import { LinkIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid' import clsx from 'clsx' import { PrivateUser, User } from 'common/user' import { MouseEventHandler, ReactNode, useEffect, useState } from 'react' import toast from 'react-hot-toast' import { Button } from 'web/components/button' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { Row } from 'web/components/layout/row' import { Spacer } from 'web/components/layout/spacer' import { LoadingIndicator } from 'web/components/loading-indicator' import { ManifoldLogo } from 'web/components/nav/manifold-logo' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { SEO } from 'web/components/SEO' import { Title } from 'web/components/title' import { useSaveReferral } from 'web/hooks/use-save-referral' import { useTracking } from 'web/hooks/use-tracking' import { usePrivateUser, useUser } from 'web/hooks/use-user' import { firebaseLogin, updatePrivateUser } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import { track } from 'web/lib/service/analytics' import { getDockURLForUser, getOverlayURLForUser, linkTwitchAccountRedirect, updateBotEnabledForUser, } from 'web/lib/twitch/link-twitch-account' import { copyToClipboard } from 'web/lib/util/copy' function ButtonGetStarted(props: { user?: User | null privateUser?: PrivateUser | null buttonClass?: string spinnerClass?: string }) { const { user, privateUser, buttonClass, spinnerClass } = props const [isLoading, setLoading] = useState(false) const needsRelink = privateUser?.twitchInfo?.twitchName && privateUser?.twitchInfo?.needsRelinking const [waitingForUser, setWaitingForUser] = useState(false) useEffect(() => { if (waitingForUser && user && privateUser) { setWaitingForUser(false) if (privateUser.twitchInfo?.twitchName) return // If we've already linked Twitch, no need to do so again setLoading(true) linkTwitchAccountRedirect(user, privateUser).then(() => { setLoading(false) }) } }, [user, privateUser, waitingForUser]) const callback = user && privateUser ? () => linkTwitchAccountRedirect(user, privateUser) : async () => { await firebaseLogin() setWaitingForUser(true) } const getStarted = async () => { try { setLoading(true) const promise = callback() track('twitch page button click') await promise } catch (e) { console.error(e) toast.error('Failed to sign up. Please try again later.') } finally { setLoading(false) } } return isLoading ? ( <LoadingIndicator spinnerClassName={clsx('!w-11 !h-11 my-4', spinnerClass)} /> ) : ( <Button size="xl" color={needsRelink ? 'red' : 'gradient'} className={clsx('my-4 self-center !px-16', buttonClass)} onClick={getStarted} > {needsRelink ? 'API key updated: relink Twitch' : 'Start playing'} </Button> ) } function TwitchPlaysManifoldMarkets(props: { user?: User | null privateUser?: PrivateUser | null }) { const { user, privateUser } = props const twitchInfo = privateUser?.twitchInfo const twitchUser = twitchInfo?.twitchName return ( <div> <Row className="mb-4"> <img src="/twitch-glitch.svg" className="mb-[0.4rem] mr-4 inline h-10 w-10" ></img> <Title text={'Twitch plays Manifold Markets'} className={'!-my-0 md:block'} /> </Row> <Col className="mb-4 gap-4"> Start betting on Twitch now by linking your account and typing commands in chat! {twitchUser && !twitchInfo.needsRelinking ? ( <Button size="xl" color="green" className="btn-disabled my-4 self-center !border-none" > Account connected: {twitchUser} </Button> ) : ( <ButtonGetStarted user={user} privateUser={privateUser} /> )} </Col> <Col className="gap-4"> <Subtitle text="How it works" /> <div> Similar to Twitch channel point predictions, Manifold Markets allows you to create a play-money betting market on any question you like and feature it in your stream. </div> <div> The key difference is that Manifold's questions function more like a stock market and viewers can buy and sell shares over the course of the event and not just at the start. The market will eventually resolve to yes or no at which point the winning shareholders will receive their profit. </div> <div> Instead of Twitch channel points we use our own play money, mana (M$). All viewers start with M$1,000 and can earn more for free by betting well. Just like channel points, mana cannot be converted to real money. </div> </Col> </div> ) } function Subtitle(props: { text: string }) { const { text } = props return <div className="text-2xl">{text}</div> } function Command(props: { command: string; desc: string }) { const { command, desc } = props return ( <div> <p className="inline font-bold">{'!' + command}</p> {' - '} <p className="inline">{desc}</p> </div> ) } function TwitchChatCommands() { return ( <div> <Title text="Twitch Chat Commands" className="md:block" /> <Col className="gap-4"> <Subtitle text="For Chat" /> <Command command="y#" desc="Bets # amount of M$ on yes, for example !y20 would bet M$20 on yes." /> <Command command="n#" desc="Bets # amount of M$ on no, for example !n30 would bet M$30 on no." /> <Command command="sell" desc="Sells all shares you own. Using this command causes you to cash out early based on the current probability. Shares will always be worth the most if you wait for a favourable resolution. But, selling allows you to lower risk, or trade throughout the event which can maximise earnings." /> <Command command="position" desc="Shows how many shares you own in the current market and what your fixed payout is." /> <Command command="balance" desc="Shows how much M$ your account has." /> <div className="mb-4" /> <Subtitle text="For Mods/Streamer" /> <div> We recommend streamers sharing the link to the control dock with their mods. Alternatively, chat commands can be used to control markets.