import { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from 'http'
import { Auth as FirebaseAuth, User as FirebaseUser } from 'firebase/auth'
import { AUTH_COOKIE_NAME } from 'common/envs/constants'
import { getCookies } from 'web/lib/util/cookie'
import {
} from 'next'

// client firebase SDK
import { app as clientApp } from './init'
import { getAuth, updateCurrentUser } from 'firebase/auth'

type RequestContext = {
  req: IncomingMessage
  res: ServerResponse

// The Firebase SDK doesn't really support persisting the logged-in state between
// devices, or anything like that. To get it from the client to the server:
// 1. We pack up the user by calling (the undocumented) User.toJSON(). This is the
//    same way the Firebase SDK saves it to disk, so it's gonna have the right stuff.
// 2. We put it into a cookie and read the cookie out here.
// 3. We use the Firebase "persistence manager" to write the cookie value into the persistent
//    store on the server (an in-memory store), just as if the SDK had saved the user itself.
// 4. We ask the persistence manager for the current user, which reads what we just wrote,
//    and creates a real puffed-up internal user object from the serialized user.
// 5. We set that user to be the current Firebase user in the SDK.
// 6. We ask for the ID token, which will refresh it if necessary (i.e. if this cookie
//    is from an old browser session), so that we know the SDK is prepared to do real
//    Firebase queries.
// This strategy should be robust, since it's repurposing Firebase's internal persistence
// machinery, but the details may eventually need updating for new versions of the SDK.
// References:
// Persistence manager:
// Token manager:

interface FirebaseAuthInternal extends FirebaseAuth {
  persistenceManager: {
    fullUserKey: string
    getCurrentUser: () => Promise<FirebaseUser | null>
    persistence: {
      _set: (k: string, obj: Record<string, unknown>) => Promise<void>

export const authenticateOnServer = async (ctx: RequestContext) => {
  const user = getCookies(ctx.req.headers.cookie ?? '')[AUTH_COOKIE_NAME]
  if (user == null) {
    console.debug('User is unauthenticated.')
    return null
  try {
    const deserializedUser = JSON.parse(user)
    const clientAuth = getAuth(clientApp) as FirebaseAuthInternal
    const persistenceManager = clientAuth.persistenceManager
    const persistence = persistenceManager.persistence
    await persistence._set(persistenceManager.fullUserKey, deserializedUser)
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
    const fbUser = (await persistenceManager.getCurrentUser())!
    await fbUser.getIdToken() // forces a refresh if necessary
    await updateCurrentUser(clientAuth, fbUser)
    console.debug('Signed in with user from cookie.')
    return fbUser
  } catch (e) {
    return null

// note that we might want to define these types more generically if we want better
// type safety on next.js stuff... see the definition of GetServerSideProps

type GetServerSidePropsAuthed<P> = (
  context: GetServerSidePropsContext,
  creds: FirebaseUser
) => Promise<GetServerSidePropsResult<P>>

export const redirectIfLoggedIn = <P extends { [k: string]: any }>(
  dest: string,
  fn?: GetServerSideProps<P>
) => {
  return async (ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext) => {
    const creds = await authenticateOnServer(ctx)
    if (creds == null) {
      if (fn == null) {
        return { props: {} }
      } else {
        const props = await fn(ctx)
        console.debug('Finished getting initial props for rendering.')
        return props
    } else {
      console.debug(`Redirecting to ${dest}.`)
      return { redirect: { destination: dest, permanent: false } }

export const redirectIfLoggedOut = <P extends { [k: string]: any }>(
  dest: string,
  fn?: GetServerSidePropsAuthed<P>
) => {
  return async (ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext) => {
    const creds = await authenticateOnServer(ctx)
    if (creds == null) {
      console.debug(`Redirecting to ${dest}.`)
      return { redirect: { destination: dest, permanent: false } }
    } else {
      if (fn == null) {
        return { props: {} }
      } else {
        const props = await fn(ctx, creds)
        console.debug('Finished getting initial props for rendering.')
        return props