import { useUser } from '../hooks/use-user' import { AvatarWithIcon } from './contract-feed' import { Title } from './title' import Textarea from 'react-expanding-textarea' import { useState } from 'react' import { Spacer } from './layout/spacer' import { NewContract } from '../pages/create' import { firebaseLogin, User } from '../lib/firebase/users' import { useHotContracts } from '../hooks/use-contracts' import { ContractsGrid } from './contracts-list' import { SiteLink } from './site-link' import { Contract } from '../../common/contract' export function FeedPromo(props: { hotContracts: Contract[] }) { const contracts = useHotContracts() ?? props.hotContracts return ( <>
<div className="text-gray-500 mb-4"> On Manifold Markets, you can find prediction markets run by your favorite creators. <br /> <button className="bg-gradient-to-r gradient-to-r from-teal-500 to-green-500 text-transparent bg-clip-text hover:underline hover:decoration-gray-300 hover:decoration-2" onClick={firebaseLogin} > Sign up to get M$ 1000 for free </button>{' '} and start trading! <br /> </div> <div className="flex flex-wrap mt-2 gap-2"> {['#politics', '#covid', '#gaming', '#sports', '#meta'].map((tag) => ( <Hashtag tag={tag} /> ))} </div> <Spacer h={4} /> <ContractsGrid contracts={contracts?.slice(0, 2) || []} showHotVolume /> </div> <div className="text-gray-800 text-lg mb-0 mt-6 mx-6"> Recent community activity </div> </> ) } function Hashtag(props: { tag: string }) { const { tag } = props return ( <SiteLink href={`/tag/${tag.substring(1)}`} className="flex items-center"> <div className="bg-white hover:bg-gray-100 cursor-pointer px-4 py-2 rounded-full shadow-md"> <span className="text-gray-500">{tag}</span> </div> </SiteLink> ) } export default function FeedCreate(props: { user: User }) { const { user } = props const [question, setQuestion] = useState('') const placeholders = [ 'Will I make a new friend this week?', 'Will we discover that the world is a simulation?', 'Will anyone I know get engaged this year?', 'Will humans set foot on Mars by the end of 2030?', 'If I switch jobs, will I have more free time in 6 months than I do now?', 'Will any cryptocurrency eclipse Bitcoin by market cap?', ] // Rotate through a new placeholder each day // Easter egg idea: click your own name to shuffle the placeholder const daysSinceEpoch = Math.floor( / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24) const placeholder = placeholders[daysSinceEpoch % placeholders.length] return ( <div className="w-full bg-indigo-50 sm:rounded-md p-4"> <div className="relative flex items-start space-x-3"> <AvatarWithIcon username={user.username} avatarUrl={user.avatarUrl || ''} /> <div className="min-w-0 flex-1"> {/* TODO: Show focus, for accessibility */} <div> <p className="my-0.5 text-sm">Ask a question... </p> </div> <Textarea className="text-lg sm:text-xl text-indigo-700 w-full border-transparent focus:border-transparent bg-transparent p-0 appearance-none resize-none focus:ring-transparent" placeholder={`e.g. ${placeholder}`} value={question} onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()} onChange={(e) => setQuestion( || '')} /> <Spacer h={4} /> </div> </div> {/* Hide component instead of deleting, so edits to NewContract don't get lost */} <div className={question ? '' : 'hidden'}> <NewContract question={question} /> </div> {/* Show a fake "Create Market" button, which gets replaced with the NewContract one*/} {!question && ( <div className="flex justify-end"> <button className="btn" disabled> Create Market </button> </div> )} </div> ) }