import { useMemo, useRef } from 'react' import { last, sortBy } from 'lodash' import { scaleTime, scaleLog, scaleLinear } from 'd3-scale' import { Bet } from 'common/bet' import { getInitialProbability, getProbability } from 'common/calculate' import { PseudoNumericContract } from 'common/contract' import { NUMERIC_GRAPH_COLOR } from 'common/numeric-constants' import { useIsMobile } from 'web/hooks/use-is-mobile' import { MARGIN_X, MARGIN_Y, MAX_DATE, getDateRange, getRightmostVisibleDate, } from '../helpers' import { SingleValueHistoryChart } from '../generic-charts' import { useElementWidth } from 'web/hooks/use-element-width' // mqp: note that we have an idiosyncratic version of 'log scale' // contracts. the values are stored "linearly" and can include zero. // as a result, we have to do some weird-looking stuff in this code const getScaleP = (min: number, max: number, isLogScale: boolean) => { return (p: number) => isLogScale ? 10 ** (p * Math.log10(max - min + 1)) + min - 1 : p * (max - min) + min } const getBetPoints = (bets: Bet[], scaleP: (p: number) => number) => { return sortBy(bets, (b) => b.createdTime).map( (b) => [new Date(b.createdTime), scaleP(b.probAfter)] as const ) } export const PseudoNumericContractChart = (props: { contract: PseudoNumericContract bets: Bet[] height?: number }) => { const { contract, bets } = props const { min, max, isLogScale } = contract const [startDate, endDate] = getDateRange(contract) const scaleP = useMemo( () => getScaleP(min, max, isLogScale), [min, max, isLogScale] ) const startP = scaleP(getInitialProbability(contract)) const endP = scaleP(getProbability(contract)) const betPoints = useMemo(() => getBetPoints(bets, scaleP), [bets, scaleP]) const data = useMemo( () => [ [startDate, startP] as const, ...betPoints, [endDate ?? MAX_DATE, endP] as const, ], [betPoints, startDate, startP, endDate, endP] ) const rightmostDate = getRightmostVisibleDate( endDate, last(betPoints)?.[0], new Date( ) const visibleRange = [startDate, rightmostDate] const isMobile = useIsMobile(800) const containerRef = useRef(null) const width = useElementWidth(containerRef) ?? 0 const height = props.height ?? (isMobile ? 150 : 250) const xScale = scaleTime(visibleRange, [0, width - MARGIN_X]).clamp(true) // clamp log scale to make sure zeroes go to the bottom const yScale = isLogScale ? scaleLog([Math.max(min, 1), max], [height - MARGIN_Y, 0]).clamp(true) : scaleLinear([min, max], [height - MARGIN_Y, 0]) return (
{width > 0 && ( )}
) }