import { EnvConfig, PROD_CONFIG } from './prod' export const SUPERSYNC_CONFIG: EnvConfig = { domain: '', firebaseConfig: { apiKey: 'AIzaSyCV2THIZ_DPuFe4SI033uE13XNjzBLHPGM', authDomain: '', projectId: 'supersync-manifold', storageBucket: '', messagingSenderId: '385180520313', appId: '1:385180520313:web:e4d99bf5b888d76b43a9a8', measurementId: 'G-C28MP0GSDJ', }, adminEmails: [...PROD_CONFIG.adminEmails], whitelistEmail: '', moneyMoniker: 'S$', visibility: 'PRIVATE', faviconPath: '/favicon.ico', // navbarLogoPath: '/theoremone/TheoremOne-Logo.svg', newQuestionPlaceholders: [ 'Will we have at least 5 new team members by the end of this quarter?', 'Will we meet or exceed our goals this sprint?', 'Will we sign on 3 or more new clients this month?', 'Will Paul shave his beard by the end of the month?', ], }