import { CHALLENGES_ENABLED } from 'common/challenge' import { DOMAIN } from 'common/envs/constants' import Masonry from 'react-masonry-css' import { Col } from 'web/components/layout/col' import { Page } from 'web/components/page' import { SEO } from 'web/components/SEO' import { SiteLink } from 'web/components/site-link' import { Title } from 'web/components/title' export default function LabsPage() { return ( <Page> <SEO title="Manifold labs" description="Cool experimental features for you to check out!" url="/labs" /> <Col className="px-4"> <Title className="sm:!mt-0" text="๐งช Manifold Labs" /> <Masonry breakpointCols={{ default: 2, 768: 1 }} className="-ml-4 flex w-auto" columnClassName="pl-4 bg-clip-padding" > <LabCard title="๐บ๐ธ US 2022 Midterms" description="See Manifold's state-by-state breakdown of senate and governor races" href="/midterms" /> {CHALLENGES_ENABLED && ( <LabCard title="๐ฅ Challenges" description="One-on-one bets between friends" href="/challenges" /> )} <LabCard title="๐ธ Manalinks" description="Send M$ to anyone" href="/links" /> <LabCard title="๐ Dating" description="Browse dating profiles and bet on relationships" href="/date-docs" /> <LabCard title="๐ Stats" description="Check up on Manifold's usage stats" href="/stats" /> <LabCard title="๐ฒ Magic the Guessering" description="Match MTG card names to their art" href={`https://${DOMAIN}/mtg/index.html`} /> <LabCard title="๐ฎ Cowp" description="???" href="/cowp" /> </Masonry> </Col> </Page> ) } const LabCard = (props: { title: string description: string href: string }) => { const { title, description, href } = props return ( <SiteLink href={href} className="group mb-4 flex flex-col gap-2 rounded-lg bg-white p-4 shadow-md transition-shadow duration-200 hover:no-underline hover:shadow-lg" > <h3 className="text-lg font-semibold group-hover:underline group-hover:decoration-indigo-400 group-hover:decoration-2"> {title} </h3> <p className="text-gray-600">{description}</p> </SiteLink> ) }