-date-time' import { firebaseLogin } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import { createCommentOnContract } from 'web/lib/firebase/comments' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { track } from 'web/lib/service/analytics' import { Tipper } from '../tipper' import { CommentTipMap, CommentTips } from 'web/hooks/use-tip-txns' import { Content } from '../editor' import { Editor } from '@tiptap/react' import { UserLink } from 'web/components/user-link' import { CommentInput } from '../comment-input' export type ReplyTo = { id: string; username: string } export function FeedCommentThread(props: { contract: Contract threadComments: ContractComment[] tips: CommentTipMap parentComment: ContractComment }) { const { contract, threadComments, tips, parentComment } = props const [replyTo, setReplyTo] = useState<ReplyTo>() return ( <Col className="relative w-full items-stretch gap-3 pb-4"> <span className="absolute top-5 left-4 -ml-px h-[calc(100%-2rem)] w-0.5 bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" /> {[parentComment].concat(threadComments).map((comment, commentIdx) => ( <FeedComment key={} indent={commentIdx != 0} contract={contract} comment={comment} tips={tips[] ?? {}} onReplyClick={() => setReplyTo({ id:, username: comment.userUsername }) } /> ))} {replyTo && ( <Col className="-pb-2 relative ml-6"> <span className="absolute -left-1 -ml-[1px] mt-[0.8rem] h-2 w-0.5 rotate-90 bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" /> <ContractCommentInput contract={contract} parentCommentId={} replyTo={replyTo} onSubmitComment={() => setReplyTo(undefined)} /> </Col> )} </Col> ) } export function FeedComment(props: { contract: Contract comment: ContractComment tips?: CommentTips indent?: boolean onReplyClick?: () => void }) { const { contract, comment, tips, indent, onReplyClick } = props const { text, content, userUsername, userName, userAvatarUrl, commenterPositionProb, commenterPositionShares, commenterPositionOutcome, createdTime, } = comment const betOutcome = comment.betOutcome let bought: string | undefined let money: string | undefined if (comment.betAmount != null) { bought = comment.betAmount >= 0 ? 'bought' : 'sold' money = formatMoney(Math.abs(comment.betAmount)) } const router = useRouter() const highlighted = router.asPath.endsWith(`#${}`) const commentRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null) useEffect(() => { if (highlighted && commentRef.current != null) { commentRef.current.scrollIntoView(true) } }, [highlighted]) return ( <Row ref={commentRef} id={} className={clsx( 'relative', indent ? 'ml-6' : '', highlighted ? `-m-1.5 rounded bg-indigo-500/[0.2] p-1.5` : '' )} > {/*draw a gray line from the comment to the left:*/} {indent ? ( <span className="absolute -left-1 -ml-[1px] mt-[0.8rem] h-2 w-0.5 rotate-90 bg-gray-200" aria-hidden="true" /> ) : null} <Avatar size="sm" username={userUsername} avatarUrl={userAvatarUrl} /> <div className="ml-1.5 min-w-0 flex-1 pl-0.5 sm:ml-3"> <div className="mt-0.5 text-sm text-gray-500"> <UserLink className="text-gray-500" username={userUsername} name={userName} />{' '} {comment.betId == null && commenterPositionProb != null && commenterPositionOutcome != null && commenterPositionShares != null && commenterPositionShares > 0 && contract.outcomeType !== 'NUMERIC' && ( <> {'is '} <CommentStatus prob={commenterPositionProb} outcome={commenterPositionOutcome} contract={contract} /> </> )} {bought} {money} {contract.outcomeType !== 'FREE_RESPONSE' && betOutcome && ( <> {' '} of{' '} <OutcomeLabel outcome={betOutcome ? betOutcome : ''} contract={contract} truncate="short" /> </> )} <CopyLinkDateTimeComponent prefix={contract.creatorUsername} slug={contract.slug} createdTime={createdTime} elementId={} /> </div> <Content className="mt-2 text-[15px] text-gray-700" content={content || text} smallImage /> <Row className="mt-2 items-center gap-6 text-xs text-gray-500"> {tips && <Tipper comment={comment} tips={tips} />} {onReplyClick && ( <button className="font-bold hover:underline" onClick={onReplyClick} > Reply </button> )} </Row> </div> </Row> ) } function CommentStatus(props: { contract: Contract outcome: string prob?: number }) { const { contract, outcome, prob } = props return ( <> {` predicting `} <OutcomeLabel outcome={outcome} contract={contract} truncate="short" /> {prob && ' at ' + Math.round(prob * 100) + '%'} </> ) } export function ContractCommentInput(props: { contract: Contract className?: string parentAnswerOutcome?: string | undefined replyTo?: ReplyTo parentCommentId?: string onSubmitComment?: () => void }) { const user = useUser() async function onSubmitComment(editor: Editor) { if (!user) { track('sign in to comment') return await firebaseLogin() } await createCommentOnContract(, editor.getJSON(), user, props.parentAnswerOutcome, props.parentCommentId ) props.onSubmitComment?.() } return ( <CommentInput replyTo={props.replyTo} parentAnswerOutcome={props.parentAnswerOutcome} parentCommentId={props.parentCommentId} onSubmitComment={onSubmitComment} className={props.className} /> ) }