import clsx from 'clsx' import _ from 'lodash' import { useUser } from '../hooks/use-user' import { formatMoney, formatWithCommas } from '../../common/util/format' import { Col } from './layout/col' import { Row } from './layout/row' import { Bet, MAX_LOAN_PER_CONTRACT } from '../../common/bet' import { InfoTooltip } from './info-tooltip' import { Spacer } from './layout/spacer' import { calculateCpmmSale } from '../../common/calculate-cpmm' import { Binary, CPMM, FullContract } from '../../common/contract' export function AmountInput(props: { amount: number | undefined onChange: (newAmount: number | undefined) => void error: string | undefined label: string disabled?: boolean className?: string inputClassName?: string // Needed to focus the amount input inputRef?: React.MutableRefObject<any> children?: any }) { const { amount, onChange, error, label, disabled, className, inputClassName, inputRef, children, } = props const onAmountChange = (str: string) => { if (str.includes('-')) { onChange(undefined) return } const amount = parseInt(str.replace(/[^\d]/, '')) if (str && isNaN(amount)) return if (amount >= 10 ** 9) return onChange(str ? amount : undefined) } return ( <Col className={className}> <label className="input-group"> <span className="bg-gray-200 text-sm">{label}</span> <input className={clsx( 'input input-bordered', error && 'input-error', inputClassName )} ref={inputRef} type="number" placeholder="0" maxLength={9} value={amount ?? ''} disabled={disabled} onChange={(e) => onAmountChange(} /> </label> <Spacer h={4} /> {error && ( <div className="mb-2 mr-auto self-center whitespace-nowrap text-xs font-medium tracking-wide text-red-500"> {error} </div> )} {children} </Col> ) } export function BuyAmountInput(props: { amount: number | undefined onChange: (newAmount: number | undefined) => void error: string | undefined setError: (error: string | undefined) => void contractIdForLoan: string | undefined userBets?: Bet[] minimumAmount?: number disabled?: boolean className?: string inputClassName?: string // Needed to focus the amount input inputRef?: React.MutableRefObject<any> }) { const { amount, onChange, userBets, error, setError, contractIdForLoan, disabled, className, inputClassName, minimumAmount, inputRef, } = props const user = useUser() const openUserBets = (userBets ?? []).filter( (bet) => !bet.isSold && ! ) const prevLoanAmount = _.sumBy(openUserBets, (bet) => bet.loanAmount ?? 0) const loanAmount = contractIdForLoan ? Math.min(amount ?? 0, MAX_LOAN_PER_CONTRACT - prevLoanAmount) : 0 const onAmountChange = (amount: number | undefined) => { onChange(amount) // Check for errors. if (amount !== undefined) { const amountNetLoan = amount - loanAmount if (user && user.balance < amountNetLoan) { setError('Insufficient balance') } else if (minimumAmount && amount < minimumAmount) { setError('Minimum amount: ' + formatMoney(minimumAmount)) } else { setError(undefined) } } } return ( <AmountInput amount={amount} onChange={onAmountChange} label="M$" error={error} disabled={disabled} className={className} inputClassName={inputClassName} inputRef={inputRef} > {user && ( <Col className="gap-3 text-sm"> {contractIdForLoan && ( <Row className="items-center justify-between gap-2 text-gray-500"> <Row className="items-center gap-2"> Amount loaned{' '} <InfoTooltip text={`In every market, you get an interest-free loan on the first ${formatMoney( MAX_LOAN_PER_CONTRACT )}.`} /> </Row> <span className="text-neutral">{formatMoney(loanAmount)}</span>{' '} </Row> )} </Col> )} </AmountInput> ) } export function SellAmountInput(props: { contract: FullContract<CPMM, Binary> amount: number | undefined onChange: (newAmount: number | undefined) => void userBets: Bet[] error: string | undefined setError: (error: string | undefined) => void disabled?: boolean className?: string inputClassName?: string // Needed to focus the amount input inputRef?: React.MutableRefObject<any> }) { const { contract, amount, onChange, userBets, error, setError, disabled, className, inputClassName, inputRef, } = props const user = useUser() const openUserBets = userBets.filter((bet) => !bet.isSold && ! const [yesBets, noBets] = _.partition( openUserBets, (bet) => bet.outcome === 'YES' ) const [yesShares, noShares] = [ _.sumBy(yesBets, (bet) => bet.shares), _.sumBy(noBets, (bet) => bet.shares), ] const sellOutcome = yesShares ? 'YES' : noShares ? 'NO' : undefined const shares = yesShares || noShares const prevLoanAmount = _.sumBy(openUserBets, (bet) => bet.loanAmount ?? 0) const sharesSold = Math.min(amount ?? 0, yesShares || noShares) const { saleValue } = calculateCpmmSale( contract, sharesSold, sellOutcome as 'YES' | 'NO' ) const loanRepaid = Math.min(prevLoanAmount, saleValue) const onAmountChange = (amount: number | undefined) => { onChange(amount) // Check for errors. if (amount !== undefined) { if (amount > shares) { setError(`Maximum ${formatWithCommas(Math.floor(shares))} shares`) } else { setError(undefined) } } } return ( <AmountInput amount={amount} onChange={onAmountChange} label="Qty" error={error} disabled={disabled} className={className} inputClassName={inputClassName} inputRef={inputRef} > {user && ( <Col className="gap-3 text-sm"> <Row className="items-center justify-between gap-2 text-gray-500"> Sale proceeds{' '} <span className="text-neutral">{formatMoney(saleValue)}</span> </Row> {!!prevLoanAmount && ( <Row className="items-center justify-between gap-2 text-gray-500"> <Row className="items-center gap-2"> Loan repaid{' '} <InfoTooltip text={`Sold shares go toward paying off loans first.`} /> </Row> <span className="text-neutral">{formatMoney(loanRepaid)}</span>{' '} </Row> )} </Col> )} </AmountInput> ) }