Example response
"id": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"creatorUsername": "Angela",
"creatorName": "Angela",
"createdTime": 1655258914863,
"creatorAvatarUrl": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/mantic-markets.appspot.com/o/user-images%2FAngela%2F50463444807_edfd4598d6_o.jpeg?alt=media&token=ef44e13b-2e6c-4498-b9c4-8e38bdaf1476",
"closeTime": 1655265001448,
"question": "What is good?",
"description": "Resolves proportionally to the answer(s) which I find most compelling. (Obviously I’ll refrain from giving my own answers)\n\n(Please have at it with philosophy, ethics, etc etc)\n\n\nContract resolved automatically.",
"tags": [],
"url": "https://manifold.markets/Angela/what-is-good",
"pool": null,
"outcomeType": "FREE_RESPONSE",
"mechanism": "dpm-2",
"volume": 112,
"volume7Days": 212,
"volume24Hours": 0,
"isResolved": true,
"resolution": "MKT",
"resolutionTime": 1655265001448,
"answers": [
"createdTime": 1655258941573,
"avatarUrl": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/mantic-markets.appspot.com/o/user-images%2FAngela%2F50463444807_edfd4598d6_o.jpeg?alt=media&token=ef44e13b-2e6c-4498-b9c4-8e38bdaf1476",
"id": "1",
"username": "Angela",
"number": 1,
"name": "Angela",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"text": "ANTE",
"userId": "qe2QqIlOkeWsbljfeF3MsxpSJ9i2",
"probability": 0.66749733001068
"name": "Isaac King",
"username": "IsaacKing",
"text": "This answer",
"userId": "y1hb6k7txdZPV5mgyxPFApZ7nQl2",
"id": "2",
"number": 2,
"avatarUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GhNVriOvxK2VUAmE-jvYZwC-XIymatzVirT0Bqb2g=s96-c",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"createdTime": 1655261198074,
"probability": 0.008922214311142757
"createdTime": 1655263226587,
"userId": "jbgplxty4kUKIa1MmgZk22byJq03",
"id": "3",
"avatarUrl": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/mantic-markets.appspot.com/o/user-images%2FMartin%2Fgiphy.gif?alt=media&token=422ef610-553f-47e3-bf6f-c0c5cc16c70a",
"text": "Toyota Camry",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"name": "Undox",
"username": "Undox",
"number": 3,
"probability": 0.008966714133143469
"number": 4,
"name": "James Grugett",
"userId": "5LZ4LgYuySdL1huCWe7bti02ghx2",
"text": "Utility (Defined by your personal utility function.)",
"createdTime": 1655264793224,
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"username": "JamesGrugett",
"id": "4",
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"probability": 0.09211463154147384
"comments": [
"id": "ZdHIyfQazHyl8nI0ENS7",
"userId": "qe2QqIlOkeWsbljfeF3MsxpSJ9i2",
"createdTime": 1655265807433,
"text": "ok what\ni did not resolve this intentionally",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"userName": "Angela",
"userAvatarUrl": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/mantic-markets.appspot.com/o/user-images%2FAngela%2F50463444807_edfd4598d6_o.jpeg?alt=media&token=ef44e13b-2e6c-4498-b9c4-8e38bdaf1476",
"userUsername": "Angela"
"userName": "James Grugett",
"userUsername": "JamesGrugett",
"id": "F7fvHGhTiFal8uTsUc9P",
"userAvatarUrl": "https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GjC83uMe-fEfzd6QvxiK6ZqZdlMytuHxevgMYIkpAI=s96-c",
"replyToCommentId": "ZdHIyfQazHyl8nI0ENS7",
"text": "@Angela Sorry! There was an error that automatically resolved several markets that were created in the last few hours.",
"createdTime": 1655266286514,
"userId": "5LZ4LgYuySdL1huCWe7bti02ghx2",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK"
"userId": "qe2QqIlOkeWsbljfeF3MsxpSJ9i2",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"id": "PIHhXy5hLHSgW8uoUD0Q",
"userName": "Angela",
"text": "lmk if anyone lost manna from this situation and i'll try to fix it",
"userUsername": "Angela",
"createdTime": 1655277581308,
"userAvatarUrl": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/mantic-markets.appspot.com/o/user-images%2FAngela%2F50463444807_edfd4598d6_o.jpeg?alt=media&token=ef44e13b-2e6c-4498-b9c4-8e38bdaf1476"
"userAvatarUrl": "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/mantic-markets.appspot.com/o/user-images%2FAngela%2F50463444807_edfd4598d6_o.jpeg?alt=media&token=ef44e13b-2e6c-4498-b9c4-8e38bdaf1476",
"userName": "Angela",
"text": "from my end it looks like no one did",
"replyToCommentId": "PIHhXy5hLHSgW8uoUD0Q",
"createdTime": 1655287149528,
"userUsername": "Angela",
"id": "5slnWEQWwm6dHjDi6oiH",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"userId": "qe2QqIlOkeWsbljfeF3MsxpSJ9i2"
"bets": [
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"platformFee": 0
"isAnte": true,
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"createdTime": 1655258914863,
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"createdTime": 1655258941573,
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"userId": "qe2QqIlOkeWsbljfeF3MsxpSJ9i2",
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"id": "xuc3JoiNkE8lXPh15mUb"
"userId": "y1hb6k7txdZPV5mgyxPFApZ7nQl2",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
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"userId": "5LZ4LgYuySdL1huCWe7bti02ghx2",
"contractId": "lEoqtnDgJzft6apSKzYK",
"loanAmount": 0,
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"outcome": "4",
"shares": 64.34283176858165
- Response type: A `FullMarket`
// A complete market, along with bets, comments, and answers (for free response markets)
type FullMarket = LiteMarket & {
bets: Bet[]
comments: Comment[]
answers?: Answer[]
type Bet = {
id: string
contractId: string
amount: number // bet size; negative if SELL bet
outcome: string
shares: number // dynamic parimutuel pool weight; negative if SELL bet
probBefore: number
probAfter: number
sale?: {
amount: number // amount user makes from sale
betId: string // id of bet being sold
isSold?: boolean // true if this BUY bet has been sold
isAnte?: boolean
createdTime: number
### `GET /v0/slug/[marketSlug]`
Gets information about a single market by slug (the portion of the URL path after the username).