{' '} </div> <Command command="create [question]" desc="Creates and features a question. Be careful, this will replace any question that is currently featured." /> <Command command="resolve yes" desc="Resolves the market as 'Yes'." /> <Command command="resolve no" desc="Resolves the market as 'No'." /> <Command command="resolve na" desc="Cancels the market and refunds everyone their mana." /> <Command command="unfeature" desc="Unfeatures the market. The market will still be open on our site and available to be refeatured again. If you plan to never interact with a market again we recommend resolving to N/A and not this command." /> </Col> </div> ) } function BotSetupStep(props: { stepNum: number buttonName?: string buttonOnClick?: MouseEventHandler overrideButton?: ReactNode children: ReactNode }) { const { stepNum, buttonName, buttonOnClick, overrideButton, children } = props return ( <Col className="flex-1"> {(overrideButton || buttonName) && ( <> {overrideButton ?? ( <Button size={'md'} color={'green'} className="!border-none" onClick={buttonOnClick} > {buttonName} </Button> )} <Spacer h={4} /> </> )} <div> <p className="inline font-bold">Step {stepNum}. </p> {children} </div> </Col> ) } function BotConnectButton(props: { privateUser: PrivateUser | null | undefined }) { const { privateUser } = props const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false) const updateBotConnected = (connected: boolean) => async () => { if (!privateUser) return const twitchInfo = privateUser.twitchInfo if (!twitchInfo) return const error = connected ? 'Failed to add bot to your channel' : 'Failed to remove bot from your channel' const success = connected ? 'Added bot to your channel' : 'Removed bot from your channel' setLoading(true) toast.promise( updateBotEnabledForUser(privateUser, connected) .then(() => updatePrivateUser(, { twitchInfo: { ...twitchInfo, botEnabled: connected }, }) ) .finally(() => setLoading(false)), { loading: 'Updating bot settings...', error, success }, { loading: { className: '!max-w-sm', }, success: { className: '!bg-primary !transition-all !duration-500 !text-white !max-w-sm', }, error: { className: '!bg-red-400 !transition-all !duration-500 !text-white !max-w-sm', }, } ) } return ( <> {privateUser?.twitchInfo?.botEnabled ? ( <Button color="red" onClick={updateBotConnected(false)} className={clsx(loading && '!btn-disabled', 'border-none')} > {loading ? ( <LoadingIndicator spinnerClassName="!h-5 !w-5 border-white !border-2" /> ) : ( 'Remove bot from channel' )} </Button> ) : ( <Button color="green" onClick={updateBotConnected(true)} className={clsx(loading && '!btn-disabled', 'border-none')} > {loading ? ( <LoadingIndicator spinnerClassName="!h-5 !w-5 border-white !border-2" /> ) : ( 'Add bot to your channel' )} </Button> )} </> ) } function SetUpBot(props: { user?: User | null privateUser?: PrivateUser | null }) { const { user, privateUser } = props const twitchLinked = privateUser?.twitchInfo?.twitchName && !privateUser?.twitchInfo?.needsRelinking ? true : undefined const toastTheme = { className: '!bg-primary !text-white', icon: <LinkIcon className="mr-2 h-6 w-6" aria-hidden="true" />, } const copyOverlayLink = async () => { if (!privateUser) return copyToClipboard(getOverlayURLForUser(privateUser)) toast.success('Overlay link copied!', toastTheme) } const copyDockLink = async () => { if (!privateUser) return copyToClipboard(getDockURLForUser(privateUser)) toast.success('Dock link copied!', toastTheme) } return ( <> <Title text={'Set up the bot for your own stream'} className={'!mb-4 md:block'} /> <Col className="gap-4"> <img src="" // TODO: Copy this into the Manifold codebase public folder className="!-my-2" ></img> To add the bot to your stream make sure you have logged in then follow the steps below. {!twitchLinked && ( <ButtonGetStarted user={user} privateUser={privateUser} buttonClass={'!my-0'} spinnerClass={'!my-0'} /> )} <div className="flex flex-col gap-6 sm:flex-row"> <BotSetupStep stepNum={1} overrideButton={ twitchLinked && <BotConnectButton privateUser={privateUser} /> } > Use the button above to add the bot to your channel. Then mod it by typing in your Twitch chat: <b>/mod ManifoldBot</b> <br /> If the bot is not modded it will not be able to respond to commands properly. </BotSetupStep> <BotSetupStep stepNum={2} buttonName={twitchLinked && 'Overlay link'} buttonOnClick={copyOverlayLink} > Create a new browser source in your streaming software such as OBS. Paste in the above link and type in the desired size. We recommend 450x375. </BotSetupStep> <BotSetupStep stepNum={3} buttonName={twitchLinked && 'Control dock link'} buttonOnClick={copyDockLink} > The bot can be controlled entirely through chat. But we made an easy to use control panel. Share the link with your mods or embed it into your OBS as a custom dock. </BotSetupStep> </div> <div> Need help? Contact SirSalty#5770 in Discord or email </div> </Col> </> ) } export default function TwitchLandingPage() { useSaveReferral() useTracking('view twitch landing page') const user = useUser() const privateUser = usePrivateUser() return ( <Page> <SEO title="Manifold Markets on Twitch" description="Get more out of Twitch with play-money betting markets." /> <div className="px-4 pt-2 md:mt-0 lg:hidden"> <ManifoldLogo /> </div> <Col className="max-w-3xl gap-8 rounded bg-white p-4 text-gray-600 shadow-md sm:mx-auto sm:p-10"> <TwitchPlaysManifoldMarkets user={user} privateUser={privateUser} /> <TwitchChatCommands /> <SetUpBot user={user} privateUser={privateUser} /> </Col> </Page> ) }