import clsx from 'clsx' import { uniq } from 'lodash' import { LinkIcon } from '@heroicons/react/solid' import { PencilIcon } from '@heroicons/react/outline' import { Notification } from 'common/notification' import { follow, unfollow, User } from 'web/lib/firebase/users' import { CreatorContractsList } from './contract/contracts-list' import { SEO } from './SEO' import { Page } from './page' import { SiteLink } from './site-link' import { Avatar } from './avatar' import { Col } from './layout/col' import { Linkify } from './linkify' import { Spacer } from './layout/spacer' import { Row } from './layout/row' import { genHash } from 'common/util/random' import { Tabs } from './layout/tabs' import { UserCommentsList } from './comments-list' import { useEffect, useState } from 'react' import { Comment, getUsersComments } from 'web/lib/firebase/comments' import { Contract } from 'common/contract' import { getContractFromId, listContracts } from 'web/lib/firebase/contracts' import { LoadingIndicator } from './loading-indicator' import { BetsList } from './bets-list' import { Bet } from 'common/bet' import { getUserBets } from 'web/lib/firebase/bets' import { FollowersButton, FollowingButton } from './following-button' import { AlertBox } from './alert-box' import { useFollows } from 'web/hooks/use-follows' import { FollowButton } from './follow-button' import { groupNotifications, NotificationGroup, usePreferredGroupedNotifications, } from 'web/hooks/use-notifications' import { NotificationGroupItem, NotificationItem, } from 'web/pages/notifications' export function UserLink(props: { name: string username: string showUsername?: boolean className?: string }) { const { name, username, showUsername, className } = props return ( {name} {showUsername && ` (@${username})`} ) } export const TAB_IDS = ['markets', 'comments', 'bets', 'notifications'] const JUNE_1_2022 = new Date('2022-06-01T00:00:00.000Z').valueOf() export function UserPage(props: { user: User currentUser?: User defaultTabTitle?: 'markets' | 'comments' | 'bets' }) { const { user, currentUser, defaultTabTitle } = props const isCurrentUser = === currentUser?.id const bannerUrl = user.bannerUrl ?? defaultBannerUrl( const [usersComments, setUsersComments] = useState([] as Comment[]) const [usersContracts, setUsersContracts] = useState( 'loading' ) const [usersBets, setUsersBets] = useState('loading') const [commentsByContract, setCommentsByContract] = useState< Map | 'loading' >('loading') useEffect(() => { if (!user) return getUsersComments( listContracts( getUserBets(, { includeRedemptions: false }).then(setUsersBets) }, [user]) useEffect(() => { const uniqueContractIds = uniq( => comment.contractId) ) Promise.all( => getContractFromId(contractId)) ).then((contracts) => { const commentsByContract = new Map() contracts.forEach((contract) => { if (!contract) return commentsByContract.set( contract, usersComments.filter((comment) => comment.contractId === ) }) setCommentsByContract(commentsByContract) }) }, [usersComments]) const yourFollows = useFollows(currentUser?.id) const isFollowing = yourFollows?.includes( const onFollow = () => { if (!currentUser) return follow(, } const onUnfollow = () => { if (!currentUser) return unfollow(, } // Notifs stuff. TODO: Only works on your own profile... Check Firebase permissions const [unseenNotificationGroups, setUnseenNotificationGroups] = useState< NotificationGroup[] | undefined >(undefined) const allNotificationGroups = usePreferredGroupedNotifications(user?.id, { unseenOnly: false, }) console.log( 'allNotificationGroups length', (allNotificationGroups || []).length ) useEffect(() => { if (!allNotificationGroups) return // Don't re-add notifications that are visible right now or have been seen already. const currentlyVisibleUnseenNotificationIds = Object.values( unseenNotificationGroups ?? [] ) .map((n) => => .flat() const unseenGroupedNotifications = groupNotifications( allNotificationGroups .map((notification: NotificationGroup) => notification.notifications) .flat() .filter( (notification: Notification) => !notification.isSeen || currentlyVisibleUnseenNotificationIds.includes( ) ) setUnseenNotificationGroups(unseenGroupedNotifications) // We don't want unseenNotificationsGroup to be in the dependencies as we update it here. // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [allNotificationGroups]) return ( {/* Banner image up top, with an circle avatar overlaid */}
{/* Top right buttons (e.g. edit, follow) */}
{!isCurrentUser && ( )} {isCurrentUser && ( {' '}
{/* Profile details: name, username, bio, and link to twitter/discord */} {} @{user.username} { && ( <>
)} { && ( {} )} {user.twitterHandle && ( Twitter {user.twitterHandle} )} {user.discordHandle && ( Discord {user.discordHandle} )} {usersContracts !== 'loading' && commentsByContract != 'loading' ? ( { const tabId = tabName.toLowerCase() const subpath = tabId === 'markets' ? '' : '/' + tabId // BUG: if you start on `/Bob/bets`, then click on Markets, use-query-and-sort-params // rewrites the url incorrectly to `/Bob/bets` instead of `/Bob` window.history.replaceState('', '', `/${user.username}${subpath}`) }} tabs={[ { title: 'Markets', content: , tabIcon: (
), }, { title: 'Comments', content: ( ), tabIcon: (
), }, { title: 'Bets', content: (
{isCurrentUser && ( )} {!isCurrentUser && ( <> )}
), tabIcon: (
), }, { title: 'Notifications', content: allNotificationGroups ? (
{allNotificationGroups.length === 0 && "You don't have any notifications. Try changing your settings to see more."} { => notification.notifications.length === 1 ? ( ) : ( ) )}
) : ( ), tabIcon:
, }, ]} /> ) : ( )}
) } // Assign each user to a random default banner based on the hash of userId // TODO: Consider handling banner uploads using our own storage bucket, like user avatars. export function defaultBannerUrl(userId: string) { const defaultBanner = [ '', '', '', '', '', ] return defaultBanner[genHash(userId)() % defaultBanner.length] }