Requires no authorization.
- Example request
- Response type: A `FullMarket` ; same as above.
### `GET /v0/users`
Lists all users.
Requires no authorization.
- Example request
- Example response
"bio":"I build Manifold! Always happy to chat; reach out on Discord or find a time on https://calendly.com/austinchen/manifold!",
- Response type: Array of `LiteUser`
// Basic information about a user
type LiteUser = {
id: string // user's unique id
createdTime: number
name: string // display name, may contain spaces
username: string // username, used in urls
url: string // link to user's profile
avatarUrl?: string
bio?: string
bannerUrl?: string
website?: string
twitterHandle?: string
discordHandle?: string
// Note: the following are here for convenience only and may be removed in the future.
balance: number
totalDeposits: number
totalPnLCached: number
creatorVolumeCached: number
### `POST /v0/bet`
Places a new bet on behalf of the authorized user.
- `amount`: Required. The amount to bet, in M$, before fees.
- `contractId`: Required. The ID of the contract (market) to bet on.
- `outcome`: Required. The outcome to bet on. For binary markets, this is `YES`
or `NO`. For free response markets, this is the ID of the free response
answer. For numeric markets, this is a string representing the target bucket,
and an additional `value` parameter is required which is a number representing
the target value. (Bet on numeric markets at your own peril.)
Example request:
$ curl https://manifold.markets/api/v0/bet -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Key {...}' \
--data-raw '{"amount":1, \
"outcome":"YES", \
### `POST /v0/market`
Creates a new market on behalf of the authorized user.
- `outcomeType`: Required. One of `BINARY`, `FREE_RESPONSE`, or `NUMERIC`.
- `question`: Required. The headline question for the market.
- `description`: Required. A long description describing the rules for the market.
- `closeTime`: Required. The time at which the market will close, represented as milliseconds since the epoch.
- `tags`: Optional. An array of string tags for the market.
For binary markets, you must also provide:
- `initialProb`: An initial probability for the market, between 1 and 99.
For numeric markets, you must also provide:
- `min`: The minimum value that the market may resolve to.
- `max`: The maximum value that the market may resolve to.
Example request:
$ curl https://manifold.markets/api/v0/market -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Key {...}'
--data-raw '{"outcomeType":"BINARY", \
"question":"Is there life on Mars?", \
"description":"I'm not going to type some long ass example description.", \
"closeTime":1700000000000, \
### `POST /v0/market/[marketId]/resolve`
Resolves a market on behalf of the authorized user.
For binary markets:
- `outcome`: Required. One of `YES`, `NO`, `MKT`, or `CANCEL`.
- `probabilityInt`: Optional. The probability to use for `MKT` resolution.
For free response markets:
- `outcome`: Required. One of `MKT`, `CANCEL`, or a `number` indicating the answer index.
- `resolutions`: An array of `{ answer, pct }` objects to use as the weights for resolving in favor of multiple free response options. Can only be set with `MKT` outcome.
For numeric markets:
- `outcome`: Required. One of `CANCEL`, or a `number` indicating the selected numeric bucket ID.
- `value`: The value that the market may resolves to.
Example request:
# Resolve a binary market
$ curl https://manifold.markets/api/v0/market/{marketId}/resolve -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Key {...}' \
--data-raw '{"outcome": "YES"}'
# Resolve a binary market with a specified probability
$ curl https://manifold.markets/api/v0/market/{marketId}/resolve -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Key {...}' \
--data-raw '{"outcome": "MKT", \
"probabilityInt": 75}'
# Resolve a free response market with a single answer chosen
$ curl https://manifold.markets/api/v0/market/{marketId}/resolve -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Key {...}' \
--data-raw '{"outcome": 2}'
# Resolve a free response market with multiple answers chosen
$ curl https://manifold.markets/api/v0/market/{marketId}/resolve -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Key {...}' \
--data-raw '{"outcome": "MKT", \
"resolutions": [ \
{"answer": 0, "pct": 50}, \
{"answer": 2, "pct": 50} \
### `POST /v0/market/[marketId]/sell`
Sells some quantity of shares in a binary market on behalf of the authorized user.
- `outcome`: Optional. One of `YES`, or `NO`. If you leave it off, and you only
own one kind of shares, you will sell that kind of shares.
- `shares`: Optional. The amount of shares to sell of the outcome given
above. If not provided, all the shares you own will be sold.
Example request:
$ curl https://manifold.markets/api/v0/market/{marketId}/sell -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Key {...}' \
--data-raw '{"outcome": "YES", "shares": 10}'
### `GET /v0/bets`
Gets a list of bets, ordered by creation date descending.
- `username`: Optional. If set, the response will include only bets created by this user.
- `market`: Optional. The slug of a market. If set, the response will only include bets on this market.
- `limit`: Optional. How many bets to return. The maximum and the default is 1000.
- `before`: Optional. The ID of the bet before which the list will start. For
example, if you ask for the most recent 10 bets, and then perform a second
query for 10 more bets with `before=[the id of the 10th bet]`, you will
get bets 11 through 20.
Requires no authorization.
- Example request
- Response type: A `Bet[]`.